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Step 1: In the menu bar, click on "Tools."

Step 2: Click on "Customization Tools."
Step 3: Click on "User Defined Fields Management."
This will navigate you to the following view:

Here, you will select the document to which you want to add a user-defined field. For our example,
which is the “Purchase Order" this is under the "Marketing Documents" section.
Step 4: Click on "Marketing Documents."
Step 5: Click on "Title."
Step 6: Click "Add."

This will direct you to the field data view, where you will define the field, you want to add.
Step 7: Define the following field data:

 Title - used in the backend

 Description - title of the field that will appear on the document
 Type - specify the type of characters the field will accept, such as alphanumeric, numeric,
date/time, etc.
 Length - maximum character length the field will accept
 Validation (if necessary) – it is where you could specify if the field has valid values or a
dropdown list. If validation requires valid values, you need to define the valid values:
o To add values, click on "New."
o Also, to add rows or other values, click on "New"
o Define its valid value and description.
 If it is a mandatory field, simply check the corresponding box and set a default value if needed.

Step 8: Once you have defined all the necessary information for the field, click "Add."
You will know that the field is added when it appears in this section.

To check the field in the document:

Step 1: Open “Purchase order” document.
Step 2: In the menu bar, click on "View."
Step 3: Click on "User-Defined Fields View" to activate it, or use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + U.
Here, you can see that the field is added, and if valid values are activated, there will be a dropdown
where you can choose a specific value.

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