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Narrator: Ritchelyn Arbon

Father: Essiy Malgue
Mother: Gina Batal
Dodong: Edith Faburada
Teang: Jay Sanie Arib
Blas: Mary Fel Sanoy

[Title: "Echoes of Decision"]

[Background Music: Soft piano music, conveying a sense of contemplation and introspection.]
Narrator (with a gentle tone): "In the bustling streets of rural Philippines, where dreams collide with
harsh realities, unfolds a story of love, choices, and the weight of responsibility. Welcome dear listeners,
this radio drama features the responsibility of a man inspired by Jose Garcia Villa's poignant tale,
'Footnote to Youth.'"
[Sound Effect: The chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves, evoking the ambiance of a countryside.]
Narrator: "Meet Dodong, a young man filled with ambition and dreams of a brighter future. Alongside
him, we encounter Teang, his childhood sweetheart, their parents, and the village elder, Mang Pablo. As
their lives intertwine, they grapple with the timeless question of youth and responsibility."
[Sound Effect: A gentle breeze, followed by the distant hum of village life.]
Narrator: "As Dodong embarks on the journey of adulthood, he faces a series of decisions that will shape
not only his own destiny but also the lives of those around him. Will he succumb to the allure of youthful
desires, or will he embrace the responsibilities of manhood?"
[Sound Effect: A faint sound of wedding bells, symbolizing the union of Dodong and Teang.]
Narrator: "Follow our characters as they navigate the complexities of love, marriage, and parenthood,
each decision echoing through the corridors of time. But amidst the joy and laughter, lies the shadow of
regret, as Dodong confronts the consequences of his choices."
[Sound Effect: The gentle patter of rain, representing the tears shed over lost innocence and unfulfilled
Narrator: "As Dodong grapples with the burden of responsibility, listeners are drawn into a world where
the line between right and wrong blurs, and the choices we make define our journey towards maturity."
[Sound Effect: The distant sound of a rooster crowing, heralding the dawn of a new day.]
Narrator: "So, dear listeners, join us as we explore the timeless themes of Jose Garcia Villa's 'Footnote to
Youth,' and discover the echoes of decision that resonate within us all. For in the tapestry of life, it is not
the grand gestures that define us, but the small choices that shape our destiny."
[Background Music: Fades out into silence, leaving a sense of contemplation lingering in the air.]
[End of Intro]

Title: Footnote to Youth: A Journey into Adulthood

[Background music fades in, setting a contemplative mood.]
Narrator: Welcome to our radio drama adaptation of "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa. In this
adaptation, we follow the story of Dodong, a young man from the countryside, as he navigates the
complexities of love, marriage, and the responsibilities of manhood.
[Transition music plays, signaling a shift in scene.]
[Sound effect: Rooster crowing]
Dodong: [Excitedly] Ma, Pa! Today, I’m going to ask Teang to marry me!
Pa: (Surprised ) Aren’t you too young for this? Is it necessary to be married now?
Dodong: What kind of question is that? I’m a grown man and I know I’m capable of a marriage life now.
Besides, Teang and I love are loving each other that much. Nothing’s stopping us now.
Pa/Father of Dodong: [Proudly] Dodong, my boy, you’re stepping into a new chapter of your life. But
remember, with marriage comes great responsibility. Additionally, marriage isn’t just about sweetness of
love all the time. You have to understand that there are always challenges that will come along the way as
a married couple.
Ma/Mother of Dodong: [Supportively] Dodong, love is essential, but so is the ability to provide and
protect for your family. This is one of the most important things for a man to be married. Being able to
Dodong: Ma, Pa, I understand that getting married comes with huge responsibility and I’m willing to take
that responsibility. I think I’m ready. I’ll do my very best for my family.
Pa/Father of Dodong: Dodong, if your decision is already final and firm, then there’s nothing we can do
to stop you now. We love you son and we want you to be happy. If getting married makes you happy, then
you have our blessing.
Dodong: Pa, Ma, thank you for trusting me on this.
Ma/Mother of Dodong: No worries son, remember, we’re always here if you need us.
[Sound effect: Bells ringing]
Narrator: Fueled by love and determination, Dodong sets off to propose to Teang, filled with dreams of
their future together.
Dodong: Taeng I got the blessing of Itay and Inay for us to be married
Taeng: That’s great Dodong, I’d love to spend the rest of my life with you
Dodong: Let’s spend our lives full of happiness my love Taeng.
Narrator: Dodong and Taeng were happily cherishing every moment they had. However, as days turn
into weeks, reality begins to set in.
[Transition music plays, signaling a shift in scene.]
Teang: [Anxiously] Dodong, I’m pregnant.
Dodong: [Overwhelmed] Teang, I’m not sure if I have to be surprised or scared. I don’t know if I’m ready
to be a father yet. I barely know how to take care of myself. I don’t know if I’m ready to take the
responsibilities of a father.
Teang: I know Dodong, but we made this decision ourselves. We have just have to be strong and help
each other grow to be a better parents for our child. There is no turning back now.
Dodong: I guess we don’t have a choice now but lean on each other’s shoulder.
Taeng: We can do this Dodong. We can be better parents to our child
[Sound effect: Heavy rain and thunder]
Narrator: Dodong stood in the sweltering noon heat, sweating profusely, so that his camiseta was damp.
He was still as a tree and his thoughts were confused. His mother had told him not to leave the house, but
he had left. He had wanted to get out of it without clear reason at all. He was afraid, he felt. Teang was
giving birth in the house; she gave screams that chilled his blood. He did not want her to scream like that,
he seemed to be rebuking him. He began to wonder madly if the process of childbirth was really painful.
( Sound effects, giving birth)
[Transition music plays, signaling a shift in scene.]
Dodong: Oh no, what am I doing here. I’m anxious of whatever’s happening right there. Am I really
ready to be a father? Somethings a thought comes to my mind that I was just rushing out things like
marriage. ( Sigh ), I just got chilled when Teang screams.
Narrator: In a few moments he would be a father. "Father, father," he whispered the word with awe, with
strangeness. He was young, he realized now, contradicting himself of nine months comfortable. "Your
son," people would soon be telling him. "Your son, Dodong." Dodong felt tired standing. He sat down on
a saw-horse with his feet close together. He looked at his callused toes. Suppose he had ten children
[Sound effect: Birds chirping and gentle breeze]
[Transition music plays, signaling a shift in scene.]
Ma/Mother of Dodong: Dodong! ( shouting from their house ) Dodong! It’s over.
Narrator: Suddenly he felt terribly embarrassed as he looked at her. Somehow he was ashamed to his
mother of his youthful paternity. It made him feel guilty, as if he had taken something no properly his.
Nevertheless, Dodong begins to understand that true manhood is not measured by age but by the
willingness to take responsibility for one's actions.
Pa/Father of Dodong: Dodong it’s a Boy.
Narrator: Dodong felt more embarrassed and did not move. What a moment for him. His parents' eyes
seemed to pierce him through and he felt limp. He wanted to hide from them, to run away.

Ma/Mother of Dodong: Dodong, come up and see your first born. Come up now?
Dodong: Alright. Alright. I’ll come up now.
Narrator: Dodong traced tremulous steps on the dry parched yard. He ascended the bamboo steps slowly.
His heart pounded mercilessly in him. Within, he avoided his parents’ eyes. He walked ahead of them so
that they should not see his face. He felt guilty and untrue. He felt like crying. His eyes smarted and his
chest wanted to burst. He wanted to turn back, to go back to the yard. He wanted somebody to punish
Dodong: Teang?
Teang: [Tearfully] Dodong, I know we’re facing challenges, but I believe in us. Together, we can
overcome anything.
Dodong: [Determined] Teang, you’re right. I may not have been prepared for this, but I’ll work tirelessly
to provide for you and our child. I’ll do my very best to take care and provide for my family.
[Sound effect: Baby crying]
Narrator: With the arrival of their child, Dodong and Teang embrace their roles as parents, facing each
day with newfound strength and purpose.
[Transition music plays, signaling a shift in scene.]
Dodong: [Reflectively] Ma, Pa, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of responsibility. It’s not just
about providing for your family, but also about being there for them, no matter what.
Pa/Father of Dodong: [Proudly] Dodong, you’ve grown into a fine young man. Remember, true
happiness comes from fulfilling your duties with love and dedication.
[Background music swells, conveying a sense of fulfillment and contentment.]
Narrator: And so, Dodong and Teang embark on their journey into adulthood, united by love,
strengthened by responsibility, and guided by the timeless wisdom of their elders.
Narrator: 18 months later, Blas, Dodong’s first born was excitingly rushed to his parents Dodong and
Teang one night just like what Dodong did when he was 17 years old. Blas was happy and really wanted
to marry Tona.
Blas: Itay, May I have your blessing in Marrying my love Tona?
Dodong: I know you are deeply in love Dodong, but I hope you listen to our advice. Please don’t rush
over things just like we did with your mom.
Teang: (Woke up from sleep) You know Blas, marriage seems like a very sweet part of life, however,
such decision carries great responsibilities.
Blas: (Confused) But why can’t I marry. I don’t understand. Isn’t loving each other a great reason why we
must get married?
Dodong: Believe us dodong, we’ve been in that situation before. But you must fulfill both of your
dreams as a youth. You have to make youth Youth.
Blas: Alright father, I think you are speaking from experience. Even though I wanted to marry Tona that
bad, but I also realized that I’m not ready enough yet. Maybe the right time will come for us to be
married. I think that’s what I can do now.
Teang: Love is patience and it can wait Dodong. For now, focus on your goals first. Go and fulfill your
dreams. Make your Youth worth it. Make the most out of it.
Blas: ( Enlightened with the word of wisdom of his parents). Alright mother. I’ll follow your advise.
Narrator: Dodong and his wife Teang was able to perform one of their responsibilities which is to guide
their children in the right path. They were able to advise their young children to enjoy their youth first and
not to rush over things. Just what Dodong and Teang believed, they became better parents to their
children and they became responsible parents who grow their children with love and guidance.
[Background music fades out.]
Narrator: Thank you for joining us on this adaptation of "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa,
reminding us all of the timeless lessons of love, responsibility, and the transition into manhood.
[End of script.]

Narrator (in a reflective tone): "As the echoes of our story fade into the ether, we are left with the
lingering resonance of responsibility and choice. Just as Dodong faced the crossroads of youth, so too do
we confront our own decisions in the journey of life."
[Sound Effect: The gentle rustle of pages turning, signaling the closing of a chapter.]
Narrator: "May the lessons learned from Dodong's tale serve as a guiding light in our own paths,
reminding us that with every choice comes consequence, and with every responsibility, an opportunity for
[Sound Effect: The distant melody of a familiar tune, drifting softly into the air.]
Narrator: "Thanks for tuning in. Join us next time for more tales and adventures. Until then, may your
decisions be wise, your responsibilities embraced, and your journey filled with purpose. Take care and
make each moment count."
[Sound Effect: The gentle hum of static as the broadcast comes to an end.]
Narrator: "This is the end of today's show. Goodbye for now."
[Background Music: Fades out, leaving only the soft crackle of the radio static.]
[End of Outro]

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