Sales Management Assignment

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Sales Management

Internal Assignment for December 2023 Examination

Q.1 Assume you are a sales manager. You will be opening a new branch for which you
intend to promote one of the existing salespersons as a branch sales manager. What criteria
or qualities would you look for in selecting a person for the position of branch sales
Answer 1. Recruiting and selecting sales manager is a crucial part of implementing personal-
selling strategy. Motivational and supervisory efforts and initial sales training is also equally
important to make the new personal meet expected productivity. In the above case, it is
required to promote an existing sales person on to the position of branch sales manager for
a new branch. As a sales manager, here are the key parameters that I will be looking for to
promote the individual to the managerial role;

 Track record- Examine the applicant's prior sales accomplishments. A good

salesperson demonstrates a strong work ethic and sales acumen when they
consistently meet or surpass expectations.
 Communication skills- A branch sales manager must be able to communicate
effectively. Seek people who can successfully convey expectations and goals to the
team and who can express themselves clearly both orally and in writing. It is crucial
to have good listening abilities. In order to make wise judgements and offer the right
kind of support, a manager needs to be able to comprehend the issues and
requirements of both clients and team members.
 Leadership and team building skills- Seek those who have shown they can work well
with others in a sales team. An effective manager must be adept at creating and
preserving solid bonds among team members. Evaluate the candidate's capacity for
inspiring and motivating a team of salespeople. An effective branch sales manager
should be able to develop a culture of high performance and positivity within the
 Customer first- Seek out people who put the needs of their clients first and recognise
the importance of providing outstanding customer service. A customer-focused
approach is beneficial for long-term company growth. Assessing the candidate's
approach to customer relationship management is necessary. To increase sales and
guarantee customer happiness, a manager needs to know how important it is to
establish and maintain solid customer connections.
 Analytical skills- Seek out those who have proven to be proficient at solving
problems. Being able to assess problems, find answers, and put plans in place to go
beyond barriers is essential for a managerial position. Assess the candidate's
flexibility in responding to shifting internal procedures, client demands, and market
conditions. A branch sales manager that is effective will be adaptable and able to
change tactics in response to changing conditions.
 Planning skills- Seek applicants with the ability to create and carry out strategic plans
in order to meet sales goals. Setting both short- and long-term goals that support
organisational objectives is essential. Evaluating the candidate's organisational skills
is important. A branch sales manager is responsible for efficiently allocating time,
setting priorities, and establishing reasonable objectives for each team member as
well as the branch as a whole.
 Ethical behaviour- Honesty cannot be compromised. Seek out applicants who act
morally in all of their interactions with stakeholders, coworkers, and consumers.
Being trustworthy is essential for a managerial role.
 Ability to mentor and guide- Candidates with prior expertise onboarding and training
new team members should be given preference. The branch's overall success is
influenced by its capacity to promote learning and growth. Evaluate the candidate's
capacity to coach and improve team members' abilities. A branch sales manager who
is effective will have an interest in their team's professional development and be
able to offer helpful criticism.
By assessing applicants according to these standards, you may find people who have the
traits and abilities required to manage a productive sales team and propel the expansion
of the new branch.

Q.2 Take any product/service of your own choice & explain the Personal Selling process.
Answer 2. Persuading a customer to purchase a specific product or gadget is another name
for the practise of personal selling. It is also regarded as one of the priciest and most
successful marketing strategies ever used. It works well because the seller and the customer
are able to engage face-to-face, allowing the seller to adjust their promotional strategies as
Let’s consider the example of health insurance as a product for personal selling;

 Finding the prospects- Determine which prospective clients would profit from having
health insurance. This could apply to people, families, or companies looking for all-
inclusive health insurance. To create leads, use a variety of strategies, such as
internet marketing, collaborations with healthcare providers, and involvement in
neighbourhood health events. Find out about the healthcare requirements, family
size, and current medical issues of potential clients. This data will assist in
customising the offered health insurance plans.
 Approaching the leads- Before that, it is also important to examine competitors in
the health insurance sector, emphasising the special attributes, advantages, and
coverage of the insurance products on offer. This would give a substantial amount of
background for approaching the target leads. Make a strong first impression on
prospective clients by highlighting the value of health insurance and the all-inclusive
nature of the plans.
 The Pitch- A Tailored Presentation; modify the presentation according to the
customer-researched data. Stress how their particular healthcare needs are met by
the health insurance programmes. Give a thorough explanation of the health
insurance plans' coverage, outlining what is covered for hospital stays, outpatient
treatment, prescription medications, and preventative care. Outline several policy
alternatives, including family, group, and individual plans, and describe the flexibility
and customization offered to satisfy a range of client demands.
 Addressing queries- Be prepared to respond to any objections or worries the client
may have, including those about price, network coverage, or pre-existing medical
conditions. To foster trust, give clear and honest facts. Highlight the benefits of the
health insurance plans by contrasting them with other available options and
highlighting features such affordable premiums, extensive coverage, and network
 Converting the lead- To entice the customer to decide to buy, provide a trial period
or extra perks. Emphasise any time-only offers, rebates, or extras that are available.
This would create a subconscious sense of hurry into the customer’s minds to make
the decision at the earliest. When guiding a customer towards a purchase decision,
use language that assumes certain things.
 Aftermarket support- Help clients activate and understand their health insurance
policy. Give instructions on how to submit claims and obtain healthcare treatments.
Inquire about the client's experience with the health insurance procedure, making
sure they are satisfied and quickly resolving any issues. Continue to communicate
with clients by giving them information on new coverage options, healthcare advice,
and policy benefits updates. To encourage health and wellbeing, provide
policyholders unique events or wellness programmes. This fosters long-term
partnerships and increases client loyalty.
In this way, the personal selling process can help gain the business effectively.
Q.3 Read the case & answer the questions based on the case: Krishna Kumar, the marketing
manager of MM Marketing Company was thinking how to go about designing sales
territories, assigning salespeople to the territories and setting sales quotas, particularly as
the product was new. The new product, called Swishflow fan was a unique kind of a table
fan with attractive air-conditioner like looks. Considering the initial production capacity of
1,00,000 numbers in the first year, Krishna Kumar decided to market the product in and
around Mumbai, where the marketing and sales office was located. The target consumers
were household as well as commercial organizations, who could use this product as table-
fan and wall-mounted fan. Krishna Kumar thought that the territory design should include
geographical areas with high market potential for achieving the sales budget of 1,00,000
numbers in the first year and a growth of 25 % per year for subsequent four years. He
calculated a sales force size of seven numbers, and decided to launch the product initially in
major metros and cities in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Krishna Kumar was of the view that
sales quotas should consider sales volume, selling expense, and also number of sales calls
per day, in order to have a proper control on salespeople. He wondered how to design sales
territories, what criteria should he consider while assigning salespersons to territories, and
how to design the sales quotas considering the factors mentioned above.

a) If you were Krishna Kumar, how would you design the sales territory?
Answer 3 a. If I were Krishna Kumar, I would use a methodical and planned technique to
create the Swishflow fan's sales areas. These are the actions and standards that I would
think about while designing the sales territory;

 Market research- Analyse the market potential in and around Mumbai in-
depth, taking into account variables like competition presence, consumer
demographics, and population density. Determine which major regions have
the greatest potential for the Swishflow fan market based on the target
consumer profiles.
 Setting targets- Set specific goals for sales, such as selling one million copies
in the first year and growing at a pace of twenty-five percent annually for the
next four. Set aside funds and territory in an efficient manner to meet these
sales goals.
 Division based on geographical aspects- Segment the intended market into
reasonable and controllable geographic areas. Take into account elements
like the concentration of potential clients, accessibility, and distance from the
marketing and sales office. As recommended by Krishna Kumar, start the
product's initial distribution in major Maharashtra and Gujarati cities and
metropolises. These areas frequently feature denser populations and more
active businesses.
 Size of the sales force- Determine the right size of sales staff by taking into
account the intricacy of the sales process and the sales targets. As Krishna
Kumar recommended a seven-person sales force, strategically distribute
resources to serve high-potential regions. Each salesman should be given a
certain territory depending on how the workload and market potential are
distributed fairly. When creating each sales region, take into account
elements like the quantity of possible clients, the area's size, and the
possibility for expansion.
 Effective strategies- Divide up regions according to customer types, making a
distinction between residential and business establishments. Tailor your sales
tactics to each market niche to get the best results. Make sure every
salesperson is given a region that maximises sales possibilities and minimises
travel time for maximum efficiency. In strategically chosen territories, take
into account the possibility of cross-selling between the household and
commercial divisions.
 Evaluation and adaptability- Plan areas with future expansion in mind. Think
about how territories can be enlarged or modified to meet the projected
four-year annual growth of 25%. Establish a mechanism for routinely
assessing sales territory. Changes in consumer behaviour, market conditions,
or the effectiveness of certain salespeople can all be taken into account when
making adjustments.
Following the above strategies to design the sales territories, Swishflow’s market
can flourish by garnering incredible sales with the effective sales team and help
achieve the set targets.
b) Suggest a suitable selling strategy for the new launch
Answer 3 b. While launching a new product, you draw in both corporate and consumer
purchasers and spread awareness of your brand and company. Your product launch
should be educational and interesting, but achieving these objectives is not always
simple. There are a number of things you can do as you prepare to launch your new
product to ensure its success. For the new Swishflow fan introduction, a complete and
focused approach to maximise product visibility, raise awareness, and boost sales is a
good selling strategy. In order to effectively introduce the Swishflow fan and create a
robust market presence, a multifaceted marketing approach is required. The following
essential components should be included in this strategy:

 Dedicated Campaigns- Create specialised marketing efforts with an emphasis on

Gujarat and Maharashtra's major metropolises, where the initial launch is
scheduled. Reach the target demographic through traditional and digital means,
such as social media campaigns, internet advertising, and collaborations with
nearby merchants.
 Highlighting the USPs- Highlight the special qualities and design of the Swishflow
fan, presenting it as a chic and adaptable substitute for conventional table and
wall-mounted fans. Draw attention to how air conditioner-like it looks and how
practical it is for both homes and businesses to have two uses.
 Increase visibility impactfully- Work together with retail partners to erect displays
within stores that highlight the Swishflow fan. Make eye-catching displays that
showcase the functionality and design of the product. Give prospective buyers a
chance to see the Swishflow fan in action and highlight its special features by
holding product demos.
 Undeniable offers- In order to encourage early adoption, introduce discounts and
promotional offers during the initial launch phase. Take into account exclusive
offers or bundling choices for large purchases made by businesses. Make sure
that prospective customers are aware of the limited time nature of these specials
in order to create a sense of urgency.
 Community engagement- Participate in community events, sponsor local events,
or work with local influencers to foster a sense of community. Use community-
based marketing to generate interest in the Swishflow fan; pay particular
attention to families located in the designated geographic areas.
This selling strategy combines community engagement, in-store displays, special
offers, targeted marketing, and product differentiation to make a strong market
presence for the Swishflow fan during its introduction. The goal of the strategy is to
draw in the target market, explain the product's distinct value proposition, and
increase sales to both homes and businesses.

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