1.8 Ship Stability - W-B-A-selfcheck - 1st Variant

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Course Kuģa vadītājs, IV profesionālās kvalifikācijas līmeņis
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Exercise No. 1.8 Revision 2 Edition 09.09.2020 Var I
Title Ship stability – displacement and buoyancy
Reference Kuģu teorija Duration 2.0 hours
Responsibility Form is used by trainee

General knowledge of ship’s stability



1. (a) From the following information construct a TPC curve:

Mean draft (m) 1 2 3 4 5
Area of water-plane (sq m) 336 567 680 743 777
(b) From this curve find the TPC's at mean drafts of 2.5m and 4.5 m.
(c) If, while floating at a draft of 3.8 m, the ship discharges 380 tonnes of cargo and loads 375
tonnes of bunkers, 5 tonnes of stores, and 125 tonnes of fresh water, find the new mean

2. The following information is taken from a ship's displacement scale:

Displacement (tonnes) 335 1022 1949 2929 3852 4841
Mean draft (m) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
(a) Construct the displacement curve for this ship and from it find the draft when the
displacement is 2650 tonnes.
(b) If this ship arrived in port with a mean draft of 3.5 m, discharged her cargo, loaded 200
tonnes of bunkers, and completed with a mean draft of 2m, find how much cargo she
(c) Assuming that the ship's light draft is 1 m, find the deadweight when the ship is floating in
salt water at a mean draft of 1.75 m.
3. A ship 100m long, 15m beam, and 12m deep, is floating on an even keel at a draft of 6 m, block
coefficient 0.8. The ship is floating in salt water. Find the cargo to discharge so that the ship
will float at the same draft in fresh water.

4. A ship arrives at the mouth of a river in water of density 1016 kg per cu.m with a freeboard of
'S' m. She then discharges 150 tonnes of cargo, and proceeds up river to a second port,
consuming 14 tonnes of bunkers. When she arrives at the second port the freeboard is again `S'
m., the density of the water being 1004 kg per cu. m. Find the ship's displacement on arrival at
the second port.

5. A ship is floating at 8 metres mean draft in dock water of relative density 1.01. TPC = 15
tonnes, and FWA = 150 mm. The maximum permissible draft in salt water is 8.1 m. Find the
amount of cargo yet to load.


3 2 1
 TPC curve constructed, TPC and new mean draft found
 Displacement curve constructed, W , amount of cargo and Deadweight are
 Amount of cargo determined
 Displacement on arrival determined
 Amount of cargo calculated
Total points
Each subject to be performed accordingly
Performed correct: 3 points
Performed partly: 2 points
Major mistakes: 1 point
Not performed: 0 point

Maximum points for this exercise: 15

Required points to achieve objectives of the exercise: 11



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