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Ana Esther Escalante-

CEA Journal. Economic and Sustainability indicators in
Ferrer; María del What is the correlation between
Administrative Sciences. manufacturing companies and
2020 Carmen Torres-Salazar; the sustainability indicators
ISSN: 2390-0725 e-ISSN linkage with knowledge-
Alejandro García- implemented in the companies?
2422-3182 generating institutions: case study

The situation of research in How is the first definition of

Copal Magazine. Building Ubaldo Javier Casas
relation to sustainability criteria at sustainable development
2021 Latin American Peace. ISSN- Toris; Reyna Isabel
the universidad tecnologica de attributed to the report Our
e: 2500-8870 Rodríguez Pimentel
nezahualcoyotl Common Future?
How can research based on
experimental methods be carried
Legacy of architecture and Mario Camacho- out outside of foreign
2018 Sustainable processes in housing
design. ISSN: 2448-749X Cardona dependencies, and above all with
greater efficiency in the use of
water inputs?

In some cases, existing

regulations may not be aligned
Desing and comunication sustainable design public with sustainable design goals,
2023 Miriam Ivanega
study center procurement making it difficult to implement
sustainable practices in public
greenhouse gases that are
Juan Pablo Martinez Approaches to sustainable caused by global warming, the
2008 Scientific Journal Redalyc
Davila development regulation of biodiversity is

waste as environmental and

Scielo Analitycs ARQ, santiago Synchronous regeneration system
health pollution for our city
Assessment and selection of the
ealth-care wastes (HCWs) have
Kourosh best treatment alternative for
Journal of the Air & Waste become a substantial public
2020 Rahmani,Morteza infectious waste by Sustainability
Management Association health and environmental
Alighadri, Zahra Rafiee Assessment of Technologies (SAT)
concern all over the world
While several reviews have
A quantitative review of nature-
Xuening Fang,Jingwei, comprehensively examined NBS,
Science of The Total based solutions for urban
2024 LiQun Ma,Rui few have focused on its role in
Environment sustainability (2016–2022): From
Zhou,Shiqiang Du addressing urban sustainability
science to implementation
Maria Regina de Araújo A dynamic and procedural vision
The impacts and outcomes of
Journal of Cleaner Ramos, Alexandrina of sustainable servitization is
2024 sustainable servitisation: A
Production Sobreira de Moura and required to advance practical
systematic literature review
Luiza Vilela Amelotti theoretical knowledge.
The method employed comprises
a theoretical synthesis of the
Miguel Blázquez
research, consisting of a
a,Investigador, Instituto
literature review and a
de Administración,
subsequent proposal on the
Facultad de Ciencias
concepts and implications of
image and performance as
Universidad Nacional de
Model to manage the determining factors of
Estudios Gerenciales Córdoba, Córdoba,
sustainability of organizations organizational sustainability. As
Volume 28, Issue 125, Argentina y María
2012 through a result, logical and conceptual
Octubre-diciembre de Florencia Peretti
profitability, adaptability and image hexagon bases were
2012 , Páginas 40-50 Investigadora, Instituto
image constructed,
de Administración,
which are complemented with
Facultad de Ciencias
the previously developed
Universidad Nacional de
hexagon, to put
Córdoba, Córdoba,
organizational sustainability into
operation in an integrated
to identify the relationship
between cultural dimensions and
sustainability as factors of
coexistence Culture is the
relationship between society and
its environment (Harris & Orna,
2007). Environmental studies
place, in the foreground, culture
Revista Logos Ciencia &
Héctor Fernando Rueda Cultural dimensions and as the focus and main regulatory
Rodríguez-Universidad sustainability as factors of citizen aspect of the relationship
2021 Print version ISSN 2145-
del Valle, sede Tuluá, coexistence. A comparative study between societies and nature
594XOn-line version ISSN
Cali, Colombia between countries (Cubillos, 2015). From cultural
ecology, nature and the
biophysical are objects of
knowledge. The relationship that
the subject establishes with said
object will depend on the
subject's episteme, its
cosmogony or its culture (Leff,
From the beginning, man
need to feed, for this reason it
has been seen
forced to exploit its resources
Rea-Sánchez, Víctor;
rapid that does not allow it to be
renewed naturally.
Revista Ciencia UnemiISSN César; Villao-Santos,
With the increase in population
electrónico: 2528-7737 Freddy
it is evident that
Los Sistemas de
feeding this world is a topic of
Cuatrimestral Información para lograr
Information Systems to achieve discussion since
un desarrollo
2015 competitive development in the for many decades and could be
Multidisciplinaria (Ciencias competitivo en el sector
agricultural sector a topic that goes further
Naturales y Exactas) agrícola
beyond the centuries, this world
Revista Ciencia Unemi,
that is increasingly
Universidad Estatal de vol. 8, núm. 13, abril-,
small it becomes essential to
Milagro 2015, pp. 122-129
take action
Universidad Estatal de
to achieve a development of
agriculture that
support technology,
consequently it will be achieved
be more efficient with
development appropriate to the
There are no investigative or
administrative supports that
allow guiding decision-making
Urban parks, post-conflict and
Yina Nathalia Carrero around the planning of these
2022 Urban planning magazine sustainability. Case study Tunja,
Piragauta public spaces for the well-being
of the community, involving the
concept of sustainability and its
impact on the post-conflict.
is the need to explore how
fashion designers can integrate
PERSPECTIVES ON FASHION, the tradition of sartorial art and
Notebooks of the Center for
TRENDS, COMMUNICATION, its techniques with sustainable
2012 Studies in Design and Cristina Amalia Lopez
CONSUMPTION, DESIGN, ART, creativity to create high-quality
Communication. essays
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY garments that meet the
demands of discerning and
knowledgeable customers.
The research problem identified
is the need to develop strategies
to improve the protection of the
sea turtle in Mexico, specifically
in the municipality of Cabo
Corrientes, Jalisco. Despite the
efforts made by non-profit
organizations and the
government to protect For this
species, there are still complex
problems that threaten its
Melchor Orozco-Bravo, survival.
Tourism of nature and sustainable
Angélica Beatriz
development and in the
Contreras Cueva, Javier The problem manifests itself in
2019 InterSedes Campamento Tortuguero “Mayto
Orozco-Alvarado y the deficiency in tourism
“; as complementary activities to
Quetzalli Orozco- planning and inclusive economic
the protection of marine turtle
Zepeda development in the region,
which limits the sustainable use
of natural resources and
generates anarchy in the
development of territorial spaces
with tourism potential. The need
to create public policies for local
development that involve local
actors and promote a sustainable
tourism model, in line with the
proposals of the World Tourism
Organization, is pointed out.

Londoño-Patiño, J. A.; Acevedo-Álvarez, C. A.

A quantitative survey methodology was
(2018). Organizational learning (OL) and
The objective of this article is to used as a type of study, with positive results
business performance under the dynamic
show the relationship between of validity and reliability of the instrument.
learning capabilities approach. CEA Journal, v.
knowledge-generating institutions The results show that, even when there are
4, n. 7, 103-118. Mondragón-Barrera, M. A.
and medium and large formal agreements between companies
(2014). Use of Spearman's correlation in a
manufacturing firms in the state of and knowledge-generating institutions,
physical therapy intervention study. Scientific
Morelos, Mexico. there are no changes in sustainability
Movement, v. 8, n. 1, 98-104. OECD (2010).
Education Today: the OECD perspective.

In terms of research, educational

This article presents a diagnosis of Brundtland, G. (coord.), (1987) Our Common
institutions, particularly universities and
the needs and interests of those Future, Oxford University Press, (Translation
specifically Technological Universities have
who carry out research activities at Nuestro Futuro Común, Alianza Editorial,
linked their plans with the SDGs under
the UTN through the analysis of Madrid). Brundtland, G. (coord.), (1987) Our
educational and academic scopes such as
their projects and perceptions in Common Future, Oxford University Press,
Goal 4 on ensuring inclusive and equitable
the light of categories related to (Translation: Nuestro Futuro Común, Alianza
quality education and promoting lifelong
sustainability perspectives. Editorial, Madrid).
learning opportunities for all.
This article explains sustainable
processes as inputs to utilities in a Velázquez Ángulo, Gilberto et al. (2015). The search based on experimental
dwelling located within an urban Challenges and opportunities of sustainable methods, which would allow to be carried
space. The utilities have been housing in Mexico. In De hoyos Martínez, Jesús out outside of foreign dependencies, and
operating successfully and Enrique et al. Habitar la vivienda. Plaza y above all with greater efficiency in the
efficiently uninterrupted and Valdés, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de inputs of water, electricity, thermal
independent of urban/municipal México, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, comfort, etc., was the main objective of the
water and power utilities for the Mexico. project.
past 12 years.

in 2015 to the United Nations Summit for

the education and training of public At the 2012 Earth Summit (Rio+20),
Sustainable Development in which the
officials, the development of governments ratified their commitment to
Sustainable Development Goals were
favorable policies and regulations, accelerate sustainable change by adopting the
approved, to be fulfilled by both the public
the promotion of innovation and Ten-Year Framework of Programs on
and private sectors, civil associations, and
collaboration with multiple Sustainable Consumption and Production
civil society in general with a view to the
stakeholders Modalities
year 2030.
The Club of Rome's "Limits to Growth" in 1972,
this theory suggests that there are physical
Stop producing greenhouse gas This leads to establishing the premise of
limits to economic growth and that natural
consequences within 100 years sustaining
resource depletion and environmental
degradation will eventually limit growth

The proposed project studies and analyzes

two parts: a soil work and a technological
Theory of energy regeneration in electrical
artifact. The first refers to the planting of
power systems: This theory focuses on how
species by means of the "pixel" -following
energy generated during certain processes in
Using Architecture as a Temporal Lenora Ditzler and her method of
electrical systems can be recovered and
Component in an Ecological cultivation with varied patterns-; while the
utilized. Synchronous regeneration would be
Remediation System second contains a structure capable of
an approach within this theory, where energy
activating, monitoring and maintaining the
is recovered in a synchronized manner with
growth of native species, functioning in turn
the system's operation cycle.
as an educational, recycling and composting
takes a systems approach and stresses
select the best infectious waste information, expertise and stakeholder
treatment alternative by participation. In applying this methodology to
Sustainability Assessment of developing countries, it seems necessary to experimental method
Technologies (SAT) methodology make some changes on its criteria, based on
local conditions.
Similarly, Castellar et al. (2021) categorized
NBS into 32 types. However, our findings
indicate an imbalance in the studies
concerning the use of NBS to address urban
sustainability challenges.
summarized the potential values
NBS implementation focused on and
to the human race and with it
selecting and assessing NBS and uncertainties of various NBS types in
related actions addressing urban sustainability
challenges. They found that the value of NBS
in addressing challenges
like air pollution, water security, health, and
urban agriculture could be
low or highly uncertain
which is consistent with the research direction
Ruiz-Martín and Díaz-Garrido (2021);identified.
As a result, this study builds on existing
reviews that focused broadly on servitisation
and examined particular servitisation
processes that are related to sustainability
Search for a new strategy to (Rabetino et al., 2018). Second, the theoretical Experiment with new sustainable
improve sustainable servitization framework based on sustainable servitisation servitization in the search for new results
presented could be taken as a basis for further
developing a more generic framework for
sustainable transition. Doing so enables us to
fully respond to and answer the call for more
research on sustainable servitisation by
Markard et al. (2012)
the vision that gave rise to them.
The concept of sustainability began to be used In a previous work (Blázquez and Peretti,
in the decade 2007) it was pointed out that
of the 80s in the universally accepted Every company, to be viable, needs to
expression of sustainable development. This focus its attention on two
The present article presents a tool
sustainable development seeks to achieve fundamental concepts: profitability and
called an image hexagon which,
greater well-being image. This contribution presents some
together with the previously
economic without neglecting the effects that points in common with the currents
the process may have on the environment and mentioned above and, like them, what it
usefulness/performance hexagon,
society. This notion has marked a aims to achieve through its
is intended to provide support for
paradigm shift that implies putting three application is to ensure the sustainability of
the management of sustainability,
dimensions: economic growth, social equity organizations.
and conservation In this way, the concept of sustainability is
order to achieve a dynamic
enviroment. In other words, as expressed by validated in a
equilibrium between both aspects:
the internal vision that is given by what the
performance and image.
definition of the concept, sustainable owners of the company expect from it,
development aims to satisfy the needs of the identified as profitability and by a vision
present without compromising the ability of external of what the community as a whole
future generations to satisfy theirs. expects from the
company, which is identified as image
based on a documentary study of secondary
sources, among them, the Environmental
Performance Index (EPI) of 2020 and the
dimensions of the Hofstede culture of 2020. The main contribution of this research is
The methodology is quantitative with related to the understanding of the
correlational scopes; the sample includes variables that condition citizen coexistence
countries with high environmental or peaceful coexistence. To do this, the
performance, two with medium and low informal institutions or dimensions of
environmental performance, but with very culture proposed by Hofstede for the year
high GDP, such as the United States and China, 2020 are analyzed, in relation to indicators
respectively, and countries of the Pacific such as the Environmental Performance
The objective of the article is to
Alliance. The results show the relationship Index (EPI) of 2020, the Corruption
determine the relationship between
between citizen coexistence, the institutions Perception Index (CPI) of 2019, and
citizen coexistence, care for the
or cultural dimensions, and EPI. Although the indicators of the Organization for Economic
environment and cultural
variables are correlated, the changing Cooperation and Development (OECD) of
dynamics of institutional aspects imply a 2019. This relationship is justified to the
diachronic analysis in specific contexts and the extent that human beings adjust to their
need of further deep research. Neverheless, natural and social environment, and
while the literature on institutional and construct certain cultural traits that
sustainability theory is prolific, the proposed represent them, but that They condition
correlation of variables is unedited. In your lifestyle. In this sense, adaptation is
conclusion, the environment is transversal to the key concept in the society-nature
coexistence, and factors as individualism and relationship.
long-term orientation promote it, while the
power distance and the decrease of
uncertainty, condition it.
According to the latest UN calculations, the
world population will exceed 6.8 billion
of people today to 9.1 billion in 2050: a
According to Alberto Chong (Economist a third more mouths to feed. Almost all of
– researcher at the Inter-American Bank of the
Modern agriculture will have the Development), “There are good reasons to demographic increase will take place in
challenge of carrying expect countries
information that is essential for the significant economic development resulting Developing. The fastest growing
management of the use of information technologies and population will be in sub-Saharan Africa
statistical, the same that will be communications. The most obvious way you (108
reflected in a are percent, with 910 million people) while
planning and control and decision technologies can help achieve improvements that the slowest growth will occur in Asia
making, economics is by increasing the quantity and East and Southeast Asia (11 percent, with
agricultural information technology quality 228 million people)” [3]. This is one reason
is intended of the available information or, more precisely more why it is inevitable not to apply
to exceed operational records and and technology
performance in economic terms, reducing problems in agriculture since population growth in
of this work. of asymmetric and imperfect information in The world will increase rapidly and with
the its contribution, you will have more
markets” control,
availability and better distribution of
grown for mass consumption.
The article aims to diagnose the The study appears to be multidisciplinary,
state of the urban parks of Tunja, Theory of urban sustainability - Theory of as it addresses environmental, social and
under the systemic approach of public spaces and Post-conflict theory economic aspects of urban parks in relation
sustainability in urban thinking. to post-conflict.
is to promote a deeper and more
Theory of fashion as communication - Theory Several types of research studies can be
reflective approach within the
of sartorial art and haute couture - Theory of identified that could be relevant to address
fashion industry, focusing on the
sustainable creativity - Theory of the the issues raised: Descriptive study,
integration of the tradition of
demanding and knowledgeable consumer - Exploratory study, Qualitative study and
sartorial art with sustainable
Theory of aesthetics and style Comparative study:
There are objectives such as 1-
Evaluate the effectiveness of sea Theory of biodiversity conservation, Theory of There are types of study such as: Case
turtle protection programs and 2- sustainable tourism, Theory of public-private study, Evaluation study. Exploratory Study
Develop public policies for local collaboration and Theory of local development and Policy Study

According to the results obtained and the types of Given the needs of companies in Morelos and
responses (quantitative), the companies surveyed other states to improve their products,
apply sustainability indicators as a whole "always in processes and services in a sustainable manner,
some areas of the company". As for the application inter- and intra-company collaboration is
Erik Nikolas
of economic indicators, they also do so "always in undoubtedly fundamental. But so is taking
some areas of the company". Of the three advantage of the opportunities potentially
dimensions, the application of environmental offered by the UAEM and other related
indicators is the one with the lowest average value, institutions in terms of strengthening
resulting in the answer "sometimes in some areas of collaboration based on resources and scientific
the company". knowledge.

The situation of research at the UTN with

respect to sustainability criteria provides
important information derived from
In this way, the topics of the projects detected were circumstances and consequences related to the
analyzed by contrasting them with the indicators context of distance work, where the conditions Erik Nikolas
referenced in Table 1.2, using the Ranking linked to the SARS COV2 pandemic have
evaluation technique, in which a score is given for influenced the situation of three academic Gonzalez
each aspect to be evaluated. bodies, with the consequent significant
decrease in research activities and the number
of research projects in process developed by
the academic bodies that remain in force.
This exercise of trying to build a house as
Rainwater treatment for human consumption: it
sustainable as possible, gave several
was based on a proportional analogy method taken
experiences that can be organized in three
from the natural processes generated in nature and
main themes, the first was the lack of
repeating its functional characteristics of
understanding of the municipal authorities of Erik Nikolas
decantation, filtration, storage, bacteriological
public works, which prevented the proper
purification and decanting of heavy metals,
construction and construction schedule Gonzalez
simulating the conditions in which subway phreatic
delaying it with three work stoppages, which
water remains locked up for several days, with
added up to 9 months of inactivity, which
temperature control, without the introduction of
uncontrolled the monitoring of this, producing
atmospheric air, without sunlight, etc.
a lengthening of construction of three years.

As a result for 2030-2030 for Sustainable

Adopting sustainable practices in public
Development, it established 17 Objectives with 169
procurement not only benefits the
goals of an integrated and indivisible nature that Nasly Milena
environment and society, but can also generate
covered the economic, social and environmental Ramirez
long-term economic savings and foster
spheres, areas in which public procurement
innovation and social equity.
constitutes a tool for implementation.
assume that the
human performance has effects on the environment
and also on the environment. Environmental sustainability is essential to
environment reacts with changes that are probably ensure the well-being of present and future Nasly Milena
Los enfoques del desarrollo sustentable (
not visible generations, as well as the health and integrity Ramirez
in the short term, but that of the planet's ecosystems.
in the course of time
will lead to decision-making

Synchronous regeneration is important because

as a result, along with the excavation of the landfill, it improves energy efficiency, reduces operating
by activating forest regeneration in its polluted costs, increases range, reduces environmental Nasly Milena
perimeter. So, while the waste dump is running, so impact, and improves the performance of Ramirez
is the regeneration. Landfill closure – 20 to 40 years various systems and applications in which it is

Sistema de regeneración sincrónica: residuos, ciclos, sue

Selecting the best technology for the treatment
of infectious waste, in this study, was done
The results related to the current management of
according to the specific conditions of each
hospital waste in government hospitals in Ardebil
hospital and its environmental, social, technical,
illustrated that the average waste production was
and economic aspects, and it was found that Mirlet
3855.9 kg/day; the share of common https://www-tandfonline-com.proxy.bidig.areandina.ed
there is no need to use the technology with the Oquendo
(noninfectious), infectious, sharp, and corrosive,
highest score.
chemical and medicinal waste was 1775.4, 2004.33,
Lack of environmental
36.13, 40.04 kg/day, respectively
awareness and recycling to improve the quality
of life of human beings.
From all the case studies, we identified eight scales,
including theglobal scale, national scale, urban
region scale, city scale, catchment
scale, neighborhood scale, gated community scale,
and site scaleThe most studied scales were the city
scale (32 %) and site
scale (29 %). Less studied scales included the gated
community, global
scale, and country scale, with only 2 %, 3 %, and 4 % It is evident that sustainability is important for Mirlet
publications, future generations since it helps us mitigate the Oquendo
respectively. The case study goals vary across impact on the environment.
different scales. For
example, at the site scale, studies primarily focused
on the effectiveness
of green roofs and gardens in addressing urban heat
or water pollution
challenges (Cristiano et al., 2020; Sartison and
Artmann, 2020)
evidencing a wide academic interest in sustainable
servitisation as this emerging field continues to
shape narratives. 30 of the retrieved papers were
This study reviewed current literature centred
from the Journal of Cleaner Production. This
on servitisation and sustainability. By doing so,
consisted of 44.11% of the sample. In addition, the
it conceptualised and provided a working
descriptive statistics of journal distribution indicate
definition for the term ‘sustainable Mirlet
the multi-disciplinary interest in the field of https://www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.bidig.areandina.e
servitisation’. Drawing on the findings and Oquendo
sustainable servitisation. Most of the studies,
discussion, implications for both scholarly
specifically 75.36%, are empirical. Many empirical
knowledge and managerial practices are
studies are qualitative (65.21% or 45 papers); the
dominant method is the case study approach. Some
studies are quantitative (10.14% or 7 papers), and
the methods include surveys
Inequity seems to be one of the characteristics
companies that are beginning to respond in of the contemporary world and governments,
the field of CSR, and they demonstrate this by with different degrees of responsibility and
complying with the regulations that arise from the commitment, try to satisfy the growing
organizations that work on the subject, but not demands of society.
we must lose sight of the fact that the latter do not At the same time, the habitat that seemed
replace the gaze safe, clean and renewable
social of the public who knows little about has entered into an accelerated process of
management indicators, but knows a lot about their deterioration that is also
citizen, labor, consumer and environmental rights. expresses the growing concern of communities
All this, added to the extensive and governments.
access to information through the Internet and Organizations, in general, and companies, in
social networks where information knows no limits particular, https://www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.bidig.areandina.e
to its circulation. as consumers of renewable and non-
From this perspective, the value that the image renewable natural resources, generators and
acquires is analyzed distributors of wealth, generators of
of a company and organization that was born as a employment
concept of employee identity, and that together and technological innovation, constitute an
with the other interest groups important actor in
extends to the entire community. And it is the this new situation. This requires new thinking
community that decodes and logics that try to overcome fragmented
interprets the message and generates an idea, an thoughts,
image that will not necessarily be the one that the simple and short-term with other more
institution wishes to project. integrated, complex and
long term.
There are indications of a directly proportional The quality of life of the population involves
relationship between some of the institutional providing a healthy environment in which not
dimensions proposed by Hofstede and the EPI; only economic growth but also care for the
Among them are individualism and long-term environment and the well-being of the
orientation, given that, when reviewing the population prevail. In this sense, institutions
sustainable development indicator, differences are play an important role in the social regulation
evident between countries with institutional necessary for their sustainability.
dimensions with a high rating.
Healthy coexistence is an indicator that
For other institutional dimensions such as power measures tolerance and respect for other Andrea
distance and uncertainty reduction, the relationship people's spaces. Countries with a very high EPI Guzman
is inversely proportional to the EPI. Although the maintain a balance between free action and
variables are correlated, there is room for further restrictions, which is also expressed in high
exploration, especially taking into account the human development and quality of life indices.
changing dynamics of institutional aspects;
Furthermore, in the midst of the environmental The population must actively participate in the
changes that the planet is experiencing, it is diagnosis, prioritization of collective problems
imperative to explore institutional factors that favor and the participatory planning of actions, in
the care of natural resources and the preservation such a way that helps them make visible and
of ecosystems. establish conditions of healthy coexistence.
The implementation of the
information systems in the agricultural area
that are
specialized to be able to manage and
appropriate to this resource, generational
The technology revolution has been the reason
enough for companies to adopt these
and technological make improvements in this
information systems as valuable tools
field possible.
for an effective operation and thus be able to
It is essential to stop the predation of
compete in
resources, nature asks us to help her
this world increasingly aggressive with respect to
the well-being of humanity, the same one that
innovation and different operating methodologies
must Andrea
your daily activities for better performance
use these resources responsibly, with Guzman
and be at the same competitive level and in some
the implementation of information systems
cases at levels higher than those of the
appropriately will lead us to make decisions
This new digital era has been creating a shift
With the proper management of information
totally different positive in operations
of agroindustrial companies, strengthening their
implementation of information systems
market positioning.
will be able to achieve operational, productive
competitiveness for agricultural development
in the world
and in this way try to improve the
requirements of food in the world.
Urgent need for attention: There is an
The results of the study suggest that urban parks in
immediate need to address the problems
Tunja face several challenges that limit their ability
identified in Tunja's urban parks, given their
to contribute to the process of reparation and social
importance as key public spaces in the city.
incorporation of victims of the armed conflict in
Holistic approach required: The importance of
Colombia. Some of the main findings could include:
adopting a holistic approach in urban planning
is highlighted, which takes into account
Deficit of green areas per capita: It was found that
environmental, social and economic aspects to
the amount of green areas per inhabitant in Tunja is
improve the quality of life of the community.
low (2.1 m2 per inhabitant), which suggests a lack of
Recognition of the role of parks in the post-
green spaces available for the community.
conflict: Urban parks can play a crucial role in
Poor vegetation: Urban parks lack adequate
Paula Riaño
social reconstruction and reconciliation in the
vegetation, which can negatively affect
Colombian post-conflict. However, significant
environmental quality and user experience.
improvements are required for them to
Equipment deficiencies: Deficiencies were observed
effectively fulfill this role.
in the parks' equipment, which could limit their
Call to action: A call is made to local authorities,
functionality and their ability to meet the needs of
urban planners and other relevant actors to
the community.
take concrete measures to improve the
Bad social perception: There is a negative
situation of urban parks in Tunja, with the aim
perception on the part of the community towards
of promoting social inclusion, community
urban parks, which can influence their use and the
cohesion and sustainability environmental in
identification of the population with these public
the city.
does not specify specific results of research studies
Fashion as a means of communication: Fashion
carried out, but provides some observations and
is not only a form of aesthetic expression, but
reflections on fashion, tailoring and sustainable
also a means of communication that transmits
creativity. However, based on the ideas presented in
trends, values and emotions. It reflects both the
the summary, we could infer possible results of
need to stand out and express individuality as
studies that could be carried out:
well as the need to conform and belong to a
Results on fashion design and tailoring practices:
Current fashion design and tailoring practices used
Tailoring as an artistic tradition: Despite the
by contemporary designers could be identified and
prevalence of fast fashion and ephemeral
analyzed. This could include evaluating traditional
trends, traditional tailoring remains a technical
tailoring techniques, as well as innovative
and creative art valued for its quality and
approaches that incorporate sustainability and
Paula Riaño
The challenge of sustainable creativity: There is
Results on consumer perception: Consumer
a challenge for fashion designers to integrate
perceptions could be obtained about quality,
creativity with sustainability, creating high-
aesthetics and sustainability in fashion. This could
quality garments that respect the environment
include your willingness to pay for high-quality
and ethical working conditions.
clothing and your interest in the tradition of
The Pursuit of Design Excellence: For some
sartorial art in contemporary fashion design.
designers, design excellence goes beyond
Results on sustainable design practices: Sustainable
following fashion trends; It involves delving into
design practices used by fashion designers could be
the tradition of sartorial art, innovating with
identified and analyzed, such as the use of recycled
creative techniques and offering quality
materials, waste reduction and ethical production.
garments that transcend superficial
This could include assessing its environmental and
social impact.
does not specify specific results of research studies
carried out, but suggests some observations and
reflections on the protection of sea turtles and the
development of sustainable tourism in the region of Importance of sea turtle protection: The
Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco. However, based on the summary highlights the relevance of sea turtle
information provided, it is possible infer some protection efforts in Mexico, particularly in the
possible results of studies that could be carried out: municipality of Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco. These
efforts are fundamental for the conservation of
Evaluation of the effectiveness of protection this endangered species. extinction and to
programs: Results related to the effectiveness of sea preserve marine biodiversity.
turtle protection programs implemented in the Collaboration between sectors: The importance
region could be obtained. This would include data of collaboration between the public sector, the
on the increase or decrease in sea turtle private sector and the local community in sea
populations, the success of conservation efforts, the turtle protection programs is highlighted. This
reduction of threats, and community participation in collaboration is essential to ensure the
protection activities. effectiveness of the programs and to promote a
Impact of sustainable tourism: Results could be comprehensive conservation approach.
obtained on the impact of sustainable tourism in the Potential of sustainable tourism: The summary
Cabo Corrientes region. This could include data on highlights the potential of sustainable tourism
Paula Riaño
increasing tourist flow, economic benefits to the as a tool to promote sea turtle conservation
local community, environmental preservation and and local economic development in the Cabo
conservation of marine biodiversity. Corrientes region. Sustainable tourism can
Perceptions and attitudes of the local community: generate economic benefits for the local
Results could be obtained on the perceptions and community while protecting the environment
attitudes of the local community towards sea turtle and conserving marine biodiversity.
protection programs and the development of Need for policies and strategies: The need to
sustainable tourism. This could include data on develop public policies and specific strategies to
community support, perceived concerns and promote sustainable tourism and the
challenges, and opinions on the effectiveness of conservation of sea turtles in the region is
existing policies and programs. noted. This includes the implementation of
Policy and practice recommendations: Results could environmental management practices, the
be obtained related to specific recommendations to active participation of the local community and
improve the protection of sea turtles and promote the promotion of equitable and sustainable
sustainable tourism in the region. This could include economic development.
suggestions for public policies, environmental
management practices, community engagement
initiatives, and economic development strategies.
Factor Tipo de variable Cuantitativa
Político, económico, social, cultural, Variable (Discreta o continua). Escala de medida (Politómicas o
Pregunta Opciones de respuesta
tecnológico, medio ambiental, cualitativa (ordinales o Dicotómicas)
normativo nominal)

Las casas sustentables son viviendas

¿Para usted qué es la
Conocimiento cultural y pensadas para satisfacer las necesidades de
Social Cualitativa Ordinales sustentabilidad en la Dicotómica
general las personas que ahí viven de una forma
amigable con el medio ambiente.

No todos los arquitectos conocen los

métodos de construcción sostenibles, por
lo que hay que buscar especialistas para
¿Según su conocimiento y lograr un buen trabajo. (Depende tambien
Entornos y escenarios de experiencia, qué del conocimiento del entrevistado)
Social Cualitativa Nominal Politómica
temas sustentables contraindicaciones tendría el Su precio, aunque puedes amortizar a largo
uso de una casa sustentable? plazo la inversión.
Los materiales aún son difíciles de
Organización encontrar, debido a su novedad.

Estas casas se construyen bajo la premisa

Sistema ambiental de aprovechar al máximo la energía y los
mediante el uso eficiente y ¿Qué características tiene una recursos disponibles, no sólo reduciendo su
Socio Cultural Cualitativa Ordinales Politómica
responsable de los casa sustentable? impacto sobre el medioambiente, sino
recursos. también propiciando un considerable
ahorro económico.

¿Se tienen beneficios para la Contribuyen a la buena salud. Porque todos

Beneficio común hacia la
Medio Ambiental Cualitativa Ordinales salud en la construcción de las los materiales que se han usado son Dicotómica
casas sustentables? naturales, reutilizable y reciclables.

Son viviendas pensadas para ser

Forma de convivir en ¿Considera que es importante
sostenibles con el entorno, gracias a
Medio Ambiental equilibrio con nuestro Cualitativa Nominal la construcción de casas Dicotómica
materiales no agresivos con el mismo en su
entorno sustentables?

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