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Science 4

Unit 1
Plant’s life cycle
1. Sepal,petals,stamen and carpel.
2. Draw and label the parts of plant?
3. The phenomenon in which pollens from anther of flower is taken to the stigma of the
flower is called as pollination.
4. Some seeds have hairs that help them to fly. Some seeds have hooks that stick to the
animal fur and take away.
5. The necessary factor of seed germination are light, water, temperature and oxygen.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Stalk
2. Green
3. Neck like
4. Fertilization
5. Hooks
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
1. Fruits
2. Four
3. Carpel
4. Pollination
5. Hairs
1. Whorls of the flower – four
2. Small green leaves – sepals
3. Bright, coloured, attractive part – petals
4. Male park of flower – stamen
5. Female part of flower – carpel
Unit 2
Animal’s life cycle
1. The queen bee lays eggs in the cells of their hive. The eggs hatch and larvae come out.
Larva grow and change into pupa. Pupa turns into adult honeybee.
2. This stage hatches from egg. It takes about 21 days for tadpoles two form.
3. The egg stage, the nymph stage, the adult dragon fly stage.
4. Baby fish is called fry.
5. Mammals develop as embryos inside the mothers’ bodies while insects, birds and reptiles
are born from an egg.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Egg laying
2. Insects
3. Nymph
4. Insects
5. Chick
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
1. Mammals
2. Dragonfly
3. Tadpole larva
4. Fry
5. Mammals
Matching the animals with their pictures.
Unit 3
Human organs
1. There are two types of organs present in human body i.e. internal organs and external
2. Eye is the sense organ of sight. We see things around us with the help of eye.
3. Epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.
4. Lungs help in taking air into and out of the body i.e. breathing.
5. The heart pumps blood throughout the body, providing a life-sustaining supply of oxygen
and nutrients to every major organ. The brain is the command center, controlling thoughts,
speech and function.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Cells
2. Ear
3. Pumping
4. Stomach
5. Nerve
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
1. Kidneys
2. Auditory nerve
3. Heart
4. Lungs
5. Brain
1. Eye – sight
2. Ear – hearing
3. Lungs – breathing
4. Stomach – digestion
5. Heart – pumping organ
Unit 4
Food chain and food web
1. A series of organisms in which each depends on the next for food is called food chain
while more than one food chains are interconnected with each to form a web called as food
2. Primary consumers are usually herbivores (plant-eaters) and secondary consumers are
generally meat-eaters (carnivores).
3. Animals that can consume both plants and other animals are omnivores e.g. human beings,
dogs, bears, cats.
4. Decomposers in ecosystems act as environmental cleaners by decaying dead plants and
5. The level, or position in a food web, a food chain, or an ecological pyramid is known as a
trophic level.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Food chain
2. Herbivires
3. Carnivores
4. Decomposers
5. Tertiary
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. F
1. Food chain
2. Producers
3. Primary consumers
4. Decomposers
5. Third
Match the names with pictures.

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