Activity On Anansi

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Subject: English Literature Grade: 11 Teacher: Ms.

Student’s name: Ciara Douglas Date: March 13, 2024
Read the following extract from THE GOOD SHIP HOPE WEST AFRICAN COAST, 1791 and answer the
questions that follow.
Listen…hear the last sounds of a ship preparing for the Atlantic voyage. The Boy is seated at a desk,
reading and writing. His father, the Captain consults ledgers and maps.
BOY: Father, why do I have to study when everyone else is up on the deck?

CAPTAIN: Silence, boy, and look to your books.

BOY: But Father, I still don’t see how all those people on the shore can be a cargo.
CAPTAIN: Books or no books, you have a lot to learn on this voyage.
Look to it and do not bother me with damn fool questions.

BOY But who are the people on the shore, Father?

CAPTAIN: You are on a serious trading venture whilst you are on my ship, and as the ship’s
boy you’ll address me as Captain, especially in front of the ratings. You’ll learn
all about the cargo and such soon enough.
BOY: They looked just like people to me. But they were tied together. They looked
frightened. Why…?
CAPTAIN [Cutting him off] I do not have to give you explanations. I am your father.

BOY: I thought you said your name was Captain.

CAPTAIN: [Hits him] You young pup! Have that for your cheek. And there’s worse waiting for you when you
get down below.

1. Where is the captain and the boy?

A. On deck
B. In the cabin
C. Below deck
D. In the hold

2. The crew is currently preparing to go to the -------------------------------.

A) West African Coast
B) The Atlantic
C) The Pacific
D) The Arctic

3. The boy appears to be ALL of the following except

A) Curious about the humans on board the ship.
B) Eager to view the sites
C) Confused about the fact that the people are viewed as cargo.
D) Eager to communicate with the people on board the ship.
4. The Captain appears to be ALL of the following except
A. Egoist and pompous
B. Aggressive and insensitive
C. Condescending and uncouth
D. Illiterate and indolent

5. The captain’s statement: “Books or no books, you have a lot to learn on this voyage” implies that
A. The boy was very stupid and so he had a lot to learn about life.
B. The boy was oblivious of the hardship and struggles of life.
C. The boy did not anticipate that his father would behave in an aggressive manner.
D. The boy is terrified about what he has discovered in the books.

6. “I thought you said your name was Captain” is used by the writer to do ALL of the following except.
A) To infuse humour
B) To highlight the father’s ridiculous request.
C) To show that the father is weird
D) To make light of a very serious matter or situation.

7. The expression “You young pup! Have that for your cheek” is an example of _____________.
A) Hyperbole
B) Metaphor
C) Simile
D) Paradox

8. The word “cheek” is used _________________________.

i) Used metaphorically to implied the boy’s insolence
ii) Used wittily to represent the boy’s cheekiness and his literal cheek
iii) Used playfully to implied the father’s bizzaire reaction

A) I only B) I and II C) II only D) All of the above

9. “You are on a serious trading venture whilst you are on my ship” is spoken by the father to show that
I. The boy should not make light of serious issues
II. The business of the slave trade was very important to the Captain
III. The captain was conscious of severity and psychological scars of the slave trade
A) I only B) I and II C) II only D) All of the above

10. The playwright explores all the following themes in this section of the play except
A) Exploitation and Victimization of the Vulnerable
B) Childhood Experience
C) Parent-Child Relationship
D) The Dangers and insensitivity of corporal punishment

(TOTAL marks – 20)


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