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— OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE (NORTH-WEST) ROHINI COURTS : DELHI CIRCULAR Vide D.O. No.26942 dated 20" May, 2017, the Ld. District & Sessions Judge (HQ), Delhi has conveyed the displeasure of Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Delhi regarding the Judicial Officers being not dressed in formal attire while attending training programmes at National Judicial Academy, Delhi Judicial Academy and other official meetings and functions. Its also conveyed that Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice has further shown her displeasure in respect of Judicial Officers not adhering to the instructions regarding punctuality and regularity. In view of the above, the attention of the Ld. Judical Officers is drawn to the Circular bearing No, 11/Rules/DHC dated 07.08.2009 issued by the Registrar General, Delhi High Court with regard to the Dress Code for Judicial Officers; and extracts of the Notification No.346/Rules/DHC dated 23.09.2010 issued by the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi reiterating the Court timings (Copy of the above Ciruclars are attached for kind reference). In the light of the above, all the learned Judicial Officers posted in the North-West District, Rohini Courts, Delhi are requested to note that while participating in training prgrammes at National Judicial Academy or Delhi Judicial Academy or while attending official meetings or functions, they shall always wear formal dregs prescribed, They are further requested to be’punctual dd rgular in attending trainings as well as the meetings. é, wf Blah (RAINISH BHATNAGAR) District & Sessions Judge(N-W) - Rohini Courts, Delt NoD&SI(NWy/Sectt/RCI2017/_1Y GEY= 14 JOST Dated : 26" May, 2017 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to : ‘The Ld. Registrar General, Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, New Delhi ‘The Ld. District & Sessions Judge (Hgs.), Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi Al the Judicial Officers posted in North-West District, Rohini. ‘The AOG), Computer Branch to upload the order on website. ‘The AOU), Judicial Branch for keeping on record ‘The Record Officer (RTI), North-West, Rohini Courts, Delhi: per 3H BHATNAGAR) District & Sessions Judge(N-W) Rohini Courts, Delhi. auaune - _ HIGHCOURT OF DBL. NEW DELHI \] RubesDAC Dated: 07/8/09 i CIRCULAR Horble the Chief Junice and his companion Judges have been pleased 10 the svbstintion of existing Rule 30 ofthe “Canons of Judici! Ethics", High gs de Ordre (Vol- IV, with anew Rule 30. The new Rule 30 reads as wnder- 39, Drese-of Judicial Officers and Advocates = ‘The dress of the Presiding Officer should be in keeping with the dignity of his office. Sborss and shirts-sleeves are quite unsuitable for the Presiding Officer of ¢ Court. Dress of gentlemen Judicial Officers: Tas geatemen Subordinate Judges and Magistrates should wear & white F thir black cost and necktie and grey or white trousers. The necktie will ot be worn witha high collared cost. | The gentlemen District & Sessions Judges and Additional Diswict & Sessions Judges should wear » white shirt and white bend, black cost ane rey or white trousers. Dress of lady Judicial Officers: All lady judicial officers should wear: (@) White/black,fullhalf sleeved, blouselsbirt {(b) Sarees white/black/ combination thereof (©) Pante/salwar/ehuridar/long skirt (white(black/grey) @ White collar(stiffisof) (e) White band and (Fall sleeved bizck cos: ‘Dress of Advocates: Te dress of Advocates would be the sams as provided by the Bu Council ef India Rules.” 00R) ° REGISTRAR GENERAL Ne, BA5S2- bepuieroc/2009 Dates: 07 |e “forwarded for information and fr beng Sietnd whe Fuical Officer: 7 TaeDiswie edge -1 Seasons huge, Tis Husa! Cours, ‘Te Disuet ide com ABI UC (Nort Police Disvis), Tis Hazari Cours ‘Tae Distt age - I eum AS UC (West Peles Disri),Tis Hazari Cours. ‘The Dig adge-V cum ASS UC (Sou), Pa Hour Cours The Dist Judge - Vi qn AS) UC (Eas: Plier Dawe), Kertardooe Cours The Distt Jade Vl fun ASIC Ort Ee). Rsardete Cours ‘he Ds nde: Viren AS UC ar & Outs Pler Dl Rab Cur Dist ge Dum Aa) (Stet & Pac Sao Gt 4 Palen), Doar eraeveenS fibres. daca ¢ Joint Registrar (Rustes) < HIGH COURT OF DEBT: NEW DELI NOTIFICATION HC Dated:.23.09 2010 exercise of the powers couférred by Section 7 of the Delhi High Court Act, 1966 (Act ead with Article 227 of the Constitution of India and all other powers enabling it in ‘be Migh Court of Delhi, with the pnor approval of the Lt Governor of the of National Capital Territory of Delhi, hereby makes the foliowing amendments in 2 of Chapter 1(A) of High Court Rules & Orders, Vol. I AND Rules 1 & 2 of & Rule 9 of Chapter 1B) of High Court Rules & Orders, Vol. ILI following Rule shall be substituted for the existing Rule 1 of Chapter 1(A) of High Court Rules & Orders, Volume I:- (Court hours ~ All Civil Courts in Detii-shatl sit at the same ttour on every day is not s holiday for Civil Courts. The ordinary Court hours are from 0 A.M. P.M. with an interval for luncheon from 1,30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. Saturdays shail working days for Courts and offices attached thereto but the second of each manth miay be observed as « close day. The working hours for attached to CWil Courts are from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.” the end of the existing Role 2 of Chapter 1(A) of Delhi High Cour Rules & Volume I, the words, “for a short time” be deleted and substituted by the words “for such period as may be considered necessary”. folowing shall be substituted for the existing Rule 1 of Chapter 1(A) of Delhi (Court Rules & Orders, Volume IU:- . Court hours — Ail Criminal Courts in Dethi shall sit at the same hour on every ‘that is not 2 holiday for Criminal Courts. The ordinary Court hours are from AM. to 4PM. with an interval for luncheon from 1.30 P.M. to 2,00 P.N xy8 shall be full working days for Courts and offices attached thereto but the second Saturday of each month may be observed as a dose day. The: {for office attached to Criminal Courts are from 10 A.M. to 5 BML” IV. _ In the existing Rule 2 of Ghapter 1(A) of Delhi High Court Rules & Orders, ‘UL, the words “a short time”, between the words “be continued for” amd hour” be deleted and substituted by che words “wach period as may be necessary” ¥, ‘The following Rude shal! be substituted for the existing Rake 9 of Delhi High Coure Rules & Orders, Volume E- <9, Particalars of witnesses or parties to be noted — Care should be taken the parentage. age, place of residence and avocation of parties and Witnesses. 1 person is known by two names. or his precise mame is dawbtfl, both given ot the deubt cleared up. Kt should also be mutett whether a witness is the prasecution, or by the defente, or by the Comrt.” “¢ hs L COME INTD PORCE FROM THR DATE OF: SOUR TnI PUBLICATION INT GAZSTTE BY ORDER OF THE!

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