Tovin Dermatome Mnemonics

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Tovin’s Dermatome Mnemonics

Dermatome mnemonics
C6 - 6 looks like thumb (+ lateral arm)

C2 - "See" 2 = occipital

C7 - shoot to heaven

C8 - ring and pinky, think double ring accessory for both fingers

T4 - nipples - tit + tit (count T's)

T10 - 0 looks like belly button hole

T12 - inguinal/groin

L4 - on the floor (knees)

L4-S1 - feet

L5 - dorsum/plantar of foot, need 5 to jive - dancing feet

S1 - small one (toe)

S1/2 - Sit

S2,3 - for the pee pee

S2-4 - bullseye butthole

Myotome mnemonics
C4 - shrug - either or

C5 - sh abd, ext rot, elb flex - ducking alive

C6 - wrist ext - dont need dis

C7 - elbow ext + wrist flex - it was kevin

C8 - thumb ext + finger flex - alright mate

T1 - finger abd - touch no-one

L2 - hip flex - tie my shoe

L3 - knee ext - check my knee

L4 - ank dors flex - toes off floor

L5 - big toe ext - big toe hi 5

S1 - ankle plantarflex - formula one

S4 - bladder and rectum - poop and pour

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