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(NUR60201) Educational Design & Administration (C.H.

Course Description
The course is designed to explore the philosophical foundations of educational
programmes. The students will discuss concepts of curriculum development,
implementation and evaluation at micro and macro level. The students will be
provided the opportunity to develop skills of alignment in course and curriculum.
Various roles of faculty with emphasis on strategic and operational planning in
educational administration will be addressed. In addition, student will learn about
the changing trends in nursing education and appreciate the forces and issues that
influence the development and delivery of curriculum. Mechanisms of quality
assurance and improvement including program evaluation will also be addressed.

Objectives of the Course

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1) Analyze philosophical foundations, mission and vision of nursing
educational programmes
2) Analyze frameworks for curriculum development utilized in nursing
3) Apply the concepts of assessment, planning, implementations and evaluation
of course/curriculum
4) Appreciate the variety of roles and responsibilities of the faculty in
education design, delivery and evaluation
5) Relate principles of leadership and management in administration of nursing
educational institutions
6) Evaluate the application of various teaching and learning strategies
7) Analyze the forces and issues influencing the design and delivery of
8) Describe the changing trends in nursing education locally, regionally, and
9) Apply the concept alignment at to course and curriculum
10) Critique the concepts of assessment and evaluation in a variety of contexts
within education
11) Explicate the relationship of program planning and evaluation with quality
assurance and quality control
Teaching / Learning strategies
 Interactive lectures
 Discussions
 Small group work
 Pre-readings with or without guided questions
 Students’ seminar and presentations
 Educational field visit

Assessment Criteria
Management of educational institutions: Case Study 20%
Teaching Learning Strategies (group assignment) 20%
Developing Curriculum 20%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 20%

Course Schedule
Week Content Faculty
1 Overview of the Course
Curriculum Development and its Philosophical
1) Describe various interpretation of curriculum
2) Discuss purpose and functions of curriculum
2 Curriculum Development and its Philosophical
1) Define elements of curriculum.
2) Describe the process of curriculum
3) Discuss educational philosophies as the
foundations of curriculum
4) Appreciate the influence of educators’
philosophy on curriculum development and
5) Identify forces and factors influencing
3 Framework of Educational Design
1) Differentiate between curriculum framework
and curriculum designs.
2) Describe various curriculum designs utilized
3) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
different Designs
4) Analyze factors that contributes to the
designing of a curriculum in general
5) Identify factors that important the design of
curriculum in practice-based disciplines
4 Managing Educational Institutions
1) Identify the similarities and difference
between management of an educational
institution and a service institution.
2) Realize academic process for management of
educational institution
3) Analyze the implications of leadership styles
on educational management
4) Realize the influences of stakeholders in
educational institution
5) Analyze the planning process in relation to
educational administration
6) Describe the challenges and issues faced in
educational administration
7) Discuss the relationship between student,
faculty and administration of a nursing
educational institution
8) Identify external and internal resource
mobilization for nursing education
5 Teaching Strategies (Presentation)
6 Roles and Responsibilities of the Nurse Educator
1) Discuss the importance of nurse educator’s
role in learning.
2) Analyze the role of the nurse educator in both
classroom and clinical settings
3) Explore the concepts of mentorship and
7 Case Study Due
8 Writing Behavioral objectives: Use of bloom
1) Appreciate reasons to write learning
2) Distinguish in the Bloom’s Taxonomy of
learning domains and levels.
3) Select appropriate verbs in writing cognitive,
affective and psychomotor domains.
4) Distinguish the necessary elements of writing
5) Compare the general and specific format for
writing the objectives.
6) Avoid the common errors in writing
Instructional objectives.
7) Formulate behavioral objectives accurately
using the ABCD model of elements
9 Midterm
10 Strategies for Teaching & Learning
1) Discuss teaching and learning strategies
appropriate for planning different learning
2) Discuss strategies to promote critical thinking
3) Discuss ways to improve classroom teaching.
4) Discuss the role of information technology in
teaching learning
5) Discuss how distance education will transform
nursing education
6) Discuss the underlying principles behind
distant education
11 Students Assessments
1) Differentiate between Formative and
Summative assessment
2) Differentiate between assessment and
3) List the advantages and disadvantage of
various methods of assessments
4) Describe the component of table of
specification (blue print)
5) Identify the advantages of table of
12 Course and Curriculum Alignment:
1) Recognize and appreciate the value of
alignment in curriculum development and
quality monitoring in education delivery.
2) Describe steps in an alignment exercise.
3) Develop skills for identifying coherence in
various component of a course.
4) Recognize the link of courses to a program
13 Trends and Issues in Nursing Education
1) Analyze the current trends in nursing
education globally, regionally and nationally
2) Understand the ethical issue in nursing
3) Apply the ethical principles of ethics in the
educational arc
4) Discuss socio-economic political issues that
impact nursing education
14 Curriculum Assignment Due
Quality Assurance in Higher Education
1) Define the terms: Quality, Quality control and
Quality assurance, Total quality management
and Accreditation.
2) Analyze different model of quality assurance
in education.
3) Discuss the components of quality assurance
4) Illustrate the key elements in a quality system.
5) Analyze factors affecting quality in higher
6) Discuss the strategies to improve quality in
7) Review the process of quality assurance in
AKUSON and at other university in Pakistan.
8) Identify the stakeholders responsible for
ensuring quality in Higher education in
Pakistani context
15 Assignment and Workshop
16 Teaching Strategies (Presentation)
17 Evaluation- Faculty, course and Programme
1) Identify various purposes and advantages of
2) Analyze the alternative approaches for
3) Recognize challenges of evaluation
4) Analyze various models and strategies for
evaluating an educational programme
5) Appreciate the elements and processes of
programme evaluation

Management of educational institutions: A case study (20%)
You are selected as an Inspector from Pakistan Nursing to inspect a School of
Nursing in Punjab province. This school may be newly established or may be
existing for several years. You are required to submit an inspection report to the
Pakistan Nursing Council based on your visit and assessment of the school.
Following guidelines should be followed in writing the report:
1) Highlight the strengths and gaps of the institutions
2) Be as objective as much as possible and justify your criticisms with facts
and or the literature.
3) Suggest alternatives to problems/issues you observed.
4) What are the constraints of the schools, and what is basis of these constraints
5) What are the key areas of improvement that the school must improve in the
next 1-2 years.
6) Organize your comments logically and be correct grammatically
7) Write only up to 8 pages (excluding title and references).
8) Type the report in double space and follow the principles of APA format (7th
9) For content of the report, following areas to be addressed:

General Observational Points

 Background of school (vision and mission)
 Governance and administrative structure (Organizational chart;
 Organizational policies
 Student admissions, progression process and termination
 Student code of conduct
 Student guidance and counseling
 Official record system (student and faculty)
 Curriculum:
 # of programs and who’s curriculum is being used (HEC, PNC, others)
 System of curriculum review and improvement
 Stake holders input (internal [students, faculty, administrators] and external)
 Physical location and facilities (classes, offices, hostel)
 Learning Resources (clinical placements, skills lab, computer lab)
 Support services (Health, sports, academic and financial advisement, food
and rest)
 Opportunities for personal and professional growth of students
 Faculty Profile and Faculty to student ratio
 Students accommodation (if applicable)
 Educational standards for classroom and clinical
 Any other significant observations

Teaching and Learning Strategies Seminar (20%)

Teaching strategies may be related to classroom, clinical, or online delivery.
Students will:
 Identify the strategies of their interest
 Form a group of 3 students with similar interest
 Plan and conduct teaching and learning strategies seminars in groups.
 Decide the marking criteria
 Students will participate in the evaluation of the Seminars


GROUP #: ___________________________________ FINAL SCORE: 100

STUDENTS RN #: ______________________________________________

COURSE: _____________________________________________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Please use the sliding scale provided to rank the items.
4= Excellent 3= Good 2= Fair 1= Poor
1 Sets ups and controls the physical surroundings 4 3 2 1
(room) to enhance the presentation
2 Uses equipment appropriately 4 3 2 1
3 Uses mannerisms (posture; hand gestures, bodily 4 3 2 1
movements ) effectively
4 Handles Notes appropriately 4 3 2 1
5 Manages visual aids: Clear, Concise and reliable 4 3 2 1
6 Maintains eye contact with audience 4 3 2 1
TOTAL = 24
1 Topic is clearly introduced 4 3 2 1
2 Objectives / purpose clearly stated 4 3 2 1

1 Content is relevant to the topic 4 3 2 1
2 Topic is covered in depth 4 3 2 1
3 Integration of learned theory and concepts 4 3 2 1
4 Logical progression of ideas 4 3 2 1
5 Facts, examples, and illustrations provided to support 4 3 2 1
main issues
6 Content reflects critical analysis of topic 4 3 2 1
7 References integrated within context 4 3 2 1
8 References relevant to topic 4 3 2 1
1 Key points summarized 4 3 2 1
2 End of speech is clear 4 3 2 1
TOTAL = 48
1 Creative and stimulating presentation 4 3 2 1
2 Strategies relevant to the topic 4 3 2 1
3 Participation of the audience encouraged 4 3 2 1
TOTAL = 12
1 Accuracy of language 4 3 2 1
2 Clear and audible presentation 4 3 2 1
3 Presentation appropriately paced 4 3 2 1
4 Compliance with time 4 3 2 1
TOTAL = 16

Comments about the strength and effectiveness of the presentation

Areas for improvement

RATER: _____________________ DATE: __________________________

Text Book
Basavanthappa, B. T. (2003). Nursing education. New Dehli: Jaypee brother’s
Medical Publisher.
Recommended books
Bastable, S. B. (2008). Nurses as Educators: Principles of teaching and learning
for nursing practice (3rd ed.). Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett.
Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2015). Teaching in Nursing-E-Book: A Guide
for Faculty. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Campbell, S. H., & Daley, K. (2012). Simulation scenarios for nursing educators:
Making it real. Springer Publishing Company.
Keating, S. B. (Ed.). (2014). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing.
Springer Publishing Company.McDonald, M. E. (2007). The Nurse
Educator’s guide to assessing learning outcomes (2nd ed.). Sudbury: Jones
and Bartlett.
Iwasiw, C. L., Goldenberg, D., & Andrusyszyn, M. A. (2014). Curriculum
development in nursing education. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2016). Evaluation and testing in nursing
education. Springer Publishing Company.
Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2014). Leading and Managing in Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier
Health Sciences.
Zorn, C. R. (2011). Becoming A Nurse Educator: Dialogue For An Engaging
Career. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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