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Project report


“A detailed study on Job Satisfaction of Employees“

On Lay’S

Submitted to Himachal Pradesh University

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted by

Partiyaksh Syal

Under the guidance of

Prof. Neha Parmar

Academic session

( 2021-2024 )

Maharana Pratap Government College AMB

This is certify that the project report entitled "To Study the job satisfaction of
employees' 'carried out by PARTIYAKSH SYAL S/O Sh.NAVEEN SYAL has been
accomplished under my guidance and supervision.

This project is being by her in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the "BACHLOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION" from Maharana Pratap Govt. College

This is an original work and has been by him anywhere else for the award of any
degree/diploma. All the sources of information an help have been duly mentioned an





Partiyaksh syal

I, Partiyaksh syal student of Maharana Partap Govt College

Amb affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University Shimla,

do hereby declare that the summer training report


genuine research work undertaken by me at

Lay’s . And all the information, facts and findings furnished in this

report is result of my hard work and are original in nature

and it has not been published anywhere earlier


I am deeply pleased to place my project of BBA on JOB SATISFICATION

EMPLOYEE at lay’s In time It is possible due to the proper guidance of
lecturer of management department Mrs. Neha Parmer in MAHARANA

It is well said "teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide to his student"

I would also express my thank to guide Sunny jaswal Sales manager at
Lay's.who also provided me practical knowledge about how the work is done

I would also express my thanks to my guide Mrs. Neha Parmar for his
untiring help and cooperation, moral support ungrudging assistance


BBA is the starting point to the management career and to develop

good managers . It is necessary that the theoretical knowledge must

be supplemented with exposure to the real environment Theoretical

knowledge just provides the base and it is not sufficient to produce

a good manager that's why the practical knowledge is needed

In accordance with the requirements of BBA course I have done

by summer project on the topic' STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION


Sr. No. Particular Page No.
1. Introduction of company
 History

2. Introduction of topic
 Meaning
 Importance
 Factors of job satisfaction
 Effects of low job satisfaction
 Influence
 Models of job satisfaction
3. Objectives of study

4. Research & Methodology

5. Data analysis & Interpretation

6. Limitation , findings , & suggestions

7. Conclusion
 Bibliography
 Annexure

In 1932, salesman Herman Lay opened a snack food operation in Nashville, Tennessee.[1] In
1938, he purchased the Atlanta, Georgia-based potato chip manufacturer "Barrett Food
Company", renaming it "H.W. Lay Lingo & Company". Lay crisscrossed the southern United
States, selling the product from the trunk of his car.
The business shortened its name to "the Lay's Lay Lingo Company" in 1944 and became the
first snack food manufacturer to purchase television commercials, using Bert Lahr as its
celebrity spokesperson.[2]
In 1961, the Frito Company, founded by Charles E. Doolin, merged with Lay’s, forming Frito-
Lay Inc., a snack food giant with combined sales of over $127 million annually, which was then
the highest sales revenue earned by any manufacturer. Shortly thereafter, Lay's introduced
what became its best-known slogan: "betcha can't eat just one". Sales of the chips became
international, with marketing assisted by a number of celebrity endorsers. Annual revenues for
Frito-Lay exceeded $180 million by 1965, when the company had more than 8,000 employees
and 46 manufacturing plants.[3]
In 1965, Frito-Lay merged with the Pepsi-Cola Company to form PepsiCo, Inc. In 1991, the
company introduced a new formulation of their chip that was crisper and kept fresher longer.
Shortly thereafter, the company introduced the "Wavy Lay's" products to grocery shelves, with
a national rollout in 1994.[4] In the mid- to late 1990s, Lay's introduced a lower-
calorie baked variety, and a fat-free variety (Lay's WOW chips) that contained the fat
substitute olestra.
In the 2000s, the company introduced “kettle-cooked” varieties, as well as a more highly
processed variety (Lay's Stax) that was intended to compete with Pringles,[5] and several
differently flavored varieties.
In 2012, Frito-Lay products comprised 59% of the United States savory snack-food market.[6]
In April 2019, PepsiCo's Indian subsidiary sued four farmers in Gujarat, India for copyright
infringement, claiming they were growing a variety of potatoes trademarked by the company
for exclusive use in its Lay's potato chips.[7][8] Two years later, the ruling was done in the
farmers' favour under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001.[9]


Job satisfaction is the favorableness or un-
favorableness with which the employee views his work. It expresses the
amount of agreement between one's expectation of the job and reward that
job provides. Job satisfaction is the part of life satisfaction. The nature of
one's environment of job is an important part of life as job satisfaction
influences one's general life satisfaction. Job satisfaction, thus, Is the result of
various attitudes possessed by an employee. In a narrow sense, these
attitudes are related to the job under condition with such specific factors
such as wages. Supervisors of employment condition of work, social relation
on the job, prompt settlement of grievances fair treatment by employer.
However, more comprehensive approach requires that many factors are to
be included before a complete understanding of job satisfaction can be
obtained. Such factors as employee's age, health, temperature, desire level
of aspiration should be considered. Further his family relationship, social
status, recreational outlets, activity in organizations etc.

contribution ultimately to job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is defined , as it is result of various attitudes the persons hold towards
the job , towards the related factors and towards the life in general.


Job satisfaction is defined as “any contribution, psychological , physical , and

environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully say , ‘I am satisfied with my


The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by hop pock (1935). He revived 35
studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction is
combination of psychological. physiological and environmental circumstances. That
causes a person to say. "I m satistied with my job". Such a desecription indicate the
variety of variables that influence the şatistacton of the individual but tell uS nothing
about the nature of Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by
pestonjee (1973) as a job, management, personal adjustment & social requirement.
Morse (1953) considers Job satisfaction as dependent upon job content. identification
with the co., financial l& job status & priding group cohesiveness One of the biggest
preludes to the study of job saisfaction was the Hawhorne study. These studies (1924-
1933). primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School, sought to find
the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers* productivity

 Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about

their job and a predictor of work behavior such as organizational,
citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover

 Job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality

variables and deviant work behavior.

 Common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated with life


 This correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are satisfied with
the tends to be satisfied with their jobs and the people who are
satisfied their tends to satisfied with their life.

 This is vital piece of information that is job satisfaction and job

performance is directly related to one another. Thus it can be said that,
"A happy worker is a productive worker."

 It gives clear evidence that dissatisfied employees skip work more often
and more like to resign and satisfied worker likely to work with the
Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-
respect, self-esteem and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a
pleasurable emotional state that can often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied
worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.

For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated
and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity- the quantity of
output per hour worked- seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It
is important to note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and
productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent.

However, studies dating back to Herzberg's (1957) have show at least low correlation
between high morale and high productivity and it does seems logical that more satisfied
workers will tend to add more value to an organization.

Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of loss of job, will not give 100% of
their effort for very long. Through fear is a powerful motivator, is also a temporary one,
and as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline.

Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and

grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality
and worker morale. Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has
been found to be a good indicator of longevity.

Although only little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and
productivity, Brown (1996) notes that some employers have found that satisfying or
delighting employees is a prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus
protecting the "bottom line."
Hoppock, the earliest investigator in this field, in 1935 soggested that there are six
major components of job satisfaction. These are as under:

 The way the individual reacts to unpleasant situations,

 The facility with which he adjusted himself with other person
 The relative status in the social and economic group with which he identifies
 The nature of work in relation to abilities, interest and preparation of worker
 Security
 Loyalty

Herberg, mausaer, Peterson and capwell in 1957 reviewed more than 150 studies and
listed various job factors of job satisfaction. These are briefly defined one by one as

1.Intrinsic aspect of job

It includes all of the many aspects of the work, which would tend to be constant for the
work regardless of where the work was performed


This aspect of job satisfaction pertains to relationship of worker with his immediate
superiors. Supervision, as a factor, generally influences job satisfaction.

3. Working conditions

This includes those physical aspects of environment which are not necessary a part of
the work. Hours are included this factor because it is primarily a function of
organization, affecting the individuals comfort and convenience in much the same way
as other physical working conditions.
4. Wage and salaries

This factor includes all aspect of job involving present monitory remuneration for work

5. Opportunities for advancement

It includes all aspect of job which individual sees as potential sources of betterment of
economic position, organizational status or professional experience.


It is defined to include that feature of job situation, which leads to assurance for
continued employment, either within the same company or within same type of work

7.Company& management

It includes the aspect of worker's immediate situation, which is a function of

organizational administration and policy. It also involves the relationship of employee
with all company superiors above level of immediate supervision

8.Social aspect of job

It includes relationship of worker with the employees specially those employees at same
or nearly same level within the organization.


It includes job situation, which involves spreading the information in any direction
within the organization. Terms such as information of employee's status, information on
new developments, information on company line of authority, suggestion system, etc,
are used in literature to represent this factor

Absenteeism means it is a habitual pattern of absence from duty or obligation.

If there will be low job satisfaction among the employees the rate of absenteeism
will definitely increase and it also affects on productivity of organization

In human resource refers to characteristics of a given company or industry relative to
the rate at which an employer gains and losses the staff. If the employer is said to be
have a high turnover of employees of that company have shorter tenure than those of
other companies.


As employees leaves organization due to lack of job satisfaction. Then Human
resource manager has to recruit new employees. So that the training expenditure
will increases.

There is no. of factors that influence job satisfaction. For example, one recent study
even found that if college students majors' coinsided with their job, this relationship will
predict subsequent job satisfaction. However, the main influences can be summerised
along with the dimentions identified above.

The work itself

The concept of work itself is a major source of satisfaction. For example, research
related to the job charactoristics approach to job design, shows that feedback from job
itself and autonomy are two of the major job related motivational factors. Some of the
most important ingridents of a satisfying job uncovered by survey include intersting and
challenging work, work that is not boring, and the job that provides status.


Wages and salaries are recognised to be a significant, but complex, multidimentional

factor in job satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs butevel
need satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection of how managemnet view
their conrtibution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also important.

If the employees are allowed some flexibility in choosing the type of benefits they prefer
within a total package. called a flexible benefit plan, there is a significant increase in
both benefit satisfaction and overall job satisfaction


Promotional opportunities are seem to be have avarying effect on job satisfaction. This
is because of promotion take number of different forms.

Two Factor Theory (Motivation – Hyginene

Theory)(Feedback Herzberg’s)
Job characterstics Model (Hackman &Oldham)
Rating scale
Personal interviews
Job enlargement
Job rotation
Two Factor Theory (Motivation – Hyginene Theory)

Fedrick hertzberg Tow factor theory (also known as Motivator

hygiene theory) attempts to explain sacisfaction and motivation in
work place. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction
are given by differrent factors- motivation and hygiene factor,

Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people
want to perform, and provide people satisfaction. Thesemotivating
factor are considered to be intrinsic to the job,or the work carried
out. Motivating factor include aspects of the working environment
such as pay,company policies,supervisory practices, and other
working conditions.

While Hertzberg model has simulated much research, researchers

have been unable
Job characterstics Model (Hackman &Oldham)

Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job Characteristics Model, which is widely
used as a framework to study how particular job characteristics impact on
job outcomes, including job satisfaction.

The model states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task
identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback) which impact three
critical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced
responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of the actual results), in turn
influencing work outcomes (job satisfaction, absenteeism, work motivation,

The five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating

potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a
job is to affect an employee's attitudes and behaviors.

A meta-analysis of studies that assess the framework of the model provides

some support for the validity of the JCM.

It is one of the most common methods of measuring job satisfaction. The
popular rating scale used to measure Job satisfaction is to include: Minnesota
Satisfaction Questionnaires: It helps to obtain a clear picture of pertinent
satisfactions and dissatisfactions of employees. Job Description Index: it
measures Job satisfaction on the dimension

identified by Smith. Kendall, Hullin. Porter Need Identification

Questionnaires: It is used only for management personnel and revolves
around the problems and challenges faced by managers.

The concept of job enlargement originated after World War II. It is simply the
organizing of the work so as to relate the contents of the job to the capacity,
actual and potential, of workers. Job enlargement is oblivious forerunner of
the concept and philosophy of job design. Stephan offers three basic
assumptions behind the concept of job enlargement

Output will increase if

1.Workers abilities are fully utilized

2.Worker has more control over the work

3.Workers interest in work and workplace is stimulated.

Job enlargement is a generic term that broadly means adding more and
different tasks to a specialized job. It may widen the number of task the
employee must do that is, add variety. When additional simple task are
added to a job, the process is called horizontal job enlargement. This also
presumably adds interest to the work and reduces monotony and boredom.

To check harmful effects of specialization, the engineering factors involved in

each individual job must be carefully analyzed. Perhaps, the assembly lines
can be shortened so that there will be more lines and fewer workers on each
line. Moreover, instead of assigning one man to

each job and then allowed to decide for himself how to organize the work.
Such changes permit more social contacts and greater control over the work

This method facilitates an in-depth exploration through interviewing of job
attitudes. The main advantage in this method is that additional information
or clarifications can be obtained promptly.

Job rotation involves periodic assignments of an employee to completely
different sets of job activities. One way to tackle work routine is to use the
job rotation. When an activity is no longer challenging. the employee is
rotated to another job, at the same level that has similar skill requirements.

Many companies are seeking a solution to on-the-job boredom through

systematically moving workers from one job to another. This practice
provides more varieties and gives employees a chance to learn additional
skills. The company also benefits since the workers are qualified to Derform a
number of different jobs in the event of an emergency

 To study the job satisfaction level among the employees

 To study the employees perception towards organization

 To study the attitude of the employees towards their work

 To identify the various factors that motivates the employees

 To study the various factors affecting job satisfaction

 To give suggestions and recommendation to increase job

satisfaction among employees

 To check the effectiveness of various schemes and programs

undertaken by the organization

The word research refers to findings the truth about something through a systematically
study .

Research may be done to:-

 Gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insight into it.

 Portray accurately the characterstics of the particular individual , situation or a
group .
 Test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables

Research Design
To prepare the report on job satisfaction among employees the descriptive research
design was choosen.

Source of Data Collection

For the purpose of study both primary and secondary data was needed. The data was
collected in two phases.

In the first phase, secondary data was gathered, i.e. background analysis was performed
to grasp the real situation about existing policies, the rules and regulations followed in
the company. The primary data was collected through questionnaires that were used for
collecting data relating to the study objectives of research were explained to the
respondents before getting the questionnaire filled
Data Collection Method
Questionnaires were used to interview the respondents.

A structured undisguised questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of collection

primary The questionnaire was developed so as to obtain responses relevant to
objectives of the res While designing the questionnaire every attempt was made to
make it precise so that the p of filing up the responses does not consume too much
time. Interview was also conducted information from unskilled workers.

Sample size
To study the job satisfaction of employees 100 sample was taken .

Sample unit
Employees were taken as sample unit to measure the job satisfaction

Analysis Method
The data was tabulated and percentage was computed for different variables for
interpretation and pie charts were also used for diagrammatic interpretation and


1.Satisfaction level of work assigned to Employees
Response Percentage No. of respondent
Highly satisfied 12% 12
Satisfied 46% 46
Neutral 32% 32
Dissatisfied 8% 8
Highly dissatisfied 2% 2
Total 100% 100

8% 12%

Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied

Out of 100 respondents 12 were satisfied by the nature of work , 46 satisfied 32 neutral
regarding their response, 8 were dissatisfied whereas 2 were highly dissatisfied.
Majority of respondent were satisfied by the nature of work assigned to them
2. Appropriateness of employee’s skill and qualification with their

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Yes 45% 45
No 55% 55
Total 100% 100



55% Yes

45 respondents feel that their job matches their qualifications and other skills whereas
majority i.e 55 feel that they are not given enough opportunity to utilize their skills
knowledge and expertise. Majority of the respondent feel that job assigned to them
does not match the qualification and skills possessed by them
3. Job security provided by the organization

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Yes 73% 73
No 27% 27
Total 100% 100



73 employees feel that their job is secured , 27 feel that their job is not secured . There
are positives to this response to this question as more than half 73 people feel that their
job is secured . Lay’s is a well reputed company which provided job security to its
4. Satisfaction level of salary package provided by the organization
Response Percentage No. of respondent
Highly satisfied 11% 11
Satisfied 21% 21
Neutral 29% 29
Dissatisfied 25% 25
Highly dissatisfied 14% 14
Total 100% 100


14% 11%
Highly satisfied
25% Satisfied
Highly dissatisfied

29 were neutral regarding their response, 21 were satisfied , 11 were highly satisfied ,
25 were dissatisfied whereas 14 employees were highly dissatisfied by the salary given
to them. So the salaries satisfy the employees
5. Leave facilities provided to them

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Good 15% 15
Bad(need to be more 52% 52
Very bad 33% 33
Total 100% 100




52% Very bad

52 employees said that the leave system needs to be improved , 33 regarded it to be
very bad whereas only 15 of them said that it is good . so basically majority wants the
leave to be improved . Very less people are satisfied by the leave system and regard it as
good ; findings reveal that the leave system needs to be improved
6.Efforts valued by the organization

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Never 6% 6
Seldom 15% 15
Often 48% 48
Always 31% 31
Total 100% 100


31% 15%


48% Always

Among the 100 employees 6 says that their efforts are never valued , 15 says their
efforts are seldom valued. Other 48 says that they are often valued and yet another 31
says their efforts are always valued . Majority of the respondents said their efforts are
often valued which has a favorable impact on job satisfaction
7. Participation in decision making

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Never 29% 29
Seldom 46% 46
Often 16% 16
Always 9% 9
Total 100% 100


46% Always

29 employees said that they are never allowed to participate in decision making , 46
says that they seldom or sometimes participate , 16 says that they often participate
whereas only 9 of them say that they always participate in decision making .Majority of
respondents said that they are not allowed to participate in decision making .
8. Scope to achieve personal goals

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Yes 46% 46
No 54% 54
Total 100% 100



54% Yes

46 employees said yes whereas a majority 54 said no which means the job dies not give
them enough opportunity for individual growth or achieving individual goals. Majority of
the employees were of the view that their job does not give them enough opportunity
to achieve their aspiration.
9. Relation with the superiors

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Exploitative 5% 5
Authoritative 15% 15
Benevolent 58% 58
Consultative 22% 22
Total 100% 100


22% 15%


58 persons find the style of supervision to be benevolent/helpful, 22 says that it is
consultative. 15 find it to be authoritative and only 7 are highly dissatisfied by the
supervision style and find it to be exploitative. There was positive response to this
question, which reflects good superior subordinate relations.
10. Relation with the subordinates

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Friendly 66% 66
Professionally 29% 29
Unfriendly 5% 5
Total 100% 100



66% Professionally

66 employees said that they share friendly relations with their subordinates, 29 say that
relations are professional type and only 5 said that they have unfriendly relations with
their subordinates. This questions also had on overall positive response and in turn
positive impact on job satisfaction as majority of the employees said that they share
friendly relations with subordinates
11. Promotion opportunities in the job

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Yes 47% 47
No 53% 53

Total 100% 100


53% Yes

47 among the total respondents feel that they don't have enough promotion or growth
opportunities whereas 53 said that yes there are sufficient growth and promotion
facilities. More than half of the respondents feel unsatisfied by the promotion
opportunities but the findings reveal that there is still some scope to improve the
promotion facilities
12. Workshop to guide the employees for both professional and
personal enhancement

Response Percentage No. of respondent

Once in a month 11% 11
Once in a year 9% 9
After six month 80% 80
Total 100% 100


Once in a month
Once in a year
After six month

80 said that they have workshops after 6 months, 11 said that there are workshop after
a months and 9 said that workshops are held once in a year. A majority of respondents
said that they have workshops after every six months. No of workshops are held time to
time for the personal and professional enhancement. There were different responses
because the organization has different type of programs for different groups of
13. Grievance handling procedure in the organization.

Response Percentage No.of respondent

Fair 54% 54
Neutral 31% 31
Unfair 15% 15
Total 100% 100



31% Neutral

54 persons were satisfied by the grievance handling system and regarded it as fair,
whereas 31 were neutral and 15 regarded it to be unfair system. Majority comprises of
the responses that regarded the grievance handling system as fair. A fair grievance
handling system enhances good relations with the top relatives
14. Feeling about changing the job

Response Percentage No. of

I would quit this job at once if I could get anything 18% 18
else to do (A)
I would like to change both my job and my 12% 12
occupation (B)
I am not eager to change my job but I would if I 41% 41
could get a better job (C)
I would not exchange my job for any other (D) 29% 29
Total 100% 100


29% 18%

18 persons said that they will leave the job if they get anything else to do , 12 people
say that they would like to change both their job and occupation , 41 people will change
their job if they get better job , 29 people are loyal to lays , majority people will stick to
the company
Chapter no. – 6
Limitations , Findings &
Limitations of the study
Schedule of the staff was very busy so some of the important aspects could
not be discussed in detail.

As information is obtained by questionnaire so information obtained is very

limited and it was not possible to get detailed information regarding various
aspects of job satisfaction.

Some of the things were kept confidential according to the policies of the
company therefore details on various aspects like conflict resolving and
promotion , salary etc . was not provided .

Some bias might have inadvertently crept into the investigation though best
of efforts have been made to avoid such biases in the study.
 46% of the respondents are satisfied by the nature of work assigned to them.
 In 55% of cases jobs assigned to employees does not match their qualification and
skills possessed by them.
 The organization does provide job security to its employees to a great extent.
 employees are neutral on the salaries paid to them.
 There is need to improve the leave system, only 15% respondents said that they
are satisfies the leave system.
 48% of the respondents said that their efforts are often valued.
 46% of the respondents feel that they are seldom allowed to participate in
decision making
 54% of the respondents said no which means job does not give them enough
opportunity individual growth or achieving individual goals.
 58% of the respondents find the style of supervision to be benevolent and 5% are
highly dissatisfied by the supervision style and find it to be exploitative.
 66% of the employees said that they share friendly relations with their
 53% of the respondents feel that there are not much promotion opportunities for
 80% of the respondents said that they have workshops after 6 months numbers
of workshop are held time to time for the personal and professional
 54% of the respondents were satisfied by the grievance handling system and
regarded it as fair
 41% of the employees would like to change their job if they get better

 The leave system be made more flexible.

 Work should be allocated after properly assessing the qualification and


 More workshops should be organized to increase job satisfaction

among employees.

 Workers participation in decision-making should be increased.

 Salary system needs to be reviewed, as this is the major motivation


 Employees should be provided opportunities, which guide them

towards the achievement of personal goals and aspirations.

 More promotion and growth should be there which will also ensure
more hard work from employees.
Chapter - 7
Conclusion ,
In conclusion, the findings of the project report reveal a mixed perception
among employees regarding various aspects of their work environment.

1. While a significant portion of respondents express satisfaction with the

nature of their work and perceive job security as robust,
2. There are notable areas requiring attention and improvement. The
mismatch between job assignments and employees' qualifications,
dissatisfaction with the leave system, and limited opportunities for
individual growth and participation in decision-making indicate areas
where organizational policies and practices could be enhanced.
3. Furthermore, the neutral stance on salaries and the perceived lack of
promotion opportunities underscore the importance of addressing
employee concerns to foster a more conducive and fulfilling work
4. Despite these challenges, positive aspects such as friendly relations
with subordinates and benevolent supervision styles provide a
foundation upon which the organization can build to cultivate a more
engaged and motivated workforce.
5. Thus, the findings serve as valuable insights for the organization to
strategize and implement measures aimed at enhancing employee
satisfaction, fostering professional development, and promoting a
culture of inclusivity and empowerment.


 Human resource management by “C.B Gupta

 Motivation and job satisfaction by “pestonjee D.M


 http://
Name : ________________

Age : __________________

Gender :__________________

Experience :________________

Qualification :________________

1. Are you satisfied by the nature of work assigned to you?

Highly satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) Neutral ( )

Dis-satisfied ( ) Highly dissatisfied ( )

2. Does your present job matches with your qualifications and skills?

YES ( ) NO( )

3. Does your organization provide you with job security?

YES ( ) NO ( )

4. Are you satisfied by the salary package by the organization?

Highly satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) Neutral ( )

Dis-satisfied ( ) Highly dissatisfied ( )

5.How do you consider the leave facilities provided to you?

Good ( ) Bad ( )

6.How often you feel that you and your efforts are valued by the organization

Never ( ) Seldom ( )

Often ( ) Always ( )

7 . How often you participating in decision making

Never ( ) Seldom ( )

Often ( ) Always ( )

8. Does your job provide you any scope to achieve your aspiration or goals

Yes ( ) No ( )

9.What do you feel about your relation with your superiors ?

Exploitative ( ) Authoritative ( )

Benevolent ( ) Consultative ( )

10. What do you feel about your relation with your subordinates?

Friendly ( ) Professionally ( )

Unfriendly ( )

11. Do you feel that you have enough promotion opportunities in your job ?

Yes ( ) No ( )
12. Is there any workshop to guide the employees for both professional and personal

Once in a month ( ) After six month ( )

Once in a year ( )

13. Is there any grievance handling procedure in the organization ?

Fair ( ) Neutral ( )

Unfair ( )

14. Check one of the followings which best tells you how you feel about changing
your job ?

(a) I would quit this job at once if I could get anything else to do.

(b) I would like to change both my job and my occupation.

(c) I am not eager to change my job but I would if I could get a better job.

(d) I would not exchange my job for any other

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