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& Crops May–June 2013

The magazine for certified

crop advisers, agronomists,
and soil scientists

An American Society of Agronomy publication


Madison, WI 53711-5801
5585 Guilford Road
Crops & Soils
Volume 46 | Issue 3 | May–June 2013
Crops & Soils, the magazine for certified crop advisers, agronomists, and soil
scientists, is published bimonthly by the American Society of Agronomy. Visit us
online at

Magazine staff
Director of Publications: Mark Mandelbaum (mmandelbaum@sciencesocieties.
org or 608-268-4974)
Director of Certification Programs: Luther Smith ( or
Proper phosphorus fertilizer management 608-268-4977)
Managing Editor: Matt Nilsson ( or 608-268-4968)

is no longer just an issue for agriculture. Science Communications Manager: Madeline Fisher
Proofreader: Meg Ipsen

On the heels of record-breaking blooms of Advisory board

Fredrick F. Vocasek, Servi-Tech Laboratories, Dodge City, KS (chair)
algae in places like Lake Erie, the public Howard Brown, GROWMARK, Inc., Bloomington, IL
Charles Russell Duncan, Clemson Extension Service, Manning, SC

has taken a keen interest in how farmers Susan Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald and Co., Elmira, ON, Canada
Dale F. Leikam, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Lisa Martin, Martin and Associates, Pontiac, IL
and their CCAs keep phosphorus on their

Larry Oldham, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS
James Peck, ConsulAgr Inc., Newark, NY

fields. And conservation tillage Kim R. Polizotto, Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, Greenfield, IN
George Simpson, Jr., Yara North America Inc., Beaufort, NC
Dale L. Softley, Forensic Agronomy/Consultant, Lincoln, NE
practices like no-till may be at the Harold Watters, Ohio State University Extension, Raymond, OH

heart of the pollution problem. Contributing board

Canada East: Tony Balkwill, GROWMARK, Ontario, Canada; Brian Hall, OMA-
FRA; Ontario, Canada
U.S. North Central: Amitava Chatterjee, North Dakota State University, Fargo;
Tanner Ehmke, Healy, KS; Christi Hand, Midwest Cooperatives, Pierre, SD;
Dennis Holland, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Alburnett, IA; Mark Kopecky,
University of Wisconsin Extension, Price County, Phillips, WI; Ed Winkle,

10 tassium
Regional | Canada East: Liquid po-
trial on Ontario soybeans. U.S. North-Cen-
HyMark Consulting LLC, Martinsville, OH.
U.S. Northeast: Mark Sultenfuss, University of Maryland, Wye Research and
Education Center, Queenstown.
U.S. Southern: Dennis Osborne, Raleigh, NC.
tral: Nitrogen management trial on Iowa corn. U.S. Southern: U.S. Western: WERA-103 group (Jason Ellsworth, chair).
You too, have a niche in the locally grown market.
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Cover: Inset photos courtesy of (clockwise): Flickr/ChesBayProgram,

NOAA, and Ohio State University. Cover design by Pat Scullion. | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 3


Proper phosphorus fertilizer management is no

longer just an issue for agriculture. On the heels of
record-breaking blooms of algae in places like Lake
Erie, the public has taken a keen interest in how
farmers and their CCAs keep phosphorus, or P, on their
fields. And conservation tillage practices like no-till
may be at the heart of the pollution problem.

4 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

A vexing problem

Keeping farm-based phosphorus out of Lake Erie

Public attention on P fertilizer

management reached a new high in 2011
when record rainfall in Ohio washed phos-
phorus from farmers’ fields into Lake Erie,
feeding a toxic algal bloom that covered
1,930 square miles—the largest in the lake’s
recorded history and more than twice the
size as the previous largest bloom in 2008.
The following year, when farmers
struggled with epic drought conditions, the
By Tanner Ehmke
Crops & Soils magazine contributing writer

and the algae that fed on the phosphorus

nearly disappeared.
But by the mid-1990s, a strange new phe-
nomenon occurred. The algal blooms that
were once thought of as a thing of the past
began reappearing. And, they were becom-
ing more frequent and toxic.
The blue-green algae blooms made of po-
tentially toxic cyanobacteria began return-
ing in the western basin of Lake Erie at an
size of the algal blooms shrank to 10% the increased frequency through the 1990s and
size of the previous year. With phosphorus into the 2000s. But all the while, farmers
runoff from farm fields on the agenda, farm- were becoming more efficient with fertilizer
ing practices immediately became the topic use and were applying at significantly lower
of discussion. rates than they were in the 1970s.
The massive algal bloom that covered The conundrum, says Gail Hesse, execu-
a fifth of Lake Erie in 2011 wasn’t the first tive director of the Ohio Lake Erie Commis-
episode of phosphorus feeding algae growth. sion, was that less phosphorus fertilizer was
Farmers faced a similar challenge in the going into the system while algal blooms
1970s when massive algal blooms raised the were becoming bigger and more frequent.
ire of the recreational and fishing industries, “We don’t see this as an overapplication
sparking an international movement to curb problem just based upon the phosphorus
phosphorus fertilizer pollution. being supplied and what’s being removed,”
The result was a resounding success explains CCA Robert Mullen, director of
of farmers, government, universities, and agronomy at Potash Corp. in Wooster, OH.
industry working together to solve the prob- “I would guess that the issue is the general
lem. Thanks to the widespread adoption of rule of 80–20—that 80% of the problem
conservation tillage and no-till practices, the comes from 20% of the production system.
amount of sediment-bound phosphorus that There are times when applications are made
left farmers’ fields and spilled into Lake Erie in less-than-ideal conditions that can result
via soil erosion dropped off significantly, in a fairly large amount of phosphorus be-
ing transported. But, it doesn’t look as if all
Left: In 2011, Lake Erie experienced its largest algal
bloom in recorded history, covering 1,930 square miles.
Photo courtesy of NOAA. doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-1

May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 5


farmers are the bad players, accord-

ing to the data.”
Rising fertilizer prices, Mullen
adds, have limited farmers’ ability to
buy large quantities of phosphorus.
Thanks to soil testing, precision tech-
nology, and improved information
through CCAs and extension, farmers
largely are applying fertilizer at only Tourism on Lake Erie is a $10 bil-
required rates. That’s in stark contrast lion industry. The algal blooms,
to previous decades. which can significantly reduce
oxygen levels and threaten fish and
“When you look back histori-
other aquatic life, have caused tour-
cally during the 1960s and 1970s, ists to cancel outings or not rebook
we were probably oversupplying for upcoming seasons. The toxic
fertilizer phosphorus during that era,” blue-green algae called microcystis
Mullen says. “But In the last five (top middle) has become more com-
years, at least in Ohio, we’ve actually mon in Lake Erie and has caused
been supplying less P than farmers numerous problems with pets. Photos
are using with crop production.” by (clockwise): Ohio Department of Natural
That’s often resulted in P deficien- Resources, D. Schloesser (USGS Great Lakes
cy on many farms today, he adds. Science Center), Tom Archer, and Susan
Still, the algal blooms are back, and Winsor/Corn & Soybean Digest.
public attention is growing as other
industries and the public bear the
cost of algae-filled waters. nuisance aspects from an aesthetic
and recreational standpoint.”
CCA Greg LaBarge, field specialist
in agronomic systems at Ohio State One toxic blue-green algae called
University Extension, says tourism microcystis, which produces the
on Lake Erie is a $10 billion industry, toxin microcystin, has become more
while sports fishing alone generates common in Lake Erie and has a
$1 billion. The algal blooms, which safety recommendation by the World
can significantly reduce oxygen Health Organization at 1 part per bil-
levels and threaten fish and other lion for drinking water and 20 parts
aquatic life, have caused tourists to per billion for recreational contact. In
cancel outings or not rebook for up- Lake Erie, this toxic algae has caused
coming seasons, hurting the tourism numerous problems with pets.
industry that many of the communi- “We’ve had reported illnesses in
ties in northern Ohio depend on. pets in Ohio because dogs will swim
And, at the right levels, toxins in the water and drink the water, but
released by the algae can cause ill- they just don’t have the body mass
ness and even death in animals and to process the toxins out of their
Photo courtesy of iStockphoto/HeikeKampe

occasionally in humans, according to system,” Hesse says.

the National Center for Water Qual- The Ohio Department of Natural
ity Research (NCWQR), located at Resources also has a monitoring
Heidelberg University in Tiffin, OH. system in place to warn the public
“It’s a different kind of algae than of levels of exposure during algal
what was dominant back in the blooms. Beaches at Lake Erie have
1970s,” Hesse notes. “What we’re even closed during severe algal
seeing now is what we call harm- blooms.
ful algal blooms. We refer to them The social cost of algal blooms
as cyanobacteria, and they have the isn’t just borne by beach goers and
potential to create toxins. Obviously, the tourism industry, though. Local
that’s a concern—in addition to the

6 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

public water supplies are also af-
fected via higher treatment costs.
“The good news is that the treat-
ment of the public water supplies
is effective at removing the toxin,”
Hesse says. “The city of Toledo has
spent $3,000–$4,000 a day for ad-
ditional treatment costs when there’s
an algal bloom. So, in addition to phosphorus is chemically bound Watters, CCA and crops specialist at
the public health concern, there’s a to sediment and is only about 30% Ohio State University Extension.
broader public policy concern from bioavailable for algae growth, dis- “The task force knew that there
our infrastructure cost. The costs get solved phosphorus is about 95% were wastewater overflows out of
passed onto all of us as rate payers to bioavailable. And, while particulate Detroit, Toledo, and a number of
our public water supplies.” phosphorus that’s bound to sediment other places mostly affecting the
settles to the bottom of the lake, western basin of Lake Erie, but that
dissolved P remains suspended in
Dissolved P on the rise the water column and supports the
still didn’t come up with enough
phosphorus to indicate that’s the
Stumped by both the return of development of algal blooms, ac- problem,” Watters explains. “They
the algal blooms and their toxicity, cording to NCWQR. looked at homeowner lawns, storm
government and industry leaders cre- Meanwhile, NCWQR research- sewers, on down the list and finally
ated the Ohio Lake Erie Phosphorus ers found that while the amount of came to agriculture and determined
Management Task Force in 2007 to particulate phosphorus bound to from some information from the
determine what had changed. The soil particles had been decreasing [NCWQR] that, yes, there was phos-
cause of toxic algal blooms, Hesse over the years, there was a dramatic phorus going down those streams
says, isn’t so simple. The return of increase in the concentration and and rivers and into Lake Erie, and
the algae is a culmination of fac- load of dissolved phosphorus, start- there’s probably phosphorus coming
tors that have coalesced with time. ing in the mid-1990s. In recent years, off the fields.”
Understanding the problem begins dissolved phosphorus comprised With agriculture comprising the
by distinguishing two different forms of 26% of the total P but 52% of majority of land use in the Maumee
of phosphorus and their unique con- the bioavailable P moving into the River Basin, fertilizer for agricul-
tribution to algae growth. western basin of Lake Erie from the tural use is the largest contributor,
Phosphorus entering Lake Erie Maumee River. Hesse adds. But something in the
comes in two basic forms, accord- Why the increase in the more- agricultural production system had
ing to the task force’s final report potent dissolved P and a decrease in changed.
released in 2012: (1) dissolved particulate P?
phosphorus, which is P with sedi-
ment filtered from the water, and (2)
NCWQR data revealed that only Conservation tillage, tile
about 7% of the total P—comprising
particulate phosphorus that is bound
both dissolved and particulate P— drainage, and climate
to sediment particles. Together, these
two forms comprise total phospho-
entering the western basin of Lake change
Erie from the Maumee River can be An increase in the amount of
attributed to municipal and industrial dissolved phosphorus coming from
However, the difference between sources. That isn’t enough to account
dissolved and particulate phospho- farms was invariably linked to the
for the total increase, says Harold return of the algal blooms, the task
rus is significant. While particulate
force concluded. What wasn’t so | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 7


certain, though, was exactly how

dissolved phosphorus was increas-
ing and making it into the lake.
Changing production practices in
agriculture most likely accounted
for the shift in less particulate P and
more dissolved P moving through the
The answer may be hard for some
farmers to swallow: The widespread two years of opportunity for worms
adoption of reduced tillage and to start creating their little channels
no-till may be at the center of the again,” Watters says. “And, it is be-
increase in dissolved P moving into lieved that some of this phosphorus
Lake Erie. is going with water down these worm
By not incorporating fertilizer with channels through the tile and then
tillage, fertilizer sits on top of the soil moving from the tile into the streams
and remains vulnerable to rain or and on out into the lake. Again, this
snowmelt, the task force concluded. is all dissolved reactive phosphorus.”
And, by applying fertilizer in the Phosphorus exiting fields through
fall and leaving it on top of hard, drainage tile is no small issue in
frozen soil through the spring, the Ohio, which is comprised of heavy
phosphorus is allowed a long enough clay, poorly drained soils and where
window to be washed into a river or fields are commonly tiled. All north-
stream. west Ohio and Indiana counties that
“Typically, what farmers do is ap- are included in the Lake Erie water-
ply fertilizer to our soybean stubble shed have between 60.1 and 100%
in the fall ahead of corn,” Watters of harvested land drained by subsur-
explains. “Unfortunately, we don’t face tile, according to the last survey
necessarily incorporate it until the done by the USDA Natural Resources
next spring shortly ahead of corn Conservation Service. That’s the most
planting. It lays exposed out there of all Midwestern states.
from the first of November after Major precipitation events are also
soybean harvest until around April 1. deemed a concerning factor for P
And because it’s not incorporated, it’s removal from farm fields, according
subject to movement.” to a recent article on the Lake Erie
More than 80% of Ohio’s soy- algal blooms published in Proceed-
beans are no-tilled, he says, while ings of the National Academy of Sci-
only about 20% of the corn is no- ences of the United States of America
tilled. Even fields that are tilled, he (PNAS). In addition to conservation
notes, are in some form of reduced tillage and fall P application, extreme
tillage. meteorological events associated
with climate change—particularly
Worm channels that develop in
regarding precipitation and tempera-
the soil may also be contributing to
ture—are making conditions ripe for
nutrient movement, Watters adds. In
large and toxic algal blooms to form,
reduced-till or no-till systems, worm
the authors assert.
holes are allowed to develop in the
Photo courtesy of USDA-NRCS

soil, which create passageways for “Severe spring precipitation

phosphorus to travel through the soil events, coupled with long-term
profile to drainage tile and then exit trends in agricultural land use and
the field as dissolved P. practices, produced a pulse of
remarkably high loading of highly
“When we plant corn, we don’t
bioavailable dissolved reactive phos-
till it until we harvest the soybeans.
phorus to the western basin of Lake
So we’ve got a year-and-a-half to
Erie,” according to the academic

8 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

The widespread adoption of reduced
tillage and no-till (top left) may
be at the center of the increase in
dissolved P moving into Lake Erie.
By not incorporating fertilizer with
tillage, the fertilizer sits on top of
the soil and remains vulnerable to
rain or snowmelt. Also, worm holes
(top middle) are allowed to develop
in the soil, creating passageways for
phosphorus to travel through the
soil profile to drainage tile and then small, Watters acknowledges. Mak- September–October 2012 issue of
exit the field as dissolved P. Placing ing the necessary changes in agricul- Crops & Soils magazine.)
filters on drainage tiles (top right) or ture must start by changing the way “We’re really looking at the adap-
using some form of incorporation CCAs and their farmers think about tation of the 4R nutrient stewardship
of the fertilizer when applied (right) P management and how to bring till- program,” LaBarge says. “In addi-
could help reduce the amount of dis- age back into systems where it was tion to that, we’re looking at a 4R
solved P entering waterways. Photos removed. certification program—a third party
by (clockwise): Paige Buck (USDA-NRCS), The hurdle, he warns, is that type of certification of practices that
North Appalachian Experimental Watershed of there is often times little economic ag retailers can put in place as far as
USDA-ARS, Josh McGrath, and the Depart- incentive for the farmer to change nutrient management. It’s a con-
ment of Food, Agriculture, and Biological practices when the loss of P costs the science effort on their part to bring
Engineering at Ohio State University. farmer less than a dollar per acre or better advice to their growers about
if an investment in a new implement what happens to that nutrient.”
is required. Educating farmers of the Greater use of soil testing to limit
larger consequences of phosphorus overfertilization, the use of stream-
team in reference to the remarkable loss, he stresses, is where solving the side buffers, and placing filters on
algal bloom that resulted in 2011. problem of P loss begins. drainage tiles have also been recom-
In addition, uncommonly warm “We’re starting with educating mended as solutions that farmers
and calm conditions in late spring farmers and making them think about implement to reduce the amount of
and summer provided ideal incuba- some incorporation with tillage or P that makes its way into rivers and
tion, seeding, and growth conditions doing some banding with a planter,” streams.
for bloom development in the lake, Watters says. “And, it would help if While more is still being learned
the team concluded. And if cur- we changed our tillage practices to about the problem, Mullen says ac-
rent trends in climate continue, the incorporate fertilizer immediately tion must be taken now at the farm
authors warn, the remarkable events after application rather than waiting level. Otherwise, he warns, it may
of 2011 will occur with increasing for several months to go by.” become a government issue down
frequency if no action is taken to The critical discussion that CCAs the road if the problem persists.
change the system. must have with their farmer clients, “If no action is taken, there’s a
adds LaBarge, ultimately comes greater likelihood of regulation from
Back to the basics with 4R down to the 4Rs of nutrient manage- the state and federal level,” says
ment: The right time, right rate, right
nutrient management source, right placement of fertilizer
Mullen. “Will they have the informa-
tion to stop the problem? I’m not
The challenge to modify long- on the field. (Read more about the convinced.”
established farming practices isn’t 4Rs of nutrient management in the | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 9

Regional Roundup

Canada East
Liquid potassium fertilizer trial on Ontario
By Brian Hall, Edible Bean and Canola
Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture,
Food, and Rural Affairs;

Potassium (K) is an important nutrient for soy- to that of nitrogen, and the rate of uptake peaks during the
rapid vegetative growth period. Much of the potash taken
bean development. It is involved in most of the plant’s
life-sustaining processes and is its most heavily absorbed up in the vegetative period is then transferred to the seed
nutrient after nitrogen. It is estimated that a 40 bu/ac soy- during pod fill.
bean crop will uptake about 140 lb/ac potash (K20). About Potassium deficiency can severely limit soybean yield
one-half this amount is stored in the soybean seed and potential; deficiencies can also lower disease resistance
is therefore removed from the field each year at harvest. and impact nodule formation. Deficiency symptoms are
Young soybean seedlings do not use a lot of potassium, most likely seen during the period from late flowering to
but the uptake pattern during plant development is similar early seed fill, and deficiency during the late vegetative
stage to seed fill can affect seed fill. Deficiency symptoms
can be accentuated when soil conditions are very dry
because much of soil potash moves to roots by mass diffu-
sion (i.e., area of high concentration to low concentration)
although root interception is also important.

A three-year on-farm project was established to assess
if added liquid potash fertilizer could increase soybean
yields and reduce deficiencies by providing an easily ac-
cessible source of potassium. The project also evaluated
what soil types would have the greatest responses based
on the existing soil test levels.

Data was collected at 15 sites over three years. Two
trials were conducted in 2010, seven trials in 2011, and
six in 2012. Trials included a minimum of two replica-
tions per location and were across a variety of locations,
soil types, tillage systems, and soil test levels. Plots were
planted with a Kearney 15-inch vacuum planter with John
Deere 7000 planter units, and the fertilizer was applied
in furrow. Plots were a minimum of 20 ft wide by 1,000
ft long. Some sites were planted by farmer co-operators
using the same protocol.


10 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

Table 1. Soil sample data at 15 liquid starter fertil- U.S. North-Central
izer trials (2010–2012).
Location †
K20 soil test
Less than 60
Number of sites
Nitrogen management
Over 120
trial on Iowa corn
 R, MR, and LR = high, medium, and low likelihood of a
response to nutrient application.
By Dennis Holland, CCA, Dupont Pioneer,
Table 2. Average response of soybeans to 2–20–18 Alburnett, IA;
fertilizer at 15 sites in Ontario (2011–2012).
Average yield Average yield
across 13 sites advantage LSD
Treatment (bu/ac) (bu/ac) (5%) Those of us making a living in agriculture have
Untreated 51.3 - a been enjoying relatively good economic times in recent
years. And anytime we have high farm income, there is
3 gal 51.7 0.4 a
money left at the end of the year to invest into the opera-
tion. This situation creates an important question for many
growers. “Where do I invest my money to get the best
return on my investment?”
One area many growers are considering investing extra
Soil test results for potash (Table 1) used the recom- dollars in is nutrient management. Fertilizer costs have ris-
mended ammonium acetate test for Ontario. Table 2 en in the past few years and will undoubtedly keep rising.
shows the average yield of the untreated check and Government agencies are also scrutinizing fertilizer use in
the treatment of 3 gal/ac of 2–20–18 liquid fertilizer. the Midwest from an environmental quality perspective.
The two treatments did not show a statistical differ- Nitrogen is one of the most costly fertilizer inputs for many
ence over the three years of the trial. Midwestern corn growers and is considered a pollutant
Only one location (Lucan in 2010) showed a when it winds up in streams and rivers. Improved manage-
statistical response to the liquid fertilizer. The response ment of nitrogen fertilizer will benefit growers financially
does not appear to be tied to a “low” K soil test value and will help keep excess nitrogen out of our waterways.
as the soil test showed a value of 134 ppm K (LR). The There are many different ways to improve nitrogen
response at this site was significant, at 5.5 bu/ac, and management. The time of application, amount applied,
year had no effect. placement, and the form of nitrogen used are all consider-
ations to make when improving a nitrogen plan. One re-
Summary cent study I conducted with a grower in east-central Iowa
demonstrates how different sources, timing, and place-
The liquid fertilizer 2–20–18 was tested in soy-
ment of in-season nitrogen can affect corn grain yield.
beans at various locations, which had different soil
types, geography, and soil test values. This study was This study was conducted in two long-term corn on
conducted over three years at 15 locations. There corn fields with conventional tillage. The base nitrogen
was only one site that responded significantly to this program across all acres in both fields was 140 units of
fertilizer treatment. On average, there was no statisti- urea ammonium-nitrate (UAN) banded pre-plant with a
cally significant response to the added expense of this sidedress bar early in the spring. Then 40 units of UAN
fertilizer. were broadcast with a sprayer pre-plant with an herbi-
cide. One pass of vertical tillage incorporated the pre-
plant nitrogen before planting. This study consisted of
Contacts four different post-emerge nitrogen treatments focused on
Horst Bohner, OMAF, application timing, placement, and nitrogen source. Each
treatment replicate was 60 ft wide (twenty-four 30-inch
Brian Hall, OMAF,

doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-3 | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 11

Regional Roundup

rows) and 2,200 ft long. Treatments were replicated in

Table 1. Nitrogen treatments and yield results.
both fields as indicated below.

Treatment Field 1 average yield Field 2 average yield

Treatment summary
Untreated 164 bu/ac 125 bu/ac
• Untreated check—Base nitrogen program only:
2 reps/location SuperU 166 bu/ac 128 bu/ac

• SuperU—50 units broadcast at V8 growth stage: Sidedress 167 bu/ac 132 bu/ac
2 reps/location Y Drop 177 bu/ac 139 bu/ac
• Sidedress UAN—50 units injected with a coulter at
V4: 3 reps/location
in the soil. The Y Drop treatment placed the UAN right
• Y Drop UAN—50 units dribbled at the base of the at the base of the plant near the roots, which allowed the
plant at V12: 3 reps/location nitrogen to be in the root zone where it can be most effec-
The sidedress treatment was applied at the V4 growth tive, relying less on root growth or fertilizer movement in
stage with a 60-ft sidedress bar. Coulters at 30-inch spac- the soil for plant uptake. Also, the Y Drop treatment was
ing injected UAN approximately 4 inches deep between applied later in the growing season, immediately preced-
two corn rows. The SuperU treatment was applied with ing the time when a corn plant’s growth rate is increasing
a high-clearance broadcast spreader pulled by a tractor and nitrogen uptake is greatest (Fig. 2). The later applica-
at growth stage V8. The SuperU granules were simply tion of nitrogen right at the base of the plant where it can
broadcast over the crop canopy with most granules land- be more easily utilized is likely why the Y Drop treatment
ing on the soil surface. The Y Drop treatment was applied yielded more.
at growth stage V12. The Y Drop attachments, which allow Improving fertility management plans has a lot of po-
the UAN to be dribbled below the crop canopy at the tential benefits. If growers increase yield levels by simply
base of the plants (see Fig. 1 below), were installed on a changing how or when they apply nutrients, while using
60-ft high-clearance sprayer boom. the same or even less fertilizer, profits will go up and envi-
Yields of each treatment replicate were collected with ronmental losses will be reduced. I encourage everyone to
a calibrated John Deere GS3 yield monitor and averaged review their fertility programs and consider trying some-
for each treatment at each location. The lack of rainfall thing new on a few acres. Have a safe growing season,
during the growing season reduced yields by roughly and see you in the fields!
30% in both fields, and yield variability was higher than
normal. The observed data in both fields trended similarly
among treatments, with the most dramatic yield improve-
ment found in the Y Drop treatment (see Table 1).
So why did we see improved yields in the Y Drop treat-
ment? Dry weather results in less movement of fertilizer

Fig. 2. Corn N uptake throughout the growing season.

(Source: Ritchie, S.W., J.J. Hanway, and G.O. Benson. 1993. How a
corn plant develops. Iowa State Univ. Spec. Rep. 48. Iowa State Univ.,
Fig. 1. Y Drop attachments on a John Deere sprayer. Ames.)

12 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

U.S. Southern
You too, have a niche in the locally grown market

By Dennis J. Osborne, Ph.D., J.D., CPSC, and

Licensed Professional Soil Scientist in North Carolina
Raleigh, NC

In many places across the South, multiple tomato plants at a roadside stand and experienced strong
generations of a producer family may long have raised
extensive acreage of soybeans and corn. In addition to a Local newspaper stories about “alternative agriculture”
vegetable garden, a row of tomatoes or patch of pecan systems inspire new growers, too. Typical of such stories
trees often was tended near the family dwelling. These is one entitled “Study Shows Value of Buying Local,” in
personal-use plantings will be there this year too, all which more than half of customer dollars were shown to
across the South. However, in many areas, expansions of stay in the local community. The same article emphasized
such plots are now being considered for possible use as strong local demand for locally produced cut flowers,
economic mainstays for traditional producers and for new another emerging market (Campbell, 2013).
“sustainable” production If your consulting work
units. These are the newest has earned you a good rep-
components of the Ameri- utation and the trust of an
can fresh produce system. experienced traditional cli-
These fresh fruit and ent base, it is almost certain
fresh produce enterprises that someone will ask you
are becoming the total en- for advice on growing fruit
terprise for a new genera- and vegetables this year. It
tion of southerners, many is possible you may know
of whom are relatively new as much about watermelon
to agricultural enterprises. production as you do soy-
A common core of reasons bean production. Whether
seems to be driving this you do or not, you should
change from field crops realize different markets are
to other crops. Among sought for different crops
other reasons, the impetus and that market structures Photo courtesy of Flickr/North Charleston’s Photostream
to grow these new crops for fresh produce are very
might spring from a desire to fill a perceived demand for different from what you may be used to for row crops.
locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables. Maybe last Also consider that what seems to be a request for
year’s venture into “community supported agriculture” technical advice may be a marketing inquiry in disguise.
proved profitable or very personally satisfying, and the Because there is a relatively new national food safety sys-
grower wants to expand. tem in place, you might also consider that you really are
In very recent years, a driver for some who have not being asked how to grow a crop that can be sold in this
been traditional agronomists is hope that a fresh produce new food safety system.
enterprise may replace a vanished “day job.” “Think
how much I could make with a quarter acre” is a logical Expand your business and provide a service
extrapolation for one who last year sold fruit from a dozen
Of course, you can learn fruit and vegetable produc-
tion, but remember, in many southern states, there are
specialized Cooperative Extension agents for EACH crop. | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 13

Regional Roundup

Such advisers’ working lives have been devoted to things Fruits and Vegetables (FDA, 1998A). The Guide defined
like watermelon production. You have an opportunity GAPs and showed interested parties how they could iden-
to expand your business and provide a needed service: tify potential fresh produce contamination sources.
direct your inquirer to a production expert while you help Further, the Guide suggested that using GAPs could re-
the inquirer develop his or her enterprise in food produc- duce or eliminate potential contamination. The FDA pub-
tion. lished guidance for such industries in the Federal Register
Currently, you do your traditional clients a service by (FDA, 1998B), apparently looking towards an integrated
recommending or performing fall and spring services. national food safety framework. FDA realized users would
These services are usually production-specific advice and have to fill in details implementing the framework.
data analysis. In contrast, you can develop an entirely Certainly, large buyers and sellers have staff who ap-
different service for actual or potential non-traditional plied these concepts to their operations. Because regional
clients. Because the items these new growers want to raise fresh produce buyers develop and apply national market
are food items, you can help them set sail through the standards, such standards are de facto regional standards.
national or local fresh produce market system. The ship National application of regional standards means that
you need to understand is not maximizing production, it food safety aspects of a regional fresh produce industry
is maximizing food safety. can be addressed on a local producer scale, while market
Particularly because many grocery store chains are now development can be addressed on either the regional or
actively seeking locally grown produce (and cut flowers), national scale.
you can help your new clients shape their operations so What the large producers have done is what your
that they grow what will sell readily and at the best price. smallest producers can do too, with your help. Where
They can distinguish themselves in the market by being you can help is by being able to guide the small grower
able to prove their product is safe food, not necessarily through the GAPs and GAPs audit maze. Your work can
cheap food. be analogous to that of a certified public accountant at tax
Consumers have long trusted that food handlers (in- time. While anyone can download tax forms, not every-
cluding producers, processors, and preparers) use proce- one can get them filled out correctly. Tax accountants
dures ensuring that food products arrive to the consumer provide an assistive and interpretive interface between
clean, safe, and ready to eat. While such trust is still the federal audit standards and local tax filers.
rule, both potential crop sabotage and actual foodborne Similarly, GAPs audits seem to be, and are, very
disease outbreaks have made consumers less willing to straightforward, but the devil is in the details. The details
rely on faith alone as assurance of food quality. Most you need to master are not complex but do require tailor-
persons today probably wonder: “How do I know this is ing to each operation. The tailoring is where farm-related
safe to eat?” consultants can possibly expand services into the emerg-
Critical inquiry is warranted. As with meat and poultry, ing local foods movement. The details you should master
fresh produce is subject to bacterial contamination from are in the areas of:
Listeria, Salmonella, and other microorganisms Contami-
• Preharvest
nation can come from many places: bird droppings falling
into harvest bins, bacterially contaminated water, and • Harvest
farm workers touching produce. Large growers, long ago • Personnel cleanliness
realized the necessity of creating growing and marketing • Storage
systems that ensure clean produce moves to market. This
national food safety program is based on a philosophical • Transport
and practical framework developed by the U.S. Food and • Unpacking and display
Drug Administration (FDA) in conjunction with growers. These are the general areas in which small produc-
ers can demonstrate they follow food safety procedures
Good agricultural practices just like the largest producers. Just as with tax items for
accountants, GAPs and Good Handling Practice Audit
Ultimately its framework utilizes “Good Agricultural
materials are readily available for your use in helping your
Practices” (GAPs) and GAPs third-party or self-audits
clients become certified as safe food producers. For exam-
based on (1) common sense and (2) checklists relating risk
ple, a standard checklist from the USDA entitled “Good
management principles to fresh produce operations. The
Agricultural Practices Good Handling Practices Audit Veri-
checklists are in many places online, and every grower
fication Checklist” can be found at:
can check his/her operation against this national standard.
AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELPRDC5091326. Many
For the fresh produce industry, FDA released the Guide other similar items are readily available for your use. By
to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh

14 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

using them, you can enable your small producers to meet
national standards. Through such verifications, the small-
est grower can be on equal footing with the largest in the
local sales markets.
As to who would build these programs, this author
suggested to a bramble fruit growers conference:

“Extending HACCP-like programs to minimal-process op-

erations represent(s) a considerable change from past prac-
tice. This is because minimal-process operations have usu-
ally been regulated in a manner similar to that applicable to
raw agricultural commodities. GAPs represent a shift, one
of increasing reliance on self-regulation after education. The
diversity of American fresh produce agricultural practices
and commodities forced authors of the Guide to note that
practices recommended to minimize microbial contamina-
tion would be most effective when adapted to specific op-
erations (emphasis added). This meant that broad statements
of intent were supplied, with implementation and interpreta-
tion left to the states and the industry.”

Equal footing in a market is obtained not just by stan-

dards compliance. It also comes about when a specific
small grower in a specific market finds a simple way to
increase margin. For instance, one consultant in North
Carolina helped a vegetable grower increase profit by
convincing the grower to begin washing field containers.
This reduced wastage caused by microbially related spoil-
age from microbes associated with unwashed containers.
Her story is not unique and shows that regulatory
changes intended to address consumer food safety may
have the unintended consequence of making growers
more profitable. You can expand your services while
helping ensure the nation’s fresh produce moves safely to
market. There are many more small producers than large
ones, and they are a largely untapped market for your
agricultural consulting services.

Campbell, C. 2013. Study shows value of buying local.
News and Observer [Raleigh, NC], April 3, 2013.
FDA. 1998A. Guide to minimize microbial food safety
hazards for fresh fruits and vegetables. Food Safety
Initiative Staff HFS- 32. United States Food and Drug
Administration, Washington, DC.
FDA. 1998B. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point (HACCP): Procedures for the safe and sani-
tary processing and importing of juice. Fed. Regist.
Osborne, D.J., D.C. Sanders, J.W. Rushing, and D.R.
Ward. 2004. Interpreting the New National Fresh
Produce Food Safety System. In Proceedings of North
American Bramble Growers Association, February
21, 2004. Savannah, GA. | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 15

Regional Roundup

U.S. Northeast
Effect of cereal cover crop species on full-season
soybean performance
By Dr. Robert Kratochvil, Extension
Specialist–Grain and Oil Crops, University of

Does choice of cereal cover crop species study years); and at both Wye and Beltsville (2) early kill
date for all treatments (ranged from April 13 to April 23);
affect full-season soybean? Does cereal cover crop kill
date matter? These are questions that soybean farmers and (3) late kill date for all treatments (ranged from May
are asking as Maryland cover crop acreage continues to 2 to May 16). Soybean varieties Asgrow brand 3539RR2
increase. (mid MG 3) and Asgrow brand 4630RR2 (mid-MG 4) were
planted into all cover crop treatments between two and
To address these questions, three years of research was three weeks after the last kill date. Soybean harvest dates
conducted by planting three cereal species (barley, wheat, were considered normal, ranging from October 17 to
and rye) as cover crops at the Wye Research and Educa- November 3 during the three years.
tion Center (fall 2009 and 2010) and Central Maryland
R&E Center–Beltsville (fall 2010 and 2011). A treatment Approximately three weeks after planting, stand emer-
of no cover crop (only fall–winter weed growth) also was gence was assessed to see if the cover crop species or kill
included. Three (Wye) and two (Beltsville) cover crop date treatments impacted stand establishment. Over the
spring kill dates that supported varying amounts of cover three-year period, no emergence differences were ob-
crop biomass production were used. The kill dates at Wye served, indicating that neither choice of cereal cover crop
are defined as (1) extra early kill for only the rye and the nor spring kill date had a detrimental effect on soybean
no-cover treatments (mid- to late March during the two germination and emergence. The most important criterion
when planting full-season soybean into a
cereal cover crop is attainment of good
seed–soil contact.
Starting approximately mid-June each
year, a weekly measurement of growth
stage progression was done by randomly
selecting five plants in each plot, deter-
mining the growth stage according to Fehr
and Caviness (1971), and averaging the
growth stage. The primary growth differ-
ences observed were associated with the
two varieties. Both varieties progressed
through vegetative growth similarly, and
the onset of reproductive growth always
was observed for the earlier of the two va-
rieties, as expected. The weekly readings
continued until early- to mid-September.
Occasionally, only very minor differences
in growth stage progression for the soy-
beans were observed for either the cover
crop species or the kill date treatments.
These differences were inconsistent across


16 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

Career Center

the assessment dates and are considered to have no influence on

soybean growth and performance.
Soybean yield (72 bu/ac average) was excellent during the three Crops & Soils magazine is accepting job
years. The most consistent yield difference observed was associated announcements for print and online post-
with variety; however, there was no consistent trend favoring one ing. A position announcement in Crops &
over the other. At Wye, the MG 3 variety produced better than the Soils magazine connects you to more than
MG 4 variety during 2009–2010, and the opposite occurred during 14,000 certified professionals and 1,500
2010–2011. During 2010–2011 at Beltsville, the MG 4 variety students with the knowledge, skills, and cre-
was best, and during 2011–2012, there was no yield difference dentials you can count on.
between the two. The deadline for print job listings is the
Response of soybean yield performance to cover crop species first of the month preceding publication
and kill date varied by location. During the two years at the Wye, (e.g., December 1 for the January–February
a cover crop species × kill date interaction was observed. For the issue). Charges are based on the number of
March kill date (extra early), soybeans planted into the no-cover- characters.
crop treatment produced 10% (2009–2010) and 4% (2010–2011) For complete information about adver-
better than soybeans following rye. tising opportunities, including packages and
For the 2010 April kill date (early), soybeans planted following rates, and to submit a listing, visit www.
any of the three cover crop species produced the same (62 bu/ac), Please email jobs@
but soybeans following the no-cover treatment yielded nearly 10% or call 608-273-8080 if
more (68 bu/ac). In 2011, the April kill date produced no yield dif- you have questions.
ferences (~67.5 bu/ac average) among the four cover treatments.
For the two years that the study was conducted at Beltsville,
there was no cover crop species × kill date interaction during Internship/Assistantship
2010–2011, but in 2011–2012, this interaction was significant.
At Beltsville in 2010–2011, soybeans planted where cover crops Montana–Research Assistantship. Montana State
were killed during April produced over 6% greater than soybeans University, Bozeman, seeks highly motivated ap-
following the May kill date. However, during this study year, there plicants for graduate research assistantship in the
were no differences in soybean yield associated with any of the Department of Land Resources and Environmental
cover crop treatments. Sciences and Montana Agricultural Experiment
Station. Research will focus on sustainability of
During 2011–2012, soybeans following either barley or wheat
agricultural practices and increasing fertilizer and
cover crop produced the same for the two kill dates. However,
water use efficiency while maintaining environmen-
soybeans that followed either rye or the no-cover-crop treatment
tal integrity. The successful applicant must hold a
produced approximately 12% greater following the May kill date.
Masters degree in Agronomy or related field from
Based on three years of data collected in this study, answers to an accredited institution. Preference will be given
the two primary questions about soybean performance following to applicants with interest and training/experience
cereal cover crops are: in soil fertility and nutrient management, precision
agriculture. The student will receive a full waiver of
1. Does choice of cereal cover crop species affect the perfor- tuition and fees (excluding health insurance) and a
mance of full-season soybean?
monthly stipend of approximately $1,500/month for
The performance of full-season soybean following a cereal up to eight semesters and three summers. To apply,
cover crop cannot be predicted by the cereal species grown. please email the following to Dr. Olga Walsh at olga.
Differences may occur, but they will be associated with (1) a letter of interest that de-
location and kill date. scribes your professional goals and highlights your
qualifications; (2) a Curriculum Vitae (including
2. Does cereal cover crop kill date influence soybean perfor- GPA, and GRE scores); and (3) contact information,
including email addresses, for three (3) academic or
The optimum kill date for cereal cover crops followed by professional references.
full-season soybean is difficult to predict. Factors that can
affect soybean performance for any particular kill date are
location, year, weather, and variety. Find more job listings at
Article courtesy of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Agronomist
Quarterly Newsletter | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 17

Meet the Professional

Conservation: a family tradition

and a way of life for Earl Garber
By Madeline Fisher
Science Communications Manager

Growing up on a dairy farm in Louisiana,

Garber was
ing period, he jokes, “because you
get the opportunity to stay there and
on the outskirts of Lafayette, LA, Earl
Garber learned the same skills all elected in early do the same job every day.” That’s
farm kids do: How to milk cows and February to a why when he went to college at what
grow corn for silage and how to cul- two-year term is now the University of Louisiana at
tivate pasture grass and harvest hay. as president of Lafayette, Garber chose agronomy as
the National his major. “I didn’t mind growing the
But Garber’s father was also Association grass,” he laughs. “I just didn’t want
founding chairman of the Lafayette of Conserva- to have to milk the cows.”
Soil and Water Conservation District, Earl Garber
tion Districts Upon graduating, Garber went to
and that meant every agronomic (NACD)—the organization represent-
teaching also contained a lesson work as a soil scientist for the Soil
ing the 3,000 conservation districts Conservation Service (now NRCS).
in conservation. Pastures on the across the country that work to
family’s farm were always planted But it wasn’t long before farming
protect natural resources on private lured him back. In 1978, Garber, his
on erosion-prone hillsides, while lands. In 2002, he also became a
flatter land was reserved for corn. brother, and his father launched a
CCA, and his participation in both business, Garber Farms. The opera-
Any water that did run off cornfields organizations has left him more
was directed through grass filters to tion grew soybeans and sweet pota-
convinced than ever of the wisdom toes and marketed Louisiana-grown
remove sediments and nutrients. Per- of his father’s approach.
manent pastures also weren’t tilled; sweet potatoes all over the country.
instead Garber’s father would simply Garber’s brother and his brother’s
overseed bermudagrass with ryegrass Conservation: A hidden sons still run the business today, but
when the time came to rotate, so that agronomic practice Garber left the partnership in 2001
there was constant ground cover. to join a local seed company, G&H
“Conservation on farms or other Seed Co., as field service manager.
Conservation was in fact so working lands is a big part of how
central to the farm’s operations that So, after 25 years as a farmer, he now
producers have become more ef- advises other growers. And the first
Garber never learned to see the two ficient, whether it’s precision-leveling
as separate, and he keeps many of thing he did when he took the new
to save irrigation dollars or structures job is earn his CCA certification.
the same traditions on his own land that control erosion,” Garber says.
today. “I’ve got a farm laid out very “That gave me the credibility
“I’ve always said conservation is a
similar to the way my father did,” when I went out to the producer,” he
hidden agronomic practice. The two
Garber says. “It’s that type of leader- says. “It showed I had the knowledge
tie together every day, and young
ship that I followed.” and capability to make those recom-
producers especially are looking for
Garber may be following his mendations.”
opportunities to protect their resourc-
father’s example, but he has also be- es while making good yields and a Certification and licensing (Garber
come a leader in his own right. After decent income.” is also a Louisiana-licensed crop
decades of serving on local soil and consultant) will only become more
The grounding Garber received in
water conservation district boards critical as the world moves increas-
that philosophy as a youngster has
ingly toward “prescription” farming,
stayed with him his entire life. Then
he adds. At G&H Seed, for example,
doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-6 again, life on a dairy farm is ground-

18 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

Garber spends much of his time ac- also encouraging the organization’s farmer; we work on issues that touch
quiring grid-sampling data, which he mostly rural members to adopt new every American.” Water quality, for
then uses to advise farmers on preci- communication technologies, such instance, can be affected both by
sion application of fertilizers. And as Twitter and Facebook, as a way to urban stormwater and agricultural
it’s only a matter of time, he thinks, connect with their counterparts in runoff. Another grave concern is the
before farmers will also be required cities and suburbs. drawing down of aquifers that people
to apply herbicides based on official Why foster that connection? depend on for irrigation of farmland
recommendations. So he wants his As rural communities continue to and drinking water in cities.
field representatives to be ready. shrink in size and urban areas grow, But uniting disparate groups be-
“We just added two more, and Garber believes NACD must expand hind a common cause also requires
they need to earn their certification, beyond its traditional constituencies a special ability to appreciate both
but 7 out of our 10 reps are CCAs,” of farmer-landowners and rural land sides: that we all need to make a liv-
he says. “So, I’m trying to keep it managers and embrace suburban ing in the present, while also preserv-
going.” and urban dwellers, as well. “Every ing the environment for the future.
acre counts in America,” Garber That’s what Garber learned growing
says. “So, even if [people own] small up and why he’s so proud to serve as
Every acre counts acreage in an urban area, I think president of NACD, he says.
Of course, what Garber most we need to convince them that the “We try to be the ones in the mid-
passionately wants to keep going is money invested by the public in con- dle who can talk to both sides so we
the success of NACD. In the coming servation has been a good investment can come to an agreement on how to
months, he expects to spend many and should continue. have working lands in America pro-
hours working to ensure NACD’s 10 “The thing about NACD,” he duce adequate food, fiber, and fuel,
farm bill “principles” end up in the adds, “is that we cross every sec- and not abuse the resources made
bill that finally passes into law. He is tor in America. It’s not just the available to us,” he says. | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 19

Integrated Pest Management

Planning options
for managing herbicide resistance

By Peter Werts, Specialty Crop IPM

Project Coordinator, and Thomas Green,
Ph.D., CCA, TSP, President, IPM Institute
of North America

The March–April Crops Conservation Activity Plans tance Weed CAP contracts to farm-
& Soils magazine feature, “Choosing ers, totaling $182,868 in financial as-
“When resistant pigweed first
the Path of Least [Herbicide] Resis- sistance covering more than 100,000
came out a few years back, old
tance,” emphasized that successful acres. Once a CAP is complete,
mindsets made it difficult to control,”
management of herbicide-resistant farmers can apply for additional as-
reports Arkansas NRCS agronomist
weeds requires an integrated, multi- sistance through EQIP to implement
John Lee. “We were being reactive
strategy approach. A variety of tactics conservation and weed management
in a lot of cases and not proactive. In
are available, including rotating practices identified in the plan.
2012 when I drove across the state,
herbicide modes of action, cover control looked a lot better.” To help
crops, tillage, crop rotation, and make that improvement, Lee reports
cleaning equipment when moving that NRCS relied on assistance from
from infested to clean fields. more than 35 crop advisers who
Careful planning is required to become qualified as NRCS Technical
make sure the suite of approaches is Service Providers (TSPs).
tailored to the site. Which weeds are Each TSP worked with farmer cli-
present and where? Which scouting ents enrolled in NRCS’s Environmen-
techniques will generate the most tal Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
useful information? Which suppres- to develop integrated Pest Manage-
sion tactics are effective for each ment (IPM) Herbicide Resistance
weed? Which approaches are the Weed Conservation Activity Plans
best fit for the farmer and the time (CAPs). These plans comprehensively
and equipment available? What natu- address resistant-weed management
ral resources are present and need to on each farm, and identify and pro-
be considered to minimize impacts? tect natural resources, to successfully
Collecting all of the appropriate solve weed control failures. Each
information and assembling a cost- plan includes weed management
effective plan can be a time-consum- practices, conservation practices, and
ing task for any consultant, especially guidelines for implementation. NRCS
when working with a new client. provides financial assistance to help
A USDA-NRCS program provides a cover the costs of plan development
new option that is making a differ- for enrolled farmers.
ence in Arkansas. In fiscal year 2012, Arkansas
NRCS awarded 138 Herbicide Resis-

20 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013

Arkansas produces a full range Recruiting crop advisers Subsequent trainings have addressed
of commodities and is number one RUSLE2 and WIN-PST, required
According to Lee, “Arkansas has
in the nation for rice production software for conservation and IPM
one of the worst pigweed problems
and 10th in soybeans. Cotton, corn, planning that helps predict soil and
in the country. When NRCS decided
and wheat are also economically pesticide losses from cropland.
we needed to offer CAPs, our first
important. Across all commodities,
thing we realized is that we have a
Arkansas has 19 weeds resistant to
one or more herbicide modes of
problem because there was no one Expanding opportunities
action. The additional cost to man-
who can help get the work done.” for farmers, consultants,
age resistant barnyardgrass alone in Becoming qualified as a TSP can and resource protection
Arkansas rice has been estimated to be a lengthy process. Candidates
be about $26/ac. start by obtaining USDA eAuthenti- “We’re hoping as TSPs get new
cation and are required to complete clients, they will get farmers who
online training modules. They must don’t have current access to consul-
also meet criteria for experience. A tants,” Lee says. “These farmers are
valid CCA credential or a state-issued probably less likely to be having suc-
pesticide applicator or pest control cess managing resistant weeds.”
adviser license can serve to meet NRCS CAP payment rates to
those criteria. Finally, consultants participating farmers begin at $1,697
must demonstrate knowledge and per farm. The average row crop
proficiency in IPM and conservation farm in Arkansas is between 700
planning by submitting a sample CAP and 1,400 acres, which qualifies for
for approval by NRCS. the maximum payment of $3,393.
Recognizing that no consultants Higher payments are available for
had pursued TSP certification for the historically underserved or limited-
CAP, John Lee and colleagues inves- resource farmers.
tigated the potential to develop an After this initial round of CAPs
intensive training. The proposal was training is completed, Lee plans to
Pigweed. University strongly supported by stakeholders organize more trainings to encourage
of Arkansas Division including the Arkansas Association crop advisers to become qualified for
of Agriculture.
of Conservation Districts (AACD) and IPM, nutrient management, irrigation
the University of Arkansas weed sci- management, and other CAP and
ences program. Financial support for EQIP implementation contracts. He
hotel, food, registration, and materi- looks forward to having a strong net-
als was provided by BASF, Bayer, work of TSPs offering comprehensive
Dow, DuPont, MANA, Monsanto, conservation planning services to ad-
and Valent. dress needs not only in Arkansas, but
The initial three-day TSP train- also Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ten-
ing was expected to attract 20 CCAs nessee, which face similar resource
working in the state; 51 participants and management challenges.
enrolled, including CCAs from With the growing season well
several ag retailers. “The training on its way, farmers in Arkansas and
was designed to accomplish, in a across the country will be busy
very short time frame, what can take fighting resistant weeds. Learn more
weeks or months to complete on about your client’s opportunities with
your own,” wrote Andrew Wargo, NRCS, and consider becoming a TSP
AACD board delegate, in a memo to provide the necessary technical
summarizing the training. services. Information on becoming a
Not all “graduates” were imme- TSP is available on the USDA’s TSP
diately ready to develop CAPs. “It’s Registry at
a lot to develop an understanding Each state NRCS office also has a
of how to use mapping and GIS to TSP coordinator who can help. For a
manage fields and become efficient directory of coordinators, visit
in IPM planning,” according to Lee.

May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 21


CCA program hires

marketing manager
By Chris Zimmerman
Crops & Soils magazine contributing writer

In 2013, its 20th year, the CCA in 2007 with a

B.S. in agricul-
his own business, Welsh Agronomy.
The company provides hybrid corn,
program is looking back on two de-
cades of success. But it’s also looking tural business soybeans, and alfalfa to growers in
forward. In February, Eric Welsh was management, a the southern part of the state.
hired as Program Manager for CCA degree he didn’t His work experience after college
Marketing and Communications, and imagine receiv- has provided a fitting transition to
he’s expected to play a key role in ing when he becoming part of the CCA program.
the program’s future. began college. “I “I learned a lot about building rela-
didn’t grow up tionships and hanging onto custom-
Welsh’s initial focus is to improve Eric Welsh
on a farm,” says ers,” Welsh says. “And I did a lot of
communication with the program’s Welsh, who is from Hudson, a small
37 local boards in the United States crop scouting and made fertilizer,
town on Wisconsin’s western border chemical, and rotational recommen-
and Canada to help them increase about 30 miles from Minneapolis,
their numbers. “My primary func- dations.”
MN. “I came to Madison to study
tion right now is marketing the CCA Luther Smith, director of certifica-
business, but then agriculture came
program and organizing promotional tion and licensing, helped hire Welsh
along. I liked the professors and the
efforts at the local level,” he says. earlier this year. “We were look-
people I worked with on a regular
“Basically, we’re trying to lever- ing for an enthusiastic person with
age our existing network of CCA experience in the private sector in
boards across North America to get After graduation, Welsh became agricultural sales,” he says. “Eric has
the program the proper marketing it a sales representative for Syngenta. that and understands marketing and
deserves.” He promoted and sold Syngenta communications well.”
products throughout all of western
The 27-year-old graduated from Only three months into his new
Wisconsin for four years before
the University of Wisconsin–Madison role, Welsh has already familiar-
leaving the company in 2011 to start
ized himself with the history of the
CCA program. “The program has
never adjusted its standards just to
Submit your outstanding Extension materials increase certification numbers, and
we’re never going to do that,” he
for recognition says. “Maintaining high standards for
Share your creative and useful educational materials and programs with certification is what’s most important
colleagues and receive recognition for their superior achievement through the to us.”
American Society of Agronomy’s (ASA) Educational Materials Awards Pro- Smith and Welsh both agree that
gram. A Certificate of Excellence will be awarded for each entry that demon- increasing the number of CCAs will
strates overall superior quality. Certificates will be presented at the Extension be the biggest priority for the pro-
Education Business meeting during the ASA Annual Meetings, and all entries gram in the coming years. “CCA cer-
receiving awards will be displayed at the meetings. tification establishes a structure for
View the category descriptions and rules at continuing, lifelong learning, which
membership/divisions/a04/descriptions-rules-13.pdf. Download the entry form improves the overall performance
at of the agronomy profession,” Smith
Submit the requested materials by July 19, 2013. Good luck!

24 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

says. “Eric will help us implement
strategies that will build awareness of
the program with farmers, employers, Download the CCA app to record your CEUs
and potential CCAs.” Do you have a smart phone? If so, we have a new app that quickly and easily
Welsh says his main goal is gets the CEUs from a conference onto your CEU report! It is easy to use, and
working with young profession- CEUs will be in your records within 24 hours of being reported. Just follow these
als and college undergrads to get easy instructions:
them involved in the program early.
Currently, CCAs under the age of 35
make up approximately 16% of the
Downloading the app
program’s members. Welsh believes 1. Access the app using the links below or the QR codes:
the key to improving these numbers
is encouraging students to take the iPhone app: id541038641
CCA exam before they graduate. If Android app:
they pass, they can apply for CCA bravuratech.CCA&hl=en_GB
candidate status. Once they get at
least two years of agricultural experi-
ence after receiving their bachelor’s
degree, they can then apply for their
CCA credential.
“If we increase the awareness at iPhone Android
the college level, we’ll be putting
Or you can also search for the app through the appropriate app store on
more young professionals in the job
your device using the term “Certified Crop Adviser.” Unfortunately, the
market with that set of skills,” Welsh
app is not yet ready for the Windows phone.
says. “More employers will hire these
people and then they’ll start to see 2. Download the free app and log in with your CCA log-in information (email
the program’s value as a necessity for address and password we have on file for you)—you will only need to do
the agricultural industry.” this once.
He’d also like to see the Interna-
tional Certified Crop Adviser (ICCA)
Using the app
of the Year award receive more at-
tention from industry professionals. 1. When you are at any meeting that has pre-approved CCA CEUs, you’ll see
“If we could get more major agricul- a QR code on the sign-in sheet.
tural and environmental employers
involved, we could make the award 2. Launch the app, click on “scan course code” and hover your phone over
more significant and visible to add the QR code.
value to certification,” Welsh says.
“It’s a good way to show the public 3. Once the QR code is recognized, click “sign-in,” and you will receive a
the CCA program’s dedication to message that says, “Thank you for signing in to the session.”
agricultural production and the con-
servation of our natural resources.”
4. When you receive that message, simply return home to the start of the app.
Please note that a course will not scan more than one time. If you acciden-
In the short-term, Welsh will
tally scan a second time, you will receive a message that says, “This course has
remain focused on raising awareness
already been processed into your education history—duplicate entries are not
of the CCA program and its important
role in continuing education. “We
need to improve the value of the Traditional sign-in sheets will still be provided at the meeting where you sign
program by working through under- your certification number and name if you do not have a smart phone.
grads, employers, and growers at the Look for the CCA app at the next educational event you attend. If you don’t
local level,” he says. “If we continue see it, encourage the vendor to start submitting its CCA CEU applications in
working with growers and create advance of the meeting so that the app can be used. Some vendors still submit
more awareness for the program, after the event is held, and this inadvertently prevents the use of the new tech-
that’s going to create the implicit nology. The app is easy to use, reduces time to record
value. And that’s what we’re after.” information, and speeds up the reporting process. doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-9 | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 25


CCA survey on weed resistance

yields ‘eye-opening’ results
By Madeline Fisher
Science Communications Manager

Last December, the lead- CCA program’s

13,000 certified
ment) spring conference in Crystal
City, VA, on whether voluntary
ership of the CCA program asked
CCAs to take part in an online survey professionals is stewardship of herbicide resistance is
on the issue of herbicide-resistant precisely what working. Karl Anderson, director of
weeds. CCAs responded in droves. she was after, government relations for the Ameri-
By the time the survey closed in early Asmus adds. can Society of Agronomy, is also
January 2013, nearly 1,700 people Asked last fall now working with his counterpart
had answered questions about the to represent at WSSA to assemble a group of key
resistant weed pressure in their areas, CCAs, farmers, organizations and people—including
and ag retail- Amy Asmus CCAs, of course—who will collabo-
the most effective management tools
and approaches, and the obstacles ers on a panel rate on the next steps in the fight
to achieving wider adoption of best on herbicide resistance at the 2013 against resistant weeds.
management practices (BMPs) in the Weed Science Society of America Most important, the leaders and
fight against herbicide resistance. (WSSA) annual meeting in Baltimore, staff of the CCA program are begin-
MD, Asmus realized she needed to ning to discuss mechanisms for tap-
Eighty-six percent of the respon- understand what a broad cross-sec-
dents were from the United States, ping into the knowledge and experi-
tion of CCAs actually thought about ence of many more CCAs, not just
and 14% were from Canada. Four the issue.
CCAs in India also participated, as on herbicide resistance, but on other
did one in Mexico. Not too sur- So after developing the survey pressing issues, as well. As a certi-
prisingly, the largest number of in November 2012 and collecting fication program, the CCA program
responses in North America came responses throughout December, she must remain neutral at all times,
from the north-central United States brought the results to the February Asmus cautions; however, “it’s also
(977, or 58% of the total). But it was meeting in Baltimore. The survey important for us to be in the discus-
the answers from other regions—the findings will be reported to CCAs in sion and bring our perspectives on
American and Canadian West, the an upcoming issue of Crops & Soils issues because we’re the ones who
U.S. Southeast—that were of greatest magazine. But, in the meantime, they work with growers day to day.”
interest to International CCA Program were “eye-opening” to her fellow That’s exactly what she sees hap-
Chair Amy Asmus, a chemical ag panelists, Asmus says, which includ- pening now with resistant weeds:
retailer who herself lives and works ed weed and social scientists and CCAs have been heard through the
in Iowa. representatives from industry and survey, avenues of communication
government. “[The panelists realized] are opening up, and people are start-
“The survey showed me that I it’s the people on the ground who are
have my perspective but that there ing to work together to address the
actually facing this problem and that problem. “It’s a little snowball right
are many more perspectives out these people need to be involved in
there,” Asmus says. “It made me now,” Asmus says. “But it could get
being part of the solution,” she says. to be an avalanche.”
realize that geography really does “So I think the survey accomplished
play a role in your perception, your Stay tuned for the results of the
great things.”
knowledge, and the way you deal survey, which will appear in an
with resistant weeds.” Some of those things included an upcoming issue of Crops & Soils
invitation for Asmus to speak at the magazine.
Uncovering the diversity of CropLife America & RISE (Respon-
experience and expertise among the sible Industry for a Sound Environ-

26 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

CCAs advocate for
research funding
By Julie McClure
Science Policy Associate

In mid-March, CCAs;
members of the American Society
of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science
Society of America (CSSA), and Soil
Science Society of America (SSSA);
and graduate students from across
the U.S. came to Washington, DC to
meet with their congressional delega-
tion to raise awareness and support
for food, agriculture, and natural re-
sources research funding during the
fourth annual Congressional Visits
Day (CVD). Participants met with 56
congressional offices, specifically fo-
cusing on USDA agriculture research
programs—the Agricultural Research
Service and the Agriculture and Food
Research Initiative.
ASA, CSSA, and SSSA have a long
history of working to connect fun-
damental research discoveries to the
practical applications of this knowl-
edge. One shining example of this practical, from the lab to the Most Congressional Visits Day teams had a fac-
connection is seen in the involve- land. The CCAs described how ulty researcher, a graduate student, and a CCA.
ment of the International Certified they depended on unbiased Above are (l to r) CSSA President Mark Brick,
Crop Adviser (ICCA) program, which research, done at land grant grad student Tara Wood, and CCA Paul Tracy.
provides a benchmark for practicing universities, to help shape agri-
agronomy professionals who pro- cultural practices.
see how the investment in research
vide scientifically sound agronomic The importance of this “research
actually pays out at the farm gate,
advice to farmers. pipeline” is often lost on congres-
at the grain elevator, at the biofuel
For the 2013 CVD, the CCAs sional members and staff. “The CVD
plant. I think the Society–Student–
played a unique role in relaying the teams can illustrate how the ap-
Certificant teams can be a rather
importance of support for agriculture propriations are used to fund basic
unique combination that other enti-
research. Most CVD teams had a fac- research, which evolves into ap-
ties may not be able to easily match.”
ulty researcher, a graduate student, plied research, which spins off into
technologies and applications,” says Because of the success of the
and a CCA. These teams were able to CCA participation in the 2013 CVD,
describe how scientific knowledge ASA Science Policy Committee Chair
and CCA Fred Vocasek. “As the CVD the Science Policy Office hopes to
passes from the theoretical to the expand their participation in 2014.
teams present their [funding] ask, the
staffer or legislator has a chance to
doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-11 | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 27


Newly certified Stetson, James Michael, Henry, IL (CCA-IL, CPAg)

Swanson, Scott, Byron, IL (CCA-IL)
The following list includes newly certified individuals and those Vaughan, Christopher R, Forsyth, IL (CCA-IL)
who have added additional certifications since the last issue of
Crops & Soils magazine. Indiana
Dikeman, Justin R, Crawfordsville, IN (CCA-IN)
United States Hiner, Ryan L, Lafayette, IN (CCA-IN)
Mote, Marc William, Union City, IN (CCA-IN)
Arizona Murphy, Benjamin P, Rushville, IN (CCA-IN)
Andrade, Jesus Ulises, Yuma, AZ (CCA-AZ) Nicholson, Jacob Lee, Straughn, IN (CCA-IN)
Penny, Johnathan Liam, Yuma, AZ (CCA-AZ) Polesel, Travis A, Martinsville, IN (CCA-IN)
Shidler, Thad D, Clay City, IN (CCA-IN)
Truster, Mark L, Franklin, IN (CCA-IN)
Almasri, Mike, Watsonville, CA (CPAg, CCA-CA) Wagler, Chad D, Franklin, IN (CCA-IN)
Baker, Thad P, Willows, CA (CCA-CA)
Bakke, Richard L, Modesto, CA (CCA-CA) Kansas
Boone, Stephen Dale, Stanislaus, CA (CCA-CA) Blakeslee, Eric K, Washington, KS (CCA-KS)
Brooks, Kevin W, Fresno, CA (CCA-CA) Germann, Matthew D, Highland, KS (CCA-KS)
Diener, Mark Gregory, Fresno, CA (CCA-CA) Smarsh, Andy M, Garden City, KS (CCA-KS)
Dugo, Brian Andrew, Escalon, CA (CCA-CA) Wyrill, Jake, Kirwin, KS (CCA-KS)
Gruenwald, Stephen Michael, Orland, CA (CCA-CA, MM)
Isaak, Abraham Henry, Reedley, CA (CCA-CA) Michigan
Key, John W, Roseville, CA (CPSS-RET) Armbruster, Daniel T, Elkton, MI (CCA-MI)
Pinheiro, Phillip M, Arvin, CA (CCA-CA) Belson, Kala Leann, Coldwater, MI (CCA-MI)
Portugal, Michael A, Tulare, CA (CCA-CA, MM) Dunn, Shawn P, Pigeon, MI (CCA-MI)
Risorto, Sarah Paige, Clovis, CA (CCA-CA) Hegenauer, Ryan John, Richville, MI (CCA-MI)
Selzer, Tom, Helm, CA (CCA-CA) Holzwart, Scott A, Elton, MI (CCA-MI)
Suthers, Gary L, Bakersfield, CA (CCA-CA) Montealegre, Fernando, White Pigeon, MI (CCA-MI)
Veysey, Shawn Thomas, Greenfield, CA (CCA-CA) Pullis, John Paul, Oakley, MI (CCA-MI)
Wilson, Stewart G, Davis, CA (APSS) Rathbun, Wesley Alan, Owosso, MI (CCA-MI)
Woods, Gary L, Fresno, CA (CCA-CA) Rector, Natalie, Marshall, MI (CCA-MI)
Schaub, Steven Joseph, Caro, MI (CCA-MI)
Delaware Schneider, Justin Edward, Chesaning, MI (CCA-MI)
Jones, Lyle A, Dover, DE (CPSS-RET, CPSC-RET) Schwartz, James A, Leonidas, MI (CCA-MI)
Smith, Gary Jon, Caledonia, MI (CCA-MI, CPAg)
Timmer, Joseph C, Zeeland, MI (CCA-MI)
Keck, Jason B, Ogden, IA (CCA-WI)
Stamper, Joshua David, Saint Paul, MN (CCA-MN, CPAg)
Blaser, Gregory E., Rexburg, ID (CPAg, CCA-NW)
Mavencamp, Frederick, Wendell, ID (CCA-NW) Missouri
Rubert, Russell Steven, Saint Anthony, ID (CCA-NW, CPAg) Deitch, Clint G, Norborne, MO (CCA-MO)

Illinois North Dakota

Britenstine, Robert J, Adair, IL (CPAg , CCA-IL) O’Brien, Richard, LaMoure, ND (CCA-IL)
Burrow, David Alan, Altamont, IL (CCA-IL)
Chomycia, Jill Christine, Chicago, IL (CPSS) New Mexico
Gerber, Jason C, Toulon, IL (CCA-IL) Clark, Emily McKindley, Albuquerque, NM (CPSS)
Gilbert, Ryan Eugene, Byron, IL (CCA-IL, CPAg)
Jones, Douglas M, West Brooklyn, IL (CCA-IL) Nevada
Meinhart, Pat J, Wheeler, IL (CCA-IL) Weber, Nathaniel Seth, Reno, NV (CPAg, CCA-CA)
Paddock, Travis K, West Liberty, IL (CCA-IL)
Parsons, Bryce William, Red Bud, IL (CCA-IL) New York
Perkins, Jonathan Allen, Strasburg, IL (CCA-IL) Reeves, Geoffrey W, Lansing, NY (CCA-NR)
Schramer, Lee Marcus, Maple Park, IL (CCA-IL) Thorn, Ronald D, Clyde, NY (CCA-NR)

28 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

Bollenbacher, Dennis M, Rockford, OH (CCA-OH)
Daniels, Donald H, Wakeman, OH (CCA-OH)
Douridas, Nathan N, London, OH (CCA-OH)
Halter, Luke M, Scott, OH (CCA-OH)
Hendricks, Kelli E, Bellevue, OH (CCA-OH)
Ramsier, Dustin Paul, Sterling, OH (CCA-OH)
Spreng, Jonathan Michael, Loudonville, OH (CCA-OH)

Kochuba, Michael Nicholas, Bentleyville, PA (CPSS)
Remsberg, John Charles, New Providence, PA (CCA-PA)

South Carolina
Currie, Steven, Folly Beach, SC (CPSS)
Shumaker, Paul Daniel, Florence, SC (CPSS)

South Dakota
Fargo, William L, Yankton, SD (CCA-RET)
Nielson, Justin B, Pierre, SD (CCA-SD)

Booker, Brennan Cory, Milan, TN (CCA-TN)

Braden, Chris A, Veribest, TX (CCA-TX)
Garcia, Lawrence Chase, Midland, TX (CPAg, CCA-TX)
Hoyle, John R, Wall, TX (CCA-TX)
Janak, Travis W, Ganado, TX (CCA-TX)
Livesay, John Stewart, Sugar Land, TX (CCA-TX)

Hansen, Kurt Douglas, Roosevelt, UT (CCA-NW)
Van Dyke, Adam, West Jordan, UT (CCA-NW, CPAg)

Young, Sheri Butterfield, Orwell, VT (CPSS)

Didier, David J, Vancouver, WA (CCA-NW)
Lauer, David A, Prosser, WA (CPSS-RET)
Rolph, Steven G, Yakima, WA (CPSS-RET, CPSC-RET)
Tippett, Ryan A, Pasco, WA (CCA-NW)

Duffey, Ian Taylor, Janesville, WI (CCA-WI)
Kelly, Terence Terrill, Madison, WI (CCA-WI)
Schwalbach, Elizabeth A, Appleton, WI (CCA-WI)

Faber, Colleen D, Rozet, WY (CPSS)
Hergert, Holden James, Thermopolis, WY (APSS)

doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-12 | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 29

Self-Study CEUs

Effect of seeding rates on weed removal timing

in glyphosate-resistant soybean

Earn 1 CEU in Integrated Pest Management by reading

this article and completing the quiz at the end. Fill
out the attached questionnaire and mail it with a
$20 check (or provide credit card information) to
the American Society of Agronomy. Or, you can
save $5 by completing the quiz online at www.

Jason M. Sarver, University of Georgia,

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Tifton, Editor’s note: Following is a slightly modified version of
GA; Chad D. Lee and J. D. Green, University of an article that was originally published in Crop Manage-
Kentucky Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, ment. Due to space constraints, some tables along with
Lexington, KY; James H. Herbek and James R. the citations and Reference section are omitted but can
Martin, University of Kentucky Department of be accessed by viewing the original article at www.
Plant and Soil Sciences, Research and Education
Center, Princeton, KY soybean/

Between 1995 and 2010, soybean Historically, excessive seeding rates have been
recommended and used as a means of cheap insur-
seed costs increased from $13.32/ac to $59.20/ac, due
in large part to the introduction of glyphosate-resistant ance against poor emergence and to ensure early crop
cultivars. Glyphosate herbicide controls a broad canopy closure in order to maximize interception of
spectrum of weed species without causing injury or solar radiation and to improve competition with late-
reducing yield in glyphosate-resistant soybean cul- emerging weeds. As seed prices continue to rise and
tivars. Cultivars resistant to herbicide were seeded chemical seed treatment options increase, the practice
on 92% of United States soybean acres in 2008. The of planting extra seed for insurance purposes becomes
ubiquity of these cultivars, in combination with their less economically sound.
increasing cost, has led producers to re-evaluate the As canopy closure and solar radiation intercep-
seeding rate necessary to achieve maximum yields. tion near 100%, crop growth rate and photosynthesis
Because soybean yields do not necessarily decrease as are maximized. In order to achieve maximum yield,
seeding rates decrease, a significant reduction in the soybean has been shown to require full canopy clo-
seeding rate may become a viable option for decreas- sure by R1, or 95% light interception at growth stage
ing production costs. R5. Similarly, full closure of the crop canopy prevents
solar radiation from reaching the soil surface and may
reduce the number of spray applications necessary to
Abbreviations: NTC, non-treated control; WAE, weeks after emergence;
WAP, weeks after planting; WF, weed free. doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-13

30 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

provide adequate weed control throughout the growing studies indicate that weed removal somewhere between
season. V1 to V3 is critical for maximum yield. An average 2%
Timing of glyphosate application is critical to weed yield loss per growth stage was observed as the cost of
control in glyphosate-resistant soybean. The effectiveness delaying weed control past this critical period.
of glyphosate is determined by the time of application Past studies have addressed soybean yields as they
relative to weed seedling emergence, and in particular, relate to reduced seeding rates, and a multitude of others
the height of weeds when glyphosate is applied. Weed have investigated optimum herbicide timing. The litera-
emergence extends over several weeks following land ture is lacking, however, in research specifically designed
preparation and soybean planting, resulting in a mixture to determine if optimum glyphosate timing is affected
of multiple weed species at varied stages of development. when the seeding rate is reduced to below previously
Because of its lack of residual action, early glyphosate recommended numbers. The objective of this study was
application is ineffective at controlling weeds that emerge to determine the effect of reduced soybean seeding rate
following application. Conversely, late glyphosate ap- on optimum glyphosate application timing, specifically
plications may be rendered ineffective on early-emerging as it relates to yield, weed control, light interception, and
weeds, as some species become too large and/or they canopy closure.
may require a higher rate of glyphosate for control.
In South Carolina, the optimum glyphosate timing was Field trials
no later than four weeks after emergence (WAE) to ensure
maximum yield of the soybean crop. When control mea- Field trials were conducted in 2007 and 2008 at
sures were delayed to 6 WAE, weed control was much Spindletop Research Farm near Lexington, KY and at the
less effective and yield was reduced in four of six seeding University of Kentucky Research and Education Cen-
rates. The reduced control was attributed to larger weeds ter near Princeton, KY. The soil type at Lexington was a
when the herbicide was applied and a lack of spray cover- Lowell silt loam (2–6% slope, fine, mixed, active, mesic,
age of weeds beneath the soybean canopy. Numerous Typic Hapludalfs) and a Maury silt loam (2–6% slope,
fine, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Paleudalfs) in 2007 | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 31

Self-Study CEUs

and 2008, respectively. At Princeton, trials were con- izer P and K were added according to soil test results and
ducted on a Crider silt loam (5–9% slop, fine-silty, mixed, University of Kentucky recommendations.
active, mesic Typic Paleudalfs) in both years. Treatments For each sub-plot, soybean was seeded into four rows,
were arranged as a split-plot design with four replications 15 inches apart (5 ft total width) by 30 ft long. Border
at each environment, with seeding rate as the main plot: plots of the same size were planted between each sub-
(i) 75,000, (ii) 125,000, and (iii) 175,000 seeds/ac; and plot (125,000 seeds/ac) in an effort to prevent spray drift
glyphosate application timing as the sub-plots: (i) non- from affecting adjacent plots and as a means for visual
treated control (NTC), (ii) glyphosate applied 3 weeks comparison to determine weed control later in the season.
after planting (WAP), (iii) glyphosate applied 5 WAP, (iv)
Soybean cultivars Asgrow 3906 and Asgrow 3905 were
glyphosate applied 7 WAP, (v) glyphosate applied 3 WAP
grown in 2007 and 2008, respectively. These varieties
followed by 7 WAP (3 + 7 WAP), and (vi) weed-free (WF),
both have a 3.9 maturity rating, which is commonly used
where glyphosate was applied 1, 3, 5, and 7 WAP. Fertil-
throughout the state.
Seeds were planted no-till following
Table 1. Planting date, glyphosate application dates, soybean growth stage, corn on May 16 at Lexington in 2007,
and total weeds per square foot at each glyphosate application timing in following fallow on May 13 at Lexington
Lexington and Princeton, KY, in 2007 and 2008. in 2008 and following wheat on May 5
at Princeton in 2008. For no-till environ-
ments, an application of glyphosate (0.75
application Glyphosate Soybean
Planting timing (weeks application growth Total weeds lb ae/ac) (Roundup WeatherMax, Mon-
Environment date after planting) date stage (weeds/ft²) santo Co., St. Louis, MO) was applied one
week prior to planting. At Princeton in
3 June 7 V2 1±0.2
2007, seeds were planted into a conven-
Lexington 2007† May 16 5 June 22 V5 2±0.4 tionally tilled seedbed following corn on
7 July 6 V8/R1 3±0.5 May 4. Seeds were planted at a depth of
V2 18±2 0.75 to 1.0 inch using a small-plot drill
3 May 27
with cone delivery (Hege, Colwich, KS).
Princeton 2007 ‡ May 4 5 June 13 V5 17±2 All seeds were inoculated with Bradyrhi-
7 June 27 V8/R1 26±3 zobium japonicum inoculant (Southern
V2 20±3 States, Richmond, VA).
3 June 4
Glyphosate (Roundup WeatherMax)
Lexington 2008 § May 13 5 June 18 V3 29±4
was applied at 0.75 lb ae/ac in a spray
7 July 2 V6 33±2 volume of 18.3 gal/ac. Dates of applica-
3 May 28 V2 3±1 tion, soybean growth stage, soybean plant
height, and weed counts at each applica-
Princeton 2008 ¶ May 5 5 June 10 V4 4±1
tion are displayed in Table 1.
7 June 24 V7 4±1
† Dominant weed species: Yellow foxtail, smooth pigweed, and hairy crabgrass.
Data collection
‡ Dominant weed species: Eastern black nightshade, yellow nutsedge, and hairy crabgrass.
Soybean stand counts were taken near
§ Dominant weed species: Common ragweed and yellow foxtail. the beginning of reproductive growth in
each environment and are reported in
¶ Dominant weed species: Smooth crabgrass and smooth pigweed.
Table 2. Weed control ratings were deter-
mined by means of a visual estimate
Table 2. Final plant stand at three seeding rates in Lexington and Princeton, KY, in of weeds controlled when compared
2007 and 2008. with adjacent non-treated plots by
Lexington Princeton Lexington Princeton looking down the rows from the end
of each plot at the R5 growth stage,
Seeding rate 2007 2007 2008 2008
with a rating of 100% representing no
(seeds /acre) Final plant stand (plants/acre)† weeds present and 0% representing
75,000 63,772 ± 3,977 35,828 ± 1,636 52,925 ± 2,651 68,026 ± 2,059 weeds equal to those in the untreated
plots. Light interception at growth
125,000 102,947 ± 3970 69,079 ± 4,210 73,108 ± 2,268 109,699 ± 4,292 stage R1 was measured using a hand-
175,000 139,313 ± 4,612 110,570 ± 4,533 109,468 ± 5,930 146,434 ± 4,398 held light bar (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE).
† Number of viable plants/acre, measured at the beginning of reproductive growth ± standard error of the mean. Light interception measurements were

32 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

taken at Lexington only. Canopy closure was esti-
Table 3. Percent weed control at R5 in Lexington and Princeton,
mated at growth stage R5 by looking down the rows
KY, in 2007 and 2008 as affected by seeding rate and glyphosate
from the end of each plot and visually estimating the
application timing.
percentage of the soil surface not visible between
the rows, with an observation of 100% representing Lexington Princeton Lexington Princeton
no visible soil surface between rows and 0% repre- 2007 2007 2008 2008
senting no plants. Plots were trimmed to 20 ft and
% Weed control †
harvested when seed moisture was 10–13%. Yields
were adjusted to 13% moisture. 75,000 97 ‡ 98 65 92
Seeding rate
125,000 98 100 79 94
Statistical analysis 175,000 99 99 77 95

Statistical analyses of seed yield, weed control, Nontreated 0 0 0 0

light interception and canopy closure were performed 3 WAP § 91 b 96 53 c 80 c
using the MIXED procedure in SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute Glyphosate
5 WAP 100 a 100 68 b 96 b
Inc., Cary, NC). Data were analyzed by analysis of application
variance and differences in least square means were 7 WAP 100 a 99 75 b 95 b
determined using multiple pairwise t-tests (P ≤ 0.05). 3+7 WAP 100 a 100 76 b 97 b
Seeding rate and glyphosate application timing were
Weed free 100 a 100 100 a 100 a
treated as fixed effects, while replication and environ-
ment were treated as random. For weed control, light † Visual weed control ratings at R5. Non-treated plots were not included in
interception, and canopy closure measurements, data the analysis because non-treatment is not a viable option for weed control.
from NTC plots were not used in the analysis. ‡ Means followed by the same letter within a column for a given seeding rate
or glyphosate application timing are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05,
using least-squares means comparisons in SAS PROC MIXED.
Because there were significant environment by § WAP, weeks after planting.
main-plot and environment by sub-plot interactions,
data were separated and analyzed by environment. Table 4. Percent canopy closure in Lexington and Princeton, KY,
There were no significant interactions between seed- in 2007 and 2008 as affected by seeding rate and glyphosate
ing rate and glyphosate application timing in any application timing.
environment; therefore these effects are presented
separately within each table. Lexington Princeton Lexington Princeton
2007 2007 2008 2008
% Canopy closure †
Weed control
75,000 96.4 ‡ 86.7 b 50.5 b 98.7
Weed control was not affected by seeding rate in Seeding rate
any environment but was affected by glyphosate ap- 125,000 97.7 95.6 a 70.8 a 98.3
plication timing in three of four environments (Table 175,000 97.6 97.3 a 64.8 a 98.5
3). In Lexington in 2007, all treatments controlled Nontreated − −
− −
weeds as well as the WF treatment except the 3 WAP
treatment, which resulted in less control. At both 3 WAP § 96.5 97.6 a 43.3 c 98.2
locations in 2008, the 5 WAP, 7 WAP, and 3+7 WAP Glyphosate
5 WAP 97.2 91.8 b 62.5 b 98.4
treatment did not control weeds as well as the WF application
7 WAP 97.3 83.7 c 56.8 b 97.9
program, but all were better than the 3 WAP treat- timing
ment. Lack of observed control with the single 3 WAP 3+7 WAP 97.1 96.3 a 65.8 b 99.0
treatment was likely due to the presence of weeds Weed free 97.8 97.6 a 80.4 a 98.9
that emerged after that treatment timing.
† Visual estimate of crop canopy closure at growth stage R5. Non-treated
plots were not included in the analysis because of interference from weeds.
Light interception and canopy closure ‡ Means followed by the same letter within a column for a given seeding rate
Neither seeding rate nor glyphosate application or glyphosate application timing are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05,
timing significantly affected light interception in any using least-squares means comparisons in SAS PROC MIXED.
environment (data not shown). The differences in § WAP, weeks after planting.
canopy development and the resultant light inter- | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 33

Self-Study CEUs

Table 5. Soybean seed yield in Lexington and Princeton, KY, in 2007 Seed yield
and 2008 as affected by seeding rate and glyphosate application In Lexington in both 2007 and 2008, a mini-
timing. mum seeding rate of 125,000 seeds/ac was re-
quired in order to achieve maximum yield (Table
Lexington Princeton Lexington Princeton
5). There was no yield benefit from increasing the
2007 2007 2008 2008
seeding rate to 175,000 seeds/ac in either of the
See yield (bu/ac) environments. These results support previous stud-
75,000 57.8 b † 30.1 5.7b 49.6 ies, as increasing the seeding rate above 100,000
Seeding rate to 125,000 did not necessarily increase yield.
125,000 63.1 a 34.4 10.6 a 49.3
(seeds/ac) Across seeding rates, a single application of
175,000 63.9 a 35.5 11.9 a 44.6
glyphosate at 5 WAP and sequential applications
Nontreated 50.3 c 14.0 c 5.4 d 35.4 b at 3+7 WAP resulted in yields similar to the WF
3 WAP ‡ 60.3 b 33.2 b 7.2 cd 48.5 a treatments in all environments (Table 5). The single
Glyphosate 7 WAP treatment was effective at maintaining yield
5 WAP 65.2 a 37.3 a 10.4 abc 51.2 a
application potential when compared with the WF treatment
7 WAP 63.9 ab 37.8 a 8.1 bcd 48.7 a in three of four environments, while the 3 WAP
3+7 WAP 64.1 ab 38.5 a 11.2 ab 52.0 a treatment was equal to the WF in only one environ-
ment. The enhanced effectiveness of a single late
Weed free 65.9 a 39.2 a 14.0 a 51.3 a
application of glyphosate when compared with
† Means followed by the same letter within a column for a given seeding rate or single early application is likely the result of a late
glyphosate application timing are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05, using overall weed emergence pattern across environ-
least-squares means comparisons in SAS PROC MIXED. ments. Fewer weeds had germinated 3 WAP than
‡ WAP, weeks after planting. at the other treatment timings, rendering the 3 WAP
treatment ineffective at controlling those late-
emerging weeds and in turn hindering yield.
ception became more identifiable later in the season. At
Princeton in 2007 and Lexington in 2008, canopy closure
was greater at the 125,000 and 175,000 seeds/ac rates Summary and grower implications
than at 75,000 seeds/acre, while seeding rate did not af- Glyphosate application timings resulting in the highest
fect closure in the other two environments (Table 4). yields were consistent across seeding rates, meaning that
At Princeton in 2007, canopy closure was greatest reducing soybean seeding rates does not require a change
with the 3 WAP, 3+7 WAP, and WF treatments (Table 4). in application strategy. This is particularly of interest to
The 5 WAP treatment provided less canopy closure than producers as both seed and weed management costs con-
those treatments but was better than the 7 WAP treatment. tinue to rise. A seeding rate of 125,000 seeds/ac (average
This lack of canopy development was likely due to early, final stand of 88,708 ± 3,685 plants/ac) in 15-inch rows
heavy weed pressure that competed with the crop prior was sufficient to achieve maximum yields in all environ-
to the single 5 WAP and 7 WAP treatments in this envi- ments.
ronment (Table 1). At Lexington in 2008, canopy closure While a single application at 5 WAP was always a
was greatest with the WF treatment, followed by 5 WAP, viable option across these environments, producers must
7 WAP, and 3+7 WAP, with the 3 WAP being lesser than monitor weed emergence patterns in their fields in order
all of the others (Table 4). The lack of effectiveness of to make their weed control program as effective as possi-
the 3, 5, 7, and 3+7 WAP treatments compared with the ble, especially when a single post-emergence application
WF can likely be attributed to the sustained weed emer- is used. As herbicide resistance becomes more prevalent
gence across the growing season, as evidenced in Table and weed control programs continue to evolve, an earlier
1. Although weed emergence was heavy throughout the application of glyphosate along with a residual herbi-
measured duration, the 3 WAP treatment having poorer cide to control later-emerging weeds may be needed to
canopy closure than the single treatments at 5 and 7 WAP achieve adequate results. Further research with herbicides
and the sequential 3+7 WAP is likely a result of a large in- with different modes of action and/or residual activity is
crease in weed emergence occurring between the 3 WAP warranted, especially as resistance to glyphosate demands
(20 ± 3 weeds ft²), 5 WAP (29 ± 4 weeds ft²), and 7 WAP changes in weed management strategies.
(33 ± 2 weeds ft²) measurements (Table 1). As a result,
those plots receiving the single 3 WAP application had to
Earn a CEU by taking the quiz online at www.
compete with those later-emerging weeds from that time
period through the remainder of the growing season.

34 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

May–June 2013 This quiz is worth 1 CEU in Integrated Pest Manage-
ment. A score of 70% or higher will earn CEU credit.
self-study quiz
Effect of seeding rates on weed After carefully reading the article, answer each ques-
tion by clearly marking an “X” in the box next to the
removal timing in glyphosate-re- best answer. Complete the self-study quiz registration
form and evaluation form on the back of this page.
sistant soybean (no. SS 04860) Clip out this page, place in an envelope with a $20
check made out to the American Society of Agronomy
(or provide your credit card information on the form),
1. Which of the following reasons is NOT mentioned in the and mail to: ASA c/o CCA Self-Study Quiz, 5585
article as a reason for the excessive seeding rates that Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. Or you can save
were recommended in the past?
$5 by completing the quiz online at www.certified
q a. Maximize interception of solar radiation.
q b. Improve competition with late-emerging weeds.

q c. Reduce lodging and increase water use efficiency.

q d. Cheap insurance against poor emergence. 6. In this study, weed control
q a. was not affected by glyphosate rate in any environment.
Detach here

2. In order to achieve maximum yield, soybean has been

shown to require q b. w as not affected by glyphosate application timing in
any environment.
q a. 50% canopy closure by R1 or 50% light interception at q c. was affected by seeding rate in three of four environ-
R5. ments.
q b. full canopy closure and light interception by R5. q d. was not affected by seeding rate in any environment.
q c. full canopy closure by R1 or 95% light interception at
R5. 7. Which of the following is true of this study regarding light
q d. 95% canopy closure by R1 or 50% light interception interception?
at R5.
q a. Both seeding rate and glyphosate application timing

significantly affected light interception.

3. According to the article, glyphosate may be rendered
ineffective q b. L ight interception was significantly affected by glypho-
sate application timing but not seeding rate.
q a. when it is applied late on late-emerging weeds. q c. Light interception was significantly affected by seeding
q b. on weeds that emerge after application when applied rate but not glyphosate application timing.
q d. N either seeding rate nor glyphosate application timing
q c. on weeds that emerge before application when applied significantly affected light interception.
q d. when it is applied early on weeds before they emerge. 8. Which of the following was sufficient to achieve maxi-
mum yields in all environments of this study?
4. In South Carolina, the optimum glyphosate timing was q a. A seeding rate of 125,000 seeds/ac in 15-inch rows.
q a. no later than four weeks after emergence. q b. A seeding rate of 175,000 seeds/ac in 30-inch rows.
q b. between two and three weeks after emergence. q c. A seeding rate of 150,000 seeds/ac in 30-inch rows.
q c. between V4 and V6. q d. A seeding rate of 100,000 seeds/ac in 15-inch rows.
q d. no earlier than V6.
5. The study showed a lack of observed weed control in Lex-
ington in 2007 and both locations in 2008 with the
q a. 5 WAP treatment. q c. 7 WAP treatment. Quiz continues next page
q b. 3+7 WAP treatment. q d. 3 WAP treatment. | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 35

Self-Study CEUs

9. Which of the following is true in this study regarding the 10. According to the article, reducing soybean seeding rates
relationship between seeding rate and seed yield?
q a. does not require a change in glyphosate application
q a. There was a yield benefit from increasing the seeding timing strategy.
rate to 175,000 seeds/ac at Lexington in both years.
q b. r equires a change in glyphosate application timing
q b. There was no yield benefit from increasing the seeding strategy.
rate to 175,000 seeds/ac in either of the environments.
q c. consistently results in the lowest yields.
q c. A minimum seeding rate of 150,000 seeds/ac was re- q d. r equires a change in row width to maintain consistent
quired in order to achieve maximum yield at Princeton yields.
only in both years.
q d. A minimum seeding rate of 150,000 seeds/ac was
required in order to achieve maximum yield at both
locations in both years.

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36 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

Saflufenacil’s efficacy as influenced by
water hardness and co-applied herbicides

Earn 1 CEU in Integrated Pest Management by reading

this article and completing the quiz at the end. Fill
out the attached questionnaire and mail it with a
$20 check (or provide credit card information) to
the American Society of Agronomy. Or, you can
save $5 by completing the quiz online at www.

Jared M. Roskamp, Graduate Research Assistant, Editor’s note: Following is a slightly modified version
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue of an article that was originally published in Crop
University, West Lafayette, IN; Gurinderbir S. Management. Due to space constraints, the citations
Chahal, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Purdue and Reference section as well as some tables are
University, West Lafayette, IN; and William G. omitted but can be accessed by viewing the original
Johnson, Professor, Department of Botany and Plant article at
Pathology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN cm/research/2012/saflufenacil/.

Saflufenacil (Sharpen) is a relatively new stressed weeds. Herbicide mixtures that include different
modes of action or sequential application of herbicides
herbicide that inhibits protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase
(PPO) enzyme in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway. It with different modes of action can reduce selection pres-
is used for broadleaf weed control in corn and soybean sure for herbicide-resistant biotypes. This approach is
and was applied to more than 10 million acres in the preferred because of convenience, as well as savings in
U.S. in its first year of use. Saflufenacil has been used in time and application costs. It has been demonstrated with
preplant, pre-emergence, and/or postemergence control PPO-inhibiting herbicides such as fomesafen that overall
of broadleaf weeds in crop and fallow areas. It provides efficacy can be reduced when co-applied with glypho-
herbicidal activity on broadleaf weed species but does not sate. Limited research has been published on the compat-
control grasses completely. For this reason, saflufenacil is ibility of saflufenacil with other herbicides.
often tank-mixed with glyphosate (Roundup Powermax) to Water plays a crucial role in determining the efficacy
achieve better grass weed control. of herbicides because carrier water comprises more than
Herbicide mixtures are often used to increase effi- 95% of the spray solution. The quality of the carrier water
ciency and efficacy of weed management systems. Co- can influence the efficacy of many herbicides including
application of herbicides is more convenient, widens the saflufenacil. Saflufenacil is a moderately acidic herbicide
spectrum of control, and can improve control of larger or with a pKa value of 4.41. Previous studies have indicated
that the hardness of water, which is mainly the concen-
Abbreviations: DAS, diammonium sulfate; DAT, days after treatment; PPO, pro-
toporphyrinogen IX oxidase; TPAC, Throckmorton Purdue Agricultural Center. doi:10.2134/cs2013-46-3-14 | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 37

Self-Study CEUs

tration of calcium and magnesium cations, can reduce North America, Inc., Raleigh, NC) at 0.5 lb ai/ac, paraquat
efficacy of weak acid herbicides such as dicamba (Clar- (Gramoxone Inteon herbicide, Syngenta Crop Protection)
ity), glyphosate, and 2,4-D (Weedar 64). Water surveys at 1.0 lb ai/ac, and 2,4-D amine (Weedar 64 herbicide,
completed by the Indiana Department of Natural Re- Nufarm Agricultural Products, Burr Ridge, IL) at 0.4731
sources have shown that the range of hardness can range lb ae/ac. Within the same experiment, only saflufenacil
between 0 and 800 ppm throughout the state, with the applied alone or with clethodim, glufosinate, glyphosate,
average around 310 ppm. Water is generally considered imazaquin, imazethapyr, isoxaflutole, and paraquat were
hard when it contains more than 180 ppm of cations. examined for the control of giant foxtail, as the other co-
To overcome the negative effects of hard water cations, applied herbicides provided little to no activity on grasses.
adjuvants such as diammonium sulfate (DAS) can increase All co-applied herbicide treatments used for the control of
herbicide efficacy by improving the physical character- three weeds mentioned above received DAS at 0.17 lb/gal
istics of the carrier water and also enhancing herbicide and methylated seed oil (MSO) at 1% v/v.
movement through the plant cuticle. Although the effect Additionally, saflufenacil was applied with three water
of water hardness has been studied on other herbicides, sources: deionized water, water with 310 ppm hardness,
the influence of water hardness has not been studied on and water with 620 ppm hardness. Each of the three water
the efficacy of saflufenacil. Research on adjuvants have sources was applied with and without AMS at 0.17 lb/gal.
been conducted on saflufenacil; however, those studies Water hardness treatments were applied only for the con-
compared nonionic surfactant, crop oil concentrate, and trol of common lambsquarters and giant ragweed. Water
methylated seed oil, but not DAS. sources having hardness of 310 and 620 ppm were cre-
Saflufenacil use could increase dramatically because ated by adding calcium chloride (CaCl2) and magnesium
growers can use it to replace 2,4-D in burndown ap- sulfate [MgSO4·7H2O] at a 2:1 ratio into deionized water.
plications. The hypothesis of this research was that water Hard water samples were analyzed by A&L Laboratories
hardness will reduce saflufenacil efficacy and co-applied (Ft. Wayne, IN) to confirm concentrations of calcium and
herbicides will increase saflufenacil efficacy on common magnesium in these water sources. These hardness con-
lambsquarters, giant ragweed, and giant foxtail. Therefore, centrations are considered as hard water when compared
research was conducted to evaluate if saflufenacil efficacy with the overall spectrum of hardness in Indiana. Addi-
is affected by co-applied herbicides and water hardness. tional treatments included a non-treated control.
The experiment was set up as a factorial design. Plot
Treatments and experimental design size was 10 by 30 ft, and treatments were arranged as a
randomized complete block. Each treatment was rep-
Field experiments were conducted on fallow ground licated four times, and the experiment was repeated in
with uniform weed populations during 2012 at the two separate locations at TPAC. In both experimental
Throckmorton Purdue Agricultural Center (TPAC) in runs of the experiment, treatments were applied to 4-inch
Lafayette, IN. For the control of common lambsquarters tall common lambsquarters with an average density of
and giant ragweed, treatments consisted of application 12 plants/yd², 6- to 7-inch giant foxtail with an average
of saflufenacil (Sharpen herbicide, BASF Ag Products, density of 50 plants/yd², and 12- to 18-inch giant ragweed
Research Triangle Park, NC) at 0.0225 lb ai/ac alone, or with an average density of 4 plants/yd². Treatment applica-
with atrazine (Aatrex herbicide, Syngenta Crop Protec- tion dates and weather data are included in Table 1.
tion, Greensboro, NC) at 2.0 lb ai/ac, chlorimuron-ethyl
(Classic herbicide, Dupont Crop Protection, Wilmington,
DE) at 0.0106 lb ai/ac, clethodim (Select Max herbicide, Application procedure and data collection
Valent USA Corporation Agricultural Products, Wal- Treatments were applied using a CO2-propelled
nut Creek, CA) at 0.0913 lb ai/ac, cloransulam-methyl backpack sprayer equipped with XR11002 nozzles (TeeJet
(FirstRate herbicide, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN) XR11002 extended range nozzles, Spraying Systems Com-
at 0.0313 lb ai/ac, dicamba (Clarity herbicide, BASF Ag pany, Wheaton, IL) calibrated to deliver 15 gal/ac. Visual
Products) at 0.5 lb ae/ac, glufosinate (Ignite herbicide, estimates of the percentage of control were recorded 14
Bayer Cropscience, Research Triangle Park, NC) at 0.6606 and 21 days after treatment (DAT) using a scale of 0 to
lb ai/ac, glyphosate (Roundup Powermax herbicide, Mon- 100, where 0 is no weed control and 100 is complete
santo Company, St. Louis, MO) at 0.7763 lb ae/ac, imaza- weed control. Analyzing the control of weeds over both
quin (Scepter herbicide, BASF Ag Products) at 0.1225 lb the 14 and 21 DAT ratings provided information on the
ai/ac, imazethapyr (Pursuit herbicide, BASF Ag Products) rate of herbicide activity and if regrowth of weeds were
at 0.0625 lb ai/ac, isoxaflutole (Balance Pro herbicide, occurring after application.
Bayer Cropscience) at 0.0625 lb ai/ac, mesotrione (Callis-
to herbicide, Syngenta Crop Protection) at 0.0938 lb ai/ac,
metribuzin (Metribuzin 75 herbicide, Makhteshim Agan of

38 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

Statistical analysis Table 1. Weather conditions and application timings of treat-
Data for visual ratings of common lambsquarters, giant ments for each experimental run.
ragweed, and giant foxtail were analyzed using PROC
Run 1 Run 2
GLM in SAS (version 9.1, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). All
data were checked for normality and constant variance Date of application May 22, 2012 May 23, 2012
using PROC UNIVARIATE in SAS and were transformed Temperature (°F) 75 83
using an arc-sine transformation for analysis and then Humidity 78 81
back-transformed for presentation. The non-treated checks
Wind (mph) NE 5.7 SE 3.7
were not included in statistical analysis. Data for co-
applied herbicide treatments were analyzed separately by Cloud cover 0% 0%
rating timing and by weed species. No significant interac- Soil temperature 78 78
tions of experimental run by treatment were observed at (°F)
a = 0.05 for the control of common lambsquarters, giant Time of 4:30 PM 3:00 PM
foxtail, and giant ragweed; therefore, data were pooled application
over experimental runs. The six carrier water treatments
were analyzed separately using the saflufenacil plus
deionized water as the standard treatment. No significant Table 2. Control of common lambsquarters at 14 and 21 days
interactions were noted over the data for the six car- after treatment from co-application of saflufenacil alone or
rier water treatments; therefore, data were pooled over with other herbicides. †
experimental run and rating timing to test the main effect Days after treatment
of carrier water hardness. All data sets were subjected to Co-applied herbi-
analysis of variance appropriate for the treatment struc- cide treatment Application rate ‡ 14 21
ture, and means were separated by using Fisher’s protect- lb ai/ac % control
ed LSD at P ≤ 0.05. Alone − 65 d 69 g
Atrazine 2.0 98 ab 93 bcd
Compatibility of saflufenacil with other Chlorimuron-ethyl 0.0106 90 cd 81 efg
herbicides Clethodim 0.0913 93 abc 90 cde
Visual estimates of percent control of giant ragweed Cloransulam- 0.0313 95 abc 90 cde
at 14 and 21 DAT revealed no differences in treatments methyl
when saflufenacil was co-applied with other herbicides
Dicamba 0.5 99 a 100 a
or different water sources. Co-application of saflufenacil
alone or with other herbicides and water sources provided Glufosinate 0.6606 95 abc 86 ef
85% or higher control of giant ragweed (data not shown). Glyphosate 0.7763 96 abc 89 def
The main effect of herbicide was significant for the Imazaquin 0.1225 93 bcd 77 fg
control of common lambsquarters at 14 and 21 DAT Imazethapyr 0.0625 80 d 81 fg
when saflufenacil was co-applied with other herbicides.
Isoxaflutole 0.0625 99 ab 99 ab
Saflufenacil applied alone in deionized water controlled
common lambsquarters by 65 and 69% at 14 and 21 DAT, Mesotrione 0.0938 93 a-d 95 bc
respectively (Table 2). All co-applied herbicide treatments Metribuzin 0.5 93 a-d 95 abc
controlled common lambsquarters greater than 90% at 14 Paraquat 1.0 99 a 94 bcd
DAT except co-application of saflufenacil with imazetha-
2,4-D 0.4731 97 abc 96 ab
pyr. At 21 DAT, all co-applied herbicide treatments, with
† Means followed by the same letter in each column do not differ according to
the exception of saflufenacil applied with chlorimuron-
Fisher’s Protected LSD test at P ≤ 0.05. Data were pooled both over experimen-
ethyl or imazethapyr, controlled common lambsquarters by tal runs at Lafayette at a p value of 0.05.
85% or more. Saflufenacil may exhibit antagonism when ‡A
 ll treatments were applied with saflufenacil, diammonium sulfate, and methyl-
co-applied with contact herbicides. However, in these ated seed oil at 0.0225 lb ai/ac, 0.17 lb/gal, and 1% vol/vol, respectively. Applica-
studies, none of the co-applied herbicide treatments caused tion rates of dicamba, glyphosate, and 2,4-D were expressed at g ae/ha.
reduced control of common lambsquarters compared with
saflufenacil applied with deionized water alone. and 41% control at 14 and 21 DAT, respectively. Reduced
Control of giant foxtail was no greater than 31% when efficacy on giant foxtail from imazaquin was likely from
saflufenacil was applied with deionized water alone at application to plants outside of the control range for
14 and 21 DAT (Table 3). Similar to saflufenacil alone, this product. Imazaquin (Scepter) does not control giant
co-application of saflufenacil with imazaquin provided 29 foxtail postemergence. Regardless of rating intervals, | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 39

Self-Study CEUs

Table 3. Control of giant foxtail at 14 and 21 days after treat- Influence of water hardness on saflufenacil
ment from co-application of saflufenacil alone or with efficacy
other herbicides. †
Significant main effect of water treatment was noted for
Days after treatment the control of common lambsquarters, while no differ-
Co-applied herbi- ences were observed between treatments applied to giant
cide treatment Application rate ‡ 14 21 ragweed. When combined over the two rating timings,
lb ai/ac % control saflufenacil applied in deionized water without DAS
Alone − 13 f 31 d
provided 28 and 26% more control of common lambs-
quarters than saflufenacil applied with either of the other
Clethodim 0.0913 78 cd 81 b two water sources (310 or 620 ppm) without DAS, re-
Glufosinate 0.6606 96 b 96 a spectively (Table 4). However, saflufenacil treatments with
DAS did not show any differences in control of common
Glyphosate 0.7763 100 a 100 a
lambsquarters compared with saflufenacil in deionized
Imazaquin 0.1225 29 f 41 d water without DAS. Several studies have suggested that
Imazethapyr 0.0625 54 e 65 c DAS increases the foliar absorption of herbicides, which
Isoxaflutole 0.0625 69 de 77 bc consequently increases efficacy. Moreover, according to
the label of saflufenacil, this product must be applied with
Paraquat 1.0 83 c 89 b
DAS and methylated seed oil.
† Means followed by the same letter in each column do not differ according to
Fisher’s Protected LSD test at P ≤ 0.05. Data were pooled over both experimen-
tal runs at Lafayette at a p value of 0.05. Summary
‡ All treatments were applied with saflufenacil, diammonium sulfate and methyl-
ated seed oil at 0.0225 lb ai/ac, 0.17 lb/gal, and 1% vol/vol, respectively. Glypho-
No differences in control between treatments could
sate expressed in g ae/ha. be observed on giant ragweed, with all herbicide treat-
ments providing 85% or more control. Overall, common
lambsquarters was controlled by 94% or more when
Table 4. The control of common lambsquarters by safluf- co-applying saflufenacil with dicamba, isoxaflutole, para-
enacil as influenced by carrier water hardness with or quat, or 2,4-D. In most instances, saflufenacil co-applied
without diammonium sulfate (DAS).† ‡ with other herbicides controlled common lambsquarters
Water sources % Control better than saflufenacil alone in deionized water. With the
exception of imazaquin applied with saflufenacil or the
Deionized water + without DAS 74 a
saflufenacil alone, all co-applied herbicide combinations
Water (310 ppm) + without DAS 46 b provided 80% or more control of common lambsquar-
Water (620 ppm) + without DAS 48 b ters. Glufosinate or glyphosate applied with saflufenacil
provided 96 and 100% control of giant foxtail, which was
Deionized water + DAS 60 ab
better than any other co-applied herbicide. The influence
Water (310 ppm) + DAS 54 ab of carrier water hardness on saflufenacil was observed for
Water (620 ppm) + DAS 54 ab the control of common lambsquarters only. In the absence
† Means followed by the same letter in each column do not differ according to of DAS, water sources with hardness values of 310 or 620
Fisher’s Protected LSD test at P ≤ 0.05. Data were pooled over both experimen- ppm reduced saflufenacil efficacy on common lambsquar-
tal runs at Lafayette at a p-value of 0.05. ters compared with saflufenacil with deionized water. This
‡ All treatments were applied with saflufenacil, diammonium sulfate and methyl- research suggests that saflufenacil can be applied with the
ated seed oil at 0.0225 lb ai/acre, 0.17 lb/gal, and 1% vol/vol, respectively. herbicides used in these studies without a reduction in ef-
Glyphosate expressed in g ae/ha.
ficacy; and the influence of water hardness on the efficacy
of saflufenacil can vary among weed species.
saflufenacil co-applied with glufosinate or glyphosate
provided almost complete control of giant foxtail. When
compared with saflufenacil applied in deionized water,
application of saflufenacil with clethodim or paraquat The authors thank the members of Integrated Weed Sci-
gave 78% or higher control of giant foxtail at both rating ence Lab at Purdue University for their assistance.
intervals. Saflufenacil applied with imazethapyr provided
65% or less control at 14 and 21 DAT. The giant foxtail
Earn a CEU by taking the quiz online at www.
control noted in these studies was provided mainly by the
herbicides co-applied with saflufenacil, as saflufenacil has
minimal activity on grassy weeds.

40 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

May–June 2013 This quiz is worth 1 CEU in Integrated Pest Manage-
ment. A score of 70% or higher will earn CEU credit.
self-study quiz
Saflufenacil’s efficacy as influenced After carefully reading the article, answer each ques-
tion by clearly marking an “X” in the box next to the
by water hardness and co-applied best answer. Complete the self-study quiz registration
form and evaluation form on the back of this page.
herbicides (no. SS 04859) Clip out this page, place in an envelope with a $20
check made out to the American Society of Agronomy
1. Saflufenacil provides weed control
(or provide your credit card information on the form),
and mail to: ASA c/o CCA Self-Study Quiz, 5585
q a. in grassy weeds in cotton and sorghum. Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. Or you can save
q b. in broadleaf weeds in corn and soybean. $5 by completing the quiz online at www.certified
q c. by inhibiting the enzyme chlorophyll synthetase.
q d. best when tank-mixed with fomesafen.

2. Which is NOT mentioned in the article as one of the ben- 6. Which of the following is true from this study regarding
efits of herbicide mixtures? control of giant foxtail?
Detach here

q a. More convenient and efficient. q a. Application of saflufenacil with clethodim gave 78% or
q b. Improves control of larger or stressed weeds. higher control at both rating intervals compared with
saflufenacil co-applied with paraquat.
q c. Can reduce selection pressure when similar modes of
action are combined. q b. C o-application of saflufenacil with paraquat provided
control similar to saflufenacil alone.
q d. Widens the spectrum of control.
q c. Reduced efficacy from imazaquin was likely due to the
3. Adjuvants such as diammonium sulfate (DAS) can fact that imazaquin does not control giant foxtail pre-
q a. increase the negative effects of hard water cations on q d. C o-application with glufosinate or glyphosate provided

almost complete control.

q b. increase calcium and magnesium cations in the water
beyond the necessary 800 ppm threshold.
7. The giant foxtail control noted in these studies was pro-
q c. can improve the carrier water physical characteristics vided mainly by
and enhance herbicide movement through the plant.
q a. mechanical control and rotation.
q d. can reduce efficacy of weak acid herbicides such as q b. saflufenacil
dicamba (Clarity), glyphosate, and 2,4-D (Weedar 64).
q c. the herbicides co-applied with saflufenacil.
4. The article notes that several studies have suggested that q d. a trazine, chlorimuron-ethyl, and dicamba.
foliar absorption of herbicides can be increased by
q a. diammonium sulfate (DAS). 8. Regarding carrier water hardness, the article notes that

q b. methylated seed oil. q a. water sources with hardness values of 310 or 620 ppm
increased saflufenacil efficacy on all weeds.
q c. the oil content of the co-applied herbicide.
q d. when two strong acid herbicides are co-applied. q b. the hardness of water can reduce efficacy of high-acid
5. Saflufenacil may exhibit q c. its influence on saflufenacil was observed for the con-
trol of common lambsquarters only.
q a. antagonism when co-applied with contact herbicides. q d. its influence on saflufenacil was observed for the con-
q b. foaming when co-applied with systemic herbicides. trol of common lambsquarters and giant ragweed.
q c. greater efficacy when co-applied to stressed weeds.
q d. poor coverage when co-applied with dionized water. Quiz continues next page | May–June 2013 | Crops & Soils magazine 41

Self-Study CEUs

9. Which of the following is true from this study regarding 10. Which of the following is true from this study regarding
control of giant ragweed? control of common lambsquarters?
q a. No differences in control between treatments could be q a. Overall, common lambsquarters was controlled by 94%
observed. or more when co-applying saflufenacil with dicamba,
isoxaflutole, paraquat, or 2,4-D.
q b. Saflufenacil applied with atrazine, dicamba, and
imazethapyr provided greater control than saflufenacil q b. In most instances, saflufenacil alone in deionized water
alone. controlled common lambsquarters the same or better
than when co-applied with other herbicides.
q c. Saflufenacil applied in deionized water without DAS
provided more control than saflufenacil applied with q c. With the exception of isoxaflutole applied with safluf-
either of the other two water sources. enacil or the saflufenacil alone, all co-applied herbicide
combinations provided 70% or more control of com-
q d. Control of giant ragweed was between 65 and 75%. mon lambsquarters.
q d. G lufosinate or glyphosate applied with saflufenacil
provided 96 and 100% control.

Self-Study Quiz Registration Form

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This quiz issued May 2013 expires May 2016

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42 Crops & Soils magazine | May–June 2013 American Society of Agronomy

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