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Philippine Christian University

Sampaloc 1, Dasmariñas City, Cavite 4114

S.Y. 2022-2023


(GRADE 11/ GRADE 12)
QUARTER 1 - WEEK 2 (SEPTEMBER 19-23, 2022)



“Unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates

The statement above may give us a different meaning or impact depending on our perspective or
how we see life. Hence, it emphasized a strong message that for us to live a meaningful life, we must give
ourselves time to think reasonably and logically about our lives and how to live them. A person who wakes
up each day, travels to the office, returns at the end of the day's end, watches TV, goes to bed, and repeats
the process for his entire life is living a miserable life. Such a kind of life is not providing any value to you,
which leads to a life which is not worth living.


1. The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy.

2. At the end of the session, learners are expected to:

a. Realize value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life; and

b. Philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective.

Pre-test/ Test Yourself

Instruction: Read carefully and choose the best answer.

1. Who are the Greek triumvirate?

a. Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Democritus c. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
b. Thales, Socrates, Archimedes d. Thales, Pythagoras, Epicurus
2. What does a holistic point of view mean?
a. limited perception c. only focuses on one factor

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
b. unlimited perception d. understanding the whole and the parts
3. What is the tool in doing Philosophy?

a. Philosophical Reflection c. Studying the book

b. Giving an opinion or suggestions d. Making smart decision

4. His teaching and writings are considered the foundation of Western philosophy. And one of his
famous works is The Republic.

a. Thales c. Plato

b. Aristotle d. Socrates

5. His studies in logic led to the formulation of a formal process of analyzing reasoning which gave rise
to deductive reasoning.

a. Aristotle c. Thales

b. Socrates d. Plato

Study these Terms

● Ethics- moral principle that govern a person’s behavior or conducting of an activity
● Knowledge- facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or
● Zoology- scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification and
distribution of animals
● Psychology- scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting
behavior in a given context.
● Politics- activities associated with the governance of a country or other area.

(In continuation of the previous topic)

The Greek Triumvirate

Socrates (470 BCE to 399 BCE) He was considered the foremost philosopher of ancient times. He made
great contributions to the field of ethics. He was credited with formulating the Socratic Method or
Elenchus- a means of examining a topic by devising a series of questions that let the learner examine and
analyse his knowledge and views regarding the topic.

Plato (427 BCE to 347 BCE) A student of Socrates, he wrote down his teacher’s writings and incorporated
some of his own ideas into them. His teaching and writings are considered the foundation of Western
philosophy. Plato’s lasting contribution to learning was his founding of the Academy, an institution of
higher learning which was the first of its kind in the West.

● Knowledge through concept is the only true knowledge

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
● Concept or idea is the only true reality
● One of his famous works is ‘’The Republic
● Senses are often deceitful
● Humans detach themselves for what is corporeal because the soul without the limitation of
body can be better recognize by the eternal form of truth

Aristotle (384 BCE to 322 BCE) He attended the Academy, and was a prominent student of Plato. He
was involved in a great variety of disciplines such as zoology, psychology, ethics, and politics. His
studies in logic led to the formulation of a formal process of analyzing reasoning which gave rise to
deductive reasoning.

● Perceptual and cognitive faculties are dependable

● Human beings philosophize because they wonder about the world
● Endowment of senses will lead a person in direct contact with the world
● And therefore, allow him to analyze whether what appears upon close scrutiny and analysis
is correct

Doing Philosophy: Philosophical Reflection

Instruction: Read and analyse the problem.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
Today, we will not totally base our solution or answer on the theory of mathematics, instead we are doing

philosophy. Let’s apply the Principle of Noncontradiction. It says that it is impossible for a thing to be and

not to be at the same time in the same respect. P100 is impossible to be P99. For P100 is P100. And P99

is P99. They can never be the same. By applying the Principle of Sufficient Reason, P99 should not be

existent in the first place. For P97 (total expense) and P1 (which goes to you) should not go together for

they are of different respect or aspect. P97 is part of the P100 and P2 is part of the P3 (change). P1 is

already included in the P97 total expense. What must go together are: P97 (expense) and P2 (P1 each for

your parents as components of P100, or P1 (goes to you) and P2 (P1 each for your parents) as components

of change (P3), or P97 (t-shirt) and P3 (change). Therefore, there is no missing P1!

Doing Philosophy
● To ask questions, to reflects and to formulate and evaluate arguments
● Doing philosophy involves asking the right questions, critically examining the work of previous
philosophers, truly understanding the works and the reasoning behind the works, and possibly
building on the works of previous philosophers by expanding or testing this methodology.
Philosophical Reflection

● It is the tool in doing philosophy which is the act of giving time to think about meaning and
purpose of life. It could be done through debate, discussions, essays and other activities.
● There are two types of Philosophical reflection: the Primary reflection (fragmented and
compartmentalizes thinking; instrumental thinking; means-end of thinking or selfish way of
thinking) and Secondary Reflection (integrates the fragmented and compartmentalizes experience
into coherent whole).
● Partial point of view is one's perception is limited by other factors or based on a single factor. (ex:
My brother told me that his girlfriend is kind and beautiful yet it is different from my opinion so I
told him that he's just in love.)
● Holistic point of view is having a view where we understand both the whole and the parts of
something, and, we understand how the parts, when brought together, make up the whole. (ex:

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
As a teacher it is important to know the personal background of my whole class rather than some
of the class.)

Post-test/ Assessment

Instruction: Read carefully and choose the best answer.

1. Who are the Greek triumvirate?

c. Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Democritus c. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
d. Thales, Socrates, Archimedes d. Thales, Pythagoras, Epicurus
2. What does a holistic point of view mean?
a. limited perception c. only focuses on one factor
b. unlimited perception d. understanding the whole and the parts
3. What is the tool in doing Philosophy?

a. Philosophical Reflection c. Studying the book

b. Giving an opinion or suggestions d. Making smart decision

4. His teaching and writings are considered the foundation of Western philosophy. And one of his
famous works is The Republic.

a. Thales c. Plato

b. Aristotle d. Socrates

5. His studies in logic led to the formulation of a formal process of analysing reasoning which gave rise
to deductive reasoning.

a. Aristotle c. Thales

b. Socrates d. Plato

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
Name:____________________________ Date and Week No.:_____________ Score:___/40
Grade, Strand, and Section: _____________________ Teacher: ______________________

Instructions: In no less than ten (10) sentences, answer each question through philosophical
reflection. Answer it based on your own words. (20 points)

1. Is morality relative or absolute? Defend your answer.


2. If two people understand things differently, who is right? Explain.


Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.

Scores 20 points 15-19 points 10-14 points 1-9 point/s

Focus The focal point of Some points of Most points in the Only minimal
the essay is the essay are not essay are not parts of the essay
related to the related to the related to the are on point. The
topic. The essay is topic. The essay is topic. The essay is construction is
sharp and distinct, sharp and distinct, not sharp with a vague and
with an evident with an evident vague awareness confusing.
awareness of the awareness of the of the task.
task. task.
Content The essay is Some parts of the The minimal parts Most parts of the
substantial, essay are of the essay are essay are not
specific, and substantial, substantial, substantial and
illustrative. The specific, and specific, and specific. The
content illustrative. The illustrative. The content
demonstrates content content demonstrates
strong demonstrates demonstrates shallow
development and average lame development and
polished ideas. development and development and ideas.
ideas. ideas.
Organization The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay is not
written with written with written in order, written in order,
logical order and logical order and but the transition and there is no
an evident subtle some obvious from introduction transition from
transition from subtle transitions to conclusion is introduction to
introduction to from introduction disorganized. conclusion.
conclusion. to conclusion.
Style and The essay is with The essay is with The choice of Poor choice of
Conventions evident choice of evident choice of words in the essay words in the essay
words, correct words, but there is not evident. There are a lot of
grammar, spelling, are grammatical There are minimal grammatical
and sentence errors in some grammatical errors and wrong
construction. parts. The errors, wrong spelling, and the
sentence spelling, and sentence
construction is inorganize construction is
good. sentence confusing.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.

Directions: Create a photo essay about the effects of the opening of limited face-to-face classes in your
community. Following these steps to create a coherent photo essay. (20 points)

1. Look for big ideas about the effects of the opening of limited face-to-face classes in your
community. Using your smartphone or camera, capture at least three (3) creative and clear shots
that you think reflect the reality of the education system in our country.
2. In no less than five (5) sentences, create an essay for each photo that clearly states your ideas and
reflections. In your essay, please apply our topic "Doing a Philosophy." Think about the reasons
why they still continue to study despite of possible struggles like health risks, financial problems,
or limited technological access. Include a reflective statement for your essay.
3. Make sure your photo essay meets the rubrics.

Photo 1 Photo 2

Photo 3

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.

Scores 20 points 15-19 points 10-14 points 1-9 point/s

Content All requirements All requirements All requirements All requirements

are well-written, are well-written, are well-written, are well-written,
and the visuals and the visuals and the visuals and the visuals
used to illustrate used to illustrate used to illustrate used to illustrate
and inform about and inform about and inform about and inform about
the poster project the poster project the poster project the poster project
are carefully are carefully are carefully are carefully
chosen. chosen. chosen. chosen.

Relevance The instruction is The instruction is The instruction is The instruction is

well followed, and well followed, and well followed, and well followed, and
the content of the the content of the the content of the the content of the
visual work is very visual work is very visual work is very visual work is very
related to the related to the related to the related to the
topic. topic. topic. topic.

Badly needs
Creativity and improvement in
Good use of
Visual Appeal Good use of the combining of
Pleasing use of symbols, shapes,
symbols, shapes, symbols, shapes,
symbols, shapes, colors, and other
colors, and other colors, and other
colors, and other graphic elements.
graphic elements. graphic elements.
graphic elements. But the photos
But the photos did The photos have a
The photos have a clustered
not meet the clustered
captured the appearance and
attention and appearance, and
viewer's attention there are too
interests of the there are too
and interests. many empty
viewer. many empty

Originality It incorporates It contains some

It contains some It contains
unique and unique and
unoriginal ideas. plagiarized ideas.
pertinent ideas. pertinent ideas.
The design The design
The design The design
elements did not elements did not
elements make elements did not
make the poster make the poster
the poster stand make the poster
stand out. stand out.
out. stand out.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
Abella, R. D. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. C & E Publishing, Inc.

Ramos, C. C. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Rex Book Store, Inc

Caraan, A. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Diwa Learning Systems Inc

Prepared by: Checked by:

Kollene Albert D. Doncillo, LPT Kollene Albert D. Doncillo, LPT

Princess P. San Antonio, LPT Subject Lead Teacher, Social Science 11
Jeanimar S. Pinza, LPT Princess P. San Antonio, LPT
Ronald Mark Barredo, LPT Subject Lead Teacher, Social Science 12
April Kae Magaoay, LPT
Charlene B. Bayot, LPT
Danica Kylyn Belen, LPT
Lorelei V. Sobremonte, RPm
Carlo V. Aquino
Subject Teachers

Approved by:

Mario S. Mecate, Ph.D.

AVP for Basic Education/Principal

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is
an exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled
students for their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed
media. Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.

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