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wr es ayy UNIT-1 Tatroductfon to | vO RRL LE | f Enviroment [ — L 4 ly — Bio tie - => Biotic describes gy \iving, con ponent 7 Of an Ecosystem for example 1 ORG ciai seo. ySvch _ OAs. Plants % GQoimole r Au leving things — avtotsophe a hetrotcopy = Plants anin fvagt, hotesia — Tomes yoder 4he Aerm SReotic?. = a)" T Abiotic L To _ecvlagy St Nyt ology | paloiotic components Juxe Aen> living CRemicod Ar ply sitet Ltoctass in nb enviroment «ihe cla Loffect ac stew | ‘et Hoo-living things ™ woter ligt} sof! rhs pine cod Fuse scam es Hoe be enn Caiwrotie! 3) | Aeosphese =\ The Pash of the eCanth’ suv fare OdenaspnPxe in whith plaste oF Aino ¢ Con \fve, | _The_lstogplere _eatends foe dee Peg ____xook System of __iree'y tq das Cavirowent of ocean trenches 4 to lush — al Para sest \nigh pnovatains % +tyansiti- -orean % texxesbioy ecosystem meek uy Enviroment — i i t avi ™m c he Stoted cas cr ySkeno ee arcenpo, ~ SSiag OAL biote &* abioti ele meats Of fecting humana ite . i i xX i : CoO eT a Comp rise § Our Flora Ww Laung th Gbiotit Cor Pan em an clude Yok ex unlight airy, climote Shi Hydrosphe ce => A hydro s phes iS toto amove) of wicdke © Oo __« Planes The lnyd_ sos~ Ploew paciudae wees tnot is oO “ne Se Of Plades uadty grou) - Qod in Cri On Eaxtin Miquid yieske exists Of ne ucfare in toe form ot Oc0eans lokes 9 ¥iver —_—— _6)__\iineselee xe — _A—_\tstnos@nese §6 the xigid outer most | Nac, Swell of o teasegticn Plaoek a _ On fart, , ik ig Composed oF cxvy4 | Skane Pox bing ob ne yePes maortiel sHocet _\seineaves Cla sbiceniiy mM bien scold ef O48 40 YWougands ot yeas! [rooer| _fouironnented science ; —> Enviromental Sciense ts We ud 4 Of Ane interactions Wetween Playsicot. OF east! Dotorxol enviroment. Tnese { | . & 1 wite Iwortes a ai _$) | Eaviromreatos degradation LoReeenEeESES eseNESeseooew >>| avixam entol deg xerdcckion fot | dete rvioxotion in envirnmentut | Low otites fear amlbbieot cmoaceatenti ons, laf edustant's othec cactivitres | Px oo ase uch ag iP eyPe ey tana use and natural disaster | | @a> PYesesibe io dekuil tne camPone ct Of __eavivoment+. Algo Argevs 4 Lorer-xelationstp. wetw een aiffsert Four camPaooents of faviroment ; ——_The favs major comPonents oC Cnvirement iaclude aeeig Sah —otmoselhesce @ Bo —hydragphese, ; “i Be ee a eae aes eee BR \tHoesPhere i Has wok a) BASE biad rate | _ LhydsosPhesc:~ & Wydsosphere i$ tatod te — Lamount af water availoble an | Planee Ft 84 | wotees present an gustace of Planet, underground cand - “0 ais ~__luimosPheses- An odmoaphene 5 the EF Waves of gase SV s8aundin aH ple fotnes celedtray od _ 4 O 7 Place Od y Biosphese — The Past of the easthc Sux face & -OFMOSPhHE re in Which Plaats % anirools can eve [Totecredodion MiP i$ Shawo Ag i~ | . ! Enviroment 3 cienve 7s, r. Ao inte sdige- | by Cob like Geocraply Yeolog 4 Lolo —Genetiyy — ALCS _etneery : Lowa an d : many Mess. ThE Aas iS _Seienre tha) — will dase in Oa gges + Cnadlenges — en teunberiag tne Planes 3 fyi GH Puilleaives i A> Dice S$ Hoe import of oduaoced - —gechonl gage toh Cee A ae noge L OF COIN ore nl! => +, i ed x Ps Oxid in $20 Main 4S = i | Pollotian de Pletion Of Natur ed i Ye savx(e Ax Pollution occu: Wh en Lharmftyl or EXCESSING quantitre = easton Monoxide, Sulehve Asoxide boitsia mxide ood meine: ose C WintxOdvted into tne easth! a Ort rene s Plhese I 0 LL Be r = cy OWIt-2 Enviromental Pollvtion DSO ED ew) @ Define — Folteuing—betms ___ — iD) polation => Pollution ig the intradvclian of haymful aaa sed = Ihascafyl motesiolg axe codtled Pollotants. i) Pollotoct > 5 : Lenexgy intxodoced inlo ensitame pe nok has yodesised eetect [adversely Gfecks We usefulness of & Yesoure WY Wotes Pollatiog — woter paliotion is contamingt” of water bodies Agvolly Os Oo Kegalt of urna __caetivities . $0 Hrot if Negctre as offecks +5 USCS WD) Ats Pollutio 0 > _Altx pollution is cootaminat® of ary dave fo the Psescenre Of culne}- Manotat ta lgeaty of human, a Hex _Aivines laciog’s feavs, demage ——te__tiimefe@ | to note srerg eT | Epvisomentol ES i ion . 4 Ee 2 pally bi0o js the intreductta a o€ contomin-— ants into te noturol envisanmert — _—_—thet causes _oduerse change. Polly bica— Wd $4 SE Fo Og & any Svbstence — Lenecgy | Fg \futsophicatiog Be > __Woise Pollution, is the PxoPagobrun — : O09 + Hoe __octivity af humas | animgy — life ponost of Poe On a7 Wari Pa eile deg see. oom -4) Saltd Wo te__Manugrae " 2 Mainly wefers to tne camplete f . R & dise sing oft Solid westes r SAI Cto-medieal waste => Bio-medicol waste ox lnospitod woste iS san 4y—Isiod Of Waste | PQ) = waste “=> é- waste is 4 popular , intasco ol > mace fax electrani4 > Ktasirg Hoe end of Hei eg — fee et sefyl lie" — 1 69) Prionasy Palluback >The primacy Pollotaots Gxe © directly’ | eenitte.| qm ne Pxracc ses ! Such Oo fasil fucd Consves ption — Collvtant a ith | Ansectl Leagm Oo Sovece Clite Nechiles {| Power ploots y ey) Waters - Wongne disease > Wot er\gaxe ee Grae ilaess ae Cowused by mitros copie oxgacism— Like Nixuges ap laacte ei He On = ——are__ingested oxough Contac inaty— moter} ley Coming in contac + Bee with bs feces 6 i eh ee L Un-5 Give Clagsificodicon of air _palivt- acts. a \Lod 2 ea phd ees ue desc. ping i, © F Aree Gelou! 5 fee @ollotaats Arc s fee ee ae ly. soto toc nivein's pie ne __lo» toe _osiginel— | f£osmed hecause of “eackioas Woes Primacy potiutaaots— Ye ote e« elemeot im otmosph— | there are fav x cooio +4 pe , | Ot Oi Polls tant r | | i) motile oveces, — suiclh OR welt & LO dust oy facilitres facterics ~ Bey eo Sevace =_ Sveh ay Ga: cotter a— ———o2egs_citses gy Wood bo sning — fixe Place = ~ iv) poturol soveres - gach as iad => bio A AvS$) witd Cixexs Ge 7 oT VOlCan of oi 2) Eoliss G exPlain Soveces Of Water Pollv bor |. Sewage Cwaste water) => eget ooathes pjame for waste from domestic & taducte te 2 Agxioultrot Palvta _=) Agriculty red processe Sucla—_ons wacootralled spxeading of slussies tb Meauacs , discosal at Skip diP tilag : € ws Power Plaot ylodustciol enedicol and Othes cicotific Peacesses. ly. Rover Ou ping > Lot of people dump Supeccoaskep tealleys — beiyeycl . eesdea cutting te @leckeqai¢ yaste Sato visex' ot - s ee A aly Cause Wiotts pollotion + re CASO E haseng audiife a incsease xis of | flooding ST Ly the anid wide vod for notvse = 5 Xn +. i Cuwe) estimates ox taqesxing Aamgunt Of water Pnte © fate tne Sea every wear, Pox of tnt i U dau to delibeote dus ping ot : ) i 35 =) The — degeedoble axe colled cs —nen=_peasistent— -Polvteots aad can _xapidly—brokea dows boy Building, Se» Cons Paxk constsuctian God xomd Puveeot xesuxtac ng oxk _dsill x produce LLlOAg “@ £xelain the efferts of noise on PeoPle oad it antrol mengvre 2 => il vods + cormmuarcete ~ to £2ad food ... etc. Ques exPosrysc to icy iatea fty of affect hearing caloiltiy At Noise an ecaosysteen \evel, noise palstiog Co affect CxoP Pxode ction cand CAL grcnkion ofr peaPle €£ xan ae Place ta another, 4 i —_Fellawing memsvse'’s sShauld We token | caqntre| noise Poviobien +s - to in luxaing VS obte apphanre whea act Cc. Qs > e anting (axe _-xlcs—————__ D_Xequlax maiatensare Of —vechi les SE nach ine : 2 use _of ¢axplvgs —_+ + —__ L Si. exing the valoume o> De€ine following texms $7 i) saiid woste Sold wiaste can ine defined ay. the ase les % uawcoted Prod * in Eby Solid state deyxived fxom the artivibies of ana discusded by gociety a 2})_Rio-medical wraste i Bin dae oe se, 3 : Ria- me te S$—moy waste — Produced du Kings fain ‘S OSs xc : 5 ' research Cachiviljies Pextaiaing 19 Produgtioo oy testia 2 i Lagi ot Or OQ heath Aan AS Fh Fo $22 ig A paPvlar | informal acs e& fox electeanic peoducty Oem 10a the Bad? of there Su seful Lifes winian vefuxbished ox xecycled 4) Guxbage v Called gc bage G hage Cansist of leftove fuod £suit -egetabic eel unwmoaoked Plastic so yect.. ofc S), Rubles h D> _ Useles waste |x esected nrvottes Known am Subacsh . Trash s xebhish Ta cok, \ncludes. by sy bees Doted liquid thot is Qeaecoked Emmy robe pescolatiag Anxovagh olid waste disposal te and Moving ate vhsoxtoare x eo 3) Ash DD | The. solid uxesidve p left when Combustile poatesias ig thera gly burned ac ig Oo xtdized By — —Clyeanitoy meang eas waste Maaagmert iy 2 Salid—iaste—managmeal—is— tine —_ - Collect og a AisPosing of olid cate xica i Bisco sdey eee ane Puxpose Ox. ig no len gery seks) a i iff i Wasi, % Aegexrite ik Sovrces_ | seat Os Ccloewe’® bellow % = ; 1. Tadustyiot Jaste = => Inese xe tne wastes Created An Gactoxies % indugtwies . Wag} fodustxie dump +iyeix iasie i Sues Ar: Sea uihich cavse AW lot Of Pollutior Evins Plo shi Qlass 22. ob 2: Commesci@dl, waste chaols , colleges , snaps tH offices | Qx i= Plashit Papers = a 13: Domestic. waste 2 The ieexcot So deka, CRA ase —_collectecl _dusing Whouseloid actin hes goat Ke __combioy, Cleaning eke. cCaxe _ Known cas —Pimenesghiles/ cnrciae ¢ ex = leaves, vegetoble peels excxeto eh Te Aepricuilna ret iaghete aoe BY Kowa ca Agriculbuc ot fie\d imxe AGgsi¢viburat \ ye xis cote waste weed, nugk. ef ei f vse to- jad give dactailed Clhassiticak? OF loio -me dicot waste — Majo. moxsceys OF Bio-medicol waste Ose fio No ws = | le Has pitod eather Wealth facilbe 2+ lato cotesiey UY sescorrh centse Bo Marbua y—Sp_cavtersy Centse be Gnimed ~xeseacch yesting Yabo veto sity gh ate Se : : OX tbestin OF 1 i iMi bie —. Qs io nealth Cam pus —Gnad) Give detailed —classificor™ OF wags. with Coastiiveat poate riols2 discesded erecteicod | electsanic devi bees. sed stecteonic Wy it ¢ dom 19 a Mate xiat ecavesy OO» Ais Posol ae Oso Considered e-wasic a €-waste i Cseeated when a electyon" Peaodoct is discarded cafte » ead of ib MSECFol Vee, The saepid ex Pansfan of 4 analogy th the £00 $um PHO Awived Socict eo egult iN _¢seobian of vley la coe Amount Of @-\oaste_ TF a CoO Arvot) +hex Dse foil wing tyPe mf £-woasice a gman hovsehotd a pPliance 21 _equinent i bo diing Manitor 3 Lamps 4 luminaaie 14> Qutomotit AisPendess 5S. om Albosing se Conivel instru ments PP, ee rete rf) @ol4)—Hescribe tne envitomeot a Ihealtl a copecks Of AMPeXC GOCE _paanogeeot ____ OF £g-wosre = | A imple deflinotian Of eovisameot a yer. en rcamp- 7b lema + he boted os 4 $4 2 lbtabic te cam cat: fle meg bk 3 ol + feecting huma Ite £-weaste as bo: fot ao v\ i th | Wr eC 1 can I! 8 igh evels | oft Aramingat SLL ¢ Lead bmercys brominated flame ¢}uxdaots CRFRY and Poly chlevingted by phyne/ which | can \emd +o isxeversible health effect Locivding aoce x! Misi ca x viage | Aevxolagicat denouge Sh diminished Id Se RS Vatt= 3 Globet—Eoviterenta, => Sustainable develapment is developmen, +inok meets the acedy of they i igen c O'silits, Of futuxe Generatrany | to meet theiv Owd Ceed fas. 2) Chins ate change = Climate Chaage 3 _c tang term i Chonge ia the Cat Sage weathey _ Rothe xn thot have came to define ) - x a i Clim ates a 3)__Glainad Warming ‘ > Gro) WLaX ening igs the | ag tess lncating Of fay th! Suxfare olaserve, re Ane | Pre — industxio Persad doe FO Wyerod metivities Primarily fois fuel burning which INCE ASE beat -~ dvapoing levels 95 farth’s at ma spher: @» 4) Acid XOio = Ranta rFAace o ads GAMOSP Ne xr : Polivt an toot it Causes Pnvixam lot ay Inoso, chiefly) to fn rest aad lake he main Cuvse i tine indvstxial lauxarng of Coad othe, fossil (vel. Ozone loyer depletion e shea bisomi ae a cine: ne otoco came into a + + pith OUone in Six ots Phese be destxa oo Lonoale cule caoad +n: 4 Kaown a Grane layex depletiag a boa otPai : oto Aco a xeceaoho - ling Co, @& methaoe) thot “axe QBeaerorted tos, DY acto 4) clea x development methan sm =. The clemory develapment poechaargm C com) ahow AW Cguatsy with 4 emigsgi -x 100 ox emi tao- firaitatioo cammitmen} usd the ©O Px oraca i de ent a Emi ssian sedvetiod Pxojyrc} in develo el rag covatsies, lo lanket trapping wrapped caxavod + Lax th | T tne sun's: ne ats” 4 Easio g tem peratyyt>. — Qo. whot is Couse Go trod Wwioresingy 2 Folisk ats eflCects %M canixral measy 5 F — \ 2 oni \ OF @arxins x é 2 Observed rate the Pre- io dustticd Pexiod due sa num ao Cachisn pe iA Con xtlo’s Primayily fossil €yel byenins, crbene s Phese. =) The Imutning Of fassil evels ,cuthing down OF teeey ere cause. tye —tenop | of the earth -to_incxeas, Higin ; Changes toe weatbes Pattesos co Papo tee iex wet Qxeeas _to get wetter, Thus incsCasing | the fs equeney cf _discaastes’s {ike Axsovgtt. Eloced s+ fC. =) The xelage of cawhan- diame /a-! ather \ th Majo s vse __af a lonedt WIAEMING Tt Can be edvced by ettiag \nigin Price of caxbon sin Ce easing th 7 LJ OSre we at Kenémwoble ene gy like Solas 9 wind po s Safe ayo. xding foxest 3 na Proving nALxgy effirency Gad Nechile vel eranamy ot Oct Sketch . enlist Qrseenhous | methane) theet ut _actioa's The average Corhan footprint fax Besson in Tadia \6 to: one of the rege + ¥otes 30 worxid Globally +n carhan footPxiot > ex +o 4 tons Ta have +h (no Hy best -Clnaere_ 0€ _auaid Dey Cae ee tye _—ta _glolbol _temPpcrotuse 4 toc | -AUCEAGC _—Glotbol ca aon foot @sint pes year pcos —to__dvoap__uodes 2 tons 64 2080 “90-6 Ex plaia C\ean- development mechanism 2 “2 Cleaa cleucloPmeat Mechanism (com), Cows A Eountsy, with aa PrniSSOO xedurtian Ox emi (ieoitekion gammitment podes | yora, e tocal +a imPicmeot Ag Omission = xed vction Pyoject in dev loping cavoixie A com Project activity aight 3 Wve fox €xi- OQ _xurxol electaifitatian pxasect using Salas pannel sx _installation of _momse _anexgy- efficent hoilex Th mechanism tiroulotes tain ahic ion vt) Qing indvstsiclised Cavaisic Same lexi tones iO how they erect thei emissinn xeductiono oar Rmitetiod tusgtt YS 28) Yntt-4-Basic corcerh's— of —_ __—————_—__. _ ne 4s _bivetie corn muaities 2: Energy efficeocy Todax ois Quictiby uy Yn. Waite Q Shaxt aate oo Green building Keeking Syateen 2 q ad =? Green building seoting system Is socdeo's | the facu lheyood the pyacduct to Consides the pxosect whale Q ystems cs m +yee mt lovilding esti fication 4SACCO Hy ot cate, ox Kwa sd: xelat level of ComPlian Ox Pe sa sao, with Pci c t CHEE OF OvVixramental Good 4 rem xeaviy Gxseco ovild OG Kok ing at 2 eak Prasects toot an fovitomertel'y Xe€sPmosiblt St __se@sousce — efficent Hos ough- Out a Louitaiog's Mite cycle £xrony itting, +c al tga, ¢ astsyvetion OPCraotiagn Maintainence enovatiaqn tt demotition ~ Df Sramsxf cibies @o-3_ Discuss basic coorce ts = i IS rt 8 i okiga tr corncovaitetiao +echnolayies CECT) po Clevelap deploy aad Promote sustainable add» FAW OG development Prackises of Vebaqizati oo Clholieages A Incq pesr Of Hai Ss aa intelligent networi< obsects tt machiae Colsa kKaowa digited city) tran moittiag dota Using Laineless techaclegy add the Cloud. TeT Framewaoghk Of caoperted a \e) peti: 4 np eaoeee OM As fox ony waste Managereat System, ee dae car ee’ ° used to ochive the one thes WUaste minimisotion tt», Ae Plc ation’ 3 - = D> Beducet~ 2 1. Improve Jouv prares ws ~Gucid Yajected a j 2. Haadle cod boxe conte viol i ae Caxtfully ta 2 eal Bi => Reuse 31> a t—tuhicl =s used fax cl floays beet Hage ensyed rae! ko. = Fae gox . Std > Recycie+ a 2 BaP mete) wooed Y plashc ora ne aoe < 7 2 RQ ax a a mio into the (ewe where it etuxns ut sxeot 1 Soil D> Recover += @ Oxgcact aste Kitch a no ing am 2: Geneyoke electricity Mla Gia 4 bes ro Cnexgy concept 2 eves 2 pxca oste Se enadc (a ex ted into Compost od can he r di ic goxdens. Th c bed lox Oe o oenini bi Eugstber i¢ caxge 0 at of. <5, Cxaie Lica te Georccied ib Cao toy ovectod 10 bio-gas tt used a Eueh On the Waste

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