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International Geomechanics Symposium IGS-2022-184

Well Log Prediction Using Deep Sequence Learning

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Weichang Li1* and Lei Fu1
Aramco Americas, Houston Research Center, Houston, Texas, United States
Murtadha J. AlTammar2
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Copyright 2022 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association

This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Geomechanics Symposium (IGS) on 7 - 10 November 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
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ABSTRACT: Sonic logs including compressional and shear travel time logs (DTC and DTS, respectively) are important
measurements for subsurface elastic and geomechanic property characterization. However, these log types are not always measured
in practice or incomplete in many oil and gas wells for economic and other practical reasons. We propose to accurately predict these
types of log data from the traditional common types of well log measurement data using deep sequence learning methods. After
anomalous data removal and augmenting the ratio DTC/DTS as a new lithology differentiating feature, the preprocessed inputs were
fed into a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for training to minimizing the error in predicting the sonic logs.
Once trained, the model is then applied at the target wells to predict the sonic logs. The predicted sonic logs match the actual values
with good accuracy. This entirely data-driven approach significantly reduces dependency on prior domain knowledge, providing a
generalization advantage that enables automated large-scale well log prediction across fields.

are important in many applications. For instance, seismic-

1. INTRODUCTION well tie requires sonic and density logs as inputs.
Well-log data analysis and interpretation are commonly Geomechanical parameters, very challenging to directly
conducted and play a central role in quantitative reservoir measure, may be derived from sonic logs aided with
characterization, formation and completion evaluation additional information such as rock types (Chen and
(Ellis 2007, Glover 2014). Various borehole Zhang 2020). Additionally, sonic logs also provide
measurements provide information to determine reservoir information to derive formation porosity, for stratigraphic
rock composition such as solid and fluid volume correlation, and identification of lithologies, facies,
fractions, as well as rock types, etc. When integrated with fractures and compaction (Glover 2014).
seismic data, multiple types of well log data can help
Traditionally, various regression methods and algorithms
reduce geologic interpretation ambiguity and improve based on statistical, deterministic or empirical models
hydrocarbon reservoir models. Certain well logs, like GR,
such as petrophysics and rock-physics equations, have
resistivity, density, and neutron, are considered as “easy-
been applied to reconstruct missing well log data from
to-acquire” conventional well logs and are deployed in
logs measured at nearby wells (Bader et al., 2019). For
most wells. However due to cost consideration or access
example, Gardner’s equation establishes the relationship
limitation, other types of well logs, like nuclear magnetic
between sonic logs and density for brine-saturated rock
resonance (NMR), dielectric dispersion, elemental
types (Gardner et al., 1974). Interval relationships
spectroscopy, and dipole/shear sonic, are deployed in a between resistivity and sonic logs can be traced to the
limited number of wells and not as commonly available,
methods proposed by Faust (1953) and more recently by
or missing at certain depth intervals in an area of interest.
Smith (2007). Empirical relationships developed by
On the other hand, sonic or acoustic logs, which measures
Castagna et al. (1985) and Greenberg and Castagna
the travel time of an elastic wave through the formation,
(1992) allows calculating shear wave (S-wave) velocity
from compressional wave (P-wave) velocity. However, locations where there is no data, such as in pre-drill
the results from these approaches can be sensitive to the scenario or 3D spatial extrapolation of well log data. In
particular rock types in the depth intervals and require this setting, the types of logs available at the testing well
laborious and time-consuming calibration with expert or the well depth intervals are the input log data, and the
knowledge. Generally speaking, relationship between types of missing logs we are interested in predicting as the
conventional well logs (such as Neutron, Gamma Ray, output or target log data. The selected machine learning
Resistivity, and Density) and sonic logs can be highly models are first trained at the training wells or well depth
complex, and sensitive to many factors including the intervals, where it minimizes the error between the
formation properties as well as how these logs are predicted versus actual target log data, based on the input
measured. Therefore, deterministic physics modeling log data (lower half of Figure 1). The trained models are
effort to establish this type of relationship risks model then deployed to predict the target log data missing at the

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mismatch and will inevitably poses significant testing well or well depth interval, based on the input log
uncertainty. data available at these locations (top half of Figure 1).
Machine learning approaches, especially deep neural For sonic log prediction, we consider predicting
network model based methods, are capable of compressional (DTC) and shear (DTS) travel time logs
approximating nonlinear highly complex functional from the conventional well logs such as neutron, Gamma
relationships. Especially sequence learning, a special type ray, density etc.
of machine learning techniques for applications involving
sequence inputs and/or outputs, have been proven
effective in applications such as automatic speech
recognition (ASR) and genomics. Recently, data driven
approaches, especially deep learning models and
algorithms, have been increasingly applied to predict
missing well log information, as summarized, for
example, by Yu et al. 2021 based on the 2021 SPWLA
Machine Learning Challenge. Missing sonic logs were
predicted from gamma-ray, neutron porosity, and density
logs as given in Saggaf and Nebrija (2003), using
regularized back-propagation neural networks. Fully
connected neural networks (FCNNs) are also used by
Fig. 1. Typical setup and workflow for machine learning based
Rolon et al. (2009) and Salehi et al. (2017), producing a well log prediction.
point-wise mapping from input to output logs. Recurrent
neural networks (RNNs), capable of taking input logs 2.2 Data preprocessing
both from a previous depth range and other available logs
at the corresponding depth interval, were used by Zhang Data exploration, quality control and extraction of useful
et al. (2018) to generate synthetic well logs. More information from the features are important to ensure
recently, Feng et. al. 2020 applied Bayesian Neural successful application of machine-learning models as
Network (BNN) to predict compressional sonic log from well as provide interpretation and understanding if
porosity, gamma ray, deep resistivity, photoelectric factor something goes wrong. Several basic data preprocessing
and bulk density, over certain depth intervals. Pham et. al. steps include outlier and non-numerical (NaN) valued
2020 proposed to use Convolutional Long Short-term data removal potentially associated with bad hole
Memory (LSTM) model to predict sonic logs from intervals and measurement issues for the logs,
gamma ray, density and neutron porosity. transforming resistivity logs into logarithm scale, and
normalizing the input logs. In addition, support vector
machine (SVM) classifier is applied to detect the
2. METHODOLOGY anomalous data points, and the ratio DTC/DTS was added
as a new feature to represent different lithology.
2.1 Problem set-up
2.3 Machine learning models and algorithms
We focus on one typical setting for machine learning
based well log prediction: nearby training wells or well Deep learning methods optimize the network coefficients
depth intervals with a complete suite of logs are used to to achieve both feature learning to capture the most
predict missing logs at a specific well or well intervals relevant representative structures and statistics and
where only certain “easy-to-acquire” conventional well minimizing the prediction error between the predicted and
logs are available, as depicted in Figure 1. This is more of the true output values (Goodfellow et al., 2016, Zhang et
a post-drill scenario, which is different and should not be al. 2021). It has shown to be quite successful in a host of
confused with the problem of predicting synthetic logs at applications in computer vision, natural language
processing, etc. Deep sequence learning (Lipton et al. on a single training set, and the training model was
2015) addresses tasks involving sequential data where applied to the entire test well or well depth intervals.
sequence dynamics, whether in time or space, are
captured by certain network model structures such as
recurrent networks. The long short-term memory (LSTM)
network is used to take into account long-term
dependencies and was introduced by Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber 1997 to offer a solution to the vanishing
gradients problem.

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Fig. 3. LSTM network structure consisting of repeating
modules each with four interacting layers (left to right): 1.
forget gate layer, 2. new memory network, 3. the input gate
layer, and 4. the output gate layer.

2.4 Workflow
The process taking raw well log data from training wells
to predict sonic logs at testing wells using machine
learning models consists of four stages, as shown in
Figure 4. It is worth noting that before training and
applying the trained models to predict sonic logs for new
wells, there are several important steps for data
preprocessing (bad data removal), exploration (additional
features and clustering etc.), and sample preparation (data
scaling and normalization, forming sequence samples and
Fig. 2. Bidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM) based subset partition for training, validation and testing). These
well log prediction. steps ensure the quality of the data samples subsequently
fed into the machine learning models to achieve good
The basic architecture of bidirectional LSTM consists of quality prediction.
two hidden layers of opposite order directions with the
same output, as shown in Figure 2, before they are
combined and fed through an activation layer and a dense
layer to generate sonic log predictions. Structures such as
this aim to learn bidirectional order dependence in
sequence prediction problems. As shown in Figure 3, an
LSTM cell can learn to recognize an important input with
an input gate, store it in the long-term state, and preserve
it for as long as needed, ensure that it is maintained in the
forget gate, and learn to extract it when needed. This
greatly helps the model capture long-term sequence
patterns and has been quite successful in learning time
series, text sequences, and audio clips. It is well suited to
tasks like prediction with sequence data. Because the
properties measured by various well-log techniques are
influenced by properties from the adjacent depth of both
upside and downside, this form of sequence deep-learning Fig. 4. Workflow for deep sequence learning based sonic log
model can be a good fit for the well-log prediction prediction.
problem. Before feeding the log data into the LSTM
model, significant effort was made to remove anomalies The well log data were then formed into sequences of
and choose a good combination of features, as well as samples of the same short length sliding down the depth
experiment with different hyperparameters during model direction, with padding at the boundaries. For data from
training, including input sequence length, number of training wells, we split them into 75% for training and
hidden layers, number of nodes, batch size, dropout 25% for validation, with random partition.
ration, regularization weighting, learning rate, and early
stop (number of epochs). The LSTM model was trained

3.1 Field data set ∑ (𝐷𝑇𝐶 , − 𝐷𝑇𝐶 , ) + (𝐷𝑇𝑆 , − 𝐷𝑇𝑆 , ) (1)

The dataset we use comes from the Equinor Volve field 3.3 Results
data, we applied the machine-learning algorithm and used
Following the workflow in Figure 4, we removed samples
the “easy-to-acquire” conventional logs to predict the
with log data values that are either NaN, out of range or
DTC and DTS logs. A total number of 20,525 data points
detected as anomalous, then applied normalization to
(corresponding to distinct depths) collected from three
scale the data values within the same dynamic range.
wells were used to train the models using machine-
After that we clustered samples using minibatch-K-
learning techniques. Each of the data points has seven
Means, based only on the log data that will be used as
features, which are the conventional “easy-to-acquire”
inputs for prediction, excluding the log data to be

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logs, namely caliper, neutron porosity, gamma ray, deep
predicted. The clustering results of all the training
resistivity, medium resistivity, photoelectric factor, and
samples are given in Figure 6, which shows a clear
bulk density, respectively, and two targets, which are the
distribution of several different group patterns.
sonic traveltime logs, DTC and DTS, respectively. We
use neutron porosity, gamma ray and bulk density as
inputs to predict the sonic logs. Figure 5 shows the three
input logs and the measured sonic logs at the training
The separate data set of 11,089 samples from a fourth well
was then used as the blind test data set.

Fig. 6. clustering of training data based on gamma ray (GR),

density (ZDEN) and neutron porosity (CNC).

After forming short sequence samples from adjacent log

samples and partition the data from training wells into
training and validation subsets, we trained the the bi-
directional LSTM based deep sequence learning network
model given in Figure 2.

Fig. 5. Well logs from the training set (left to right): Gamma
ray, density, porosity and sonic logs (DTC and DTS)
3.2 Performance metrics
Fig. 7. Training results: predicting sonic logs DTC, DTS from
The prediction performance of the model was evaluated gamma ray, bulk density and neutron porosity.
using root mean squared error (RMSE) as the metric,
shown in the equation below:

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