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DISSERTATION TOPICS : 1 Conservation and Urban Renewal - Banaras City

2 The study on redevelopment of Chandni Chowk, Shahjahanabad

3 Importance of adaptive reuse and the perseverance of old buildings

1. Conservation and Urban Renewal - Banaras City

Aim : To balance the preservation of the city's rich cultural and historical heritage with the need
for development and improved living conditions .
● Preservation of Cultural and Architectural Heritage
- Identify and preserve historically and culturally significant structures, such as temples,
ghats, havelis, and other heritage buildings, to maintain the city's unique identity.
- Undertake restoration and conservation projects to ensure the longevity of important
architectural landmarks, allowing future generations to experience the city's cultural
● Development
- Balancing Tradition and Modernity
- Incorporate green spaces and sustainable practices in urban planning to enhance the
quality of life for residents and visitors while preserving the environment.
● Tourism Management
- Develop strategies for responsible heritage tourism to ensure that the influx of visitors
contributes positively to the local economy without causing harm to the city's cultural and
architectural assets.
2 .The study on redevelopment of Chandni Chowk, Shahjahanabad
Aim : To achieve several objectives based on the unique needs and challenges of the area.
● Any redevelopment plan for Chandni Chowk should prioritize the preservation of its
historical and cultural heritage. This includes the restoration of historical buildings and
● Implementing a comprehensive urban planning strategy is essential to address issues of
congestion, traffic flow, and overall spatial organization. This may involve redesigning
public spaces and improving connectivity.
● Involving local communities, businesses, and residents in the redevelopment process
ensures that the plan is inclusive and considers the needs and aspirations of those who live
and work in the area.
● Involving local communities, businesses, and residents in the redevelopment process
ensures that the plan is inclusive and considers the needs and aspirations of those who live
and work in the area.
● Develop and implement effective traffic management strategies, potentially including the
creation of pedestrian-friendly zones, improved public transportation, and efficient
parking solutions.
● Develop strategies to attract tourists, provide informational resources, and create an
environment that encourages responsible tourism.
● Integrate green spaces, energy-efficient infrastructure, waste management systems, and
other environmentally friendly initiatives into the redevelopment plan.

3. Importance of adaptive reuse and the perseverance of old buildings

Aim : Embracing adaptive reuse as a viable urban development strategy contributes to the
creation of more resilient, vibrant, and culturally rich communities.

● Repurposing existing structures for new functions, holds significant importance in the
realms of sustainability, cultural preservation, economic development, and community
● Adaptive reuse reduces the demand for new construction materials and minimizes the
environmental impact associated with demolishing existing structures. It is a sustainable
approach that helps conserve resources and reduce waste.
● Old buildings often carry historical and cultural significance, reflecting the architectural
styles and traditions of a bygone era. Preserving these structures helps maintain the
cultural identity of a community and contributes to a sense of place.
● Adaptive reuse allows for the retention of historical landmarks, ensuring that important
sites, landmarks, and architectural treasures are not lost to demolition.
● Transforming old buildings into new, dynamic spaces can inspire cultural innovation and
contribute to the evolution of a community's cultural landscape.


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