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Grammar Quiz | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of going to and the verbs in
brackets or short answers.

1 A: 0 Are you going to go (you / go) camping tomorrow?

B: No, 1 ____________________. I 2 __________________________ (stay) at home.

2 A: 3 ________________________________________________ (Nathan / move) to Berlin?

B: Yes, 4 ________________________. He 5 ____________________ (teach) English there.

3 A: 6 ______________________________________ (we / watch) the school concert

tomorrow evening?
B: Yes, 7 ___________________! And my parents 8 ____________________________
(come) with me.
___ / 8

2 Write sentences using the prompts and going to.

0 we / do some sightseeing?
Are we going to do some sightseeing?

1 I / not go / to the open-air theatre this afternoon


2 Jake / go back / to Spain on Tuesday?


3 what / they / do / tonight?


4 they / have / a picnic in the park


5 what / we / buy / at the weekend?


6 who / start / driving lessons?


7 they / not get / a summer job


___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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