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Inner peace, from the word “inner” it means that it is from within oneself, a state where one is mentaly and
physically at rest. To achieve inner peace there is always that battle within oneself, such doubts and problems
that one has to deal with in everyday life. These battles do not end easily, thus peace takes time. The beauty of
having inner peace is that it is only from within yourself that one can find it, others may become your
instrument but it is still up to yourself to achieve peace. A lot of people carry the baggage of the past with
them to the present, this creates conflict within self and causes distress, so for one to have peace, one must let
go of all the baggage from the past, live the present, and embrace the future. It is only with letting go and
acceptance that one can have peace within. Acceptance is the key to achieve inner peace. Accept your own
and others flaws, and accept circumstances that are beyond your control. Learning to accept means that we
have the opportunity cost of how we believe things should work, and choose that for once we let life flow as
life is full of surprises, but within that one must face it bravely with an open mind. Once you have inner peace
you could already use your voice and influence to be the instrument of peace to everyone around you, and
that is through spreading positive vibes and love wholeheartedly. Having inner peace makes yourself strong
despite the distress and chaos around you.

Peace can be taught

Peace is more than the absence of war, it can be seen even in the tiny details around us, and even
from within. Peace is mallabble, thus defining it is not easy, for as we grow older and take on different paths
and professions our meaning of peace changes with it. Our world today is facing a global pandemic, this is
something no one had expected happening, all of the countries went into lockdown and some affected by the
pandemic have reached the bottom of the curve for their economic state. This happened since every country is
focused on preparing for war that they did not give importance to other aspects such as health and peace
education. Education is very essential since it is one of the key ingredients to mold someone's sensible
thinking, thus introducing the young with the concept of peace affects their perspective as they grow older.
Fights exist since people have different perspectives and beliefs, but this can be minimized if the children are
taught that everyone is unique in their own way and one must be open minded to see it. Professionals in the
making should also be thought to be an advocate for peace, because they will be the future leaders of the
world, and they have the power to change it into a direction of peace. This means using their knowledge and
focusing it to make the world a better place to live in.

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