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Aristotle’s Model Of Communication

Good Morning Everyone!....
This is the presentation/discussion of group 2
Now that were done discussing the Function of Communication
we are moving on to The Models of Communication

Do you have any idea what are the models of communication?
Is there anyone who can give one model of communication?

Now we have 4 models of communication and this are the….
• Aristotle’s Model of Communication
• Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication
• Transactional Model of Communication
• Schramm Model of Communication

But now we will be focusing on Aristotle’s Model of Communication
• What is Aristotle’s Model of Communication
The Aristotle Model of Communication is a linear model of communication. It was Pirst
introduced in 300 B.C. Basically, it solely focuses on the message of the speech. As the
Greek scientist Aristotle introduced this communication model; it is named after him. It
is one of the most recognizable communication models across the globe.

The Aristotle Model Of Communication basically explains a one-way
communication process. That is why the aristotle model of communication
process is categorized as a linear communication model.

When the communication model is linear, it automatically excludes feedback,
unlike the transactional model, which is a two-way process and includes
feedback. So, due to the absence of feedback in this particular communication
model, it is recognized as Aristotle’s linear model of communication.
The Aristotle’s Model of Communication has only three (3) elements present
In the process and this are….
1).Speaker or Sender
3).Listener or Receiver

In speaker, Obviously, the individual who delivers the speech is the speaker. The
speaker is the primary element of the communication process, which initiates the
conversation. Without a speaker, communication can never be designed, and thus it
is crucial for both verbal and non-verbal communication types.

The second element of Aristotle’s Model of communication is the Message.
The message of the communication, which the speaker wants to deliver to their
audience, is obviously the speech. Usually, in order to accomplish the goals, the
speaker delivers the speech, just like a political leader gives a persuasive speech to
motivate supporters.

Lastly, Of course, the receiver of the speech is the audience. To the audience,
the speaker addresses the speech. That is why audiences are also known as listeners.
If we take an example of a political campaign, the supporters are the audience.
Impacted by the speech, the audience acts with a passive role. Active and passive are
the 2 types of audiences. This limits communication from the speaker to the

So that is the 3 elements of Aristotle’s Model of Communication

Now,we prepared a role play situation that the elements of aristotles model of
communication will be evident.

Hi. First I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to watch this or listen to me. It means
a lot. Many of you may not know me so l'd like to introcuce myself. My name is Tonio Cruz
and I would like to tell you why I think that I am the best candidate forINHS SSLG vice

I am organized and completely dedicated to SSLG. You're probably wondering how you
are supposed to belleve all of that but it's true. I am currently an active member of CSA, a
branch of SSLG. Ever since it started I've managed to not only attend every single meeting but
also to be one of the last people to leave. I've visited the people who give us the okay on most
of the things we do so many times, sometimes multiple times a day, trying to get information
about what we should do and how we should do it so that it beneIits you guys the most. I probably
drove them to the point where they are annoyed by the sight of me.I helped plan movie night,sorry
about showing a chick Ilick,by the way and the t-shirt design war and the money we make is contributing
to our senior years.If you elect me I will continue to dedicate my time to make your school
experience the best I could be.

Before I go on,I would just like to say that I am not one to make false promises.If it’s not possible
,it’s not possible and I won’t say otherwise. But if it is possible,I will do everything I can to make
it happen.

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