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How friendly is Italeri’s Fokker F27?

Massimo Santarossa finds out, as
he constructs this turboprop
airliner in 1/72 scale


nspired by the need to Innovations this type introduced in materials and construction
improve upon surplus were the use of Rolls-Royce kept weight down, making
military transports then Dart turbo-prop engines, a the aeroplanes much more
being used as airliners pressurised cabin and high- economical to operate.
– such as the Douglas DC3 mounted wings. These led In 1958, the F27 entered
– the company that bears the to more comfortable seating, service with Irish airline Aer
surname of Dutchman Anthony unobstructed views from the Lingus. Initial orders were slow
Fokker first flew its F27 passenger windows and ease to materialise, but once the
Friendship in 1955. of ground servicing. Revolutions aircraft’s reputation for reliability,

Fokker F27 Friendship
By: Italeri
Stock Code: 1430
Scale: 1/72
Price: £35.99
Available from:

Scale drawings were used to check the accuracy of the model’s shape, which
was not perfect but came pretty close. The project complexity comes down to
individual choice on what needs correcting and what is acceptable

42 Airfix Model World

INTERMEDIATE BUILD | Fokker F27 Friendship

efficiency and performance scribed into straight panel lines.

became widespread, demand for Curiously, an additional door
the airliner increased. A licensing was moulded on the right side of
agreement with Fairchild in the fuselage, which was quickly
the US meant airframes were dispatched with putty.
produced on both sides of
the Atlantic and, before Ready for boarding
production ended in 1987, A basic interior was provided,
799 examples had been built by comprising passenger and pilot
As a military version can be made, two different fuselage plugs were provided.
the two companies, including seats, bulkheads and cargo The outline shows its position and rounded corners, which were filled and
stretched and military versions. nets. Some of these would be re-scribed to match the remaining panel lines
visible behind the attractively
Italian-Dutch fusion clear windows so it was decided
Italeri’s 1/72 Friendship was to enliven these areas. As
originally released by Esci in sometimes happens, enthusiasm
1991. On the plus side of the took over and a full crew and
ledger, the kit featured neatly passenger load, along with
engraved panel lines and crisply cockpit details, were added.
moulded parts. Some of Additions to the flight deck were
the shortcomings created by fitting panels made
from sheet styrene while spares
box decals simulated a number
of gauges and switches, with a Adding figures provided a further dimension during the build. They were
painted using various colours, given a wash of Burnt Umber oil to highlight detail
couple of maps placed on the
and seated using glue or Blu Tack ‘cushions’
anti-glare shield.
Contrasting colours were Although little of the interior
would be seen despite the clear
included basic detailing, both used in the cockpit and cabin, windows, creating the details
internally and externally, plus these being based on photos and passengers was a fun and
several accuracy errors. found online of Air UK-operated stimulating exercise and therefore
As offered, the model could aircraft. Figures came from two well worth the time spent
have easily been built into a fine- sources; the flight crew were
looking F27, especially with the from PJ Productions (www.
colourful, well-printed decals and the
that were included. For this build, passengers from Preiser (www.
though, an attempt would be The former
made to improve some areas and were 1/72 resin items, which
enliven the overall build. were well cast and fitted into
The first task was to determine place perfectly, whereas the
After the fuselage halves were
which areas of the kit needed passengers, being designed for joined, any misalignments
modifying and which could HO scale railways, were 1/87. were corrected by filling and
be accepted as supplied. The Being a bit short in ‘scale stature’, sanding, whereupon lost
panel lines were re-scribed.
general shape of the fuselage they were placed on Blu Tack Tape was used to keep debris
was close enough that correcting ‘cushions’ so they could be seen out of the cockpit
it would not be worth the effort. through the windows.
That said, other detail did require Deciding what colours to paint
attention: the kit comes with two the figures was confusing initially,
different fuselage inserts for the though the crew were easy:
forward cabin/cargo door. With white shirts and dark trousers.
the correct part in position, the For the rest, each figure was
rounded corners were filled and given an imaginary personality

“Italeri’s 1/72 Friendship

was originally released
by Esci in 1991” Airfix Model World 43


and ‘dressed’ appropriately, of being part of them. This could

depending on who they were. not be left unattended. Before
Among the passengers, one can work could begin, the nacelle
see Heidi and her grandfather, interiors were addressed. Italeri’s
the youngsters from the movie instructions would
Airplane, a quantity surveyor
named Ethel and even an air
marshal, although for security
Before work could begin on the nacelles, the circular mounting points for the reasons he cannot be identified.
landing gear were opened at the rear so the struts could be fitted later in the
construction process In the end, not much of the have you fit the undercarriage
interior detail could be seen, struts before closing the nacelle
but there was enough visible to halves – it was felt this would lead
stir the modelling imagination. to difficulties in handling, if not
As for all the work involved in outright damage. The rear portion
this ‘losing effort’, it was worth of each mounting ring was
it simply because it was an removed so the supports could
exercise in pure imagination, be slipped into position later.
which in itself yielded very Correcting the nacelle profiles
enjoyable bench time. began with cutting guides
The fuselage was then from sheet styrene; these were
closed in sections over several subsequently installed between
A scale drawing was attached to sheet styrene and a contour guide was hours to minimise any step or the nacelle halves, the intake
created by cutting around the correct profile. The forward and aft sections were misalignment of parts. By and rings attached, and the units
then glued between the nacelle halves
large, this worked and any then offered to the wings. The fit
Lengths of problem areas were sanded to was not exactly perfect,
superfine Milliput the correct shape, while lost but the puttying that was to
were placed panel lines were reinstated via a follow would offer correction.
alongside the
contour guides, scriber. Focus then switched to Milliput Superfine white putty
here on one side the wings.
only. The putty
was then shaped
roughly via a
wet cotton swab, Of the kit’s accuracy errors, the
sculpting tool and most egregious was the shape
a moistened finger of the engine nacelles. The tops
of these should blend into the
tops of the wings, but not into the
leading edges (the box art depicts
this correctly). Furthermore,
the moulded oil cooler intakes
extended above the nacelles as if
they were afterthoughts, instead
Landing gear parts were treated to
additional details and reprofiling to
enliven them. A dental tool was used
to scribe the area around the
nosewheel to make it look like a
separate part

44 Airfix Model World

INTERMEDIATE BUILD | Fokker F27 Friendship

“The first task was to determine which

areas of the kit needed modifying
and which could be accepted”

( was rolled achieved that appeared correct, aeroplane’s landing gear. In this bay doors also paid off, so they
into thin lengths and placed but to be certain, the nacelles case, the moulded triangles were thinned, removing their
along the guide strips. This were sprayed with Tamiya Grey intended to pass for scissor links incorrectly moulded rib detailing.
product was easy to work with primer ( This on the main struts were replaced The parts were then skinned
because, much like clay, it can revealed areas that were not with sections of aluminium cut with 10-thou sheet styrene that
be shaped using a sculpting up to standard, so additional to shape from a drinks can, had been cut to shape and
tool, cotton swab or a finger remedial filler/sanding work was while brake lines were added had lightening holes added. At
dampened with water. Once undertaken. When the parts via 34-gauge (0.16mm) wire. the wingtips, kit-supplied pitot
the rough shape was achieved, finally passed the primer test, The nosewheel and strut were tubes were replaced with new
the part was put aside to dry new panel lines were instituted. moulded as one, so the shape items fashioned from 12-gauge
overnight. The next day, the of the wheel was enhanced by (2.06mm) hypodermic needles
contours were refined with Adding airworthiness scribing its outline carefully with and lengths of runner that were
abrasive paper and sanding One area where it’s easy to a dental tool. heat-stretched. While the candle
sticks. Eventually a shape was add additional detailing is an Reworking the undercarriage was lit for the latter, new anti-

When dry, the puttied shape was further refined with sandpaper and sanding Seeing flaws in white putty on white plastic was difficult, so the part was
sticks. Milliput was easy to sand; its fine grain made it very smooth and it took sprayed with grey primer. Any issues that were revealed were dealt with using
scribing well Mr. Surfacer ( and additional sanding

Once the improved profile of the nacelle was achieved, new panel lines Undercarriage doors were detailed by removing their moulded ribs, and were
were outlined and added using a scriber and Dymo tape as a guide. then skinned with 10-thou styrene featuring lightening holes. A wash of Paynes
Notice the smooth finish of the Milliput Grey oil would enhance them further Airfix Model World 45


“Classic Esci kits – considering the era in

which they originated, they still hold up well”

collision lights were created from 2751 Flat White ( Doubt in the instructions was diluted with Tamiya’s own
stretched clear styrene. with light sanding between each. deepened further when it was lacquer thinner and applied in
Two thin layers of 2720 Classic discovered that the suggested two thin coats.
Colour quandary White mixed with lacquer thinner blue shades, FS15056 and For the ‘belly’, it was decided to
Ideally, airliner builders keep were then laid down, which dried Tamiya TS50, were not identical. use Alclad’s ALC-101 Aluminium
the wings off a model to ease to a smooth finish. This then called into question ( as this
painting, and after some test Shades of blue suggested by the underside aluminium hue, would offset the darker grey
fitting, it was determined this the instructions were not on hand because this appeared grey upper tones. Conversely, 1781
technique could be followed here. immediately, but 1731 FS16473 many times in photos. The Aluminum was applied to the
In preparation, the model was Aircraft Grey was, so the wings decision was made to create landing gear, better replicating
first wiped, to remove any dust were sprayed with this tone. a custom blue by mixing X-14 painted material as opposed to
and debris that could mar the However, the resulting colour Sky Blue and X-4 Blue in a 4:1 natural metal. The last shade
finish, then the aircraft was given seemed rather dark compared ratio, resulting in a shade that sprayed was X-18 Semi Gloss
two primer coats of Master Model with photos of Air UK aircraft. appeared correct to my eye. This Black, for the de-icer boots.

Prior to painting, the glazing was

protected with New Ware (www. pre-cut masks.
Made from Kabuki tape, they fit
well and eliminated what tends
to be a rather tedious task

When spraying black, one can never be too careful... Tamiya X-18 was applied
to the de-icer boots while the white and blue livery was protected under
substantial amounts of masking tape

Test-fitting showed the wings could

be attached after painting, which was
beneficial. Two-part epoxy ensured a strong
bond and the wingtip heights were within
A pin wash of Paynes 1mm of one another on completion
Grey oil paint brought
undercarriage detail
to the fore. Brake lines
were made from wire
while the scissor links
were created from
strips of aluminium cut
from a can

46 Airfix Model World

INTERMEDIATE BUILD | Fokker F27 Friendship

Super stickers its wheels, a little weathering Decaling the F27 was a treat;
Italeri’s decals were a treat to use. was undertaken. Airliners Italeri’s markings were easy to deal
They featured perfect register, generally appear pleasant and with, exhibited no tonal bleed even
over the dark blue and had no
dense colours and almost clean at first glance, but given
carrier film in the window openings
no excess carrier film. closer inspection, dirt and grime
become apparent. As such, and
to add a little extra flavour to the
model’s appearance, panels were
Before applying them, it was highlighted with Doc O’Brien’s
decided to mount the wings, Grungy Grey pigments (www.
which meant the model could be, which were
held by the mainplanes instead applied via a stiff brush and a
of the fuselage, reducing any Post-It Note mask.
chance of damaging the decals As is traditional, the last
with clumsy fingers. remaining parts were fitted using
The flight surfaces were glued either CA for weight-bearing
with two-part epoxy; the small items or white glue for everything
mounting stubs did not look like else. Mounting the horizontal
they could take the weight of stabilisers required a bit of care
the finished model, even with as there was a certain amount of
cyanoacrylate (CA), so a much play in the join, so establishing
stronger adhesive was selected. the correct dihedral while the CA
The resulting fit was pleasingly cured took patience.
perfect. The red and white
fuselage stripes came in three Meet the Fokker
sections. The centre portion It is pleasing to see Italeri
was chosen first as it was based re-releasing some of the classic
around the windows, which Esci kits – considering the era There was ample space in the main Subtle weathering was added to the
being in a fixed position would in which they originated, they undercarriage bays to install the gear model using pigments. A Post-It Note
ensure correct alignment of the still hold up well today. This is struts after main assembly. With a little makes for an easy mask that can be
manoeuvring, they were secured with reused and repositioned quickly, as its
remaining markings. The rest of also the case for this 1/72 F27
CA and featured a snug fit low tack doesn’t damage the finish
the decals went on in short order, Friendship. Granted, there were a
responding well to Microscale few accuracy quibbles, and the kit Some of the more delicate parts installed at
the end of the build were the dual pitot tubes,
( decaling does not fall together by itself, but which had been fashioned from hypodermic
solutions. The whole process it is still highly buildable. It offered needles and lengths of stretched runner
took just a few pleasant hours to no great construction challenges,
accomplish and was one of the the plastic, both white and clear,
high points in the project. was well produced and the decal
The landing gear was attached sheet was absolutely top drawer.
using CA, the main sections Whether a modeller has limited
slipping into their modified experience or is an expert at the
mounting positions neatly. With craft, Italeri’s Friendship will
the model resting securely on be an enjoyable project. Airfix Model World 47

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