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Object Oriented Approach
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Jaypee Greens, Kulesara,

6, Noida
Greater_Noida Greater_Noida
2L 1.18 Cr 17.0 L

In t he object -orient ed approach, t he focus is on capt uring t he st ruct ure and behavior of
informat ion syst ems int o small modules t hat combines bot h dat a and process. The main
aim of Object Orient ed Design (OOD) is t o improve t he qualit y and product ivit y of
syst em analysis and design by making it more usable.

In analysis phase, OO models are used t o fill t he gap bet ween problem and solut ion. It
performs well in sit uat ion where syst ems are undergoing cont inuous design, adapt ion, and
maint enance. It ident ifies t he object s in problem domain, classifying t hem in t erms of
dat a and behavior.

The OO model is beneficial in t he following ways −

It facilit at es changes in t he syst em at low cost .

It promot es t he reuse of component s.
It simplifies t he problem of int egrat ing component s t o configure large syst em.
It simplifies t he design of dist ribut ed syst ems.


Elements of Object-Oriented System

Let us go t hrough t he charact erist ics of OO Syst em −

Objects − An object is somet hing t hat is exist s wit hin problem domain and can
be ident ified by dat a (at t ribut e) or behavior. All t angible ent it ies (st udent ,
pat ient ) and some int angible ent it ies (bank account ) are modeled as object .
Attributes − They describe informat ion about t he object .

Behavior − It specifies what t he object can do. It defines t he operat ion

performed on object s.
Class − A class encapsulat es t he dat a and it s behavior. Object s wit h similar
meaning and purpose grouped t oget her as class.
Methods − Met hods det ermine t he behavior of a class. They are not hing more
t han an act ion t hat an object can perform.
Message − A message is a funct ion or procedure call from one object t o
anot her. They are informat ion sent t o object s t o t rigger met hods. Essent ially, a
message is a funct ion or procedure call from one object t o anot her.


Features of Object-Oriented System

An object -orient ed syst em comes wit h several great feat ures which are discussed


Encapsulat ion is a process of informat ion hiding. It is simply t he combinat ion of process
and dat a int o a single ent it y. Dat a of an object is hidden from t he rest of t he syst em and
available only t hrough t he services of t he class. It allows improvement or modificat ion of
met hods used by object s wit hout affect ing ot her part s of a syst em.


It is a process of t aking or select ing necessary met hod and at t ribut es t o specify t he
object . It focuses on essent ial charact erist ics of an object relat ive t o perspect ive of


All t he classes in t he syst em are relat ed wit h each ot her. The object s do not exist in
isolat ion, t hey exist in relat ionship wit h ot her object s.

There are t hree t ypes of object relat ionships −

Aggregation − It indicat es relat ionship bet ween a whole and it s part s.

Association − In t his, t wo classes are relat ed or connect ed in some way such as

one class works wit h anot her t o perform a t ask or one class act s upon ot her
Generalization − The child class is based on parent class. It indicat es t hat t wo
classes are similar but have some differences.


Inherit ance is a great feat ure t hat allows t o creat e sub-classes from an exist ing class by
inherit ing t he at t ribut es and/or operat ions of exist ing classes.

Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding

Polymorphism is t he abilit y t o t ake on many different forms. It applies t o bot h object s
and operat ions. A polymorphic object is one who t rue t ype hides wit hin a super or parent

In polymorphic operat ion, t he operat ion may be carried out different ly by different
classes of object s. It allows us t o manipulat e object s of different classes by knowing
only t heir common propert ies.



Structured Approach Vs. Object-Oriented Approach

The following t able explains how t he object -orient ed approach differs from t he
t radit ional st ruct ured approach −

Structured Approach Object Oriented Approach

It works wit h Top-down approach. It works wit h Bot t om-up approach.

Program is divided int o number of Program is organized by having number of

submodules or funct ions. classes and object s.

Funct ion call is used. Message passing is used.

Soft ware reuse is not possible. Reusabilit y is possible.

St ruct ured design programming usually Object orient ed design programming

left unt il end phases. done concurrent ly wit h ot her phases.

St ruct ured Design is more suit able for

It is suit able for in-house development .

It shows clear t ransit ion from design t o Not so clear t ransit ion from design t o
implement at ion. implement at ion.

It is suit able for real t ime syst em, It is suit able for most business
embedded syst em and project s where applicat ions, game development
object s are not t he most useful level of project s, which are expect ed t o
abst ract ion. cust omize or ext ended.

Class diagram, sequence diagram, st at e

DFD & E-R diagram model t he dat a. chart diagram, and use cases all
cont ribut e.

In t his approach, project s can be difficult

In t his, project s can be managed easily
t o manage due t o uncert ain t ransit ions
due t o clearly ident ifiable phases.
bet ween phase.



Unified Modeling Language (UML)

UML is a visual language t hat let s you t o model processes, soft ware, and syst ems t o
express t he design of syst em archit ect ure. It is a st andard language for designing and
document ing a syst em in an object orient ed manner t hat allow t echnical archit ect s t o
communicat e wit h developer.

It is defined as set of specificat ions creat ed and dist ribut ed by Object Management
Group. UML is ext ensible and scalable.

The object ive of UML is t o provide a common vocabulary of object -orient ed t erms and
diagramming t echniques t hat is rich enough t o model any syst ems development project
from analysis t hrough implement at ion.

UML is made up of −
Diagrams − It is a pict orial represent at ions of process, syst em, or some part of
it .
Notations − It consist s of element s t hat work t oget her in a diagram such as
connect ors, symbols, not es, et c.

Example of UML Notation for class

Instance diagram-UML notation


Operations Performed on Objects

The following operat ions are performed on t he object s −

Constructor/Destructor − Creat ing new inst ances of a class and delet ing
exist ing inst ances of a class. For example, adding a new employee.
Query − Accessing st at e wit hout changing value, has no side effect s. For
example, finding address of a part icular employee.
Update − Changes value of one or more at t ribut es & affect st at e of object For
example, changing t he address of an employee.

Uses of UML
UML is quit e useful for t he following purposes −

Modeling t he business process

Describing t he syst em archit ect ure
Showing t he applicat ion st ruct ure
Capt uring t he syst em behavior
Modeling t he dat a st ruct ure
Building t he det ailed specificat ions of t he syst em
Sket ching t he ideas
Generat ing t he program code


Static Models
St at ic models show t he st ruct ural charact erist ics of a syst em, describe it s syst em
st ruct ure, and emphasize on t he part s t hat make up t he syst em.

They are used t o define class names, at t ribut es, met hods, signat ure, and
UML diagrams t hat represent st at ic model include class diagram, object diagram,
and use case diagram.

Dynamic Models
Dynamic models show t he behavioral charact erist ics of a syst em, i.e., how t he syst em
behaves in response t o ext ernal event s.

Dynamic models ident ify t he object needed and how t hey work t oget her t hrough
met hods and messages.
They are used t o design t he logic and behavior of syst em.
UML diagrams represent dynamic model include sequence diagram,
communicat ion diagram, st at e diagram, act ivit y diagram.


Object Oriented System Development Life Cycle

It consist s of t hree macro processes −

Object Orient ed Analysis (OOA)

Object orient ed design (OOD)
Object orient ed Implement at ion (OOI)

Object Oriented Systems Development Activities

Object -orient ed syst ems development includes t he following st ages −

Object -orient ed analysis

Object -orient ed design
Prot ot yping
Implement at ion
Increment al t est ing

Object-Oriented Analysis

This phase concerns wit h det ermining t he syst em requirement s and t o underst and t he
syst em requirement s build a use-case model. A use-case is a scenario t o describe t he
int eract ion bet ween user and comput er syst em. This model represent s t he user needs
or user view of syst em.

It also includes ident ifying t he classes and t heir relat ionships t o t he ot her classes in t he
problem domain, t hat make up an applicat ion.

Object-Oriented Design

The object ive of t his phase is t o design and refine t he classes, at t ribut es, met hods, and
st ruct ures t hat are ident ified during t he analysis phase, user int erface, and dat a access.
This phase also ident ifies and defines t he addit ional classes or object s t hat support
implement at ion of t he requirement .


Prot ot yping enables t o fully underst and how easy or difficult it will be t o implement
some of t he feat ures of t he syst em.

It can also give users a chance t o comment on t he usabilit y and usefulness of t he

design. It can furt her define a use-case and make use-case modeling much easier.


It uses eit her Component -Based Development (CBD) or Rapid Applicat ion Development

Component-based development (CBD)

CODD is an indust rialized approach t o t he soft ware development process using various
range of t echnologies like CASE t ools. Applicat ion development moves from cust om
development t o assembly of pre-built , pre-t est ed, reusable soft ware component s t hat
operat e wit h each ot her. A CBD developer can assemble component s t o const ruct a
complet e soft ware syst em.

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

RAD is a set of t ools and t echniques t hat can be used t o build an applicat ion fast er t han
t ypically possible wit h t radit ional met hods. It does not replace SDLC but complement s
it , since it focuses more on process descript ion and can be combined perfect ly wit h t he
object orient ed approach.

It s t ask is t o build t he applicat ion quickly and increment ally implement t he user
requirement s design t hrough t ools such as visual basic, power builder, et c.
Incremental Testing

Soft ware development and all of it s act ivit ies including t est ing are an it erat ive process.
Therefore, it can be a cost ly affair if we wait t o t est a product only aft er it s complet e
development . Here increment al t est ing comes int o pict ure wherein t he product is t est ed
during various st ages of it s development .

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