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GovEnable is a framework for making financing and institutions work for service and infrastructure delivery in sectors.

It helps empower government and stakeholders to solve complex challenges in a collaborative, flexible, and sustainable way.

GovEnable has three interdependent dimensions which enable financing and institutional results for sustained improvements
in service delivery:

GovBottlenecks - Locally Led Reform Design

Identifying and diagnosing complex delivery challenges by
breaking them down into smaller and more distinct governance
bottlenecks, identifying their causes, analyzing stakeholders, Financing Results
and developing solutions.
More adequate, equitable,
efficient, and reliable resources for
GovFacilitate - Collaborative Reform Processes infrastructure and service delivery.

Involving experimentation, learning, and adaptation, as local

reformers leverage convening power to facilitate engagement
among stakeholders to work together to achieve results.

GovForResults - Operations That Deliver Sustainable Results Institutional Results

Designing flexible sectoral and governance operations that Improved institutional performance
support reforms to address governance constraints by using in managing resources and actual
and strengthening local financing systems and institutions for infrastructure and service delivery
better service delivery. at different levels of government.

GovEnable therefore encourages changes in individual and institutional behavior by providing a coherent framework for reform
design, implementation, and operations. It uses existing and proven tools and instruments, from problem-based approaches
and stakeholder analysis to results-based financing.

GovEnable can be applied in a variety of development contexts, including improving public finance for service delivery in
sectors such as health, education, and infrastructure; strengthening institutional performance; and promoting effective gender
and climate action.
GovEnable therefore encourages changes in individual and processes; and (3) providing check-ins with the teams on
institutional behavior by providing a coherent framework for the application of the framework, as well as team coaching
reform design, implementation, and operations. and mentoring support.

• A toolkit comprising practical guides, templates, and As the application of GovEnable grows, a community
examples on application of the approach. of practice will be established through the GovEnable
Academy. The Academy will comprise “GovEnablers”
• Design clinics introducing GovEnable and supporting who are accredited as having achieved a core set of
country teams in applying the GovEnable framework GovEnable training. The network will conduct forums to
in their engagements and in designing context- share experiences and remain up to date with the latest
specific reform processes. GovEnable experience, tools, and techniques.

• A resource pool consisting of practitioners who are The Value Proposition. GovEnable allows deeper, better,
accredited and available to support country teams and faster reforms:
in the application of GovEnable. Included in the
resource pool will be those with problem solving and • Deeper, because they are built on locally led,
facilitation skills. collaborative, and sustainable institutional
processes that address the causes of poor
• An academy of accredited staff and consultants service delivery.
working with GovEnable to share experiences and
build community. • Better, because they address complex development
challenges while enabling clients to achieve reform
To put this into practice, the GovEnable results that deliver sustainable change.
core team is available to support
interested client and development • Faster, because they invest in teams, coalitions, and
partner teams to initiate and sustain authorizers, which means reforms are more likely to
the application of GovEnable through deliver and operations that support them are more
(1) conducting initial meetings with likely to be quicker to disburse.
country teams to discuss opportunities for engagement
and identify relevant resources; (2) facilitating in- Ultimately, the goal of GovEnable is to improve development
country design clinics to introduce GovEnable, support outcomes via reforms that achieve sustained improvements
country teams in applying the GovEnable framework in in financing and institutional performance for delivery.
their engagements, and design context-specific reform

For more information and to get involved visit or email

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