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Monthly Organ of All India Bank Employees Association

web site꞉

VOL XXVIII No. 03 March 2024 20 Pages

Historic 12th Bipartite Settlement Signed

8th, March, 2024

Founder Editor ‑ in ‑ Chief ꞉ Late Tarakeswar Chakraborti

Editorial Board ꞉ Kamal Bhattacharyya, Rajen Nagar, C.H. Venkatachalam, Sonali Biswas
Before signing, final discussion by the UFBU leaders with IBA

Signing of 12th BPS & Exchanging of copy of settlement

Team of Negotiating Committee (Office Bearers AIBEA) along with Activists of



Poll bell has rung. Political parties are in the
fray. Promises are in galore. Election is
being held in the background of unabated
price rise, high rate of unemployment,
increasing inequality between the rich and
the poor and above all social tensions. Paris
School of Economics of World Inequality
Lab has claimed that during the nine years
of NDA regime the economic inequality has
CONTENTS broken all the past records. According to the
economists of the Paris School of
Editorial 3 Economics that it (economic inequality) has
surpassed the period when India was a
General Secretary's Desk 4 British colony. According to the report in the
year 2022‑23 40% of the wealth of the
On Election
‑ AIBEA's letter to Election
nation was cornered by 1% and their share
Commissioner 5
in the income was more than 22%. The
lower rung i.e. 50% of the people had only
12th Bipartite Settlement 15% of the total income of the nation.
‑ Congratulations 7 Earlier, Oxfam also published report that
‑ Salient Features 10 after Covid how rich has become more rich
‑ Dearness Allowance 13 and poor has become poorer.
‑ Special Pay 15
Banks have a role to remove the disparity
‑ PQP/ Graduation pay/ Stagnation
and / or inequality. After nationalization
Increment due to passing Graduation /
objectives were set to remove the economic
‑ Pay components 17
disparity in the society. After new economic
‑ Improvement in Leave Rules 18
policy the social objectives have been
‑ LFC 19 relegated back. Branches are being closed.
‑ Definition of Family 20 Convergence and consolidation are taking
‑ Increase in Conveyance Allowance to place looking to the needs of the Corporate.
Deaf, Dumb, Visually, Intellectually, As bank employees we cannot remain
Orthopedically handicapped indifferent to this development in the society.
employees 21 With the objective to remove social disparity
our leaders brought the bank employees
‑ Residual Issues 22 down to the streets. After nationalization
gains were visible. Now the objectives have
ांज ल 25
virtually been abandoned.
114th International Women's Day 26 Bipartite is over. Now let us decide to fight
for the society.



Welcome to April – the special month

The month of April is always a special month for all of us in AIBEA. Because, it was in the month
of April, on the 20th in 1946, our beloved national organisation AIBEA was born 78 years ago. We
convey our warm greetings to all our members on the happy occasion on 79th Founding Day on
20th April, 2024.
Today we are taking shelter under the umbrella of AIBEA and all of us feel protected under this
glorious banner. But it is necessary and important to recall and look back at the arduous journey
that AIBEA had to traverse all these years. Before AIBEA was born, it was the era of jungle law
and hire and fire by the managements. Bank employees were virtual slaves and faced
harassment, intimidation and victimisation.
Today we have better wages but in those days, the salary of bank employees was paltry and
measly. There was no one to talk about it. Management decided the wages unilaterally and
whimsically. As a revolt against this ignominy and humiliation, AIBEA was born. The employees
who formed AIBEA faced the risk of victimisation as managements of Banks never tolerated
trade unions. But the courage, conviction, and determination to face all attacks of the
managements ensured the onward march of AIBEA.
Brick by brick, inch by inch, AIBEA was built up over the years, with the unity and loyalty of the
bank employees, through militant struggles and sacrifices. In the process leaders like Com
Prabhat Kar and Com. Parvana were victimised and lost their jobs. But this did not deter them
and they went on to organsie, mobilise and unify the bank employees. That is why have to salute
them for their steadfastness and vision to build a strong AIBEA despite their losing their jobs.
Equally inspiring was the response of the bank employees and the struggles that AIBEA
undertook in various Banks. The rock‑like unity and consistent militancy of bank employees
enabled AIBEA to push back the attacks and offensives of the managements.
AIBEA unions were recognized by Bank managements one by one. AIBEA fought for common
issues at the industry‑level and our Unions fought their respective bank managements. From
anarchy to defined service conditions, from unilateralism to bipartite settlements, from hire and
fire to job security, from private banking to public sector social banking, etc, are our inspiring
achievements in the last more than seven decades.
This month when we celebrate the 79th Founding Day of AIBEA, we are happy that we could
achieve the 12th Bipartite Settlement with various benefits without much hurdles. But achieving
better wages is only one part of our task. Ensuring job security is equally important. Pursuing our
demand for adequate recruitment in the Banks is another important task. Thwarting the attempts
of privatisation of Banks is a major task before us. Protecting our labour laws and trade union
rights are no less important. Hence our job is cut out. For meeting these challenges, we need our
a stronger Union.
Hence our agenda should be to strengthen our unions at all levels. Let us energise our unions
with further unity. Unity is our shield. Struggles are our weapons.

C.H. Venkatachalam


Shri. Rajiv Kumar, nominations to contest the elections. In the past
we have the bitter experience that persons who
Chief Election Commissioner, Election have borrowed huge amount of loans from the
Commission of India Nirvachan Sadan, Banks and have defaulted and not repaid the
Ashoka Road, New Delhi‑11001 loans had contested the elections and some even
Dear Sir, won the elections to become Members of
Need to debar bank loan defaulters from
contesting elections – issuance of notification It will be appreciated that persons who avail huge
– regarding꞉ loans from the Banks and do not repay the same
on one pretext or the other are a moral hazard in a
With the announcement of the process and civil society because the loans availed by them are
schedule for the ensuing General Elections – out of the precious savings of the common masses
2024, now the candidates are filing their kept in the Banks as Deposits.

From All India Bank Employees' Association we deliberate default should be termed as criminal
have been demanding that the RBI Act should be offence instead of a civil suit against them.
amended to enable the list of such loan defaulters
to be publicly published by the RBI. We have also Because of such huge bad loans, which are
been demanding that stern action should be taken written off year after year, the Banks are incurring
against such huge loan defaulters and that huge drop in their profits.


See where and how the Profits go꞉

Already many defaulters are able to get out of their and sold to another corporate/business entity for
huge loan liabilities with the help of the present very low value and imposing huge haircuts for the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 lending Banks.
whereunder huge defaulted loans are auctioned


It is a matter of great concern that availing huge In view of the above, we demand that the Election
loans from the Banks, turning them bad as non‑ Commission should issue a direction that
performing assets, involving the banks into candidates who file nominations should be asked
litigations and finally escaping from repayment to disclose the details of bank loans defaults, if
has become an exquisite art at the hands of many any, and their candidacy should be made invalid.
business and corporate entities who indulge in the
same without any qualm of conscience. Such
people have become a parasite to the economy Thanking you,
and banking system. Yours sincerely,

It will be in fitness of things that such persons who

avail such huge loans from the Banks and default
in repayment should not be allowed to contest and C. H. VENKATACHALAM
should be debarred from contesting the elections. GENERAL SECRETARY


The 12th Bipartite Settlement has been signed on level bipartite settlement. We recall here the
8 March, 2024. We congratulate and salute all our clarion call given by our great leaders Com
units and members on the happy occasion of this Prabhat Kar and Com H L Parvana from the 13th
significant achievement. Conference of AIBEA held at Trivandrum 60 years
ago in 1964 to reject Tribunals and Awards and
The journey of AIBEA in uplifting the economic demand direct bilateral talks and Bipartite
well‑being of bank employees started in 1946 Settlement.
when AIBEA was born. After 2 decades of
struggles, AIBEA could overcome the travails of It is a matter of special and exclusive pride for all of
Tribunals and achieve bilateralism and bipartite us that AIBEA is the only organisation that has
settlement in 1966 when it secured the 1st BPS. signed in all the 12 BP Settlements. This has been
Since then, with unswerving conviction and our pioneering role.
unwavering steadfastness, AIBEA has been
committed to maintain the system of bipartism. We are once again the path finders because our
Settlement will pave the way for wage revision in
We are happy that today we have achieved and RRBs, RBI, LIC, GIC, NABARD, Co‑operative
secured the 12th successive uniform industry‑ Banks, etc. in the entire financial sector.


It is very unique that Employees Unions/Officers would be similar increase in the wage bill in the
Associations signed the Settlement/Joint Note on private banks and foreign banks.
the same day, same time and on the same table
manifesting the total unity of the entire workforce Pay Scales ( Merger at 8088 Points)
in the banking industry. Clerks ( 24050 – 1340/3 – 28070 – 1650/3 –
The Settlement will be retrospectively effective 33020 – 2000/4 – 41020 – 2340/7 – 57400 –
from 1‑11‑2022 and shall run for a period of 5 4400/1 – 61800 – 2680/1 – 64480
years upto October, 2027. Sub‑staff ( 19500 – 665/4 – 22160 – 830/5 –
The Settlement covers 25 Banks – 12 Public 26310 – 990/4 – 30270 – 1170/3 – 33780 – 1345/3
Sector Banks, 10 Private Sector Banks and 3 – 37815
Foreign Banks and would benefit about 4,00,000 With Stagnation Increments
employees in clerical and subordinate staff cadre.
Clk꞉ 11 – once in 2 yrs. Rs.93960
The additional hike in the wage bill (only in payslip
components) on account of this Settlement would SS꞉ 11 – once in 2 yrs. Rs. 52610
be Rs. 4165 crores for workmen/Awardstaff in We give here below a chart on Payscales/
public sector banks i.e. an increase of 17%. There Fitment.

Payscales /Fitment chart


Note꞉ iii. and in both the cases, there shall not be any
recovery of excess emoluments paid on this
a) Fitment in the new scales of pay shall be on a account, if any.
stage‑to‑stage basis
b) There shall be no change in the dates of annual
increments because of the fitment.
c) In the case of Ex‑servicemen category
employees who have joined the Banks on and
after 1st November 2022
i. And who have been issued adhoc /
provisional fitment, they shall be refixed as
per the provisions of this settlement with
protection of emoluments as per last drawn
pay in the Services. Happy News – 5000 Gold Appraisers join
ii. And in all other cases, where regular fitment AIBEA in Andhra Pradesh
has been issued, their Basic pay in the On 10th March, 2024, Andhra Pradesh All Banks
revised scales shall be refixed as provided Gold Appraisers Union has been formed and
5000 Gold Appraisers have joined our Union.
in the above Table.
Our hearty welcome to all of them.


Salient Features


SPECIAL PAY꞉ For Clerical Staff

For Subordinate Staff

Change in

All clerks and SWO A will be CSA from April‑24 with Rs.1965 Spl. Pay



LFC/Hospitalisation – Dependent income Rs. Where an employee has applied for LFC / leave in
18,000/‑ advance & also booked the tickets & the LFC is
declined / deferred by the Bank, cancellation
Fare by special trains like Rajadhani / Shadabdi / charges will be reimburse.
Tejas / Vanda Bharat / Amrit Bharat etc. (except
luxury trains) shall be allowed. Break‑in‑journey shall be permitted upto two times
in the overall journey and train fare actually
Where an employee has applied for LFC / leave as incurred by the employee upto the entitled
per stipulated time, the same is sanctioned & distance shall be reimbursed.
when advance booking of train tickets is not
possible, tickets purchased as Tatkal / Premium LFC facility for escort accompanying employee
tatkal will be reimbursed. with benchmark disability.

DEARNESS ALLOWANCE ꞉ RATE꞉ @1% per point over 123.03 of 2016 Index


SPECIAL ALLOWANCE꞉ Clk – 3000, 2500, 2000 – SS – 1500, 1250, 1000
RATE ꞉ 26.50% OF BASIC PAY – D.A IS PAYABLE Additionally 35% of the Diam/Halting Allow, for
ON THIS food exp.
HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE Deputation Allow ꞉ 7.75% Max 3,750 Local 4%
Max. 1875
10.25% for all areas.
Recovery for qrs 0.15% of 1st stage CASHLESS MEDICAL SCHEME꞉
When a workman employee is transferred out of For employees/ retires existing scheme to
the station other than on account of request, continue – Separate Sub‑committee will be
he/she may claim reimbursement of house rent formed to discuss the issue regarding any
upto 150% of HRA otherwise payable on improvement.
declaration basis.
ANNUAL MEDICAL AID ꞉ Rs. 2,830/‑ per
New Pension Scheme annum
14% on revised Pay + Da Periodical medical check up for employees –
Provident Fund wherever not available, scheme in each bank shall
be evolved.
10% on revised pay
Annual eye check for all employees – maximum
TRANPORT ALLOWANCE꞉ reimbursement of Rs. 500 per year per employee.
RS. 850 PER MONTH + DA FOR CLK, SS & Part Breakage charges on transfer꞉ Clerks Rs.2000
Time (Receipt) Rs.1400 (Declaration) Substaff Rs.
Breakage charges on transfer ꞉ Clerks Rs.2000 1400 and Rs.1000
(Receipt) Rs. 1400 (Declaration) Substaff Rs. Officiating Pay ꞉ A clerk officiating as JM I
1400 and Rs. 1000 Officer either for a continuous period of 4 days or
Hill & Fuel – 8% Max 2850, 4% Max, 1150, 3% Max more or an aggregate of 4 days in a month, shall
950 be paid 15% of the Basic Pay of the person
Washing Allowance – Rs. 300/‑ p.m.
Exgratia for pensioners꞉
Cycle Allowance – Rs. 150/‑ p.m.
Exgratia for pensioners to be paid with effect from
Halting Allow – Clk – 1500, 1350, 1000 – SS – November, 2022
1100, 900,600
Exgratia shall be the full basic pension + DA for
Lodging expenses reimbursement by producing October, 2022 multiplied by the Factor as per the
receipt꞉ Table and rounded off to the next higher or lower
Factor table ꞉
Award Staff


Officers ꞉

Ex Gratia – Illustration – Payable from November, 2022꞉

In the various wage components under our have been 0.55% per slab under 1960=100
Bipartite Settlements, next to Basic Pay, Index which on further conversion would have
Dearness Allowance is a very important been 0.90% per point under 2016=100 Index.
component. While Basic Pay pegs our basic But through negotiation, the new DA scheme
wage at the highest possible level of price is now at 1.00% per point under 2016=100
index, further erosion in the wage is series.
compensated by our price index‑linked DA
scheme. Under the 12th BPS, DA will increase with
every variation in quarterly average Index over
That is why in every Bipartite Settlement, we 123.03 points under 2016=100 Index. Even
are pegging our basic pay to a higher index for an increase of 0.01 points in the average
level. In the 1st and 2nd BPS, Basic Pay was Index, the DA rate will go up.
linked to 100 points of Consumer Price Index
(1960=100) series. In subsequent This improvement in DA scheme will benefit
settlements, our Basic Pay scales have been the employees as well as pensioners from 1‑
pegged at higher Index points i.e. at 200, 332, 11‑2022. This improvement in DA rates
600, 1148, 1684, 2288, 2684, 4440, 6352 resulting in additional compensation is one of
points and now at 8088 points. the significant achievements under the 12th
In the 12th BP Settlement, the pay scales have
been pegged at 8088 points thus increasing The issue of bringing the basic pension of all
the pay scales to higher level. In addition, the earlier pensioners to infirm DA scheme linked
DA scheme has been revised from 1960=100 to 8088 points is under discussion and we
series to 2016=100 series. hope to clinch the same at the earliest.

By actual conversion of 11th BPS DA scheme The existing DA rates from November, 2022 as
at 0.07% per slab, the revised DA rate would per 11th BPS and the revised rates under 12th
BPS is furnished overleaf for ready reference.



Under the 12th Bipartite Settlement, Special Pay amount payable has been revised as under꞉
For Clerical Staff

For Subordinate Staff (w.e.f. 1‑11‑2022)

a) All the existing SWO-A will be designated as CSA from 1-4-2024 and get the
Special Pay of Rs. 1970 from 1-4-2024. For SWO-A, no Special Pay is payable from 1-
11-2022 to 31-3-2024.
b) Existing SWO-B will be paid Rs. 1680 from 1-11-2022 to 31-3-2024 and Rs. 1970
from 1-4-2024.
c) Existing Bill Collectors will be paid Rs. 1145 from 1-11-2022
Redesignation of posts will be from 1-4-2024


As per existing provisions, those who are reaching the 20th stage in the payscales are
Graduates will be granted 2 additional increments eligible to be paid Graduation Pay/PQP‑
in the scale of pay. Hence Graduates, on joining Professional Qualification Pay.
the Bank, will be fixed in Stage 3 instead of Stage
1. Similarly, those who pass JAIIB examination In the 12th BP Settlement PQP has been provided
will be granted 1 additional increment and those for substaff also.
who pass CAIIB examination will be granted This GP/PQP has been revised as under as per
another 2 increments. This provision has been 12th BPS (w.e.f. 1‑11‑2022) ꞉
continued in the 12th Bipartite Settlement also.
PQP/Graduation Pay shall be counted for
Those who have drawn such additional superannuation benefits ie. PF, Gratuity, Pension
increments for Graduation/JAIIB/CAIIB, after and NPS. DA and HRA is payable on GP/PQP.

Illustration ꞉ Feb, 2024꞉

1) A clerk with Graduation and JAIIB/CAIIB and PQP 1 – 820 – in Feb, 2024 + 20th stage
Reaching 20th stage in January, 2024꞉ increment
PQP 1 – 820 – in Jan. 2025 PQP 2 – 1640 – in Feb, 2025 + 1st stagnation
PQP 2 – 1640 – in Jan. 2026 + 1st stagnation increment
increment PQP 3 ‑ 2460 – in Feb, 2026
PQP 3 ‑ 2460 – in Jan. 2027 PQP 4 – 3280 – in Feb, 2027 + 2nd stagnation
PQP 4 – 3280 – in Jan. 2028 + 2nd stagnation increment
increment PQP 5 – 4100 – in Feb, 2028
PQP 5 – 4100 – in Jan. 2029 In Feb. 2029 + 3rd stagnation increment
3rd to 11th stag. incr. in Jan. 2031, 33, 35, 37, 39, 4th to 11th Stg. Increment in Feb. 2031, 33, 35, 37,
41, 43, 45, 47. 39, 41, 43, 45
2) A clerk with Graduation and JAIIB, reached 3) A clerk with Graduation & JAIIB, reached
19th stage on Jan. 2024, and passes CAIIB in 20th stage in Jan. 2024 and passes CAIIB in


Feb. 2024꞉ 4th to 11th stg. Increment in Feb. 2030, 32, 34, 36,
PQP 1 – 820 ‑ in Feb. 2024 + 1st stagnation 38, 40, 42, 44.
increment For Substaff ꞉ For those who pass JAIIB/CAIIB
PQP 2 – 1640 – in Feb. 2025 when they are in 19th staff or 20th stage or after
reaching the 20th stage, similar rule apply for PQP
PQP 3 – 2460 – in Feb. 2026 + 2nd stagnation 1,2,3 and stagnation increment from 1st to 11th.
The above are only some illustrations. We should
PQP 4 – 3280 – in Feb. 2027 ensure that managements grants
PQP 5 – 4100 – in Feb. 2028 + 3rd stagnation PQP/Stagnation increments on respective due
increment dates.

I – Pay components꞉
Under our Bipartite Settlement, there are different Pay components and some of the Pay components
are eligible to be counted for superannuation benefit, DA, HRA, etc and some of the Pay components are
eligible to be taken for superannuation benefits, DA, etc. We give below the various Pay components for
easy reference.


II ‑ Officiating Pay ‑ Deduction for NPS at 10 % of 157 + DA
As per 12th BP Settlement, a workman employee b) A Clerk /CSA /Sr.CSA /Spl.CSA with a Basic
officiating in the post of Clerk / Officer in Junior Pay of Rs.64,480 is asked to officiate in the place
Management Grade in Scale I, either for a of an Officer in Scale I.
continuous period of 4 days or more OR for an Officiating Pay = 64480 x 15% = 9672 divided by
aggregate of 4 days in a calendar month, shall 30 = Rs.322 per day
be paid Officiating Pay of 15% of the Basic Pay
of the person officiating and the same shall be ‑ Rs. 322 + DA + HRA will be the Officiating Pay
payable pro‑rata for each day of such officiating per day
plus applicable allowances. ‑ Deduction for PF at 10% of 322/‑
Illustration꞉ ‑ Deduction for NPS at 10 % of 322 + DA
a) A substaff with the Basic Pay of Rs. 31,440 is III ‑ Payment of Overtime Allowance
asked to officiate in the place of a clerk/Customer (As amended/improved under 12th BPS) ꞉ For
Service Associate for more than 4 days in a month꞉ the purpose of calculating the amount of overtime
Officiating Pay = 31,440 x 15% = 4716 divided by allowance, “emoluments” to be taken will be the
30 = Rs.157 per day total of Basic Pay including Stagnation
‑ Rs. 157 + DA + HRA will be the officiating Pay increment, Special Pay, PQP, Special
per day Allowance, Transport Allowance and DA
thereon, HRA and FPP.
‑ Deduction for PF at 10% of 157/‑


Under the 12th Bipartite Settlement, various production of medical certificate about child's
improvements have been made in the leave rules sickness.
as under꞉
5. Women employees shall be allowed to take one
1. When leave is applied by an employee and the day Sick Leave per month without production of
same is declined by the Manager, the valid reason any medical certificate.
for such decline of leave will be informed to the
employee so that the employee can take up the 6. In case of employees of the age of 58 years and
matter with higher authorities or with the Union. above, if wife or husband falls sick and
hospitalized in another centre than the place of
2. 2 days of Casual leave may be availed for half a work, he/she need not avail privilege leave and
day on 4 occasions in a year out of which 2 they will be granted sick leave (maximum of 30
occasions would be in the morning and 2 days in a calendar year). This will help the
occasions in the afternoon. employee to conserve his/her privilege leave
which can be encashed at the time of retirement.
Note꞉ Casual Leave under this category can be
availed after applying 24 hours in advance. 7. Employees shall be granted sick leave at the
rate of one month for each year of service subject
3. A single male parent can avail sick leave for the to a maximum of 720 days. (24 years x 30 days).
sickness of his child of 8 years and below by (now it is 540 days for 18 years, then another 90
production of medical certificate about child's days after 24 years and another 90 days after 30
sickness. years, i.e. 720 days in 33 years)
4. Employees can avail sick leave for the sickness 8. In case of delivery of more than two children in
of their Special Child of 15 years and below for a one single delivery, Maternity Leave shall be
maximum period of 10 days in a calendar year by granted upto 12 months continuously.


9. Maternity Leave shall be granted to a female preparing the defence submissions of an
employee for a maximum period of 9 months, for employee. Such special leave shall be granted for
legally adopting a child who is below one year of a maximum of ten occasions in a year.
17. Leave Encashment ꞉ Accumulated privilege
10. Maternity Leave will be granted for In vitro leave can be encashed upto 255 days ( now 240
fertility (IVF) treatment subject to production of days) at the time of retirement or upon unfortunate
medical certificate, within the overall limit of 12 death of an employee while in service.
Introduction of Leave Bank Scheme꞉
11. Special maternity leave upto 60 days shall be
granted in case of still born or death of the infant Looking to the contingencies where some of the
within 28 days of birth. employees get affected with very major ailments
like cancer, cerebral stroke, paralysis, major organ
12. Employees shall be granted Bereavement transplantation, end stage liver disease, kidney
Leave on the demise of the family members failure, etc., or on account of major accidents,
(spouse, children, parents and parent‑in‑law) and where the hospitalization, treatment and
number of days of such leave shall be decided by convalescence is prolonged and where in such
each Bank at their level. cases, employees are absent from office on
medical grounds for prolonged periods and have
13. For calculating privilege leave, casual leave exhausted all the leave to their credit and hence
and mandatory leave will not be excluded. are under compulsion to seek grant of
14. Principal Office bearers of All India Workmen extraordinary leave without pay, it has been
Unions/Associations (AIBEA, NCBE, etc) shall be agreed to evolve a staff welfare scheme under
granted Special Leave upto 25 days in a calendar which provision would be made for voluntary
year. encashment of Privilege Leave by the employees
and the monetized value of such leave would be
15. Advance notice of 10 days for availing privilege pooled under a Leave Bank system in each Bank
leave will be waived for office bearers and out of which, special leave would be sanctioned to
Executive Committee members of a registered the employees affected by such contingencies. A
trade union. Scheme would be formulated within 90 days.
16. Employees who are Defence Representatives We are sure that all these improvements would be
in departmental enquiry proceedings will be of immense benefit to the employees.
granted one day special leave for the purpose of


The following modifications/improvements have been achieved under the 12th Bipartite Settlement.
1. Revised eligible distance w.e.f. 1‑4‑2024꞉

2. Employees can also travel by special trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Tejas, Vande Bharat, Amrit
Bharat, etc. (except luxury trains) and train fare incurred by the employees for the eligible distance will be
reimbursed by the Bank.
3. Where an employee has applied for LFC/leave iii. The employee with such benchmark disabilities
as per stipulated time and the same is sanctioned does not have an adult family member as
and when advance booking of train tickets is not dependent to accompany him/her.
possible, tickets purchased under Tatkal/Premium
tatkal will be reimbursed. iv. The employee with such benchmark disabilities
and the escort shall avail of the concession, if any,
4. Where an employee has applied for LFC/leave in the Rail/Bus fare as might be extended by
in advance and has also booked the tickets and Railways/State Roadways authorities in such
the LFC is declined or deferred by the cases.
management due to exigencies, the cancellation
charges will be reimbursed by the Bank. v. Any other person who is entitled to LFC as
dependent does not accompany the employee
5. While availing LFC, break‑in journey shall be with such benchmark disabilities on the journey.
permitted upto two times in the overall journey and
train fare actually incurred by the employee upto 7. All employees will be given an opportunity to
the entitled distance shall be reimbursed. exercise an option within 90 days from the date of
the Settlement (i.e. before 8‑6‑2024) to change
6. LFC facility for an escort accompanying an the existing option to avail LFC under two years or
employee with benchmark disabilities꞉ four years block. If no option is exercised within
this period, the existing option will continue to be
LFC facility shall be allowed for an escort who operative.
accompanies an employee with benchmark
disabilities on the journey subject to following 8. Reimbursement of LFC for travel by own
conditions꞉ car꞉
i. Prior Approval of the competent authority is For the purpose of LFC, while travelling by own
obtained. car, the employee will be reimbursed a maximum
of Rs.11/‑ per k.m. plus toll fees if any, per
ii. The nature of Physical disability of the vehicle.
employee is such as to necessitate an escort for
the journey.

In continuation of earlier Bipartite Settlements, disability,
1) for the purpose of availing LFC and iv. w i d o w e d d a u g h t e r s a n d d e p e n d e n t
divorced / separated daughters,
2) for reimbursement hospitalization
expenses/coverage under the Medical v. sisters including unmarried/ divorced/
Insurance Policy, abandoned or separated from husband/
widowed sisters,
FAMILY of an employee shall include the following
family members꞉ vi. parents wholly dependent on the employee.
i. Employee's spouse, In the case of physically and mentally
challenged children irrespective of age, they
ii. Wholly dependent unmarried children shall be construed as dependents even after their
(including step children and legally adopted marriage subject to however fulfilling the income
children) criteria for dependent.
iii. wholly dependent physically and mentally Dependent's income criteria꞉ Wholly
challenged brothers / sisters with 40% or more dependent family member shall mean such
member of the family having a monthly income Note꞉
not exceeding Rs.18,000/‑ (It was Rs. 12,000
under 11th BPS). For the purpose of medical expenses
reimbursement scheme, and Leave Fare
If the monthly income of the parents exceeds Concession, for all employees, any two of the
Rs.18,000/‑ or the aggregate of monthly income dependent father, mother, father‑in‑law, mother‑
of both the parents exceeds Rs.18,000/‑, both in‑law shall be covered. The employee will
the parents shall not be considered as wholly have the choice to substitute either of the
dependent on the employee. dependents or both once in a calendar year.

Increase in Conveyance Allowance to Deaf, Dumb, Visually,

Intellectually and Orthopedically handicapped employees.

Allowance increased to Rs.600 per month w.e.f. 15‑3‑2024

At present, as per Government guidelines, We are now glad that the Government has
Conveyance Allowance of Rs.400 per month is approved the same vide their communication to
being paid to Deaf, Dumb, Visually, Intellectually the IBA dt. 15‑3‑2024 and in turn IBA has issued
and Orthopedically handicapped employees. their communication to all the Banks yesterday
During the last Bipartite Settlement, the demand vide their Circular No. 911 dated 15‑3‑2024.
for increase in the allowance was discussed and
IBA agreed to take up the matter with the Dept, Hence with effect from 15‑3‑2024,
of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Govt. Conveyance Allowance payable to Deaf, Dump,
of India. According the IBA had recommended Visually, Intellectually and Orthopaedically
to the Govt. to enhance this allowance from handicapped employees be revised and
Rs.400 to Rs. 600 in May, 2021. increased to Rs.600 per month.

The issue was discussed during the recent This Conveyance Allowance payable to these
negotiations with the Workmen Unions for the concerned employees with disabilities will be in
12th BPS and we urged upon the IBA to remind addition to the Transport Allowance of Rs. 850 +
the Government and expedite their approval. DA payable to the employees as per 12th BPS.

Govt. clears the proposal to extend opportunity for

resignees to opt for pension scheme
During negotiations for the wage revision, UFBU approval for the same.
had taken up and IBA agreed and MoU was
signed between IBA and UFBU on 9‑11‑2023 to IBA will now finalise the details and advise the
extend an option to the resigned Banks to extend the offer to the eligible resigned
employees/officers to join the pension scheme. employees/ officers. This is a very significant
This was duly recommended by IBA to the achievement of UFBU because this is not
Government and we are happy to inform our available to resigned employees in
unions that the Government has given its Central/State Govt., RBI, LIC, GIC, etc).


While most of the issues and demands raised by Whereas a Settlement has been arrived at on 8th
us in the Charter of Demand could be resolved and March, 2024 on the Charter of Demands
incorporated in the 12th Bipartite Settlement, submitted by the Unions, and
some issues could not be discussed and finalised
since we wanted to complete the main Settlement Whereas, some of the issues and demands raised
within the agreed time limit. However IBA agreed by the Unions could not be taken up for
that these issues could be discussed further as discussions and resolved, and
residual issues. Accordingly Minutes were signed It is hereby agreed between the parties that the
on 8th March, 2024 as under꞉ following issues and demands raised in the
Minutes of discussions held between Indian Charter of Demands shall be discussed further to
Banks' Association and AIBEA, NCBE, BEFI, reach a mutually acceptable and amicable
NOBW and INBEF on 8th March, 2024. resolution of the same within a maximum period of
six months from hereof.
Dated 8th March, 2024


ांज ल



Poster exhibition by BPBEA Women Council on 8 March, 2024 at BBD Bag area

Women Council of MSBEF observing the day at Mumbai. Com.

Lalita Joshi, Jt. Secretary speaking on the occasion

International Women's day ‑ Organised by TNBEF.

Registration No. KOL RMS/43/2019‑21
Published on 31ST March 2024
Regd. No. RN/63148/95

KPBEF Women's Council organised social identification programme.

Women's Council donated various articles to Bandavya Girls Seve
Ashram at Bengaluru



IWD celebrated by APBEA Women's Council at Guwahati.

Tinsukia Dist. Committee of APBEA felicitating women comrades


PHONE꞉ 2262‑2192
KOLKATA – 700001

Celebrating the day by KOHIMA Dist. Committee wishing

Dibrugarh Dist. Committee happy women's day

Published by Shri Kamal Kumar Bhattacharyya on behalf of All India Bank Employees Association, 3b Lal Bazar
Street, Kolkata‑700001 & E‑Journal by Rang Pencil, Editor – Shri Kamal Kumar

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