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Activity: Velocity

Direction: Solve the following problem. Show your given, formula and solution.

1. The speed of light is 3.0 x 108 m/s. If a certain visible light has a wavelength of
650 nanometer, what is its frequency?
2. Sound has a speed of 340 m/s in the air at room temperature. Calculate the
frequency of the sound of wavelength, 0.07 m.
3. What is the wavelength of a wave that is traveling at a speed of 450 m/s and a
frequency of 18 Hz?
4. Using the speed of light, which is 3.0 x 108 m/s, what is the frequency of a 550
nanometer visible light? (1meter = 1,000,000,000)
5. A sound wave travels through air with a velocity of 340 m/s. If the frequency of
the wave is 440 Hz, what is the wavelength of the sound wave?
6. A wave travels through a rope with a velocity of 25 m/s. If the wavelength of the
wave is 5 meters, what is the frequency of the wave?
7. A wave has a frequency of 500 Hz and a wavelength of 0.2 m. What is the
velocity of the wave?
8. A water wave with a frequency of 2 Hz travels through a pond. If the velocity of
the wave is 4 m/s , what is the wavelength of the water wave?

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