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Electrical & Electronic

Lecture 07

“Any two-terminal linear bilateral dc network can be replaced by an

equivalent circuit consisting of a current source and a parallel resistor. “

Norton Equivalent Circuit

Steps to find the Norton equivalent circuit

 Step 1 –Obtain the equivalent resistance RN

 Remove all sources by replacing:

– voltage sources with a short
– current sources with an open
– If the source has an internal resistance, keep the resistance in the
 Look in the load terminals and calculate RN across load terminals
Step 2 –Obtain the short circuit current
 •To obtain the current IN–called the short-circuit current–remove load from
the circuit,
- short circuit the terminals,
- calculate the IN

Step 3 –Obtain the equivalent circuit

 Create a parallel circuit consisting of IN, RN, and the load
 Calculate the load current or voltage as desired
Example 01
 Step 01: Obtain RN across
RN = 0.8 Ω
 Determine IN

 Norton Equivalent Circuit

14 × 0.8
𝐼𝐿 = =4
0.8 + 2
Example 01
 Identify the load resistor
Equivalent Circuit
Source Transformation
Find the Thévenin’s and Norton’s equivalent

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