Question 2

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Question 2: language

The writer uses language to depict the old fisherman in source A

lines 10-15 to interest the reader. This is demonstrated through the
statement “the old man was thin, gaunt with deep wrinkles”, serving
as an illusion of imagery. By utilizing the words “thin”, “gaunt” and
“wrinkles”, the writer has effectively used imagery to paint a clear
image of the old fisherman’s appearance in the reader’s mind.

The writer also effectively utilizes language to portray the old

fisherman in Source A. This is exemplified through the phrase “brown
blotches” which is an example of Alliteration. Through this
technique, the writer has accentuated the visible impacts the sun has
on the old mans face. Furthermore, this conjures a vivid image in the
readers mind, illustrating the intensity of the sun’s severe impact on
the old fisherman.

Finally, the writer has used language to depict the old fisherman
from lines 10-15. This can be demonstrated through the phrase “they
were as old as erosions in the fishless desert”, which serves as a
simile. Through this simile, the writer accentuates both the old man’s
age and profession. This evokes a clear image in the readers mind
that the old man is desolate and almost deserted, resembling a
“fishless desert”.
Question 3: structure

The writer has skillfully structured the text in a way that captivates
the readers attention. This is evident in the opening paragraph of the
source where the old fisherman is referred to as “Salao”,
foreshadowing future events. By utilizing foreshadowing, the writer
accentuates both the struggles and misfortune of the old man. In
addition, the reader becomes engaged in the text, due to suspense
being built up and subtle clues of the old man’s future are being
shared in the text, helping the reader to gain a stronger connection
to the narrative.

The writer has also effectively structured the text to captivate the
reader by utilizing a range of structural techniques to convey the old
fisherman’s story. This can be shown through the extensive use of
dialogue from lines 16 onwards, where both the boy and old
fisherman engage in a conversation. The writer has used this
technique to highlight the strong bond between the boy and man,
this evokes a sense of emotion towards the reader, making them feel
as if they are involved in the characters relationship.

Finally, the writer has structured the whole of the text in a way that
interests the reader. This can be demonstrated through the vivid
description of the successful fisherman which contrasts with the old
fisherman and his misfortune and struggles where he is ridiculed by
“Many of the fishermen”. Furthermore, this can create an outburst
of different perspectives in the readers mind, from being successful
to being misfortunate like the old fisherman, which can establish a
sense of empathy towards the old fisherman.
Question 4: Agree

I completely agree with the statement that “The boy still has faith in
the old fisherman and that they greatly respect each other”. This is
evident in the boy’s recollection of their first fishing trip, showcasing
his admiration and trust for the elderly man since he was just “Five”
years old.

However, their connection is not solely rooted in their mutual

passion of fishing; it is also founded on a profound comprehension
and admiration for one another’s capabilities and vulnerabilities. The
young boy regards the old fisherman as a guiding figure and role
model. The elderly man sees the boy as a companion and a vessel
through which he can share his wisdom and skills, somewhat
resembling a father and son figure.

The writer also effectively conveys the sense of trust between the
two characters through their interactions and dialogue. This is shown
through the writer’s description of the incident in detail, with
powerful verbs such as “Clubbing” which shows that the boy found
the fishing trip memorable. Also, the boy’s willingness to learn from
the old man’s patience and guidance demonstrates a relationship
built on mutual respect and admiration.

Overall, the writer portrays the relationship between the boy and old
fisherman as a resemblance of their strong bond. This is
demonstrated as the boy looks up to the old fisherman almost as if
he resembled his father, and the old man teaches the boy as if he
were his son. Through their shared experiences and deep
connection, their bond depicts that they have deep respect for one

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