SEN Policy

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Nottinghamshire School

Executive Headteacher: Miss M Stone

Headteacher: Mr J Halstead
“Succession, Perfectio.”

Dear, Parents/Guardians,
The SEND Policy is presented to you below.

Nottinghamshire School SEND Policy

At Nottinghamshire School, we are committed to providing an inclusive
and supportive learning environment for all students, including those
with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This policy outlines our
commitment to identifying, assessing, and providing appropriate support
to students with SEN to ensure they have equal access to education and
can reach their full potential.


SEN refers to a wide range of learning, physical, sensory, emotional, and

social difficulties that a student may experience, which require additional
support beyond what is normally provided in the classroom. These
difficulties may be temporary or long-term, and they may affect a
student's ability to access the curriculum.

Who is SEN for?

SEN is for students with types of SEN that need extra support in lessons. An
example of a SEN Need is Autism. To get into SEN either SLT have to place you
into SEND or you have to ask your year team for a referral! If you are to be
found faking needs you will be removed from SEN with immediate effect and
possibly banned from WLA!

SEN Aims & Objectives

● To identify and assess students with SEN in a timely and sensitive

● To provide individualised support and intervention strategies
tailored to the unique needs of each student.
● To ensure students with SEN are fully included in all aspects of
school life.
● To collaborate with parents/guardians, teachers, and external
agencies to provide the best possible support for students with
● To regularly review and update the SEN policy to reflect changes in
best practices and regulations.

SEN Students Expectations

SEN Students are students who have special educational needs that
must be taken out of mainstream lessons so that they can be supported
within an area that is safe for them.
Students are picked via applications that are posted when we have
enough vaccines within the student population and that there is enough
staff to support the students.
Students are always told that their behaviour is to remain on a level that
doesn’t disturb our own personal lessons or support. If this is done they
may be removed from SEN so other students can get the support they
need from our staff.

The SEND Oversight has every right to remove any student with or
without warning for whatever the reason, they do not need to give a
reason to why a student was removed from SEN.

Students are expected to arrive at their lesson and line up silently at the
door until their teacher arrives at the classroom. When their teacher
arrives, they are expected to sit at a desk and wait for the lesson to
commence. They are also expected to engage with the lesson,
answering questions, and showing their respect to the teacher which is
delivering the lesson.

All of our SEND students are expected to attend 4+ sessions a week, if

they are not going to reach the expectation, they will need to contact the

Identification and Assessment

​ Nottinghamshire School will use a variety of methods to identify

students with SEN, including teacher observations, parental
concerns, assessments, and referrals from external agencies.
​ All students with SEN will have a comprehensive assessment to
determine their specific needs. This may include assessments by
educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, or
other relevant professionals.
​ The results of assessments will be used to create a Pupil Passport
(PP) for each student with SEN. The PP will outline the student's
strengths and weaknesses, goals, and the support and
accommodations they require.

Review and Monitoring

The SEN policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in best
practices, legislation, and the needs of our students with SEN. This review process
will involve consultation with parents/guardians, students, and staff members to
ensure the policy remains effective and inclusive.

Last Review: 17 December 2023

Next Review: 17 January 2024

Written by: Jay Halstead

Reviewed by: Ben Evers

( full teaching name)

Reviewed By Ben Evers

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