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Mechanical Ventilation BASICS re WD MN Y HG BAI gd yoy lage CPAP PSV Phases of Brexth : peep Control y ) Cycle, Maintaining Uni (Pemeeaimesthue’ ne) Termination of oats\ mies oo Inspiration _ 49 *stitatin Inspiration G25 boi expiration lj! le 28 prsdl led ygSy Shogo 3) | 1. CM or controlled mandatory | 2. assist controlled mode ooo 3. Intermittent mandatory Baseliney mode Beginning of, Pee 4. Synchronized intermittent tt gusta Maintaining Expj ration mandatory mode Inspiration Fo asl ae aye eg 2 Mandatory Al work done by ventilator (sauane) bas Ventilator S\ Gye UsSs GAedS olurne contrat rescue Cental o SPonitaneaus, All work done by Patient Hea Boel cv of Oris WS ene Jt slow dou Ce | © Assist *Patienk 8 ventilaky” FE] Teitte@ tere A Mandatory & sPontaneous Kameous: Mainclatory CHrigge ) Sea's guad\ Vy dayycl EW FU espas vent 1 5 Quad Sa peas Modes Hh 911 9,85 79)" Bolw FE] Tether @ tere -R Basic Modes Volurne Control (vc) Fressure Control (Pc) os on Volume = Set_4 - Volume = Variable Pressure = variable Pressure = set Gare ge = CMV: Continuas Mandatsty ventilation Sbe Trigger sdb ot aiiss Gaal) ze Moele I lola Mandatory rou', so use with: —Rakienk Cavit breath spontaneously ~ Brotin deciol FU] Totter @ tere A WB That means —» at work done by Ventilotor CMN Wc) CMN (Pc) i Time (sec) a aoe ~ AIC: Assist Control <23%, Gb wsS lacy ,sSsi8\y consll bo seis Wiger tay Govt ot Cae NPL daSe spo y Wa Til means. Wigger dove by Patient then vent ComPlete al breath Alc (wc) Alc (Pc) va t I t “SI MV: Syachcn ed Inteymiltent Mandatory ventilation <0 sfertaneously (cs 49,5 GOycl gba 3.00) Mocke S\1 55> D ans Buro ae) y Muse with: aan lange OM = DUFFGAE weaning i] tte @ Lee = Facilibele weaning BE That moms —y vertiletor delivers mandatory \predhs while at Me Same ime allowing SFontoneors breaking, TORRE 2 Po winded stmv (vc VY stmv CPc) s q aia! PSA): Presswie suPPort ventitekon —> PC onty Sfontaneously cry 69 Geycll ds LIC aslael Mode 3 Bo —\20 min Go 2s COM ls ap tains 0B Bo min: minimum N20 rnin: Mor iF the Fabient tolevatedl PSV For Zomin—\rewin, that means we Can extubate him + criteria for extubakion wml Pass Se wi FE] Tether @ tere -R - for Weeaning) for SBTC SPontaneoss Brea, TWial ) G Diagrtagans\ AEs ye las MT means, Al work done by Palierk only. settings : Psv -Ps S-l5 —PeeP Solo. — Flor 26-I0+ Flow Lim) Volume a)

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