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"Hey Anderson, how's it going at Joan’s birthday celebration?"

Pronunciación: "Jéi Anderson, jaus it góuin at Joan's bérdei selibréishon?"


"Hi Gabriel! It’s fantastic here. The backyard is all lit up with fairy lights, and there’s a DJ playing
some great tunes. People are having a blast."

Pronunciación: "Jai Gabriel! Its fantástic jir. De bákyard is ol lit ap uiz féiri laits, and der's a DJ
pleiing som gréit chúns. Pípol ar jávin a blast."


"Sounds great! Who’s there right now? Is Ángel with you?"

Pronunciación: "Saunds gréit! Jús der rait nau? Is Ángel uiz yu?"


"Yes, Ángel is right here! Besides us, there’s a big crowd. Joan’s family, close friends, and even
some of her coworkers are here. I think there must be over 50 people."

Pronunciación: "Yes, Ángel is rait jir! Bisáids as, der's a big kráud. Joan's fámili, klous frends,
and íven som of her koueruorkers ar jir. Ai tínk der mast bi óver fifti pípol."


"What’s everyone doing? Can you give me more details?"

Pronunciación: "Wat's évribodi duin? Can yu giv mi mor déiteils?"


"Well, the scene is pretty lively. On one side, there’s a dance floor where people are showing
off their moves. Joan and her sister are leading the crowd with some energetic dances. In
another corner, there’s a buffet with a variety of dishes and people are queuing up to get food.
Ángel, you're closer to the buffet, what’s on the menu?"

Pronunciación: "Wel, de síin is préti laivli. On uan said, der's a dans flor wer pipol ar shoing of
der muvs. Joan and her sister ar liding de kráud uiz som enerjétic danses. In anóder kórner,
der's a buffet uiz a varáieti of dishes and pipol ar kiuing ap tu get fud. Ángel, yu'er klóser tu de
buffet, wats on de méniu?"

Ángel (takes the phone):

"Hey Gabriel! The food spread is amazing. There are Italian, Mexican, and Chinese sections.
Plus, there’s a dessert table with cakes, pies, and a chocolate fountain. Right now, I’m grabbing
some tacos and nachos."

Pronunciación: "Jei Gabriel! De fud spred is améizin. Der ar Italian, Mexican, and Chinese
sékshons. Plas, der's a dessert téibol uiz keiks, pais, and a chóklet fáuntin. Rajt nao, aim grabing
som tákos and nachos."


"That sounds delicious! Wish I could taste some. And what about the outfits? Any interesting

Pronunciación: "Dat saunds delíshes! Uish ai cud teist som. And wat abaut de autfits? Eni
interesdin choises?"


"Definitely! Joan is in an elegant black and gold dress, looking stunning. I opted for a semi-
formal look with a blazer and jeans. Anderson went all out with a classic tuxedo. Many guests
are in party dresses and suits, while some have chosen casual chic outfits."

Pronunciación: "Definitli! Joan is in an élighant blak and gold dres, luking stáning. Ai ópted for a
semi-fórmal luk uiz a bléiser and yins. Anderson went ol aut uiz a klásic tuxedo. Meni géssts ar
in párty dreses and súts, wail som hav chósen kázhual chic autfits."


"Everyone must be looking fantastic! Are there any games or special events planned for the
Pronunciación: "Évribadi mast bi luking fantástic! Ar der eni géims or speshal ivents plánd for
de párty?"

Anderson (takes back the phone):

"Yes, there's a lineup of fun activities. We just finished a trivia game about Joan’s life, and later,
there’s a talent show where guests can perform. I heard there’s a magic act and a couple of
musical performances scheduled."

Pronunciación: "Yes, der's a láinap of fan ativitis. Wi yust finis a trívia géim abaut Joan's laif, and
léiter, der's a tálient shóu wer guests can perform. Ai jerd der's a máyik akt and a kápl of
múzical performances shédjuld."


"Sounds like a full-on entertainment fest. Make sure you guys participate in the talent show!"

Pronunciación: "Saunds laik a ful-án enterteinment fest. Meik shúr yu gáis partisipet in de
tálient shóu!"


"Oh, we will! And don’t worry, we’ll record it for you. Speaking of which, there’s also a
professional photographer capturing the moments. So, you’ll get to see everything."

Pronunciación: "Oh, wi wil! And dont wórri, wi wil rikórd it for yu. Spíking of uich, der's also a
profesional fotografer kápturing de móments. So, yu'l get tu si éverithing."


"Thanks, that means a lot. How’s Joan reacting to all of this? She must be overjoyed!"

Pronunciación: "Tanks, dat minz a lot. Haus Joan ríacting tu ol of dis? Shi mast bi ovérjoyed!"


"She’s absolutely loving it. She was almost in tears when she saw some of her old friends from
college make a surprise entry. Everyone’s really coming together to make her day special."
Pronunciación: "Shi's abslútli lóving it. Shi wos álmost in tirs wen shi só som of her old frends
from kólidch meik a sorpráis éntri. Évribadi's rlíli káming tugeder tu meik her dei special."


"I’m so happy to hear that. Hey, what’s the plan for the rest of the evening?"

Pronunciación: "Ai'm so japi tu jir dat. Hey, wats de plán for de rést of de ivning?"


"After the talent show, we’ll have the cake cutting ceremony. Joan has no idea, but we’ve
arranged a special fireworks display right after she blows out the candles. It’s going to be

Pronunciación: "After de tálient shóu, wi'l hav de keik kating serimony. Joan has no idia, bat
wi'v aréind a speshal fáirwurks displéi rajt after shi blous aut de kandels. It's going tu bi


"That sounds magical! Please give her my best wishes and tell her I’ll call tomorrow to catch

Pronunciación: "Dat saunds májikal! Plís giv her mai best wíshes and tel her ai'l kól tumóro tu
kach ap."

Ángel and Anderson:

"We will, Gabriel. Rest up and get better soon. We’ll save some cake for you and send you all
the highlights!"

Pronunciación: "Wi wil, Gabriel. Rest ap and get beter sún. Wi'l seiv som keik for yu and send
yu ol de jaijláits!"


"Thanks, guys. Have fun and take lots of pictures. Talk to you soon!"
Pronunciación: "Tanks, gáis. Jav fan and teik lots of píkchurs. Tok tu yu sún!"

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