NICMET Computer PYQs (Previous Year Questions) - 240421 - 124743

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yD CM S! ey ITs NIMCET COMPUTER PREVIOUS YEAR 2008 - 2022 USEFUL FOR NIMCET | CUET | TANCET | JAMIA | Shivam Gupta Computer Science : Net Qualified ASPIRE STUDY A new way to study !!1 NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness oe (@ None of these 10. If a signal passing through a gate is inhibited by sending a low into one of the inputs, and the output is HIGH, the gate is a(n): 1. The maximum and minimum value represented in (@ NOR (b) AND signed 16 bit 2's complement representations are (OR (@ AND (a) -16384 and 16383 (b) 0 and 32767 (©) O.and 65535 Answer Key 2022 (@) -32768 and 32767 2. ‘The minimum number of NAND gates required for 4D 126 (3.8 4. 15.0 implementing the Boolean expression AB + ABC + ABC @1 wo 2 @3 3. Which ofthe following is equivalent to the Boolean expression: (X+Y). +P). +¥) @xv (x7 x @xy 4, Suppose the largest n bit number requires‘ digits in decimal representation. Which of the following relations between ‘n’ and ‘d’ is approximately correct @da=2 (o)n=24 (Od nlogio2 5. Ifa processor clock is rated as 2500 million cycles per second, then its clock period is: (a) 250x10-% sec (b) 4.0 x 107° sec (©) 1.00x 10sec (d) None of the above 6. Write the simplified form of the Boolean expression (A+ C)(AD + AD) + AC +6 @aAtc (A+ (AFD (@Ate 7. FFFF will be the last memory location in a memory (0) 64k (32k (@) 16K 8 ‘Floating point representation’ is used to represent (@) Integers (0) Whole Numbers (©) Real Numbers (q@) Boolean Values 9. The Boolean expression AB + AB’ + A’C + ACis unaffected by the value of the Boolean variable @aA OB ra ASPIRE STUDY A new way to study !!1 NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness Steps is run on this system, where nis the input size. Ifn = 10000, what is the execution time for P? (a) 12 seconds (b) 20 seconds (© 100 seconds (@) 200 seconds 10. To access the 1/0 devices the status flags is continuously checked in (a) Program 1/0 1. The Process when processor fetch oF decode (b) Memory Mapped 1/0 another instruction during the execution of current (1/0 Mapped instruction is called (@ None ofthe above (a) Super Computer (b) Pipelining (©) Cloud Computing Answer Key 2021 (@) Accumulators 2. Which of the following is used by ALU to store the 1.B 2.D 3°D 4B S.A intermediate results? Be AE (a Stack (b) Heap (©) Registers @ Accumulators 3. One — TeraByte(TB GB and One Exabyte(EB)=__GB (@) 2°°GB, 2"°GB (b) 2°°GB, 22GB (© 2°°GB,2"46B (@) 2°CB,2°°GB 4. The Cache Memory is more effective because of (a) Memory localization (b) Locality of reference (© Memory size (A) None ofthe mentioned 5. Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU? (a) Registers (b) Cache (© Main Memory (@) stack 6. The number (2217)q is equivalent to (@) (608) 16 (©) (028F )i6 © (048F)i6 @) (2297)16 7. To fetch data from secondary memory which one of the following register is used (@) MAR (o) PC (IR (@ MBR 8 The binary multiplication 00°11 will give @u (©) 00 (01 (@10 9. Consider a computer system with speed of 10° instructions per second, A program P, having 2n? ra ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness | NIMCET 2020 | awe 2A 3o aC 5D 1. Assume x’ represents negation of x the Boolean 7B 8B 0.8 10.C function x'y' + xy + x’y is equivalent to? (@x'+y x+y (@xty @xty' 2. The memory unit which directly communicates with the CPU is known as (a) Primary Memory (b) Secondary Memory ol> (©) Shared Memory. (@ Auxiliary Memory 3. Dynamic RAM consumes...... Power and .....than Static RAM (@) More, Faster (®) More, Slower (0) Less, Slower (@) Less, Faster 4, The binary equivalent of (234.125),0? (a) (11101010,101)2 - (b) (10101010.011), (©) (11101010.001)2 (a) (10101110.011) 5. Determine the octal equivalent of (432267):0? (a) (432267)s (©) (346731). (©) (2164432) (@) None of the above 6. One Exabyte is equal to .. (a) 10% bytes (b) 1 Zetta Bytes divided (/) by one thousands (c) 1 Peta Bytes multiplied (x) by one thousands (d) All of the above 7. Consider the following circuit. ‘=D- How many minimum numbers of two input NAND gates are required to design the above circuit? @6 @4 ©5 @3 8. The time required for fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is known as (a) Delay Time () CPU Cycle (©) Real Time (d) Seek Time 9. The equivalence of given expression x+x’y with Boolean theorem is... @x @)xty ©x qo 10. The logic XOR operation of (4AC0)i6 and (BS3F)i6 results (a) ACB () 0000 (© FFFF (@) ABCD, ra ASPIRE STUDY A new way to study!!! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness @ GE) GBs (B) (4B) ie—(7A)s6 (©) A5C)is—(6D)is (d) (14E)is—(A7)ie 9. How many Boolean expressions can be be formed with 3 Boolean variables? 1. If we can generate a maximum of 4 Boolean (@) 16 (b) 1024 functions using n Boolean variables, what will be (32 (@) 256 minimum value of n? 10, In an 8 bit representation of computer system the (a) 65536 (0) 16 decimal number 47 has to be subtracted from 38 1 @4 and the result in binary 2's complement is 2. In IEEE single precision floating point @ 11110011 (b) 10001001 representation, exponentis represented in __ (© 11111001 (4) 11110001 (a) 8 bit Sign-magnitude representation (b) 8 bit 2's complement representation (©) Biased exponent representation with a bias Answer Key 2019 value 127 1A AG 3.B 4.8 5D (4) Biased exponent representation with a bias ae \7.c (ae Dw [104 value 128 3. With 4-bit 2's complement arithmetic, which of the following addition will result in overflow? (a) 111141101 () 011040110 (© 1101+0101 (@ 010141011 4, If the 2's complement representation of a number is (011010), , what is its equivalent hexadecimal representation? (@) (110): (b) (1A) © (6s @ 26)w 5. Forthe circuitshown below, the complement of the output F is (@o (x (ox @1 6. IfNisa 16-bit signed integer, then 2's complement. representation of N is (F87B)16. The 2's complement representation of 8*N is (@ (C3D8):6 (0) (187B)16 (©) F878):6 (@ (987B)6 7. The base (or radix) of the number system such that the following equation holds 312/20 = 131.1 is, (@2 4 Os @6 8 Which of the following represents (D4);«? ra ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness (@A+B+C (OBE +A) (b) A(B + C) (d) C(A+B) 2. Which one of the following expression does NOT represent exclusive NOR of xandy? (@)xy+ay (b) xy (c) #y (d) x@y 3. Ifa signal passing through a gate is initiated by sending low into one of the inputs and the output is high, the gate is (@) NOR (0) NAND. (© AND (@ OR 4. Given {@24), = (13), , then the value of the radix (@) 10 8 Os @o 5. What type of errors are not detected by assembler? (@) Syntax Error () Run time error (0) Logical Error (@ Allofthese 6. Consider the equation (43), = (y3)a where x and y are unknown, The number of possible solution is @4 (b)5 (6 @7 7. Let the memory access time is 10 milliseconds and cache access time is 10 microseconds. Assume the cache hit ratio of 15%. The effective memory access time is (a) 2 milliseconds (®) 15 milliseconds (©) 1.85 microseconds (d) 1.85 milliseconds 8 What are the values of R, and Re respectively in the expression (235)m = (565)io = (1065)? (a) 8,16 (b) 16,8 (08,12 (@) 16,12 9. What is the minimal from of Karnaugh map shown below? (Assume that x denotes a don't care term) edo0 01 1100 00 1 Laan} a oil ea ul volt 7 (abd (by bd + Be (@bd+abea (bd + be+ cd 10, In order to store floating numbers in computer using the normalized representation and 32 - bit single precision, the number of bits used for exponent and fraction are respectively. (11,21 (b) 16, 15 (© 16,16 (@8, 23 Answer Key 2018 2D (3B [4c 5.0 lo) 7D 8B 9B 10.) ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness 9. Which of the following is a functionally complete set of gates? Lathe aL (® NAND (ii) NOR @ I butnot Il (b) II but not! 1. Which one of the following Boolean algebraic rule (O Neither | not It (d) Both | and it is correct 10. The total number of binary function that can be (@ Aa =1 (R)A+AB=AtB defined using n Boolean variable is (A+A'B=A+B — @)ACA+B)=B @2"=1 (by 2" 2. The representation of a floating point binary (2m (A) None of these number +1001.11 in 8 -bit fraction and 6-bit exponent format is (a) Fraction : 01001110 exponent : 000100 Answer Key 2017 (b) Fraction : 00001001 exponent : 000011 >. ~ a a (©) Fraction : 10010000 exponent: 110000 a Fa] ft an (d) Fraction : 10010000 exponent : 110000 3. Which term is redundant is the expression AB+A'C+BC? (a) BC @yac (AB (d) AB+A'C 4. Let the memory access time is 10 milliseconds and cache miss ratio 15% .The effective memory access time is? (@) 2 milliseconds () 15 milliseconds (©) 1.85 microseconds _(d) 1.85 milliseconds 5. Which of the following is the representation of decimal number (- 147) in 2's compliment notation on 12-bit machine ? (a) 111101101100 (b) 110001001101 (© 111101101101 (a) 000001101101 6. The first instructor of bootstrap loader program of, an operating system is stored in (a) RAM (b) Hard Disk (© BIOs (@ None 7. Consider the equation (40),= (132), in some bases xand y.. Then a possible set of values of x and y are (@ Band 12 () 12 ands. (©) 6and 12, (@) 12and6 8. The smallest integer that can be represented by an 8 bit number in 2's complement form is (a) -256 ()-128 (127 (@)-255 ra ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! 6 NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness The 2's complement representation of the number (-100)* inan 8 bit computer is (a) 10011011 (&) 01100100 (©) 11100100 (@ 10011100 The number of terms in the product-of-sum canonical form of [( +3) Ga) Is @7 ws 9 (10 Find the odd man out: (a) HTTP () FcrS () HTML (@ TCP/AP Consider a hard disk with 16 recording surfaces (0- 15) having 16384 cylinders (0-16383) and each cylinder contains 64 sectors(0-63). Data storage capacity in each sector is 512 bytes, Data are organized cylinder wise and the addressing format is < cylinder no., surface no, sector no.>. A file of size 42797KB js stored in the disk and the starting disk location of the file is <1200,9,40>. What is cylinder number of the last sector of the file, if itis stored in a contiguous manner? (a) 1284 () 1282 (©) 1286 (@) 1288 Consider the following min term expression for F. F(P,QRS)=¥ (02,5, 7,8, 10, 13, 15). The min- terms 2, 7, 8 and 13 are ‘do not care’ terms. The minimal sum-of products form for F is (@) G+ (6) G+ Qs (© WS + QRS + QRS + QRS (d) PQS + PQS + PQS + POS Consider the equation (43), = (y3)s where x and y are unknown. The number of possible solution is @4 (0) 6 os @7 Subtract (1010): from (1101): using first complement (a) (1100), (b) (0101), (© (1001), (@ (0011), ra ®@ Ahard disk has a rotational speed 6000 rpm. Its average latency time is (a) 5 x 10° sec (b) 0.05 sec (© 1sec (A) 05 sec 9. The Boolean expression represented by the following Venn diagram is a b (@aXORb (b) a'b + ab (©ab+a'v’ @ a+b a! +b) 10.The range of mbit signed magnitude representation is (@ 0to2"-1 (b) -@2"-1 — 1) to (2-11) (©) —@" = 1) to (2"— 1) (@) Oto "4 1) Answer Key 2016 iD [2c (38 [4A [5B 6Co 17D [8A [9A 110.8 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness 1. Which optical phenomenon is utilized in the operation of the latest write-once optical storage medium called digital paper? (@) Polarization (0) Interference (©) Internal reflection (A) Diffraction 2. IFN is a 16-bit signed integer, The 2's complement representation of Nis (F87B)is The 2's complement representation of 8*N is. @ (C3D8)16 (0) (187B),5 © F878).6 (d) (987B)i5 3. Given fy, fy and f in canonical sum of products form (in decimal) for the cfreuit fi =2m(4 56,78), fe=Em(1615) and f= 2(1,6,8,18), then f, is @ 246) &) 204.8), (268) @ 204,68) 4. Which of the following is equivalent to the expression (FY +2)? (@) @ +2 (FY. ©@+HZ @M&+NZ 5. (p>avr,q>s, rs} islogically equivalentto @qr>r ()r>p ©prs @s>p 6. The number of MOS transistors required to implementa typical dynamic RAM cell is? @s6 5 ot @2 7. Consider 4-bit gray code representation of numbers. Let hy he hy ho be the gray code representation of a number n and gigogsgobe the gray code representation of the number (n + 1) modulo 16, Which one of the following functions is correct? (2) go(ha hz hy Ro) = 2(1,2,3,6,10,13,14,15) (b) gh he hy fg) = 2(4,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) (0) galltg hg hy hg) = 2(2,45,6,7,12,13,15) (@) gly hy hy ftg)2(0,1,6,7,10,11,12,13) 8 The minimum number of NAND gates required to realize AB + AB'C + AB'C’ is (a3 (2 ra ol @o 9. When the value 37H is divided by 17H, the remainder is (@ CoH (b) 03H (o7H (@) 09H 10. The number of Boolean functions possible with n binary variables is equal to (a) 2" (by 2" (24 (24 Answer Key 2015 1B 2. | ai aD 5.C 6.0 7. [8D 19D 10.4 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness 1. The decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal operation A10 + B21 is (a) 5425 (b) 5246 (©) 2849 (@) 5344 2. What is the 2's complement of 0011 0101 1001 11002 (a) 1100 1010 1100 1011 (b) 1100 1010 0110 0011 (©) 1100 1010 0110 0100 (a) 1100 1010 1111 1111 3. Multiplication of 112 by 1012 is (a) 1100112 (b) 1000112 (©) 1111002 (@ 0001012 4. Whatis the 8 bit 2's complement representation of the negative integer-93? (a) 10100011 (b) 10100010 (©) OxA2 (@) None of these 5. Consider the values A = 2.0 x 108, B= -2.0 x 10% , C= 1,0, Assume, that the floating-point numbers are represented with 32 bits. What are the values of X and Y, when the following sequence of operations are executed on a computer? X=A+B Y=A+C X=X4C Y=Y+B @ 0 (0) X=1.0, Y=0.0 (©) X=0.0, Y=1.0 (@ X=0.0, Y=0.0 6. The Boolean expression X (X + Y) is same as (@) XY) ()X (x1 @ Allofthese 7. How many bytes are there in a nibble? (a) one - fourth (®) half ©2 @4 8 ‘The number of bit strings of length 8, that start with the bit 0 or end with the bits 11 is (a) 132 () 180 (256 (@ 160 9. The result of multiplication of the numbers (10101)zand (11101). in hexadecimal form is ra @ 609 (216 (261 (a) 906 10. The binary equivalent of (531.53125)10 is. (@ (10010100111.00001). (b) (1000010011.10011), (© (4010010011.11001), (@ (1000010011.10001), Answer Key 2014 LA 2c 3.B 4A 5.B 6.D 7B 8.0 9.6 10.A ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness re — — Answer Key 2013 1. All digital circuits can be realized by using only 1B 2.8 3A 4B 5.C (@) Exclusive OR gates (b) Half adders 6.0 7D [8c 9.C 10.D (©) Multiplexers (@) OR gate 2. The Boolean function a + (4b) is equivalent to (@ab (byatb ab @a+b 3. Which of the following circuit fs used as a memory device in computers? (a) Flip-Flop (b) Rectifier (©) Comparator (@ Alllofthese 4. Convert the Hexadecimal number 4DF to its octal equivalent: (a) 2333 (b) 2337 (9.2773 (@) 2373 5. Atautologyisa Boolean formula thats always true, Which of the following is a tautology? @x 0) @+Dy (Oxty4E @oyte 6. Acronym of EEPROM is (a) Extended Erasable Programmable Memory (b) Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory (©) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (A) Extended Erasable Page-Oriented Memory 7. For reproducing sound, a CD audio player uses a (@) Quartz crystal (0) Titanium needle (© Barium ceramic (@) Laser beam 8 When we open an internet site, we see www. What does www stand for (a) World Wide Word (b) World Wide Web (©) World Wide Webinar (d) Word Widing Works 9. ‘The answer ofthe operation (101112 x (1110)zin hex equivalent is, (a) 150 (b) 14¢ (142 @ 13E 10. The minimum number of bits to represent a character from ASCII code set is @2 @)8 ra ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness 1, (2FAOC).«is equivalent to__ (@) (195 084).0 (b) (0010 1111 1010 0000 1100). (© @ and (b) Both (A) None of these 2. The decimal equivalent of octal number 111 010i (a) 81 (b) 72 on (@or 3. An 1/0 processor controls the flow of information between (a) cache memory and 1/0 devices. (b) main memory and 1/0 devices. (0) two 1/0 devices. (@) cache and main memories 4. Which of following devices will take highest time in taking the backup of the data from a computer? (a) Magnetic Disk () Pen Drive (cp (@) Magnetic Tape 5. ROMisakind of: (a) primary memory __(b) cache memory (©) removable memory (A) secondary memory 6. The errorsthatcan be pointed out by compilers are (a) Syntax () Semantic errors (©) Logical errors (@ Internal errors 7. Letx = 11111010 and y = 00001010 be two 8-bit. 2's complement numbers. Their product in 2's complement notation is (a) 11000100 () 10011100 (©) 10100101 (@ 11010101 8 The range of numbers that can be stored in 8 bits, if negative numbers are stored in 2's complement form is: (a) -128 to +128 () -128 to +127 (0) -127 to +128 (@) +127 to +127. 9. Primary storage is__as compared to secondary memory : (a) slow and expensive (b) fast and inexpensive (0) fast and expensive (A) slow and inexpensive ra 10. Which of the following unit is used to supervise each instruction in the CUP? (a) Control Unit (b) Accumulator (aw (@) Control Register Answer Key 2012 LB ZB (3B. [4c 5A GA [74 [8B [9c 10. ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness 1. Which protocol needs to be installed for Internet access on a network? (a) TCP/IP (b) TELNET (0) IP/SPX (@ Net BEUL 2. Apetabyte represents approximately (@) 1000 gigabytes (©) 1000 kilobytes (©) 1000 terabytes (@) 1000 yottabytes 3. The ASCII code of ‘A’ is (@) 66D () 41H (©) 01000010 (@ 01100011 4. An eight bit byte is capable of representing how many different characters? (@)64 (by 128 (© 256 (a) 512 5. When two binary numbers are added, then an overflow will never occur if (a) Both numbers of same sign (b) The carry into the sign bit position and out of sign bit position are not equal (©) The carry into the sign bit position and out of sign bit position are equal (d) The carry into the sign bit position is 1 6. The sum of 11010 + 01111 equals (a) 101001 (6) 101010 (© 110101 (@ 101000 7. Consider x and y be some Boolean variables, “+” denotes the OR operation and .” denotes the AND operation. What will be the simplified form of the Boolean expression: x. (x+y)? @y A 0 @x 8 Which one of the following is nota valid rule of Boolean algebra? @atH (QAA=A 9. The least significant bit of the binary number, Which is equivalent to any odd decimal number is @o 1 (10rd (@) All ofthe above 10. Which of the following Boolean expression represents the shaded portion of the Venn diagram Note : Here.” represents an AND operation and “+” denotes an OR operation, (@)z'+(@Y) (b)Z.(Z +Y) OGX)+¥ (a) Z'.(x +) Answer Key 2011 TA [2c 3B [ac 5B GA [7D [8B |9B 10. B ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness 1. Simplified form of a Boolean function FKY.Z) = E (0,2,4.5.6) is (@) 2xX+x7 (0) Z +x? (YZ +X¥ (@) None of these Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest (a) Field, record, character, database (b) Character, record, field, database (©) Character, field, record, database (A) Bit, byte, character, record, field, database 3. Amain memory has an access time of 45 ns. AS ns time gap is necessary for the completion of one access to beginning of next access, The bandwidth of the memory (@) 25 MHz () 20 MHz (0) 40 MHz (@) 50 MHz 4. Execution of an operating system is initiated by a program called the (a) Window manager —_(b) Scheduler (©) Bootstrap @ None of the above 5. Which ofthe following is NOT one ofthe four major data processing functions of a computer ? (a) gathering data (b) processing data into information (©) analyzing the data or information (A) storing the data or information 6. Fora microprocessor using 1/0 mapped 1/0 (a) Memory and 1/0 addresses are distinct (b) Not all data transfer instructions are available for 1/0 (©) Both (A) and (B) (d) None of above 7. Which one of the following is a stored. program machine? (@) Micro-processor —__(b) Calculator (©) Analog-computer —_(d) Micro-computer 8. If (12x); = (123), then the value of xis @1 (2 (©) Both (a) and (b) (@) None ra 9. ACPUhasa 12 bit address for memory addressing. Ifthe memory has a total capacity of 16 KB, what is the word length of the memory ? (@) 2 bytes (b) 4 bytes (OB bytes (@) 16 bytes 10. Which gate is equivalent to (NOR) OR (KOR) ? (@) NAND gate (b) OR gate (© AND gate (@) XOR gate Answer Key 2010 LB 2. 3.0 4.0 S.A 6C B ap 9B 10.A ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness NIMCET 200: In the virtual memory system, the address space specified by address lines of the CPU must be than the physical memory size and than the secondary storage size. (a) smaller, smaller (b) smaller, larger (©) larger, smaller @ larger, larger To change upper case to the lower case letter in ASCII, correct mask and operation should be (@) 0100000 andNOR (6) 0100000 and NAND (©) 0100000 andOR ~~ (d) None of the above ‘The switching expression corresponding to f(A.B,C,D) = 3G. 4,5,9, 11, 12) is (a) BCD + ACD + ABD (b) ABC + ACD + BCD (©) ACD + ABC + ACD () ABD + ACD + BCD Assuming all numbers are in 2's complement representation, which of the following numbers is divisible by 11111011? (a) 11100100 (b) 11010111 (© 11011011 (a) 00000110 Why is the width ofa data bus so important to the, processing speed of a computer (@) The narrower it is, the greater the computer's processing speed (b) The wider it is, the more data can fit into the main memory (© The wider it is, the greater the computer's processing speed. (d) The wider it is, the slower the computer's processing speed. A Computer with a 32bit word size uses 2's complement to. represent numbers. The range integers that can be represented by this computer is (@) -2%* to 257 (b) = 2° to 257 (274 to 24 400072444 | 7007286637 @ 202 7. On receiving an interrupt from an 1/0 device, the cpus (@) hand over the control or address and data bus to interrupting device, (b) branch off to interrupt service Subroutine immediately, (©) branch off to interrupt service subroutine after completion of current instruction, (@) None ofthe above 8A switching circuit that produces one in a set of input bits as an output based on the control value of control bits is termed as (@ Full Adder (© Multiplexer (b) Inverter (@ Converter 9. Index register in a digital computer is used for (a) pointing to the stack address. (b) indirect addressing, (© keeping track the number of times loop executed. (@) address modification, 10, Micro-programmed control unit is (@) faster than hard-wired unit. (b) slower than hard-wired unit (©) to facilitate easy implementation of new instructions. (@) both (b) and (c) Answer Key 2009 1c C 3A [4D 5.C 6 Zc (8c 3D 10.C ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness NIMCET 200: A CPU has an arithmetic unit that adds bytes and then setsits V,C and Z flag bits as follows : The V-bit is set if arithmetic overflow occurs. The C-bit is set if carry-out is generated from the mostsignificant bit during an operation. The Z-bitis set if the result is zero. What are the values of the V, C and Z flag bits respectively after the 8-bit bytes 11001100 and 1000 1111 are added? (@ 0.0.0 1.1.0 (OLLI (@)0,1,0 Which one of the following statements is always true? (@) A compiled program uses more memory than an interpreted program. (b) A compiler converts a program to a lower level language for execution, (©) A compiler for a high level language takes less ‘memory than its interpreter. (A) Compiled programs take more time to execute that interpreted programs ‘The capacity of a memory unit is defined by the number of words multiplied by the number of bits per word. How many separate address and data line are needed for a memory of 4K x 16? (@ 228 (b) 2227 2 @2e ‘The capacity of a memory unit is defined by the number of words multiplied by the number of bits per word. How many separate address and data line are needed for a memory of 4K x 16? (a) 10 address lines and 16 data lines (b) 12 address lines and 10 data lines. (©) 12 address lines and 16 data lines (d) 12 address lines and 8 data lines ‘The main disadvantage of direct mapping of cache organization is that it doesn't allow simultaneous access to the intended data and its tag. (a) it is more expensive than other type of organizations. 400072444 | 7007286637 10, 1. 12, (b) the cache hit ratio is degraded if two or more blocks (© used alternatively map onto the same block frame in the cache. (@) the number of blocks required for the cache increases linearly with the size of the main memory. Let A[1..10] 14S 10. After the assignment executed, the value of A[j] is equal to (a) Undefined (b)1 5 @ 10 ‘The first instruction of bootstrap loader program of an operating system is stored in (@) RAM () BIOS (© Hard disk (d) None of these The function AB‘C + A'BC + ABC’ + A’B'C is equivalent to @AC' +B + AC (b) AB’ + AC’ + A'C (OA'B+ AC! + AB’ (@)A'B + AC + AB The addition of 4 bit, 2 's complement binary numbers 1101 and 0100 results in (a) 0001 and an overflow (b) 1001 and no overflow (©) 0001 and no overflow (@) 1001 and an overflow Given (224), =(13),, the value of radix ris (@10 @)8 (6 @s5 Let A 11111010 and B = 00001010 be two 8 bit 2's complement “numbers, Their product in 2's complement is (@ 11000100 (b) 10011100 (© 10100101 (@) 11010101 Identify the logic function performed by the circuit. be an array, let Afi] =2i for ALAS] is ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study !! NIMCET Previous Year Computer Awareness x £00y) y (a) Exclusive OR (b) Exclusive NOR (©) NAND (@NOR 13. Which of the following is (are) true about virtual ‘memory systems that uses pages? I. The virtual address space can be larger than the amount of physical memory. Il, Programs must be resident in main memory throughout their execution. IIL Pages correspond to semantic characteristics of the programs. (a) Tonly () Honly () land @ land Il 14. The minimum number of gates needed to implement the Boolean _function f@y.2)=2(x +y) + @Fx+ EFI (@2 &)3 (4 @s 15. How many bits are required to store an ASCII character? (@)7 ()6 os (@ None of these Answer Key 2008 1B 2B (3D [ac 5D 6A (7B [8B [9.¢ 10. aA [42.8 [a3 [14a [45.A

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