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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Third year
Module: Fluid Mechanics

Lab Report
TP 3 : Traitement thermique
Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer

Prepared by: Group 12

-Nada Zouaoui
-Messaouda Boukhetache
-Kharrab Mohamed Seif eddine
-Mekroud Mohamed Mohcen

Instructor: Dr.Filali Abdelkader

Date: 13/02/2023
Table of content:
Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 2
Objective…………………………………………………………………............ 2
Theoretical Part…………………………………………………………............. 3
Wind tunnels……………………………………………………………… 3
How subsonic wind tunnel AF106 works……………………………….... 3
Working section………………………………………………………….. 4
Concept of the hydrodynamic boundary layer…………………………… 5
Types of hydrodynamic layer……………………………………………. 5
Velocity profile in the laminar boundary layer flow……………............... 5
Reynolds number for laminar boundary layer.…………………............... 6
Boundary conditions…………………………………………………....... 7
What is hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness………………............... 7
Hydrodynamic boundary layer displacement thickness…………………. 8
Characteristics of the boundary layer thickness…………………………. 9
Why does the thickness increases……………………………………….. 9
Turbulent boundary layer………………………………………………... 10
Experimental part …………………………………………………………….... 11
Open shutter ……………………………………………………………. 11
Closed shutter …………………………………………………………... 13
Comparison and comment ………………………………………............ 15
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………... 15
Table of Figures:
Figure 1: AF 106 subsonic open circuit wind tunnel [1]………………………. 3
Figure 2: Working section with boundary layer model………………………... 4
Figure 3: Aerodynamically designed effuser (contraction cone) ……………… 4
Figure 4: Control and instrumentation unit………………………………......... 4
Figure 5: Velocity profile in the laminar boundary layer flow………………… 6
Figure 6 : hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness……………………………. 8
Figure 7: Hydrodynamic boundary layer displacement thickness……………... 9
Figure 8 : Velocity profile for laminar and turbulent flow……………………... 10
Figure 9: Graphs showing the change of local velocity (open shutter)……...…. 12
Figure 10: the thickness of the boundary layer (open shutter)…………………. 12
Figure 11: Graphs showing the change of local velocity (closed shutter)……... 14
Figure 12:the thickness of the boundary layer (closed shutter)………………... 14
List of tables:
Open shutter :
Table 01: the difference of pressure and local velocity………..………………... 11
Table 02: the thickness of the boundary layer ………………………………….. 12
Closed shutter:
Table 03: the difference of pressure and velocity……………………………….. 13
Table 04: the thickness of the boundary layer…………………………………... 14

The boundary layer is a fundamental concept in fluid dynamics that describes
the thin layer of fluid in close proximity to a solid surface. As fluid flows over a
solid boundary, such as the surface of an aircraft wing or the wall of a pipe, the
adjacent layer of fluid experiences a gradual transition from the fast-moving
outer flow to the slower-moving flow near the surface. This region, known as
the boundary layer, plays a crucial role in determining the behavior and
characteristics of fluid flow.

The main purpose of this practical work is to study the development of the
hydrodynamic boundary layer on a plate with open and closed shutter.

Theoretical Part:
Wind tunnels:
Wind tunnels are large tubes with air moving inside. The tunnels are used to
copy the actions of an object in flight. Researchers use wind tunnels to learn
more about how an aircraft will fly. A wind tunnel is a test facility used in
aerodynamics to study the effects of an airflow on a body, generally a model of
reduced dimension compared to the real. We can carry out measurements in a
wind tunnel, for example measurement of forces, and visualizations of flow
which are most often impossible to do under real movement conditions.

Figure 1: AF 106 subsonic open circuit wind tunnel [1]


Air enters the tunnel through an aerodynamically designed effuser (cone) (Figure3)
that accelerates the air linearly. It then enters the working section (Figure2) and
passes through a grille before moving through a diffuser and then to a variable-
speed axial fan. The grille protects the fan from damage by loose objects. The air
leaves the fan, passes through a silencer unit and then back out to the atmosphere.

A separate control and instrumentation unit controls the speed of the axial fan (and
the air velocity in the working section). The control and instrumentation unit
(Figure4) also includes manometers and electrical outlets to supply electrical
power to other optional instruments.

A metal frame supports the wind tunnel. The frame includes lockable castors for
convenient mobility.

Working Section :
The working section of the tunnel is a square section with a clear roof, sides and
floor. The sides are removable. The floor and each side panel has a special position
to support the optional wind tunnel models. Supplied with the wind tunnel are a
protractor and a model holder to support and accurately adjust the angle of any
models fitted (in our case we have boundary layer model).

Two traversing probes fit on the working section. One is a Pitot-static tube and the
other a standard Pitot tube. They fit upstream and downstream of any models and
connect to the manometers on the instrumentation unit (or other optional
instruments) to show pressure.

Figure 2: Working section Figure 3: Aerodynamically designed

with boundary layer model effuser (contraction cone)

Figure 4: Control and instrumentation unit

Concept of the hydrodynamic boundary layer:
The Hydrodynamic boundary layer is the region in the fluid flow where the
velocity gradient is present in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the
free stream.

Types of hydrodynamic layer:

Laminar boundary layer: The laminar boundary layer is the region of the
boundary layer in which the fluid flow takes place in a laminar manner. The
flow of fluid in the laminar boundary layer takes place in the form of layers.
The motion of each layer in the laminar boundary layer region is affected by
the cohesive force between its adjacent layers.

It is considered that the laminar boundary layer exists till the Reynolds number
reaches up to 500000

Velocity profile in the laminar boundary layer flow:

The velocity profile in laminar boundary layer flow is considered as
parabolic in nature.
The figure below shows the variation of ratio with respect to
change in .
u = Velocity of the fluid at different layers
δ = Boundary layer thickness (Distance from u = 0 to u = u∞)
y = Perpendicular height from the plate surface
𝑢∞ = Free stream velocity

The equation of the velocity profile for laminar flow is given by:

𝑢 𝑦 𝑦
= 2 ( ) − ( )2
𝑢∞ 𝛿 𝛿

Figure 5: Velocity profile in the laminar boundary layer flow

Reynolds number for laminar boundary layer:

The Reynolds number for the boundary layer over a flat plate is given
𝜌. 𝑢. 𝑥
𝑅𝑒𝑥 =

Where x is the distance over a flat plate and the value of Re increases with an
increase in the length of a plate.

From this equation, it is clear that the Reynolds number is maximum at a

distance x=L.
therefore maximum Reynolds number over a flat plate is:

𝜌. 𝑢. 𝐿
𝑅𝑒𝑥 =
Critical Reynolds number: It is the Reynolds number at which the laminar flow
becomes turbulent.
The value of the critical Reynolds number is considered as :

𝑅𝑒𝑥 = 5 × 105

It means that the laminar nature of the boundary layer ends at:

𝑅𝑒𝑥 = 5 × 105

Boundary conditions:
1. When the free stream fluid touches the plate, the free stream has a
velocity of 𝑢∞ therefore at x = 0 (leading edge), the velocity
gradient du/dy is equal to the zero at y = 0. Therefore boundary layer
thickness at x = 0 is also equal to zero.
At x=0 we have:
2. The layer of fluid adjacent to the flat surface (at y = 0) has a velocity
equal to zero due to the no-slip condition.
At y=0:
3. At the height of boundary layer thickness (δ), the velocity of the fluid
becomes almost equal to the free stream velocity u∞.
At y=𝛿 :
Therefore, we can also say that, at y = δ, the velocity gradient also
becomes zero
At y=𝛿 :
4. The boundary layer thickness increases with an increase in the length of
contacting surface (x) due to the increase in retardation of fluid in the X-
direction Therefore
the value of boundary layer thickness is maximum at the end of the
surface of the plate (Trailing edge).

At x=L:
𝛿 = 𝛿𝑚𝑎𝑥

What is hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness:

Boundary layer thickness is the perpendicular distance between the surface of
the plate and the point in a fluid at which the velocity of the fluid becomes equal
to the free stream velocity.

It is also defined as the normal distance from the plate surface at which the
velocity of the fluid equals to 99% of free stream velocity.

The boundary layer thickness is measured perpendicular to the surface from the
fluid velocity of u = 0 to u = u∞

Example: As shown in the figure, the velocity of the fluid particle at y = δ
becomes equal to the 𝑢∞ .Therefore, δ is the boundary layer thickness at the
particular cross-section.

Figure 6 : hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness

Hydrodynamic boundary layer displacement thickness:

Figure-a shows the flow of the free-stream which is in unrestricted condition
and figure-b shows the restricted flow rate of the free stream due to the
boundary layer generation.

Now, the concept of displacement thickness says that,

If we hypothetically raise the position of the plate surface from xy to x’y’ by
distance δ, then the flow rate restricted in this case is equal to the flow rate
restricted by parabolic boundary layer generation. Therefore, for the δ*, the
restricted flow rate in figure b and in figure c are equal.
Therefore the displacement thickness is the distance by which if we raise
the position of the surface plate then the flow rate restricted is equal to the
flow rate restricted due to the boundary layer generation.

The displacement thickness is given by:

𝛿 𝑢

𝛿 = ∫ (1 − ) 𝑑𝑦
0 𝑢∞

Figure 7: Hydrodynamic boundary layer displacement thickness

Characteristics of the boundary layer thickness:

The hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness has the following characteristics:

1) The boundary layer thickness is zero at the leading edge of the plate.
2) The boundary layer thickness is maximum at the trailing edge.
3) The thickness of the boundary layer decreases with an increase in free stream
4) The thickness of the boundary layer increases with an increase in viscosity.

Why does the thickness increases:

While moving on the plate surface, the liquid molecules continuously retards
due to the resistance offered by the plate surface (no-slip condition).

This retarded fluid molecule tries to retard the molecules in the upper layer due
to the cohesive force between them.

Therefore as the fluid advances over the plate surface, the retardation of fluid
layers also increases, and hence the height of the fluid layer for maximum
velocity increases.

Therefore, the thickness of the boundary layer increases in a downstream


Turbulent boundary layer:
At some distance back from the leading edge, the smooth laminar flow
breaks down and transitions to a turbulent flow. From a drag
standpoint, it is advisable to have the transition from laminar to
turbulent flow as far aft on the wing as possible, or have a large
amount of the wing surface within the laminar portion of the boundary
layer. The low energy laminar flow, howe ver, tends to break down
more suddenly than the turbulent layer.
Thickness of a turbulent boundary layer: the thickness of a turbulent boundary
layer is given by:
𝑅𝑒𝑥 0,2

Wall shear stress: Wall shear stress is another parameter of interest in boundary
layers. It is usually expressed as skin friction defined as :
𝐶𝑓 =
0,5𝜌. 𝑈∞ 2
Where 𝜏𝜔 is the wall shear stress given by: 𝜏𝜔 = 𝜇( ) at y=0
And 𝑈∞ is the free steam speed
Skin friction: it can be expressed for each flow by:

Laminar flow Turbulent flow

0,664 0,0594
𝐶𝑓 = 𝐶𝑓 =
√𝑅𝑒𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑥 0,2

Velocity profile for each flow: we can express the difference in the velocity
profile by the following figure:

Figure 8: Velocity profile for laminar and turbulent flow

Experimental part:
Open shutter:
We use this relation: 𝑷𝑻 − 𝑷𝟎 = (𝝆. 𝒗𝟐 )

Open shutter
Difference of pressure in Pascals Local velocity
Tapping No PT-P0 (Pa) (m/s)
V=20m/s V=25m/s V=20m/s V=25m/s
1 -100 -160 12,78 16,16
2 -50 -100 9,04 12,78
3 -10 -30 4,04 7
4 -70 -120 10,69 14
5 -310 -460 22,50 27,40
6 -160 -240 16,16 19,79
7 -120 -200 14 18,07
8 -80 -130 11,43 14,57
9 -30 -50 7 9,04
10 -30 -50 16,16 9,04
11 -160 -230 4,04 19,38
12 -10 -10 9,90 4,04
13 -60 -90 6,96 12,12
14 -30 -40 7 8,08
15 -20 -40 5,71 8,08
16 -190 -290 17,61 21,76
17 -150 -220 15,65 18,95
18 -80 -140 11,43 15,12
19 -30 -60 7 9,90
20 -40 -70 8,08 10,69
21 -210 -330 18,52 23,21
22 -160 -260 16,16 20,60
23 -120 -190 14 17,61
24 -60 -100 9,90 12,78
25 -50 -70 9,04 10,69
31 -350 -540 23,90 29,69
32 -350 -520 23,90 29,13

Table 1: the difference of pressure and local velocity

(v=20m/s) and (v=25m/s) open shutter

Graph of different local velocities for open shutter
For V=20m/s and V=25m/s


Local velocity



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Tapping No
V=25m/s V=20m/s

Figure 9: Graphs showing the change of local velocity in function of

position (open shutter)

3- The thickness of the boundary layer for open shutter:

𝑼𝑿 𝟓,𝟒𝟖
Rex = δ= 𝑿
𝒗 √𝐑𝐞𝐱
X(mm) 40 90 150 220 300
Thickness(v=20m/s) 0,0008 0,0015 0,0026 0,0027 0,0027
Thickness(v=25m/s) 0,0008 0,0014 0,0018 0,0021 0,0023

Table 2: the thickness of the boundary layer (v=20m/s) and (v=25m/s)

(open shutter)

The thickness of boundary layer for open shtter




0.001 V=25m/s

40 90 150 220 300

Figure 10: the thickness of the boundary layer as a function of x

(open shutter)
Closed shutter :

Closed shutter
Difference of pressure in Pascals Local velocity
Tapping No PT-P0 (Pa) (m/s)
V=20m/s V=25m/s V=20m/s V=25m/s
1 0 -20 0 5,71
2 -20 -20 5,71 5,71
3 -20 -10 5,71 4,04
4 -100 -140 12,77 15,11
5 -460 -710 27,40 34,04
6 -50 -60 9,03 9,89
7 -30 -40 6,99 8,08
8 -30 -50 6,99 9,03
9 -40 -70 8,08 10,69
10 -30 -50 6,99 9,03
11 -110 -190 13,40 17,61
12 20 10 5,71 4,04
13 -20 -40 5,71 8,08
14 -30 -60 6,99 9,89
15 -20 -60 5,71 9,89
16 -160 -240 16,16 19,79
17 -100 -160 12,77 16,16
18 -30 -60 6,99 9,89
19 -20 -50 5,71 9,03
20 -40 -70 8,08 10,69
21 -190 -310 17,61 22,49
22 -130 -230 14,56 19,37
23 -100 -160 12,77 16,16
24 -50 -100 9,03 12,77
25 -50 -100 9,03 12,77
31 -400 -610 25,55 31,55
32 -350 -530 23,90 29,41

Table 03: the difference of pressure and velocity (v=20m/s) and

(v=25m/s) closed shutter

Graph of different local velocities for closed shutter for
V=20m/s and V=25m/s
Local velocity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Tapping No

V=25m/s V=20m/s

Figure 11: Graphs showing the change of local velocity in function of

position (closed shutter)

The thickness of the boundary layer for closed shutter

X(mm) 40 90 150 220 300

Thickness(v=20m/s) 0,0008 0,0021 0,0022 0,0024 0,0027
Thickness(v=25m/s) 0,0007 0,00193 0,00194 0,0022 0,0024

Table 04: the thickness of the boundary layer (v=20m/s) and (v=25m/s)
(closed shutter)

The thickness of boundary layer for closed shutter







40 90 150 220 300

V=20m/s V=25m/s

Figure 12: the thickness of the boundary layer as a function of x

(closed shutter)
Comparison and comment :

In the case of a closed shutter the thickness of the boundary layer greater than
the case of an open shutter.
The thickness of a boundary layer varies depending on the condition of the
surface (if the surface is smooth, the layer is thin); but also depending on the
speed of the fluid (if the speed increases the thickness of the boundary layer


When a fluid moves around an obstacle, the velocity and pressure fields are
disrupted by the latter.The thickness of the boundary layer changes based on the
surface condition (with a smoother surface resulting in a thinner layer) and the
velocity of the fluid (where an increase in speed leads to a reduction in
boundary layer thickness)

Mr.filali lab brochure


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