SRM Bonaventure (Survey) v2208.03

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Aegis STARSHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL dda aa Ld Assasin SASvancrsnm Po anor DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191104 Forwarp My contribution te this project would not have been possibie without those who came before me. Mainly CaptShade. whose orignal drawings laid the foundation for my work by providing: me the figurative and itersi tools for my own creative output. Nichodo, who was 3 big help in Creating aft and ventral views of various components. FlevancheFM, whose ideas and drive Relped me get a ittle more creative and better et something I realy anioy And mast defintely Neale "Vance" Davidson. whose enormous volume of work got me interested in dong this in the first place, and for inspiring us el ~ Acrasi First as always. thanks to Adres Since partnering with him, Ive taken some great artwork and added some context to It Hels realy alowed ma to scratch my writing itch, to the pant it Sometimes bleeds, but stil feels On-So-Good Next up, of course, Ig Timo Sialoniemi, whos work Ie been folowing for eround two decades and | grestly respect. The ertwork in these "Starship Recognition Manuals” are 57% based upon ihe ones he describes textualy in his Grand onus, the "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet and ts Pstory and 3% derivad from What he has inspired in us. = RevencherM ‘Adaitional reports may be found at; stershiptrecker com/daltedynamice Creors ADRASL: Al imagery (unless otherwise credited) ‘www DevientArtcom/ Aras FE\ANCHERM, all writing (unless otherwise credited) ww DevientArtcom/RevencherM NEALE VANCE DA/IDSON/JAYNZ; Project & cover concepts ‘wwwDevientArtcom “TF Vanguard dlaynzFelshigeorg STAR TREK OESGN PROUECT; Source of sponsor icons: ‘www SterTrekDasignProject com TIVO SALONEME Author of "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet", the inspiration for these ‘GAM. A direct ink to his Google Drive may be found an most deviations in RevencherMis gallery VIPERAVIATOR Source of adepted cover starburst ‘wwwDevientArtcom/ Viper Aviator BONAVENTURE CLASS = Original inspiration from: Rick Sternbach (Spaceflight Chronology), Rob Caswell = Incorporated parts from: CaptSnade Note FROM THE WAITING EDITOR ‘These ships do not sways exactly match the specifications Timo provides in his technical section for each ciass. as [ve adapted them in ways thet alowed them to fit bit better with the guidance provided by the starship construction rulas in Steven Longs "Spacedock” Ive iso changed some dates sround when | foun them in conflict with other Information Tima has provided: These two books grestly inform my ONN Bighe-canon end | urge you to look Up both cniine. a6 offered tree by their respective authors. (Links to bath are provided on the Delta Dynamics site) |e raona te recs ese ga of rere nate eruera vest reprouctn (we pert of te rerreten cotares ne DELTA DYNAMICS PG OLS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191104 ConTeENTS BONAVENTURE SURVEY CRUISER Po o201 CLASS TIMELINE PG 0301 GLOSSARY Pg o304 SPONSORS: PGO307 OTHER PUSLICATONS: P0308 Pozo DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 19104 >» BONAVENTURE CLASS: carecory OPERATIONAL: MOORED: DIMENSIONS: LENGTH BEAM HEIGHT MASS: PERFORMANCE: CRUISE: MAX ENOURANCE: COMPLEMENT OFFICERS. ENLISTED. SURVEY CRUISER 2064-2077 TISENECA CLASS) TACTICAL: 2051M “2X SORAG 12 PLUS CLASS LASERS 534M (Max) = OT ELECTROMAGNETIC SHIELD 587 M (Max) = GAS ENVELDPE DEFLECTORS: 73, 400 MT = GLASS-CLOUO ANTI-LASER SHIELDS WaRP 20 (00U) WARP 25 (OCU) 8 YEARS AUXILIARES, 5 2x ATMOSPHERIC SHUTTLES 40 > Bx SHUTTLEPOOS: DELTA DYNAMICS Po c2ce AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191104 BONAVENTURE CLASS: AUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING SHIP WAS FUNDED AS A JOINT COLLABORATION BY NUMEROUS INDEPENDENT SPACE-FARING NATIONS ON EARTH BONAVENTURE GENERAL INFORMATION During the lead-up to the Third World Wer (2052-2053) on Earth, the United States Air Force lengeged in the development and construction of varying series of warcraft for the 800-4000 km orbital region. The vanguard of 2 large defensive space cruiser class was begun with the Brototype Senece at Space Staton Presdome assembly berth 02 The ship was essentially an Shlergad version of the Eurasian Confeeraton's Keldyen cruiser class. However. construction Wwas halted lote in the process in favor of the more traditional (snc less ambitious) Guardian series: Of larga manned combet spacecraft, due to budgetary constraints. By the post-First Contact Beriod of 2064, the Seneca hull was in the deac-center of # sheapnel cloud in @ cacaying ortat. "The internationsl warp development tems tugged her into the now-vecant Valiant construction berth, to become 8 more robust survey cruiser for the plenet newly sterstruck by @ galactic manifest cestry. ‘The Senece’s Ieterel fuel tanks provides the protective structure for twa SO.000 ten warp call assembles, with intra-systen propuison denencent upon the tniec-and-trus three-chamber Tusion powerplant bolted to the stern of the centering man fuel tank Cooling wes provided vie the relatively large radiator surfaces of the main propulsion channel. The phrase "Eonaventure ~ the dream is allve" proudly broadcast the change in name and raison tre: tha existing American pennant wes joned by the pennants of the other periner nations, Despite the sciertinte and Exploration mission, two Sorsc 12 Pius class lasers wore installec. slong with suites of missile warning systems and gles bead emitters (for defense versus lasers), to demonstrate Eart’s Capacity for self-defense. Twe former USAF sentry platform maintenance shuttles ware mounted! Gn the respective attachments bolted to the central fusl tank they could only bs crewed folowing '8 Spacewalk from the command section, but they provided 8 meens to approach natural bodies. Such ae esterod bells of alien gysteme, without directly endengaring the sefety of the stv. ‘Various optcal and electronc telescopes were cremmed into the vericus spaces of the main hull ‘The Eenaventure frat entered service with a three-month shakedown cruise outside the Sol system in 20S. before departing to Tau Cat in 2088 She wes 206! meters in length 624 meters wide end 667 meters high (when the raGistor wes deployed in the open position). She massed about 73.400 metric tons. Her warp assembles allowed for 8 speedy warp 2 for cruising, with @ manimum speed of warp 25: her mission endurance was a very Impressive SX yeers. She wes equipped with one Generel purpose Istorsiory, end one dedicated to planetary Sciences, The ship's hull was mottled with hexagonal three-dmensionel scanned telescopic arrays: {and one port~side electro-rigidized depioyable radio antenna. Two (previously mentioned) shuttles ware bolted to the ventral sige of the central fuel tank and two shutliepode for extravahicular: maintenance were stored in the aft cargo bay of the command null The ship was crewed by 45 Specialists with @ QSmut of areas of expertise and netions of GrIgN. “The Bonaventure was not Earth's first ship to attempt » two-way interstellar journey, but she was the first to complete it beating the three surviving pre-warp Columbus ships (lcerus, Hector. and Prometheus) home by about 8 decade, vith her return from Tau Catt She would go missing on the third trip cut, to Sinus in 2077, but not missing trom her piece in history. Po0z03 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191104 >» DELTA DYNAMICS Po oe04 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191104 fT as ey Ps aso! DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 181104 CLASS TIMELINE ease During the final stages of the econo- technological race against the Esstern Cosition [ECON). the US government begine construction on a lenge defensive spece cruiser, tentatively Chostened the Seneca in the Freedom A ssembly Berth O2 orydock ‘The New Linted Nations (NUN) sides with the Western Alliance on legal use of ail fields in the South Chine Sea anc Antorctca, The ECON ‘secades from the NUN in prota. ‘A garies of confrontations between the New United Netione and the ECON begin to occur over ail fisiés located in Antarctica and Ching 2053 Construction ceases on the Seneca, in favor of the more tracitonal lees ambtious Guardian series of lange manned combet spacecrstt ‘The exqiorer Columbus le destrayad by an ECON attack, while in ort Four of the ECON Akademi Metisiay Keldyeh Gless crusers are completed. ‘The climax of World War Three breaks out when the ECON strikes the NUN states fret with nuciesr attacks. resulting in the deaths of 8h estimated 600 milion ‘The First, Sighth, and Sixtesnth Fleets under New United Natons commend carry front-line troops into the Bay of Bengal. snd the ECON launches & massive invasion of the North American continent. sending troops end miltary aircraft souttward through Canada. Terpets in New England (including Massachusetts). Minnesota, the Flocky Mountains, anc the Midwest are hit herd by ECON forces, the US. niltary’s defenses along the Canadian border falling Utterty. The United States Air Force anc United States Army both fight beck against the Invaders. but lose mary fighters and ground Sobers to the enemy, Certain miltary units are abandoned in enemy territory during the war including @ New United Netions brigade under the command of Colors! Green in Keshminsten Finally, the Eastern Coalition's governing palace is destroyed by American forces, kiling ECON general Lee Kuan| ‘The New Lined Nations collapses, in ight of the WOnG wer (but willbe resurrected In 2055). ‘The Siege of Las Vegas was a significant bate in the war, with Amaniean forces Batting EDON troops for control of the city. The forces of the Esstern Coailon would eventually prove Victorious. defeating the US. troops there. (Gunna fighting in Paris curing the war. the Eifel Tower was destroyed. Additions! combet took place in Gan Francisco, resulting in the Gestruction of the Calt Tower. among many other] ‘structures. ‘The main latoretory at Keshishows Research Station literally cissppeers from the surface of Luna, taking most of the station with it anc > leaving behind @ perfectly smooth crater 18 meters In Glemeter. This event appears to have Fesuited trom an overioad due to'9 warp drive experiment ‘The war concludes when several of Earth's governments mest In Sen Francisco to declare 8 cease-fire All ex CINell colornige are seit-eustaining enough thet they al survive the nuclear exharges of World Wer Three end the Subsequent cheos. eos Colonel Green surprises the surviving Linted States government by turning Up in Aleske et the head of @ massive army comprised of both NUN ang ECON sadiers, Prasivant Mandaze orders Green to stand down, but Is refuses: Green siaughters his way across the continent, culling the “weak” ard “impure” and those Sfticten with redistion-sickness from Mumanity’s ‘bene poo! kiling millions, New Bertin, on Luna, is founded. 205s ‘The Unites States Air Force cancele plans for the leunch of tis WOFL @ faster-theright test venice “The Eastern Coalition formally becomes @ nation subsuming the member states as poltical regions| and retreats within the haphazard recovery: processes that help define the era known as the Poat~Alomic Horror. ‘The final ecition of the Tresty of San Francisco, formalizng the end of Werid War Il is signed, Copernicus City is founded on Luns. 2oss Colonel Green attempts to gather further Strength fer hs eugenics campaign by giving an impassioned speach caling for the impure to ‘once again be purged from society. Shortly thereafter, he meets his demise in Montane fram en orbital sink 2088 In cooperation with Zefram Cochrane st "Earth Station Bozeman’. the ONel colones particnate ina test to generete @ stable subspace field. However, cue to an unknewn errer during the test al sie colonies vanish and are presumed cestroved ‘The US begins construction of the Liberty class: system defense cruiser, their first post-war waneocitel warship. 2060 ‘The explorer Prometheus errives in the Epsion Indi system. 2081 Zefram Cochrane teste the firet continuum Sistortion unt inside an undergroune Titan V/VI fssembly hanger. and is sbie to accelerate & test payioad to lightspeed. DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 181104 PG o302 CLASS TIMELINE ‘The explorer Hector arrives in the Arcturus system ose ‘The first Liberty ship attains nominal drive capacity. but the USAF can not afford to perform en immediate test run cue to the 2060 Closing of the surviving White Sands spaceport tnd Ios6 of heavy spacebus launch capacity ‘The Fundamental Declerstions of the Mertisn Colones ere issued. As the nations of Earth peacefully accept Mars’ independence, tis Gocument wil be considered one of the most important and Nstoric documents in the (tuture) Federation 2063 Zetrem Cochrane tests the Phoenix Gemonstrating warp Grive By achieving Warp 1 for approxmately one mnuite in the Sol system A’psssing Vulcan ship. the TPiena-Heth, cetects| the warp signsture and lands in Bozeman later that evening, oflcially making first contact with Humans. Zefcem Cochrane releases all documents on his warp technology into the puble domain. Four new Liberty hulls have been Ieunched to ‘orbit for installation of systems, in a desperate 1D to show teeth in front of the Vulcan ‘expecitions. 2064 Construction crews finish ortstal installation of armament on the fst Liberty ship. Six more ulle are launched to orbit for installation of systems, ‘Two of the four ECON Akademik Metisiev Keldysh class crusers sre ordered rapicly modified for interstellar @plorations missions. Survey cruisers Cefiant and Valiant are sant ‘out on twenty-year missions to find the limits of Rumen reach wih the new drive, Sending back eports on ratio waves only. the ships quickly iseppear into the galactic void, trom Eertirs point of view. ‘The International werp develosment teams: attached a tug onto the hulk of the uncompleted Senecs end towed it to the Valiant construction berth, where warp modification began, ‘The ules Verne. & Verne class cruiser. successfully completes © sublight test fant ‘The original Phoenix warp engine receives ‘second, larger crew pod with @ launch of a multcorporetion recovery team in this Configuration. the ship performs @ series of ‘Seven test fights, the lest of which take it 36 far out ae Saturn, 206s ‘The Bonaventure hes 2 warp coll assemblies ane 8 fusion powerplant inetaled and leunches: on 8 three-month shekacown cruise cutsce the Sol system. > ‘The Defiant is destroyed in a region of space later found to be claimed by tha Barrier Alliance. ‘The Jules Verne completes Its first warp run. Initiated safely outside the orbit of Uranus. ‘The first official dlometic expecition from Vulcan arrives on Earth ang influences talks that result in the Searon-DeSoto treaty, that forces the atone miitaries to crew ther armed Spacecraft with internatonsl members. This results in the Liberty cisss ships transferring from United States Air Force control to that of the International Space Agency. ‘The Phoenix is retired and the warp eection stored in'@ high ort ‘The infrastructure to build warp engines is being erected st breakneck pace. revitsiang transportation end communication end totaly relocating the industry ina way that makes mary former polical boundaries meaninglass. ‘The New United Netions Ie resurrected (though Ie wil be only a matter of years Untl it again Collapses, ving way to 8 truly unified wort: ‘bovernment), The Earth Cargo Authonty is one Of Ns frst establishes departnents. 2086 Bonaventure launches for Tau Ceti, under the command of Captain Hedrian Hucklety. Tyche City Is founded on Lune, 2067 The NUN forms the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA), to help coordinate and develop human presence in interstellar space, Ambassador Solksr Indicates Vulcan will oniy provide access to advanced technology, mecicine. galactic Information anc trace via egotistions “with one voce’. in order to prevent Spatonwiste competitions’ 2068 The Trade Counci of Earth, the first truly unified ace" of the planet is formed, in order to take: advantage of ineveased technology access from the Vulcans (who required e single pont of contact for negotiating with Fumane) 2089 The Litopia Flertia Base (predecessor to the Litcpie Planitia Fleet Yards) is founded, cue to the relative success of the New Benin colony on Line’ Current members of the NUN agree ta the United Earth Defense Pact. @ promge to put Earths ascendancy and safely ahead of national pals. ‘The United States turne aver ail NAGA operations to UESPA The NUN coes the seme with the ISA. ‘The Lined Earth Stellar Navy (ESN) is formed! from the spit of the Internatonal Space Agency Into two parts (ine second being the United Esrth ‘Space Probe Agency) UESN ships are PG O303 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 181104 CLASS TIMELINE re-designated a6 IES (for United Earth Ship) UESN Tycho Base is commissioned (in Tycho Gty) 2070 Bonaventure arrives at Tau Cat, spending 4 months geting acquanted with the Keferians ang| ‘exploring the hospitable plenet(s] there before heading home, “The first attempt to build @ working transporter fg deemed a falure. its inventor. Con Blakeney. 's lost under mysterious crcumstances. His Giseppearance sets back research into transporter technology for decades to come. 2073 Captain Terasco of the SS Valiant iniists self-destruct as the dire consequences of the ereounter with the galactic barrier re realized. in Earths own fret inated first contact, the Lett Einckeon arrives in orbit of Taller, The eh adios home the report of contact with nother ‘sentient, space-going species. though the tranemigeion wont arrive until 2264, ‘The remains of the pre-wer defense net of Earth detect @ emall vessel of unknown configuration entering 8 Neptunian approach corridor claimed by both Texsn end Central African gas mining corporstions. A task force of ten ships. led by the Liberty class USS Bochorme Richara. intercept @ Telerite ‘explorer-merchentmen. unknowingly the second contact with that enecies within mere cays “The first series-produced interstellar spacestip| Sloss, the Verne survey cruiser, js committed to Serving under the United Earth fleg. The nations operating the Verne ships promise to make sl ther findings publ through the UE Space Probe Agency. Following training anc surgery this year, the ‘Amercan goverrsment attempts to insert Zebulen| Carter, vie @ trade mission to Vulcan, into the High Command, He never reports in ‘The Trede Council of Earth, the Vulcen High Command. and the Alpha Centauri Concordium Sign a trade agreement, One of the immediate Sutcomes of this trace agreement is the inital Gefnition of mejor space lanes end trading Foutes. Thie wil forma series of trade forricors that i tme becomes the backbone of the Federations awn space lene network. 2074 Bonaventure arrives back et Earth and is Fecorded as the planet's first complatedt interstelisr voyage 2075 ‘The Gitratter Cam is completed. The space buoy marker system comes into being| ‘The buoys are deployed to mark the frst 2073 treaty} > commercial spacelane network (es defined by the| ‘The underground city of Lunapert is founded on tune, 2077 ‘The Bonaventure goes missing on her third mission, to Sus. USS Mercury and USS Banshee are the first vessels of the Verne clase to be lost in desp ‘Space, no official explanstion is ever found fer the losses, DELTA DYNAMICS PB 0304 AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 191104 Array: Generally 8 combination of identical sensors, weapons. or other equipment operating in conjunction. GLossary Berge: one of several cifering types of vassals, inclusing 1] # low-warp bulk carrier designed to transport Unpackeged bulk cargo. 2) an crbitel-tovstmesphere combat lancer. usualy Meaviy lermored and bghtly armed to transport large troop formations into defended surface sreas. C/P/S Centerine/Port/Starboard (see P/S). Class: a production run of vessels all o identical (or nearly identical) standards. Ex: the Consttuton else Corvette: Smet warp-capable ship decscatad to local patrol. law enforcement and community Service missions. Sometimes lancing-capabie, not dependent on starbese facilties for support. Cruiser: A medium multi-purpose starship. The largest exploration vessels unti the eerly 24th century when relagated to other duties with the introduction of large Explorer starship. (Deep space: The region near or beyand the recognized borders af the Federation, often Uncharted in any considerable detel Destroyer: A medium offense starship intended for destraying enemy capital ships and Installations. 28 well es conducting fleet escorts, ECS: Earth Cargo Ship. 8 pretix for vessels flagged under the governing authority of the Earth Cargo Service. ELAS: Extreme Long Range Sensor Flight, A modification to @ class of ship intended to be incorporated by mast or al mambers of ‘that class, Fitter: en extremely low-sittude planetary personnel end freight vehicle, utizng enti» THE FOLLOWING ARE OTHER STARSHIP RECOGNITION MANUALS: PUBLISHED BY DELTA DYNAMCS: ‘Adaiianal reports may be found at stershipiracker com/daltadynemics

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