SE Projrct

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Depending on the disease our body requires different treatment, however one doesn’t know which

specific doctor to go to for certain specific disease, even if the person knows the department to look into
it is hard to know which specific doctor may be best suited to treat him.

There is a lack of information available to a person to select the best suited doctor for their treatment
across the country. In this current state we are bound to stick to a hospital rather than being able to
have the option to pick from all available hospitals, the way our health care system is set up one must go
into a hospital based on its reputation rather than the doctor. This is because we are made to choose
the hospital when in reality doctors are the ones responsible for our treatment. Furthermore, it’s not
possible for person to visit every hospital in our country to decide which doctor is best for him/her.

o Describe what is your project/thesis objective?

To solve the ongoing problem of selecting the right doctor for your treatment

o What solutions are you going to provide to solve the above-mentioned problems?
We will be creating an application that would look to solve this issue relating to finding
the right doctor, this application will provide its user with all the information needed for a
person to make an informed decision.

o What are the solutions you are going to propose to deal with the problem?
On our application we would have a database of all the doctors and their speality, having
this information in one place would allow the applications user to be informed about all
the possible doctors available to them.

o why is this solution is particularly appropriate to solve the problem?

Because of this application we are able to provide all the information to the people who
need it.

o Is the solution feasible to the meet the business objective?

Yes, it is feasible to the meet the business objective because once the information about
the doctor is provided to the client, they will be able to schedule an appointment with the
doctor through this app as a result this booking will allow us to earn some revenue from
the client and doctor.

o Describe the basic functionalities of your proposed solution

o that makes the best use of state‐of‐art technology

o and produced a significant result that is likely to have a major impact on

societal, - people will be less dependent on someone else

health, - Make a more informed decision allowing a person to choose the best doctor
available therefore potentially receiving better medical care causing less mortality.

Safety- Allow someone to get access and information about a doctor remotely

cultural issues- Allows a person who is seeking medical care to be Educated.

o Provide a deep insight that demonstrate and preset a creative solution to the real ‐life

A person will not require to visit every hospital in our country to decide which doctor is best
for him/her,

o Describe the target group of users of your solution?

- Literally everyone the target group of users of our solution.

o And how they will be benefited by your proposed solution to the problem?
they will be benefited by our proposed solution to the problem like,
- Be more educated
- Get information remotely
- Schedule an appointment remotely
- Get better health care
- Potentially saving money
- More efficient
- Better and more informed decision

o Describe the contribution of your project to the development of scientific results that is
identified and well documented.
The information that we will receive once the app is up and running will be invaluable to
scientific studies in the future, The Logs and database that will be collected connecting
patients and doctor will allow us to gather information such as, Most common disease,
preferred doctors.
o Provide a literature review on what are the other studies that have discussed the same
topic of yours in the literature and explain how your study has utilized and extended the
problems of existing studies.
There are two similar applications (Doctime and Sebaghar: online doctor video
consultation app BD) to work on that problem in Bangladesh.
Doctime and Sebaghar: online doctor video consultation app BD both work like an online
treatment point. The are gating some doctor on their side. people make a video call to
doctor and talking each other. But Sebaghar also add some feature like, you can call
ambulance and request for blood.

>>To solve the ongoing problem of selecting the right doctor for your treatment.
We will be creating an application that would look to solve the issue relating to finding
the right doctor, this application will provide its user with all the information needed for a
person to make an informed decision.

On our application we would have a database of all the doctors and their
specialty, having this information in one place would allow the applications user to be
informed about all the possible doctors available to them due to this application we are
able to provide all the information to the people who need it.

We foresee this application as being feasible to meet the business objective

because once the information about the doctor is provided to the client, they will be able
to schedule an appointment with the doctor through this app as a result this booking will
allow us to earn some revenue from the client and doctor this will allow our client to be
less dependent on someone else and make a more informed decision allowing a person to
choose the best doctor available therefore potentially receiving better medical care
causing less mortality.

Since our application deals with hospital our target audience could be anyone that is
seeking medical care.

We will serve our clients by allowing them to be:

- Be more educated
- Get information remotely
- Schedule an appointment remotely
- Get better health care
- Potentially saving money
- More efficient
- Better and more informed decision

The information that we will receive once the app is up and running will be
invaluable to scientific studies in the future, The Logs and database that will be collected
connecting patients and doctor will allow us to gather information such as, Most common
disease, preferred doctors etc.

There are two similar applications (Doctime and Sebaghar: online doctor video
consultation app BD) that deals with problem like this in Bangladesh.
Doctime and Sebaghar: online doctor video consultation app BD both works like an
online treatment point. They gather some doctor on their app where people make a video
call to doctor exchanging information. But Sebaghar also has some added feature such as
being able to call ambulance and requesting for blood.
Currently two types of software belong here for people but the software are divided like
one is ambulance service other is connected with some hospital and it’s kind of for one
area not a whole for all hospital. This software’s can not solve the problem that arise now
a days.
If we say little bit good existing software then we can say it is Sebaghar. Because here we
can find some hospital, doctors and has ambulance service. But this cannot solve the total
problem that we’re discussed upward. We assure that our proposed solution can solve the
problem. From our software people can find nearest hospital ,doctor, exporter, ambulance
service , can take online treatment ,can find doctor depend of their problem etc.

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