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Unstable Asthma

Overview of recent history

Patient Information
Name: Ann Jones
DOB: 01/01/1943 AGE 78
Hospital number: 00003
Address: 3 Sweet Street, Northampton, NN2 7AL
GP: Dr Baswaz, the Plaine Surgery, Northampton
Allergies: Penicillin (Anaphylaxis)

Presenting complaint:
• Ann has presented with shortness of breath and is currently receiving 10L of O2 via a
non-rebreather mask
• Ann has been diagnosed with unstable asthma and is being monitored on the Medical
Assessment Unit
• Ann Jones has not been mobilising due to her breathlessness. When mobilising she
quickly becomes breathless – refer to PT/OT to provide suitable ambulatory device
• Ann is struggling to sleep due to the breathlessness she is experiencing

• Past Medical History: Underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism), Asthma

Social History:
• Ann is a smoker.
• Ann does not drink alcohol.
• She is married and lives with her husband
• She is a retired schoolteacher
• Normally mobile fit and well and keeps active.
• Normally eating a nutritional diet. Drinks plenty of fluids.
• Has 2 grown-up children, who don’t live in the area.

Ann worries about her husband being at home on his own as he has end stage COPD on home

Cigarette & lighter, eyeglasses, inhaler, specimen pot, glass of water

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Candidate notes
This document is for your use and is not marked by the examiners.
Patient’s details:
Name: Ann Jones
Hospital number: 00003
Address: 3 Sweet Street, Northampton, NN2 7AL
Date of birth: 01/01/1943
• clear

• Extreme breathlessness
• Oxygen 10L/min via NRM
• Respiration, rhythm, depth
• O2 saturation

• BP
• Pulse
• Capillary refill

• alert
• no pain
• ex-smoker

Exposure – full clinical history

• Temperature
• Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), asthma

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Candidate notes
This document is for your use and is not marked by the examiners.
• Breathless when mobilising
• Struggle to sleep due to breathlessness

• Concerned about husband being at home with end stage COPD + home oxygen
• Retired school teacher
• May need referral to social worker
• Married lives with husband

• No spiritual needs assessed

• Partner is unwell

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Patient details:
Name: Ann Jones
Hospital number: 00003
Address: 3 Sweet Street, Northampton, NN2 7AL
Date of birth: 01/01/1943
1) Nursing problem/need
___ is experiencing breathlessness due to unstable asthma as evidenced by
respiratory rate of __ breaths per minute.
Aim(s) of care:
___ will verbalise relief from shortness of breath with respiratory rate of 12-20
breaths per minute and will have a normal breathing pattern and depth.
Re-evaluation date: Continuous
Today, 11/03/22, hourly, and if any clinical condition changes.
Nursing Interventions
1. Explain plan of care to ___ and gain consent for all nursing interventions.
2. Monitor and record ___’s observations every ___ as per NEWS score of __
and escalate according to NEWS2 policy.
3. Assess ___’s breathing pattern and depth. Monitor for signs of respiratory
distress such as cyanosis and laboured breathing.
4. Teach ___ about the use of deep breathing exercises and repositioning
techniques for optimal lung expansion.
5. Administer to ___ her prescribed oxygen and medications and monitor for
their effectiveness after 30 minutes.
6. Refer ___ to Respiratory Specialist Nurse upon consent as needed.
7. Instruct ___ the use of call bell and place within reach.
8. Document all aspects of care given to ___.
Monitor and record Ann’s observation
continuously due to elevated respiratory
rate of 22 breaths per minute and as per
NEWS policy.

Name (Print): Tarra Mae Ravena

Nurse signature: Date: 11/03/22

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2) Nursing problem/need
___ is experiencing reduced mobility due to unstable asthma
Aim(s) of care:
___ will be able to mobilize safely and effectively with or without minimal assistance
Re-evaluation date:
Today, 11/03/22, 4-hourly, and if any clinical condition changes.
Nursing Interventions
1. Explain plan of care to ___ and gain consent for all nursing interventions.
2. Monitor and record ___’s observations every ___ as per NEWS score of __
and escalate according to NEWS2 policy.
3. Assess ___’s manifestations of activity intolerance such as SOB, weakness and
4. Provide ___ a safe and clutter free environment and importance of adequate
footwear to mobilise safely.
5. Assist ____ with her activities of daily living while avoiding dependency
6. Administer to ___ her prescribed oxygen and medications and monitor for
their effectiveness after 30 minutes.
7. Refer ___ to Physiotherapist and Occupational therapist upon consent for
suitable ambulatory device.
8. Instruct ___ the use of call bell and place within reach.
9. Document all aspects of care given to ___.

Name (Print): Tarra Mae Ravena

Nurse signature: Date: 11/03/22

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OSCE Nursing Field: Adult

Candidate Paperwork and Briefing

Ann Jones has been admitted with breathlessness, diagnosed with unstable asthma and is for
close observation on the medical assessment unit.
Please administer and document her 12:00 medications, safely and in accordance with the
NMC standards.
It is today and it is 12: 00

• Talk to the patient.

• Please verbalise what you are doing and why.
• Read out the chart and explain what you are checking/giving/not giving and why.
• Complete all the required drug administration checks.
• Complete the documentation and use the correct codes.
• The correct codes are on the chart and on the drug trolley.
• Check and complete the last page of the chart.
• You have 15 minutes to complete this station, including the required documentation.
• Please proceed to administer and document her 14:00 medications, safely in accordance with
the NMC standards.

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Jones 1.6 meters

Ann 9 stone (63 kg)

01/01/1943 22.3

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi

Dr. Z Khan 12312321 Dr Z Khan 587

Penicillin Anaphylaxis

Dr A. Kumar 587

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Jones 1.6 meters

Ann 9 stone (63 kg)

01/01/1943 22.3

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi

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Jones 1.6 meters

Ann 9 stone (63 kg)

01/01/1943 22.3

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi



To continue until target reached

Non-rebreather mask @ 10L Today NRM/10L
H. Jones RN
Dr Z. Khan

Dr. Z Khan

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Green 1.6 meters

Daisy 16 stone (101.6kg)

03/09/1940 41.2

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi

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Jones 1.6 meters

Ann 9 stone (63 kg)

01/01/1943 22.3

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi


100 mcg OD PO 5 days 12:00 Sija Tomas

Treat thyroid
+4 days

Dr Z Khan 587 Dr. Z Khan


40 mg OD PO 5 days 12:00 Sija Tomas

For asthma to
inflammation of
+4 days
airway x

Dr Z Khan 587 Dr. Z Khan

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Jones 1.6 meters

Ann 9 stone (63 kg)

01/01/1943 22.3

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi

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Jones 1.6 meters

Ann 9 stone (63 kg)

01/01/1943 22.3

Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) MR Darzi

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Candidate notes
This document is for your use and is not marked by the examiners.
Patient’s details:
Name: Ann Jones
Hospital number: 00003
Address: 3 Sweet Street, Northampton, NN2 7AL
Date of birth: 01/01/1943
• Complaints of shortness of breath and restless with chest pain when coughing
• NEWS score of __

• Diagnosed with unstable asthma with history of hypothyroidism and asthma
• Admitted today due to SOB placed on 10L/min via NBM
• Alert, with allergy to penicillin and peanuts which gives anaphylactic reaction
• Patient is exhausted and is struggling to mobilise due to severe breathlessness
• Worried about husband who is unwell w/ end-stage COPD on home oxygen
• Lives with husband, normally mobile and self-caring

• Recite VS
• ___ is experiencing breathlessness due to unstable asthma as evidenced by
respiratory rate of __ breaths per minute.
• ___ is experiencing reduced mobility due to unstable asthma
• Interventions done and oxygen, medications given
• The patient’s condition is getting worse and needs urgent attention

• NEWS: Escalation type
• Refer to social services for husband’s living condition

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