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Complete the sentences with the correct form of an infinitive:

1) The students seem _____(discuss) the assignment.
2) She seems ____(complete) the project ahead of schedule.
3) They decided _____(go) for a walk in the park.
4) He seems ______(work) on the report all day.
5) She promised _____ (call) me later.
6) He seems _____(run) for hours.
7) He seems _____(struggle) with the math problem.
8) They seem _____(choose) the wrong path. They got lost.
9) He agreed _____ (help) with the project.
10) They appear_______ (understand) the instructions clearly.
11) The cat appears _____ (sleep) on the couch.
12) She seems _______ (finish) her work already.
13) She seems _______ (study) for hours.
14) They appear_____ (wait) for the bus.
15) He seems _____ (forget) his keys at home.
16) I prefer ______ (drink) tea instead of coffee.
17) It seems ______ (rain) outside.
18) We hope ______ (visit) Paris next summer.
19) He seems _______ (fix) the problem with the computer.
20) She seems ______ (practise) the piano for weeks.
21) She seems _____ (enjoy) her vacation.
22) hey appear _____ (decide) on a vacation destination.
23) He appears ______ (cook) dinner for a long time.
24) They plan _____ (go) skiing this weekend.
25) They seem ______ (renovate) their house.
26) I like _____ (read) books in my free time.
27) He appears _____ (cook) dinner in the kitchen.
28) He needs ______ (finish) his homework before dinner.
29) They appear_____ (wait) for a long time.
30) She seems _____ (study) for her exams.
31) He appears _____ (change) his mind about the decision.
32) She appears_____ (clean) the house all morning.
33) She appears _____ (finish) reading the book.
34) They seem ______ (watch) movies all night.
35) The team seems ______ (win) the championship.
2. Correct the sentences:
1) They hope finish their project by tomorrow.
2) We decided to going on vacation next month.
3) They need studying more to improve their English skills.
4) We plan to going to the beach this weekend.
5) They are looking forward to meet their new neighbors.
6) She loves sing in the choir.
7) She is worried about to be failing her exam.
8) She seems to has forgotten to buy groceries.
9) He appears to be working on his thesis all night.
10) We seems to have missed the bus.
11) He is happy to have been meeting his old friends at the reunion.
12) They plan to have travelled to Europe next summer.
13) We seem to have searched for the keys forever.
14) They appear to have been deciding to cancel the meeting.
15) He claims to be finishing his project ahead of schedule.
16) She pretends to clean the house, but it's still messy.

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