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lecture 18 -----> zip / unzip

{ Also use tar command for zip & upzip}

--> doing archiving and compressing also


tar option archive-folder file&folder


///use tar command --->///

/// Archiving the folder--->

# mkdir /mydata --> create folder
# cd /mydata/
# du -sh /etc --> check size etc dir
# tar -cvf redhat.tar /etc ---> archiving of etc folder
# ls
# du -sh redhat.tar
# ls

///---> see contant on redhat.tar/// ( for see contant, extract the folder)
# tar -xvf redhat.tar ---> extract on current location
# ls
# tar -tvf redhat.tar --> listing only not extract
# tar - xvf redhat.tar -C /tmp/ --> extract on tmp DIR
# ls
# ls /tmp/

/// compress the folder --->

# tar -zcvf redhat.tar.gz /etc ----> archiving and compressing in genzip
# ls
# du -sh redhat.tar redhat.tar.gz
# tar -jcvf redhat.tar.bz2/etc ----> archiving and compressing in binzip
# ls
# du -sh redhat.tar redhat.tar.gz redhat.tar.bz2
# tar -Jcvf redhat.tar.xz /etc ----> archiving and compressing in xz
# ls
# du -sh redhat.tar redhat.tar.gz redhat.tar.bz2 redhat.tar.xz

// extract -->
# ls
# rm -rf etc/ ---> delete etc folder
# tar -zxvf redhat.tar.gz
# rm -rf etc/
# ls
# tar -jxvf redhat.tar.bz2
# rm -rf etc/
# ls

# tar -Jxvf redhat.tar.xz

# rm -rf etc/
# ls

# zip /etc

# ls
# du -sh
# unzip
//// # rpm -qa zip or rpm -qa unzip ---> check pachage of zip / unzip ///

///download script ---> ///

# wget "link" ---> dwnd

# ls
# unzip "path"

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