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Medicinal ehemirby- I Qnit TE bos acting an Avtonsmic Nuwouy ipter Newow gia -X sarbol f condirole the human boby f maintain homentos human body . : Subseribe fo our YouTube channel. Nervous gystem for detailed explanation aid more l Perféet pharmacy u centhal nvtuoys ayer Poxiphetel nervous sper Brin Spinel ead Tomae estou pe (eontrol voluntnng Gonticel involuntary movements) movements) v See mpathickic. Paxqyrapat ic ee a ei ce Ceight 04 pit (maintenarte) He pone, Una Cited) @ Nusottorynnrtto, ~ these axe denaieal ey Abat Worumnit fignl fom Oo nuikon to arth nysron| tet all, Syrup, nenvons system - Adxenuigic neukotkarumi Huu Peptic wetyous “pee Wolinogie nosotrarmiten, Alagus wemithronentie Numtotyownittes tart axe formed released pdm fe AULUE voding axe kien oy adtenvgle newedtranmiton (abo known oy tsfedhelaming) Ex Gpivegloive (ox epimaghint Dogarnine Codtdhlaminy 2TH 0 mono Omino Neurabrammitiis in which catednel “iy 1 prone with a side chain owint . OH fal OK OH. Nv Os ws "OL, a NH, Catechol ‘ny amine ptr arieg Biosynthesis } colalolisn 4 Catecholamines Bryetehe _¥,_tohesolenrire, - Whe biauynthols jako place in adxenvrgie and Aopamindygic neuron in the OF in ce nUWKon In ANS and in he odtenal medulla, - Prenylalanine hydioyloe Cee tng _Prarglanine ures, 7 ann coo H CooH Phenglalanine Tprasine On on DOPA detsiborylage rr) LOY 01-04, eee M-ven, i tort ee DoPA Dopamine Boppy laoe oH : oH I= net! Adan) Uge oo > - GH — NH -ut fo ye a ta ee a NOX pinephitine é Epinephrine Cotoboliam. 4 tatecholamnines The ge main enaymn Fniald bo the plea Hf aleon he — Mao - Monoamine 6xidare (deamination ) Comr ~/cottehol Soon! ‘banfouue (tigation iw ny) “Fe Aeon 4 calalarioy cho inination of acon of alan i kMowN os cetaboltin tededrolamine | Tr As plow , Hud catulolaniing change with the help Hf tama (440% fomr) Je they do vet ‘wiuodt with odxewge Meupht 40 produve ec NS StStSiai eset eie vem MnO uaa on Nox lanpitine oWs ee 0 wut oH on 34-day 4 dary 73- miethiony Prevaly facade Boag feadtgie oH s ok ° PtH -wt-ny id toon ON QU, Girapltine He Hot naa, on Mobanepltine MAO Adwenvge weueplos by AR bution A ee odvenvigie. duns 0 nemo tvuavn mitten wll Bind dixectly 40 wwduure action, - Thar me mombitone bound G- prtein covipled sept ~ Toe one clavi ted into 2 ‘apy AX xeceptor a 6 xacep ey ee g Dt bution Co X, 1 - Mort voveuln sect, ~ tonbart magele, -Pagtny dilator muscle | - eandnack Craps) | | | 4 = Plodebeh ~ thinalely appa, ~ fot at ~ wt tpl | “Ronse B ell, ~ inhibit, impulin weleme a t < Hed = stimula Make 5 phe ~ Tuxtoatomenulax cally > rhrwulate renin welene ‘ weve hh > Pywsays, ukuddne J veyaclay = alaxey month nuutle - Uvur | shimulate Here > Hemet | | -sMmulade nab ppue Ranucentic Reel | - shuld toga weluye e, ~ Fat cell | ~ Hoult pep Sumpathomimetic agents Nosenvegieagoik my mimetic atte vie Shyonpatiet on mimic, NUvOUs ie Troe apr] ane whith ort The aetton 4 ‘preps nUvow Known oy Hyempattaominnte Oyen Thor do agent bin to adbearotgle weepton f produce the aetlon SAR 4 peptone secs (eu Ke Genel sruskune - Nox egineplaive (Thee one f- preryl et amine) oH oH Substitukion (ongo can Haley plawe of ae ra at) rate \ r amin oe srg fi ates 4. Amino ee \- Bowtie Wing - Maximal % B weeoptty ba deperds On prune 4 ~0H er aA mato f porn pation, On & oo ou - ney by tay Ty thon, we, Epinephaine (wore gotert) thong! eplodne (len potent) = unl the eoderhol ey vom ‘wpoxfont yuna yee in teins “y jn MORinuM agenitt oetivity odKenoKeptyN tt con be Heplouel with thor substituted Poel msi Fax ex- Heplorument % eoteuho| pup ‘oprotvenel with the Xoorcinel shudore Wwe a selective Ba ononiat gtyteno | q a. on on ‘ uy t UH, ye ~—y" “Hh-N, cy uy ; Me Nese apinaghine (see Topuottitagl (We of aulabbant © sulatituent 'u peantl [o sutton — Wonare- Bit B, syonit) of atvily U mate than $) Clouiicstion ol sumpothontinetic ay ents ~ Bord on aes “ pute bon ta all. Te i (Gad aa] Tndixed acy \ [Mixed ey : . Ephaditing ae Seledive Non selective ~ Metayarvinol i freryephaine ety Dayetoting L v -Clovidine —iPE>Tioplohowel ——Reltaing pln MRD TT whibi \nhibi inkibite fr Dobutarine he 8,8, Ep meplatne nye inbibidyy —Wnhibihyy — tMRbIMAS 0 Teale 1,4, Bi- Nox epinephwine —-Kwphetanine ~ Cocaine —-Lelesline -Grtatapone a tie Sap ~ Boved on ddomienl trade Gympaklomimelte agents Non eaterholamine, Cofeholomines on (_ caterel wing iu prent Ceotedml Ming iy NOT plusert in in tein Nas sdk, steele) Ex Amphetamine, Metoxamninol, {albutarrol, Ephebuine , Wapharoliwelyehenyltplaine Ny\idittn, &- Epineplitine Now bpinepladine, Dopamine, Tyopkenaline, Dobutamine © dimect acting agents Thee ore trove ay [agent whith devel bind with gaunt a a‘ Penmnalgesh action’, [ee o_o TS uved in tttahyent ah prtenion ay = vad in dxechment ve anet . 2 Epirephuine a welt bronchial otha, , hy poverutivity reackions , heart OE On wo Kp bnaageneay, BOL oN. wet = wed in contial blending peauertly added 4o Nowa anuthels like Nprocine, 3+ Phenylephitine ~ Synithais e q S ° i Ho C Mw : “C+ Cay oe “el sautg i) WHO, a Phen 2 cadena ately Calan |p Uses on ne HO UH -U4 - NH = ued in tHeakrvent " 70 paleven, cys 7 oH = und to Keak open drale glamome ' ~ wad 5 nal deumyedt Prhanglephing 4+ Doporring aa wed A Anestmunt shotk xerutting from touma , on val} . an <4 Oyu Tua p mppeordgat ingpretion = wel in dXeakment % margutine rent fatbore , wena Aver {pve be Metialdop ie A on na, al iw dnentment wetenion 10 rye btn +h Wy. 3 6 Clonidine Lonidine_ fe ee eel asian Acro GO “Site cl > Dobutornine f syed eudount of cnt a fale, on wy { 10) ntl My >on ~ wed in treshment % trdlete ahotk, 8: Topratorenel dy oo “Lage in tHenkment mado to sense attack 7 os byowektal athe eo ay ~ Potent cwdlae sHimnulanrt hence, Lael ia Axeatrnent 4 heat blotk, “roy be tmployed iw sandler thou, 4: Toroufeline Wey ne oH wed in trudwent 5 arthma , tH WW -c 59 ao, “ Jo- Callutamol - synthe a =a He ne os a-e-¥ye1 es none none roe . cntonontelyl ddontde be hgh a Tntumediode bere alwoho| NI matey | MbRE= 5 ° Sel om feindln SY uy Hon cue ——___— i <8 ts c! 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Oxyweterobing ' x ns : {> = is “due fo vovotowtnteha propurtia vit ty wed fo txeat 7s by ‘a ran Waring f wedny 4 eye bain Re Xyloracaraline i wn Ws ts - to dyot typo sy nual weet allots as Ye ~ proce corvtitetion + \age vein WA Roe oy, 3 @ Trdinect acting agents ~ Thue ome thor iow [ent wiki do not dined bind 40 addenveate Memeptay but cause xeleue of Wowiotdvanitin [kom stoma sity ushith then ituud with Heuephy, to prodaue utter. hs enor amphetamine Wwe . layed fo dil the pupil wy ee mone in Gtr of omuolepy s dtprevive ately, 3 mation suki é soul. 3 Prslanphebine Wwe oH — thy u jon! in mony OTC nayal der stool t Con ok 7 medications, { i) NH -UH, 5 3+ Dropyl heeding Uy, t — wed to Heleva noul consetion caused 4 comvon cold, a 3 slhugie whinitic #4 sinuuitis (Agents with mixed rechaviin - Thye ove these ino | art whieh can Atnetly bind 40 dongle Meant om a oy couse Keluye onndntmline 10 proiuie oped \ Ephedrine ae wu pu ak \ i ditions Whe Allvigie diuddet - Crema, Mae may tin ee by 3 Col chypetenive onditions 6 nonalepe Q. Metoramino| we om Wel wy ntual derongetant eying = ured fo dilate pupil f to Axett open angle glenn o ~ wd in spinal amtthe Adveneraie anager | Symptholstc agents ~ Thee one thoe 1 [agents which inhibit) the epeet a syrpstoomimatie age 4 bloveing the shea neeept Clouipeation "p Advenogic anagonit (Bove on the Recep L V with which thy \ntucact) Cc eed nth of- Blokes §-Blovess 7 ; Cie Wa aed in| ee 4 jon selective Selective Now aelettive ie ; : fe poudibly Teele Be Merlo| wopHaralol eee Ro - Butoxamine &- Yohimabing /Pheniolaming - Phono btnearvine Subscribe fo our YouTube channel for detailed explanation and more Perfect pharmacy o¢-advenvigic Houkens - There io gent Which bled the OC Kepht 7 tags the yet prodvuuad oe the oe aang on eee tH, t+ Tolawoline - santa - n cH, eal a Hy — tH, a cy vo Oo oe A — Ni ay shaston Tolazoline Bene! File ue nide dtamine Wey - wsesh $0 inocense bleed (Jw (vooilatey) ~ Uped In puuistent pulwonany ypuctuuion * he mavbstn . S- Phentolamine een wy ii Tl wed dohpaelent Pe ontaal hy pstavion Oat ~ Weel vedio mH, 3+ Pherprybenzamine eS Use HS cr ee’ ae in Axeodwunt 4 lypatovion Obert 44. 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Coxddae oly temla laxtona congutve eet Went {piluke. f SH-UL-NH-OH iG 9. Conveditte| Une Cc) DO ~ wed in tHestrent s portenvion, amine sia eetoHLs, Coxdlae wcbythernta Alouuora, ne (J ee eee Congestive hurt folouee SAR + Rablockyy SAR iy chysdone ody velatiorihip 7% the xelattorship bebween chemieal suche ond Liohagieal avid Q whstance, ae allows edification * Hh effect potency o & Matanee oy Marying ity chtinmteal Haueune, Gronnal sturduxe ~ Pxoproustol 7 oe cus Subutitation | Change can take plate af - co \. Axomotic. an oD 2. toxbon chain 3. Amino {oe Propranolel is the ondoud again which all other P -bleteow Oke, vormpaned 1. Anomotic King - Mat Ane Avuivetivy have Jubititated phony! Xing in place % ap lth! ving. ~ Allen} aVuamogl os ee when pkyent in onkho puition on phuny! vig qt cod B- antoronist ivity q é i 1 iste a oo Pr Ugo 5 MA oH Hy My Alprenolol Oxprenolol ~ Addition 4 ~OH yop in ghey Hing eds to Memoval 4 ortoypriste avlividy “Hh phenyl ee \s Moploved by rapt OM sUlutituted a thin, “ OMY non selective Ex~ Pao pRanolol ~ One common shurdortad, joe 5 mony Crineletive Pablo b the pawence 4 B-smbatitution a Subtuent site on the “amonatie sing Plary The obenee of mete sulutifent. Ex- Alewolol. 2+ Conbon chain > ~OtH, Mp u placed between oxo e wing f ethanolamine side Ursin inviaue ouivity WC Rental YP ae aulvity ~ TE Hhone xt hydrogen In plau Hh ~CHlgecthtn tompound Will bt known as Suy\tthoanslaniny (non seledive) 3+ Amino sponp ~ Th Uopwopyl fot butyl {MP PRbent on amino gioup then it provides muclenphilttty tomethe “amino er Cinveme autivity) Fx- Aunalaly $ Tivvolol Subscribe to our YouTube channel for detailed explanation and more Perfect pharmacy

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