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Yaroslav Chuikov

San Francisco, California | | +1(530) 813 74 82

8+ years of experience crafting high-performance Java and React applications. Expertise in Java and Spring frameworks has enabled
me to deliver well-tested, production-ready solutions on time. Proven ability to independently manage projects, from requirements
gathering and proof-of-concept (POC) to deployment. Skilled at collaborating with clients to ensure clear communication and
project alignment.

Teal Communications Jan 2023 - Now
Full Stack Software Engineer
● Streamlined IoT device management: Made user-friendly ReactJS portals for managing large SIM card fleets, boosting workflow
efficiency and enhancing customer experience by 60%.
● Automated billing with 60% efficiency gain: Integrated a billing framework to automate invoice generation, freeing up the team's time
and eliminating manual data entry.
● Enhanced application stability by 40%: Refactored outdated code to address structural issues, significantly reducing production incidents
impacting end users.
IdeaSoft Oct 2021 - Apr 2023
Senior Software Engineer
● Constructed high-performance trading engine: Developed an Apache Kafka-based trading engine and APIs for cryptocurrency trading,
enabling faster trade execution and improved market responsiveness.
● Reduced development time by 70%: Expedited workflows by consolidating microservices and implementing a Swagger-based API,
boosting API discoverability.
● Unified data architecture: Consolidated redundant databases into a single system, eliminating versioning issues, simplifying data storage,
and improving overall efficiency and coherence.
Artjoker Jun 2020 - Jun 2021
Lead Java Developer
● Ensured project success: Elicited clear requirements through in-depth customer discussions, ensuring project goals and deliverables met
● Shipped new features on time and within budget: Strategically planned and orchestrated development, leading the team to deliver
high-quality features on schedule.
● Formed a strong development team: Recruited, hired, and mentored junior and mid-level developers, fostering a skilled and productive
team environment.
Miratech Jun 2019 - Nov 2022
Senior Software Engineer
● Implemented a responsive and performant ReactJS application exceeding user experience expectations through adherence to stakeholder
mockups and code optimization for a lightweight and fast user experience.
● Optimized dependency management for over 30 microservices by implementing a centralized Bill of Materials (BOM) microservice. This
reduced update time, resolved dependency conflicts, and simplified future development.
● Leveraged Amazon SNS to build a notification microservice, enhancing communication and user experience.
● Championed the implementation of a custom code quality system, significantly reducing vulnerabilities and ensuring consistent
high-quality code delivery.
Techstack Limited Feb 2017 - May 2019
Java Developer
● Delivered scalable SaaS applications: Built robust cloud-based applications with efficient user management and seamless user experience.
● Improved code quality by 90%: Spearheaded code refactoring and unit testing initiatives, resulting in significantly more robust and
reliable code with a 90% quality score increase.
● Enhanced application stability: Identified and resolved critical structural issues in legacy code, minimizing production problems and
improving end-user experience.
Sednor Holdings Limited Mar 2016 - Feb 2017
Junior Java Developer
● Crafted an application to demonstrate cloud migration benefits: Designed and built an application showcasing the advantages of cloud
migration, empowering customers to make informed decisions.
● Automated data collection: Created automated features to scrape AWS product pricing data and store it efficiently in a MySQL database.
● Implemented secure access control: Designed a role-based access control system using Spring Security, ensuring appropriate data access
for different user roles.

Java, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Linux, Docker, Containers, AWS, EC2, RDS, S3, SNS, CloudWatch, DynamoDB, Google Cloud KM,
JavaEE, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, ReactJS, NodeJS, Angular, GraphQL, Play Framework, Kafka, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis,
Object Oriented Programming(OOP), Design Patterns, Data Structures, REST, Microservices, TDD, CI/CD, Genesys PSDK, Amazon, Stripe, JUnit,
Mockito, Selenium, Maven, Gradle, Nginx, Flyway, Postman, Swagger, SonarQube, Jira, Jenkins

National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» 2010 - 2015
Master's degree in Systems Programming
Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering

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