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The parable of the Good Shepherd teaches us many important lessons. First of all, Jesus is our
Good Shepherd. Giving protection for the sheep is the duty of a shepherd and the good
shepherd will even give up his life to save his sheep compared to a hireling who will flee when
he sees danger coming. Jesus has laid down his life for his people; his death and resurrection
has already occurred. We have experienced all this and it is our duty to proclaim the message
in which we have found life and salvation. We have the responsibility to take this message
forward. The First Reading records a speech by Peter. In this speech Peter boldly affirms that
the Name of Jesus is the only one Name by which human beings are saved. In the Second
Reading St John writes that because God loves us, He has made us His Children.


In today’s first reading, Peter asserts unequivocally before the Jewish assembly that there is no
salvation except through Christ, the Good Shepherd — the one whom the Jewish leaders have
rejected and crucified and in whose name the apostles preach and heal. Moved by the Holy
spirit he delivers the message of risen Christ. Let us listen to it fervently with deep devotion.

Response: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

Give praise to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever. It is better to take refuge in
the LORD than to trust in man; it is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. R/

I will thank you, for you have answered, and you are my saviour. The stone that the builders
rejected has become the cornerstone. By the LORD has this been done, a marvel in our eyes.

Blest is he who comes in the name of the LORD. We bless you from the house of the LORD. You
are my God, I praise you. My God, I exalt you. Give praise to the LORD, for he is good; his mercy
endures forever. R/


St John in the second reading sets out the basic effect of the incarnation. Already in this life
men are made children of God, Because we are God’s children here below we shall see him as
he is in the future life. Let us listen to the reading as God’s children.
Alleluia. Alleluia. I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my own, and my own know me.
Alleluia. (Jn 10:14)

GOSPEL: John 10:11-18

The parable of the Good Shepherd is one of the best-known parables in the Gospel of John.


Cel: Dear brothers and sisters, on this Good Shepherd Sunday let us strengthen our resolve to
commit ourselves to Jesus, the Good Shepherd. A hired shepherd may abandon his sheep
when faced threat from wild animals, but Jesus, our Shepherd, died for us. Let us now place
our petitions before Jesus our Good Shepherd, saying,

Response: May our Good Shepherd guide us.

1. For the pope, the bishops, the clergy and the religious that as shepherds of the flock of Christ
they may guide and protect them, we pray … R/

2. For Christian churches, that they may remain faithful to the gospel of Jesus and may remain
committed to spread its message far and wide, we pray … R/

3. For peace in the world that the countries may not enter into conflicts and fight against one
another and that harmony and mutual acceptance of one another may prevail, we pray … R/

4. For our own nation which is a union of different states, languages and cultures but united as
a single nation, that the people may be blessed for the tolerance and respect they show for one
another, we pray … R/

5. For all of us present for this Eucharistic celebration that inspired by the example of Jesus
who died for his people, we too may die to our selfishness and narrow-mindedness, we pray

Cel: God, our Father, we thank you for shepherding over us even when we stray away from your
protective fold. Having Jesus as our Good Shepherd, we have no fear or anxiety. Give us the
grace that we may remain faithful to him. We make this prayer ....

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