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First Draft: JB

JB is a renowned pop singer admired by many for his various music

skills. For one thing, one of his most admired skills has to do with songwriting.

’Sorry’, ‘Baby’, and ‘Boyfriend’ are a few examples of JB’s most profound

songs to date. However, according to the NY Times, in order to achieve this

level of expertise in songwriting, JB must have practiced for most of his young

life. Moreover, he always mesmerizes people with his ability to perform

intricate and accurate pirouettes to music in his videos. Even the Washing

Post, in one of its articles, stated that JB was an amazing young man full of

creativity when it came to creating new dance moves. The newspaper also

pointed out that no matter how crazy a new move could be, JB’s body should

be flexible enough to pull it off. Finally, another reason why JB is a greatly

admired pop singer is due to his distinctive, mellifluous voice. According to an

article published by the Peruvian newspaper Trome, JB’s huge success and

popularity with girls might be due to his soft voice and angelic image. In brief,

having an exceptional talent for songwriting, constantly coming up with new

dance moves, and possessing a pleasant-to-the-ear voice have earned JB

worldwide admiration and respect.

 Topic sentence  Example / Detail

 Supporting Sentences  Concluding Sentence

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