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a) Musa Munch’s vision is to become the go-to brand for delicious and healthy snack in the



a) To elevate the banana experience by offering unique, delicious, and affordable chocolate-

dipped banana treats while promoting bananas as a nutritious and attainable dessert



a.) To satisfy every customer with our product.

b.) To introduce a more unique and tastier dessert to our customer.

c.) To ensure that people can spend less money on great food.


a.) Maintain our high quality and fresh ingredients.

b.) Develop partnerships with other complementary brands.

c.) Implement effective sale strategies such as offering combo deals and discounts.

d.) Develop new and exciting food products to keep our offerings fresh and innovative.


a.) Quality

b.) Affordability

c.) Health and wellness

d.) Sustainability



i. Microenvironment
a.) Organization. Having killed employees can help Musa Munch to achieve the goals

and objectives.

b.) Suppliers. The supplier’s increase in raw material prices will affect the company’s

marketing mix strategy, leading to an increase in the price of our products.

c.) Competitors. Competitors can enhance our business's growth and become a

successful healthy snack, but they can also pose challenges to our success.

d.) Marketing intermediaries. Musa Munch's success as a healthy snack is largely

attributed to the efforts of distributors, retailers, food bloggers, and influencers,

who enhance brand visibility and positive reputation.

e.) Consumers. Musa Munch’s success relies on our consumers, by having a repeat

purchase, and ultimately fostering a loyal customer.

ii. Macroenvironment

a.) Consider economic factors and consumer spending trends.

b.) Analyze social factors like health consciousness and snacking habits.

c.) Assess technological trends for marketing and e-commerce.

d.) Consider food safety and environmental regulations.

By conducting this marketing audit, the company can gain insights to guide their

marketing strategies, product development, and business decisions.



a.) Supporting farmers/local products. Our main ingredient is based on local

farmers, promoting and supporting local communities and the economy. This not

only helps the farmers stay in business but also fosters a sense of trust and

loyalty among consumers who appreciate transparency and ethical sourcing

b.) Healthy and refreshing. Musa dips, banana cheese balls, and gulasips offer a

healthy and refreshing experience for everyone especially for health-conscious

consumers. As people increasingly prioritize their well-being, having our product

that focuses on nutritious ingredients and promotes a refreshing experience can

give our product a competitive advantage.

Creative products. We offer a variety of food products that the main ingredient is

banana such as banana cheese balls, gulasips, and musa dip, these creative

banana-based products offer a quick and healthy snack option, providing a

balance of flavors and nutrients. They can be a great alternative for those looking

for unique and nutritious snack choices.


a.) Limited market reach. Our company only operates in Virac, Catanduanes. This

may restrict our ability to reach a wider customer base and could result in

missing our potential sales and growth opportunities. This makes us consider

expanding our distribution channels both offline and online, to reach a wider

customer base.

b.) Easy to imitate. Our banana dips are easy to replicate by other competitors,

especially when we have the same sources of our ingredients. This presents our

opportunity to continuously innovate and differentiate our offerings to stay ahead

of imitators. By consistently providing high-quality dips with distinctive flavors

and creative combinations, we can establish our brand as the go-to choice for

customers who value originality and authenticity.

c.) Availability and quality may vary. The availability and quality of bananas can

vary depending on the season. This could pose a challenge maintaining a

consistent supply and product quality. However, it highlights the freshness and

seasonal nature of our product creating a sense of anticipation and excitement

among our customers. By promoting the use of locally sourced, seasonal

bananas, we can showcase our commitment to supporting local farmers and

delivering the freshest ingredients.


a.) Growing demand for healthy and sustainable food options. This opportunity

refers to the rise in consumers seeking out food options that prioritize their health

and the environment. People are becoming more aware of their diet and are

looking for nutritious and sustainable food choices.

b.) Adding new menu items. This opportunity suggests the potential for our business

to expand the range of products we offer by adding new items to our menu. This

could involve creating unique and exciting dishes or incorporating popular

ingredients and flavors. By regularly updating and diversifying our menu, we can

attract new customers, retain existing ones, and stay competitive in the market.

c.) Tapping into the demand for nutritious treats. This opportunity revolves around

the growing demand for snacks and treats that are not only tasty but also provide

nutritional benefits. Consumers are searching for healthier alternatives to

traditional snacks. By offering delicious treats that meet these health-conscious

demands, our business can take advantage of this expanding market segment and

attract health-conscious customers.


a.) Strong competition among other food businesses. This refers to the risk of other

food businesses offering similar products or services to our business, which may

attract customers and reduce our market share.

b.) Changes in customer preferences and trends. This refers to the risk of our

customers' tastes and preferences changing over time, which may affect their

purchasing decisions and result in decreased demand for our products.

c.) Price sensitivity. This refers to the risk of customers being more sensitive to

price changes in our products or services. This can result in decreased demand if

our prices are too high or increased competition if our prices are too low.



a.) Banana Supply Cost: Assuming a stable supply chain, the costs of purchasing

bananas for MUSA MUNCH is estimated at 40.00 pesos per kilogram. This cost

may change due to factors such as seasonality, transportation expenses, and

market condition.

b.) Chocolate Bar Cost: Chocolate bar cost is projected at 125.00 pesos per piece.

The change in the price of the chocolate bar can be cause by several factors such

as the increase in the cost of ingredients such as cacao and sugar, change in the

demand and supply of the product, change in production cost, and government

policy such as change to tax or regulate the food industry.

c.) Packaging Materials: The cost of packaging materials, such as cups, wrappers,

boxes, and labels are projected at 2.00 per piece or unit of MUSA MUNCH

product produce. This cost may change due to packaging design, material used,

and seller agreement.

d.) Distribution Expenses: Cost related with storage, distribution, and logistic for

delivering MUSA MUNCH product to costumers. In these expenses covers

storage, handling, transportation, and any fees charge.

e.) Sales Price: The selling price of MUSA MUNCH products is set base on

ingredients, materials used, perceived value to costumer, and competitor

analysis. Pricing strategies such as competitive pricing or cost-plus pricing may

be engage to maximize profitability.

f.) Profit margin; A profit margin target has been set to ensure that the company

achieves its financial goals and maintains its profitability. This margin takes into

account all cost associated with the production, marketing and sale of MUSA

MUNCH products and the desired return on investment for stakeholder.

g.) These financial assumptions provide a structure for estimating costs, pricing,

sales, and profitability for a producing MUSA MUNCH product, guiding

decision making and resource allocation to optimize financial performance and

achieve business objectives.


a.) Market Trends: Assumptions about the consumer or costumer preferences,

dietary trends, and interest in healthy food or snack.

b.) Competitive Landscape: Assumption about the action of competitors. Assuming

that have promotional activities to increase brand visibility and attract


c.) Market Demand: Assumption about consumer preferences, trends, regarding the

utilization of MUSA MUNCH products.

d.) SUPPLY CHAIN: Assumption about the reliability and availability of raw

materials, transportation of these products.

e.) Consumer Behavior: Assumptions about dietary trends, cultural influence and

changing consumer preferences.

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