Personal Development (Lesson 2) Activity 1: What Can I Do?

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Personal Development (Lesson 7)

Activity 1: What I Can Do

Year Activity/ies Strategies

2021-2022 Successfully pass Grade 11. I will study hard and do all my activities and
2022-2023 Graduate in Senior High School I will study diligently and finish all my
with honor. requirements and assignments on time. I will
get high marks in my tasks, tests, and
performances and maintain high grades.
2023-2024 Study in my desired university. I will review all my lessons thoroughly and pass
the entrance exam to my desired university. I
will also study diligently and maintain high
grades for scholarship purposes.
2024-2025 Study well on the course that I will I will focus on learning and understanding my
take, which is nursing. lessons and avoid getting distracted. I will
maintain high marks in all tasks and exams.
2025-2026 Expanding and growing my I will improve my weaknesses and learn new
knowledge and skills for my future skills through actively participating in school
career activities. I will gain knowledge and experiences
that can help me with my future career.
2026-2027 Graduate in college and pass the I will study well and concentrate on learning my
board exam. lessons and completing my tasks. I will review all
my lessons well before taking the board exam.
2027-2028 Work in a big hospital. I will work hard and keep improving myself to
be qualified to work in a big hospital.
2028-2029 Do my duty passionately while I will be dedicated to my work and do my duty
maintaining self satisfaction. diligently, responsibly, and with honesty. I will
make sure to enjoy my chosen profession and
not to overwork myself.
2029-2030 Be financially stable. Buy my own I will increase my savings and build my family
house and support my family. security. I will prioritize my needs and put aside
my wants to save money.

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