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Young people are often influenced in their behaviors by others in the same age

group. Some argue that peer pressure is important while others feel it has
distinct disadvantages. Do the disadvantages of peer pressure outweigh the

Peer pressure refers to the influence young individuals experience within the same
age group,
affecting their behaviors. This essay will critically evaluate the drawbacks and
benefits of peer pressure on young people.

Peer pressure often leads young individuals to engage in risky behaviors. For
instance, teenagers may feel compelled to experiment with drugs due to the effect of
their peers who engage in such activities. The desire to fit in and be accepted can
override their better judgment, exposing them to serious short-term health risks and
potential addiction later in life. Moreover, succumbing to negative peer pressure can
adversely affect academic performance, as students may prioritize social acceptance
over their studies. This desire for approval can result in poor grades, limited
educational opportunities, and long-term negative consequences.

On the other hand, positive peer pressure can inspire young individuals to set higher
goals, adopt healthier habits, and strive for academic excellence. Many teenagers
are pressured by their peers to join a study group, leading to improved learning
outcomes and academic success. Relatedly, supportive friends can inspire young
individuals to engage in physical fitness activities or pursue positive hobbies and
talents, promoting a healthier and more well-rounded lifestyle. This sense of
camaraderie and mutual encouragement fostered within positive peer groups can
contribute significantly to personal growth and self-confidence. Actively seeking out
positive and active peer groups and engaging in behaviors aligned with one's
personal values can help mitigate the adverse effects of negative peer pressure while
harnessing the advantages of positive influence.

In conclusion, although peer pressure encourages risky behaviors and hinders

personal growth, the motivational and emotional advantage make it a positive on the
whole. Ultimately, striking some degree of balance between independence and
positive peer interactions is crucial to minimizing the disadvantages and embracing
the benefits.
Words: 296
Band score: 8.0++

Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- PHONE: 0964879926

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