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to be (1)

Look at the table:

I am late. He is late. We are late.

You are late. She is late. They are late.
It is late.

Look at the pictures:

I am Hans Larsen.
I am 28 and
I am from Munich.
We are on holiday in Greece.

This is Frau Peters.

She is my assistant

Here are my colleagues.

^ a
n u ijj They are at a conference.

This is our Head Office.

Hans, this is for you. You are the It is in Frankfurt.
Employee of the Year.
Thank you! You are very kind.

© Short forms
When we speak, we often use the short form s'm, 's, 're:
I am I'm He is He's We are We're
You are You're She is She's They are They're
It is It's

I'm fose Antonio. I'm a production manager. I'm from Spain.

6 to be (1)
Complete the sentences with th e words in the box.
ye« he she it we they

1 Adam, y o u are in my group today.

2 Paula and I are old friends....................... are in the Export Department.
3 Yoshi and Takashi are on a business trip...................... are in Kuala Lumpur.
4 Please do not use the photocopier. ........... is broken.
5 This is Sara...................... . is the Human Resources Manager.
6 George is an accountant............ .......... is from Lucerne.

© Form
Look at pictures 1-6. Answer the questions w ith is or are.

1 Where is Herr Moser? He i£ i * L o i\d o i\.

2 Where is the conference? I t ....................................
3 Where are Pierre and Marie Montaigne? They
4 Where is Senora Cordoba? S h e ........................................
5 Where is the Burj A1 Arab H otel?....................................
6 Where is Hasan Ja m il? _______________________ __

© Short forms
X.T>. c e R D
Complete the dialogue w i t h 's, 'm, or 're.
CHÊCK ToPAY Security: Stop, please! What's your name, madam?
Anna: I 1m Anna Rikardsdottir.
Security: And you, sir?
Mark: My name 2............Mark Andersen. 1 3_____ _a new trainee.
Security: Your II) cards, please. Thank you. Are you from the IT Department?
Anna: No - we _____from Accounts.
Security: OK. You to go.
Anna: Thank you.
Security: You 6........... welcome.

OVER TO YOU Look at the notes and the sentences about Juan Ramirez. Then com plete the
inform ation and sentences about you.

Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae

Surname RAmlrez Surname ..........
First name ju a ia, First name ..........
Nationality «spfli/vXsh Nationality ..........
Age q .% Age ..........
Status s>ivu $le Status ..........
Occupation Eiaq l ^ e e r Occupation ..........
1 Ht-s vumte t - s ■Ri i m. ur e Zv a\^d he Is from, 1 M y \AMmt I s .....
2 He is a\^d he. Is sivugie. 2 I ...........................
3 Ht is a \a, ev^l^eer. 3 ( ........................

to be (1) 7
to be (2)
questions and negatives

To make questions we change the word order of the subject (I, you, he, etc.) and verb (am, is,
are, etc.). Look at the table:
Am I late? Is he late? Are we late?
Are you late? Is she late? Are they late?
Is it late?

A: I want to talk to Petra. Is she here today? B: No, she is on a course.

We can also use make questions with where, when, who, why, how, etc. (See Unit 6.)
A: How are you? B: I am very well, thank you.

© Negatives
We make negatives with not. There are long forms (am not, is not, are not) and short forms
('m not, isn't, aren't):
I am not/'m not late. He is not/isn't late. We are not/aren't late.
You are not/aren't late. She is not/isn't late. They are not/aren't late.
It is not/isn't late.

A: Are you from Paris? B: No, I'm not from Paris. I'm from Lyon.

Q Short answers
Look at the questions and the short answers:
Are you from England? Yes, I am . or No, I'm not.
Am I late? Yes, you are. or No, you aren't.
Is your boss here today? Yes, she is. or No, she isn't.
Are we late? Yes, we are. or No, we aren't.
Are they here? Yes, they are. or No, they aren't.

D We use long forms in yes answers,

wrong: A: Are you from Spain? B: Yes, ¥m.
right: A: Are you from Spain? B: Yes, I am .

PRACTICE o Questions
Put the words in the right order.
1 the/Is/open/bank ? A: \$ the. oç>e.i\?
B: No, it isn't. It is shut.
11/2006 "7a

2 the/on/same/flight/we/Are ? A: ........... .................. .......................

B: No, we aren't - we're on different flights.

3 Mme Strens/Is/free ? A: ...... ..... ......................................... .........

B: No, she isn't - she is in a meeting.

8 to be (2): questions and negatives

© Negatives
Read the questions. Make answers from the notes.
1 A: Good morning. Can I speak to M Marechal, please?
B: sorry/he/not here today. He/at a conference.
Tim £ o r r y , he. t here, -to d ^ y . He.'$ <\± <k co*»\ce..
2 A: Good afternoon, canI speak to Miss Tellez?
B: afraid/she/not free at the moment. She/in a meeting.

3 A: Hello, can I speak to Mr Ramiro or Mr Sanchez?

B: sorry/they/not in the office today. They/in London.

4 A: Can I come to the office on Saturday?

B: afraid/we/not open on Saturday. We/open from Monday to Friday.

© Short answers
Read the questions. Complete the answers.
1 A: Is the food good here? B: Ve.^, i-t i£.
2 A: Are the Sales Managers away? B: N o ,................
3 A: Are you and I on the same flight? B: N o ,................ .......
4 A: Is Anna from Spain? B: Yes, .... .....................
5 A: Is that man from IBM? B: Yes,
6 A: Are you the Manager here? B: Yes, ... ..................

OVER TO YOU Make questions from the notes.

1 your boss/American? l£ yowr b o ^ AMe.ric<*.i\?
2 your boss/from Iceland? .................. ......................... ..................... ....................... ... ............?
3 your Head Office/in London? .... ...................................... ............................ .............. ?
4 you/a doctor? ____________________ _______ _____________ ___________ ?
5 you/from Paraguay? .................................................................................................... ....... ?
6 you/married? ................... ........ ............................ ................................. ...... .............?

Now answer the questions. Write true answers.

1 .......... ........................................................................
2 ................. ........................ ................. ..
3 . ....... .............. .................... ....................................... .
4 ____ '.. ...... .......................................... ...... ..........
5 .......................... .................__....
6 ................ .................................... ................. .......
to be (2): questions and negatives 9

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