05 OW TELP L4 U5 Optimized

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Unit 5

In This Unit
Theme This unit is about favorite
activities and people.
Content Objective
My Favorites
Students will In this unit, I will . . .
• identify different types of entertainment.
• compare personal preferences. • compare people and activities.
• talk about my favorite people and things.
Language Objectives • give my opinion.
Students will
• identify different types of Check T for True and F for False.
entertainment. 1. Everyone looks happy. T F

• compare people and activities. 2. Some people look scared. T F

• talk about favorite people and things.
3. They are riding
• share personal opinions. a roller coaster. T F

Vocabulary 1 actors, amazing, an
athlete, brave, cool, famous, funny,
great, handsome, movie,
a person, popular, pretty,
talented, wonderful
Vocabulary 2 a hobby, a school
subject, a sport, a TV show, a writer
Grammar 1 using superlatives
with –est and most
Grammar 2 using irregular
comparatives and superlatives: Genting, Pahang, Malaysia
better, the best, worse, the worst

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Pacing Guides L4U5

Writing Reviews
Mission Find a role model.
Project Make a class book about famous

发资 料 72

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5/16/13 3:19 PM

• Activate prior knowledge Say Our next unit is called “My

Unit Opener Favorites.” Your favorites are things and people you like more
than anything or anyone else. Give an example, such as My
Objectives favorite thing to do on the weekend is (ride my bicycle).
Students will Ask What do you like to do on the weekend? Write a list of
• analyze a photograph. students’ activities on the board.
• evaluate the accuracy of
statements. • Have the class act out some of the activities on the board.
Resources Video: Sc. 1: Introduction; If students are not sure what the word for the activity is, ask
Classroom Presentation Tool: Unit
a few students to come to the front of the room to act it out.
Opener; Unit Opener Poster;
Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM: Then ask the whole class to join in.
Home-School Connection Letter
• Ask Which activity is your favorite? Point to each activity one
at a time, having students raise their hands if it is their favorite
activity. Draw a check mark next to each activity for each student
who raises his hand for that activity. Then ask Which activity has
the most check marks? Count and confirm students’ answers.

158 Unit 5

01_OW_TELP_L4_U5_UO_FP.indd 158 19/06/2013 12:39

Be the Expert

About the Photo

This photo shows a theme park ride
at the Genting Highlands Resort in
Malaysia. This ride is a special type of
roller coaster called a flying coaster.
It’s different from regular roller
coasters. The wheels that run along
the track are above the riders rather
than below them. This flying coaster
reaches a top speed of 42 kilometers
per hour (26 miles per hour).

Our World in Context

A miniature train ride and the Ferris
wheel were included in 19th century
fairs and expositions. Amusement
parks and theme parks developed
in the 20th century. The first of these
were intended for adults, not children,
but soon theme parks provided fun
for the entire family.

Teaching Tip
From time to time, call on students
rather than asking for volunteers.
Avoid calling on students who answer
frequently. When calling on shy

students, be encouraging. Provide

extra support as needed. For example,

provide part of the answer, or a
sentence frame.

料, Related Vocabulary

73 theme park, ride, roller coaster

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Say That’s right! The favorite activity of most students in the class
is (playing sports).

• Say Open your books to pages 72 and 73. Ask questions to

encourage discussion of the photo.
What do you see in the photo? (young people, roller coaster)
What are the people doing? (riding a roller coaster)
How do the people look? (happy, scared)

• Ask Did you ever ride on something like this? Where were you?
Who did you ride with? How did the ride make you feel?

• Have students write true in large letters on a sheet of paper. Guide

students through the activity on p. 72. Say Listen as I read each
statement aloud. If you think an answer is true, raise your paper.
If students don’t raise their paper, ask Why do you think the statement
is false? Discuss each statement and confirm the correct answer.

Unit Opener 159

01_OW_TELP_L4_U5_UO_FP.indd 159 19/06/2013 12:39

Vocabulary 1 1 Listen and read. TR: A38

2 Listen and repeat. TR: A39

Objective Wax museums are amazing. You
Students will can see hundreds of famous people.
• identify and use words related to The people aren’t real, but they
famous people. look real!

Vocabulary amazing, famous, cool, In these cool museums, you can

actors, popular, talented, funny, say “Hi” to all your favorite actors
movie, a person, brave, pretty, and popular TV stars. You can hear
handsome, an athlete, great, some of them, too! Meet a talented
wonderful singer or actor from a funny movie.
Take photos with a famous person
Content Vocabulary wax museum, or a brave superhero!
hundreds, favorite, characters,
history, author There are many pretty women
and handsome men. You can meet
Resources Workbook pp. 54–55; interesting characters from history,
Audio CD TR: A38–39; Video: like Cleopatra or Genghis Khan. You
Sc. 2—Vocabulary 1a, Sc. 3— can stand next to an athlete like
Vocabulary 1b; Classroom Yao Ming. He’s great. Don’t miss
Presentation Tool: Vocabulary 1; J.K. Rowling’s characters. She is
Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM: the author of the Harry Potter
Graphic Organizers (Two-column books! They are wonderful!
chart, Interview, Word web)
Who would you like to see
Materials magazines or books with in a wax museum?
pictures of famous people; wax
candle or other object made of
wax (optional) Cleopatra, Courtesy of the
Wax Museum of Madrid

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料, 严禁

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Warm Up
5/16/13 3:19 PM

• Brainstorm Ask What kinds of people are you interested in?

Are you interested in people who act? People who play sports?
People who sing? On the board, write Interesting People. Write
students’ ideas below the heading. Then ask students for
examples of each kind of person.

• Build background Hold up pictures of famous people in

magazines or books. Choose pictures of people who are famous
for doing interesting, exciting, or good things, and who students
are likely to know. Ask Who is this person? What do we know
about her? What do you like about her?

• Say Open your books to pages 74 and 75 and look at the photos.
These photos are from special places called wax museums. You
may think you see famous people in these museums. But the

160 Unit 5

02_OW_TELP_L4_U5_Voc1_FP.indd 160 19/06/2013 12:25

Be the Expert

About the Photo

an athlete The photo on p. 74 shows a wax
figure that’s meant to represent
Cleopatra. Cleopatra was the queen
of Egypt from 51 to 30 bce. She was
a descendant of the Macedonian
emperor Alexander the Great.
Cleopatra married the Roman leader
Mark Antony, and they ruled Egypt
together for 11 years, until their armies
were defeated by armies of the
Roman general Octavian. They died
soon after, and Egypt became part of
the Roman Empire.

Sounds of English
Comparing Sounds: /ɛ/ and /æ/
English learners may have difficulty
distinguishing between the sounds /ɛ/
(bed) and /æ/ (bad).
When saying /æ/sound, the tongue
is in the lower, front part of the
mouth. The jaw lowers slightly and
3 Work with a partner. What did you learn? students can feel their vocal chords
Ask and answer. vibrating. The /ɛ/ sound is also made
by lowering the jaw, but the tongue
Can you see athletes Yes, you can. begins in a higher position and

in the museum? Yao Ming is there! then moves forward to touch the

bottom teeth.

Practice using Minimal Pair Card 50
(bend, band).

料, Example words: tell, medicine,

headache; actor, handsome, talented;
75 alphabet

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38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 75

people you see are not real! The people are made out of wax. In
the photos, the queen and the basketball player are made out of
5/16/13 3:19 PM

wax. If possible, show and let students feel a wax candle or other
object made of wax.

• Say When you visit a wax museum, you can stand with the wax
people. Look at the photo on page 75. What do you see? (a boy
standing with a tall basketball player) Read the label an athlete.
Say An athlete is someone who plays sports. A basketball player
is an athlete.

• Pair students. Have partners make a list of their favorite athletes.

Ask Who is your favorite baseball player? Basketball player?
Soccer player? Then have partners write two sentences about
each athlete. Remind students to include words from p. 74 in
their descriptions. Have students read their sentences aloud.

• Say In this unit we’re going to talk about our favorite people and
things to do. We’re going to learn words to talk about them.

Vocabulary 1 161

02_OW_TELP_L4_U5_Voc1_FP.indd 161 19/06/2013 16:05

1 Listen and read. TR: A38

2 Listen and repeat. TR: A39

Wax museums are amazing. You

Who is your favorite actor?

can see hundreds of famous people. an athlete
The people aren’t real, but they
look real!
In these cool museums, you can

Who do you think is talented?

say “Hi” to all your favorite actors
and popular TV stars. You can hear
some of them, too! Meet a talented
singer or actor from a funny movie.
Take photos with a famous person

Who is a brave superhero?

or a brave superhero!
There are many pretty women
and handsome men. You can meet
interesting characters from history,
like Cleopatra or Genghis Khan. You
can stand next to an athlete like
Yao Ming. He’s great. Don’t miss
J.K. Rowling’s characters. She is
Who is a wonderful singer?
the author of the Harry Potter
books! They are wonderful!
Who would you like to see
in a wax museum?

Cleopatra, Courtesy of the

Wax Museum of Madrid
3 Work with a partner. What did you learn?
Ask and answer.
• Have students read aloud their partner’s responses
Can you see athletes
in the museum?
Yes, you can.
Yao Ming is there! to the class.  Ask individual students, Is a
popular person someone who many people like
74 75
or who only a few people like? If students have
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 74 5/16/13 3:19 PM 38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 75 5/16/13 3:19 PM

difficulty, play TR: A39 again and have students

Practice 1 2 repeat the sentences.
• 1 Say We’re going to read and listen to
information about famous people. Let’s get Wrap Up
started! Read the paragraphs on page 74 as you • Act it out Write each of these words on a piece
listen. Play TR: A38. of paper: popular, talented, brave. Put students
• Discuss the paragraphs on p. 74. Ask questions in three groups. Give one piece of paper to each
such as: group. Have the groups act out their word. (For
What can you see at wax museums? (famous example, for popular, one student may bow while
people) the others cheer and clap; for talented one student
What words tell about how some famous people may pretend to play musical instruments; for brave
look? (cool, pretty, handsome) one student may pretend to rescue another from a
What do you call people you see on TV shows?

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burning building.) Ask the class to guess the word.

• 2 Say Now you’re going to listen to our new

料, • Ask questions about the new words:

words. Then you’ll listen to sentences that have
those words in them. Repeat each word and Who can be handsome, a woman or a man?

sentence after you hear it. Play TR: A39. Have

students repeat each word and sentence.

• Explain the description words. Say We use words

(a man)
If many people like a singer, is she popular or
funny? (popular)
Is a basketball player an actor or an athlete?
like amazing and great to tell about things and (an athlete)
people we like. Ask students to name a popular Are firefighters brave or famous? (brave)
singer or movie. Say She’s a great singer. That
movie is amazing! Make sure students understand
that amazing, great, and wonderful are words with
Apply 3
similar meanings. • 3 Ask students to open their books to p. 75. Have
them study the model dialogue at the bottom of
• Hand out copies of the Interview graphic organizer the page. Have two students read the dialogue
to students. Put students in pairs and have them aloud. Say You’re going to ask your partner
interview each other about their favorite famous questions using the new words. Your partner will
people. Write sample questions on the board. answer with complete sentences.

• Give students a few minutes to think of and write

some questions. Remind them to look at the
paragraphs on p. 74 and the photos.

162 Unit 5

02_OW_TELP_L4_U5_Voc1_FP.indd 162 19/06/2013 12:38

Be the Expert
• Draw a word web on the board. In the middle oval write uncle. Our World in Context
In the other ovals write talented, funny, brave, and handsome. The world’s most famous wax
Model using the web to tell about a family member. Say My museum opened in London in 1835.
It was set up by the French wax
(uncle) is one of my favorite family members. He’s talented. He sculptor Marie Tussaud, who learned
can play the guitar. He’s also funny. His stories make me laugh. about wax modeling as a child. The
My uncle is brave and handsome too. museum has life-size wax models of
famous people in history.
talented funny The museum today includes wax
models of popular stars and national
leaders from all over the world.
uncle Famous criminals are displayed in
the museum’s “Chamber of Horrors.”
Madame Tussaud’s museum has
brave handsome opened other museums in countries
around the world. One of them is
in Shanghai, China, and it includes
Distribute word web graphic organizers. Say Choose a friend
the figure of Yao Ming shown in
or family member to write about. Write that person’s name in the photo.
the center circle. Write words that describe your person in the
other circles. Encourage students to use as many new words as Vocabulary Strategy
they can. Categorizing Words You can help
your students understand different
word categories, such as nouns and
• Place students in groups of three or four and have them share
adjectives. For example, you can
their webs. Ask Which new words did you use? Then have write a two-column chart with the
students write two or three sentences about their person and headings Jobs (which are nouns) and

Descriptions (which are adjectives).
share their sentences with their group.

Words under Jobs include athlete and

actor. Words under Descriptions are
Wrap Up amazing, brave, cool, famous, great,

• Call on students to name people who are cool, pretty, amazing,
handsome, pretty, talented, and

and so on. Say

部研 发资
Name someone you think is talented.

内 Name someone you think is cool.

Name someone you think is brave.

Have students explain why they chose each person they did and give
an example that shows how the person is talented, cool, or brave.

Formative Assessment
Can students
• identify and use words related to
famous people?
Ask students to identify and tell you
about a famous actor or athlete.

Review For additional practice, direct

students to Activity Worksheet 5.1.

Vocabulary 1 163

02_OW_TELP_L4_U5_Voc1_FP.indd 163 19/06/2013 12:38

Song 4 Listen, read, and sing. TR: A40

Vocabulary in the song

You’re the Best
How do I know what I’ll want one day?
Vocabulary 1 great, athletes,
How do I know what I’ll be?
movie, actors, talented, cool Who can help me to find my way
Vocabulary 2 a writer and show me how to be a better me?

Grammar in the song I really like to play soccer.

One day I could be great!
Grammar 1 using superlatives with I’ll learn from my favorite athletes:
–est and most work hard, practice, and wait!
Grammar 2 using irregular Some days I dream of fans and fame
comparatives and superlatives: in movies and on TV.
better, the best, worse, the worst I study the moves of my favorite actors.
I’ll be just like them, you’ll see!
Resources Workbook p. 56; Audio
CD TR: A40; Video: Sc. 7—Song;
Classroom Presentation Tool: Song I really love the natural world:
jungles, mountains, and caves.
Like my favorite explorers,
I’ll go on adventures for days and days!
I read the most talented writers,
and dream about writing a book.
I’ll work very hard in school.
Becoming a writer would be so cool!

5 Work with a partner. Choose two

professions from the song. Make
a list of three cool things about each
profession. Then share your lists

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with a small group. Are they the
same or different?


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Use the Song 4 5
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 76 5/28/13 10:50 AM

• Build background Say We’re going to listen • 5 Say Look at the activity at the bottom of
to a singer singing about things she likes. One of page 76. Choose a student to read the directions
these things is exploring. Exploring is when you aloud. Put students in pairs. Say The song tells
go to a new place. Some people explore unusual about four professions, or jobs. Pick two of
places or places that are hard to get to. We call them. Tell what you would enjoy about being an
their trips adventures. What part of the world athlete, an actor, an explorer or a writer. Model an
would you like to explore? Call on a few students example. A writer has one of the professions in the
to share their ideas. song. One cool thing a writer does is see her book
in bookstores.
• 4 Ask students to open their books to pp. 76–77
and look at the photo. Then play the song (TR: A40) • When students are finished, have partners meet
once. Have students call out the vocabulary words with another pair of students. They should
as they hear them in the song. Point out that compare lists and note how their choices are the
the word fame is related to the vocabulary word same and different.
famous. Play the song again and have students
sing along.

164 Unit 5

03_OW_TELP_L4_U5_S_FP.indd 164 19/06/2013 12:25

Be the Expert

About the Photo

This photo was taken in a cave in
Alabama, a state in the southern
United States. The cave is called
Stephens Gap. It was formed by water
wearing away limestone rock. The
person in the photo is standing on a
rock formation that is three stories
above the bottom of the cave.

Teaching Tip
Setting vocabulary words to music
helps students remember the words.
Repeatedly singing a song with
vocabulary words helps students to
“own” the words. Encourage students
to sing songs with the vocabulary
words at home as well, and perhaps
even to teach the song to family

Related Vocabulary
job, sports

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料, Stephens Gap Cave, Alabama

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38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 77

Use it Again
5/28/13 10:50 AM

• Vocabulary 1 Say The vocabulary words great, • End of unit Play You’re the Best and ask students
talented, and cool are in the song. Have students to write down their favorite part. Then say That
underline these words. Ask students to look on could be you! Have students draw pictures to show
pp. 74–75 and find other vocabulary words that the activity they would most enjoy doing.
they might use in place of the underlined words
• Make a classroom display of students’ drawings.
(amazing, popular, funny, brave, pretty, handsome,
Then have students take turns going to the wall
wonderful). Then have students sing a verse of the
and explaining their drawing to the class. Have
song using one of these other words.
students tell about their drawings using phrases
• Grammar 1 Play TR: A40 and say This song is from the song.
about what you might become some day. The
things you like and the things you’re good at can I really like to .
become a profession. Write some things that you One day I could be !
want to be the best at. Write and say the following I’ll learn from :
example: (Yin) wants to be the most talented singer
work hard, practice, and wait!
in the world. Put students in pairs and have students
share their sentences.

Song 165

03_OW_TELP_L4_U5_S_FP.indd 165 19/06/2013 12:25

Grammar 1 GR ammaR TR: A41

I think Yao Ming is the greatest basketball player in the world.

J.K. Rowling is the most talented writer I know.
Objectives In your opinion, what’s the funniest movie of all?
Students will
• use superlatives with –est and 6 Read. Complete the questions.
• use comparatives and superlatives 1. Who is in the world? (amazing / singer)
to compare photos.
• compare opinions. 2. In your opinion, who is ? (cool / athlete)
Grammar using superlatives with –est
3. In your opinion, what is ? (pretty / flower)
and most
Content Vocabulary world, opinion 4. What is you watch? (interesting / TV show)

Academic Language compare 5. What is of all? (funny / movie)

Resources Workbook p. 57, Audio CD
TR: A41; Video: Sc. 5—Grammar 1; 6. In your opinion, who is ? (talented / TV star)
Classroom Presentation Tool:
Grammar 1; Teacher’s Resource
CD-ROM: Graphic Organizers (Two- 7 Look at the pictures. Write sentences.
column chart)
Materials magazine photos of three
actresses and three male singers 1. big

The red car is bigger than the green car, but the blue car is the biggest!

2. beautiful

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3. cool


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Warm Up
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 78 5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Recycle Say Let’s talk about your favorite foods. • Build background Say Sometimes we think a
Have students list four of their favorite foods. person or a thing is better than any other person or
Then put students into small groups and have thing. For example, I think the coolest pet is a dog.
them compare lists. Ask Which foods are in more No other animal is as smart!
than one list? Write each group’s answers on the
• Write the following on the board.
board. Add a check mark next to a food for each
person who chose it. Then point to the foods with
The funniest movie is … The coolest pet is …
the most check marks and say In our opinion, these
foods are great. The most amazing soccer The greatest singer is …
player is …
• Explain Say Your opinion is what you think.
It isn’t a fact. For example, I think Yao Ming is The prettiest rock The most handsome
star is … actor is …
handsome. That’s my opinion. Does everyone think
the same thing? (no) Say That’s right. Different • Use the sentence frames to share opinions and
people may have different opinions. have students say whether they agree or not.
If students disagree, have them complete the
sentence with their choice in place.

166 Unit 5

04_OW_TELP_L4_U5_G1_FP.indd 166 19/06/2013 12:23

8 What about you? Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Be the Expert
Complete the chart. Take turns.

Questions me my partner About the Photo

1. who / talented /
The small green car shown in the
singer photo on p. 78 is a smart car. The
smart car is considered to be one of
2. who / cool / TV star the best cars for the environment.
Smart cars use very little gasoline
because their engines are among the
3. what / interesting /
video game smallest of any car. The tiniest car on
the road does not need a big engine.
4. who / amazing /
actor Grammar in Depth
The rules for forming superlatives with
5. what / funny / movie
two-syllable words are the same as
the rules for comparatives, discussed
6. who / great /athlete in Unit 3. Two-syllable words that end
in -y, -ow, and -le form the superlative
by adding -est. The word ugly becomes
ugliest, gentle becomes gentlest, and
9 Work in a small group. Compare your opinions. narrow becomes narrowest.
Decide who or what is the group’s favorite. Another rule is that two-syllable
words ending in -ful always add
Who is the most talented singer? most, as in most useful. There are
exceptions to some of these rules
and additional rules for words with
other endings. Students will have to
learn and remember these superlative
forms as they come across them.

Who’s he?

外 传
Are you kidding? He’s the
greatest opera singer ever!


内 部研
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 79

5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Have students open their books to pp. 78–79. Read • Give examples Say The TV show that makes you
the sentences in the Grammar box. Then play TR: A41. laugh more than any other TV show is the funniest
Point out that the word the comes before the word TV show. The singer who is liked by more people
most and point out the words that end with –est. than anyone else is the most popular singer. Write
the following on the board and keep it on the
• Write great à greatest on the board. Say Many
board throughout this lesson.
basketball players are great! But I think Yao Ming
is the greatest! Underline –est in greatest. Say funny  funniest wonderful  most wonderful
When we think someone or something is so great brave  bravest handsome  most handsome
that nothing else is as great, we add the letters –est cool  coolest talented  most talented
to great. pretty  prettiest famous  most famous

• Write talented à most talented on the board. Say I great  greatest amazing  most amazing
think J.K. Rowling is the most talented writer! Circle popular  most popular
most. Say For some words, (point to talented) we
• Have students add –est or most to one of their new
don’t add –est. Instead, we add the word most
words to make sentences.
before the word.

Grammar 1 167

04_OW_TELP_L4_U5_G1_FP.indd 167 19/06/2013 12:23

GR ammaR TR: A41
8 What about you? Work with a partner. Ask and answer.
Complete the chart. Take turns.
I think Yao Ming is the greatest basketball player in the world.
J.K. Rowling is the most talented writer I know.

• 7 Say Look at the groups of photos at the bottom

In your opinion, what’s the funniest movie of all? Questions me my partner

1. who / talented /
6 Read. Complete the questions. singer

1. Who is in the world? (amazing / singer) 2. who / cool / TV star

of page 78. We’ll do the first item together. Which
2. In your opinion, who is ? (cool / athlete) 3. what / interesting /

car is bigger, the red car or the green car? (the

video game
3. In your opinion, what is ? (pretty / flower)
4. who / amazing /
4. What is you watch? (interesting / TV show)

5. What is of all? (funny / movie) 5. what / funny / movie

red car) Which car is the biggest? (the blue car)
6. In your opinion, who is ? (talented / TV star)

Guide students to write the sentences: The red car

6. who / great /athlete

7 Look at the pictures. Write sentences.

9 Work in a small group. Compare your opinions.

1. big
Decide who or what is the group’s favorite.
is bigger than the green car. The blue car is the
Who is the most talented singer?

biggest. Have groups of students complete the

The red car is bigger than the green car, but the blue car is the biggest!

2. beautiful

Who’s he?
activity. Call on students to read their sentences
Are you kidding? He’s the
3. cool greatest opera singer ever!

78 79

Wrap Up
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Practice 6 7
• Hold up photos of three actresses. Ask What’s
• Have students read aloud the sentences in the
your opinion? Which actress is the most talented?
Grammar box on p. 78, or play TR: A41 again.
Then ask Which actress is the prettiest? Hold up
• 6 Have pairs of students complete Activity 6. photos of three male singers. Ask Which singer is
Model the activity by completing item 1. Say Let’s the most talented? Then ask Which singer is the
complete the first sentence together. I see the most handsome? Students should answer all of the
words amazing and singer. I know that I have questions with complete sentences.
to add the words the most before amazing. So
I’ll write the most amazing singer. Let’s read the Recap
question together: Who is the most amazing singer
• Say We’re learning about words that end in –est
in the world?
or have the word most before them. These
• Say Now let’s complete item 2. Do we add –est or

外 传
words help you compare. Write the words baby

most to cool? Wait for students to answer, then and grandmother on the board. Ask Who is the
say We add –est and say the coolest athlete. Write

料, youngest? Who is the oldest? Call on students

to use the words on the board to answer the

the words to complete the question. Then have
partners complete the activity. Have pairs compare questions. Encourage students to answer in

内 研
answers with another pair of students.  Ask

What sport is more amazing than any other sport?
Have students use complete sentences. If students
complete sentences. (The baby is the youngest.
The grandmother is the oldest.)

have difficulty, tell them to use the list of examples

on the board.

168 Unit 5

04_OW_TELP_L4_U5_G1_FP.indd 168 19/06/2013 12:24

Be the Expert
Apply 8 9
• 8 Say Now let’s do Activity 8. Look at the groups of words in Teaching Tip
the first column. You’re going to use each group of words to form Classroom management When
students are comparing opinions, be
a question. Let’s look at item 1. Do we add –est or the word most sure to emphasize that there are no
to talented? Wait for students to respond, then say Right, we add right or wrong answers. Encourage
the word most. The question would be Who is the most talented students to support their opinions
with reasons. Remind students to be
singer? Write your answer in the first box. Then ask your partner
respectful of other people’s choices.
the question, and write his answer in the next box. You can use
the example at the bottom of page 79 as a model.

• Put students in pairs. Although the activity doesn’t call for

students to write the questions, you might want to have them
write the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Then they can
write their answers in the table.

• 9 Have students form groups of 6 or 8. Tell them to ask each

other the questions in Activity 8. When groups are finished,
call on them to share their answers. Ask Who or what are your
group’s favorites?

• Write questions such as the following on the board.

What is the (wonderful) place you have visited?

外 传
Who do you think is the (brave) superhero?

What is the (famous) place in our city/country?

部研 发资
Pair students. Have them takes turns writing the superlative form
of the word in parentheses to complete each question. Then the
Formative Assessment

内 partner can answer the question.

Wrap Up
Can students
• use superlatives with –est and most?
Provide words such as brave, pretty,
wonderful, and interesting, and have
students say sentences using most
• Put students in pairs. Say Ask your partner for his opinions about or –est.
things and people. Model an example. Who is your funniest • use comparatives and superlatives to
friend? My funniest friend is (Miguel). compare photos?
Hold up magazine photos of three
actors and three singers. Tell students
to use the words talented, pretty,
handsome, etc. to tell who is the best.
• compare opinions?
Ask questions such as Which writer
has more talent than anyone else?
Which video game is cooler than all
the others? Ask students to choose
their favorites and to reply in complete
sentences using the word most or –est.
Then have them ask each other
why they chose that writer and that
video game.

Grammar 1 169

04_OW_TELP_L4_U5_G1_FP.indd 169 19/06/2013 12:24

Vocabulary 2 10 Listen and repeat. Then read and match. TR: A42

Students will
• identify and use words related to
favorite activities.
• put activities in order of a hobby a school subject
Vocabulary a TV show, a hobby,
a school subject, a sport, a writer
Content Vocabulary favorite, boring
Resources Workbook pp. 58–59;
Audio CD TR: A42; Video: Sc.
4—Vocabulary 2; Classroom a TV show a sport a writer
Presentation Tool: Vocabulary 2;
Teacher’s Resource CD: Graphic 1. What’s your favorite sport? a. I like playing sports and going out
Organizers (Word web, T-chart) 2. My parents watch a lot of with my friends.
Materials paper; scissors boring TV shows! b. Well, I like tennis. But I think soccer
3. Which country is that is the best.
writer from? c. I don’t have one. I like all my school
4. What are your favorite hobbies? subjects.
5. What’s your favorite d. She’s from India. She’s very talented.
school subject? e. My parents do, too!

11 Work with a partner. Stick and talk. Take turns.

I put sports first. I love soccer!

I put sports last! I don’t like them.

1 2 3 禁
严 4外 5

内 部研
Warm Up
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 80

you like to do. One of my hobbies is (painting).

This person is taking photos. This is a hobby called
5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Brainstorm Draw a word web on the board photography. For the photo for sport, say My
and write Things we like to do after school in the favorite sport is (basketball) What sport does this
center circle. photo show? (soccer)
• Ask What do you like to do after school? Write • Draw the following chart on the board.
students’ answers in the other circles of the web.
a TV show a hobby a school subject a sport a writer
• Have students make their own word web. Tell them
to choose their favorite three activities and write
them in the web.
• Ask students to give examples of each vocabulary
term. Ask What TV shows do you watch? Write
answers in the first column. Repeat for the other
• Have students open their books to pp. 80–81. Read columns in the chart.
aloud each word and have students repeat.
• Put students in pairs and ask them tell each other
• Ask students to look at the photos and captions. about one of their hobbies. Observe to make sure
For the photo for hobby, say A hobby is something that all students identify a hobby.

170 Unit 5

05_OW_TELP_L4_U5_Voc2_FP.indd 170 19/06/2013 12:22

Be the Expert
Practice 10
• 10 Direct students’ attention to Activity 10 on p. 80. Play
Teaching Tip
Classroom management When
TR: A42 and have students listen and repeat. Model item 1 with
talking about favorite things, students
students. Say Look at item 1. It asks about a favorite sport. Find are likely to be enthusiastic, and they
an item in the next column that tells about a favorite sport. may become overly loud during small-
group discussions. Gently ask students
Right, it’s item b. Draw a line from item 1 to item b. Match each
who become too loud to lower their
item in the first column with the correct item in the next column. volume so they will not distract other
Have students complete Activity 10 individually. groups.

• Put students in pairs. Have them compare answers. If they

disagree about the correct answer, they should explain why they
chose their answers.

Apply 11
• 11 Put students in pairs. Ask students to look at Activity 11. Say
Let’s do a sticker activity. Put the stickers in the order of how
much you like to do the words on the stickers. Put your favorite
thing on number 1. Put the thing you don’t like at all or like only
a little on number 5. When you’re done, compare your work. Tell
why you put the stickers where you did.

• Put students in five groups and assign one of the target words

外 传
to each group. Have each group survey the class to find out
the class’s “Favorites.” Say Group 1, you have TV show. Ask

each student in class what her favorite TV show is. Write the

TV shows down and place a check mark next to it for each

内 研
student who chose it. Show students how to draw a check mark

next to the name of the show for each person who likes it. Say
Look at your list and find the show that most students like. That
is the most popular TV show in the class.

Wrap Up Formative Assessment

Can students
• Write on the board the following:
• identify and use words related to
favorite activities?
a TV show
Ask questions such as What TV shows
a hobby does your family like to watch? What
are some of your friends’ favorite
a school subject
a sport
• put activities in order of preference?
a writer Ask questions such as Which do you
like better, reading or playing sports?
Ask students to use the words to create questions to ask their Do you prefer playing soccer or
classmates such as What’s your favorite sport? Is math your
favorite school subject? Put students in pairs and have them ask
and answer each other’s questions. Review For additional practice, direct
students to Activity Worksheet 5.2.

Vocabulary 2 171

05_OW_TELP_L4_U5_Voc2_FP.indd 171 19/06/2013 12:23

Grammar 2 GR ammaR TR: A43

I’m good at music. I’m better than my friend at sports. And I’m the best
in our class in English!
Objective A cough is bad; a cold is worse; but a fever is the worst!
Students will
• use irregular comparatives and 12 Complete the sentences.
superlatives: better, the best,
worse, the worst. 1. Many video games are because they’re boring.
Grammar using irregular
comparatives and superlatives: But “Harry Potter, the Goblet of Fire” is than
better, the best, worse, the worst
other games because it’s cooler. You can be Harry, Ron, or Hermione
Content Vocabulary music, health
in the video game. Harry is person to be in
Resources Workbook pp. 60–61;
Audio CD TR: A43; Video: Sc. the game because he’s handsome, and he helps other people. Ron is
6—Grammar 2; Classroom
Presentation Tool: Grammar 2; person to be because he isn’t funny.
Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM:
Graphic Organizers 2. I love soccer. It is free time activity of all! It’s
(Three-column chart)
much than TV because you go out and have
Materials scissors
fun. I think TV is for your health because you

don’t get any exercise. And video games are

than TV because you don’t learn anything!

What’s the best The new Harry Potter

video game? video game is the best.
13 Play a game. Cut out
the cards on page 167.
Play with a partner.

外 传
料, 严禁

内 部研
Warm Up
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 81

5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Recycle Say You learned some ways to compare • Explain Say Sometimes we use completely
things. Write on the board: different words when we compare things. Have
students look at the grammar box at the top of
–er more p. 81. Play TR: A43.
–est most
• Write this chart on the board:
• Ask Name two famous people who are funny. After
good better the best
the students answer, ask Now say who is funnier in
bad worse the worst
your opinion. Have the student answer using –er.
If necessary, give the student this sentence frame: • Say We don’t add –er to good. We use the word
I think is funnier. Then ask students to better to compare two things when we like one more
add a third funny person. Ask Who’s the funniest? than the other. When we compare three or more
If necessary, provide the sentence frame: I think things, we use the best. Ask students to read aloud
is the funniest. the first set of sentences in the Grammar box.
• Have students make other comparisons using the
words talented, brave, and amazing.

172 Unit 5

06_OW_TELP_L4_U5_G2_FP.indd 172 19/06/2013 12:22

Be the Expert
• Say We use the word worse when we say that one thing is not
as good as another. We use the worst when we compare three
Grammar in Depth
or more things. Ask students to read aloud the last sentence in
A common error students make is to
the Grammar box. use the word more before better or
worse. Explain to students that better

Practice 12
and worse don’t take more.
Other words that have irregular
• 12 Put students in groups of three or four. Say Now let’s work comparatives and superlatives include
little, far, and much:
on Activity 12. You’re going to complete the sentences with the
little, less than, the least: I have
words good, better, the best, bad, worse, or the worst. Complete very little homework. My brother
the first item with students. Say, Let’s read the first sentence has less homework than me. My
together. Which word completes the sentence? (bad) Now, let’s sister has the least.
read the completed sentence together: Many video games are Far, farther, the farthest: I live
far from school. My best friend
bad because they’re boring. Then have students complete the lives farther. My teacher lives the
activity.  Ask students questions such as What’s a good TV farthest.
show? What TV show is better than that one? What’s the best Much, more, most: There isn’t
TV show? Have students answer in complete sentences. much milk in my glass. You have
more milk than me. She has the
most milk.
Apply 13
Teaching Tip
• 13 Say Now we’ll do Activity 13. Put students in pairs and pass Classroom Management Be
out scissors. Say Open your books to page 167. Cut out the cards sure that students understand the
and put them in two sets. One set will have the eight words on directions before starting an activity.
Review directions, focusing on one
the right. The other set will have the eight words on the left. step of the directions at a time. Ask
• Ask students to mix up the cards in each of the two piles. Tell

外 传
students to point out any step they

don’t understand.
them to take turns taking one card from the top of each pile

and asking a question that uses the two words. The other

发资 料
student answers the question. Choose two students to read the
model dialogue. Then have students complete the activity.

内 部研
• Have partners form and ask questions about other things
that are the best and the worst. Ask them to write down the
questions and answers they create. Have students share their
work with the class.

Wrap Up Formative Assessment

Can students
• Write the following two sentences on the board. Call on • use irregular comparatives and
students to choose the correct answer from the words in superlatives: better, the best, worse,
parentheses. the worst?
Ask questions such as What are some
Paula is (better, the best) at soccer than Marta is. (better) activities that you like to do? Have
That was (the worse, the worst) movie I’ve ever seen. students compare the activities they
(the worst) enjoy doing, using the words they
learned today.

Review For additional practice, direct

students to Activity Worksheet 5.3.

Grammar 2 173

06_OW_TELP_L4_U5_G2_FP.indd 173 19/06/2013 12:22

Reading 14 Listen and read. TR: A44

Amazing Acrobats
Many acts we see in circuses today have roots
Students will
in ancient societies. Jugglers and acrobats were
• compare types of acrobatic popular in ancient Egypt and China. Today,
activities. Chinese circuses are more popular, more colorful,
• share and compare opinions. and more exciting than ever.
• identify main ideas and details in Most Chinese acrobats join the circus when
a text. they are six years old, but they can spend ten
years practicing just one of these acts!
Reading Strategy Identify Main Idea
and Details a. Juggling: Acrobats use their feet to juggle
things. They juggle tables, chairs, umbrellas,
Academic Language compare, plates, and even people!
b. Cycling: In this act, acrobats use “monocycles” (bicycles with one
Content Vocabulary acrobat, circus, wheel). The most famous act is the “bird.”
c. Tight-wire: This act is about 2,000 years old. Brave acrobats walk,
Resources Workbook pp. 62–63; cycle, or jump on a 11646_L2U1_02M.pdf
wire that is high 1
in the10:11
air. AM
Audio CD TR: A44; Classroom d. Pole-climbing: This act is about 1,000 years old. Athletes climb up
Presentation Tool: Reading; poles, jump from one pole to the other, and balance on the poles.
Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM:
Graphic Organizers (Word web) e. Plate-spinning: The acrobat holds a pole with a plate on it. The
plates spin fast. The acrobat dances, jumps, or stands on one arm.
Don’t miss Chinese acrobats. They’re the best!


外 传 Some Chinese acrobats called

“gastriloquists” make the sound of

3CD2 Chinabirds, animals, crying babies, and
First Proof machines while they do their acts.


内 部研
Warm Up
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 82 5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Activate prior knowledge Ask Did you ever go • Say Today we’re going to read about a Chinese
to a circus or a zoo? What animals did you see? circus. In this circus, people do unusual activities.
Write students’ responses on the board. What kinds of activities do you think you’ll read
• Ask questions to have students compare and
contrast the animals listed on the board. Which
animal is the biggest? Which animal is the strongest?
Present 14
• 14 Read together Direct students to p. 82. Ask a
• Then have students give their opinions about the
student to read the title aloud. Have students look
animals. Ask Which animal is the coolest? Which is
at the two photos on this page and the photos
your favorite animal? Discuss students’ responses,
on p. 83. Ask What do you see in the top photo?
and remind students that different people have
(many circus performers on one bicycle)
different opinions.

174 Unit 5

07_OW_TELP_L4_U5_R_FP.indd 174 19/06/2013 12:19

15 Read and write. Be the Expert
1. In what ancient societies were jugglers and acrobats popular?
About the Photo
In the top photo, acrobats from the
2. How old are many children when they start to learn acrobatics? Great Chinese State Circus perform
“The Bird,” a cycling act, during a
performance in the northern Spanish
3. How long do acrobats have to practice to learn some acts? town of Santander. This act is
sometimes also called “the Peacock

4. What things do acrobats juggle? Our World in Context

Acrobats have been performing in
China for more than two thousand
16 Read. Label the pictures a–e. years. The people of Central Asia
called their circuses the “hundred
entertainments.” These acts included
juggling, ropewalking, acrobatics and
more. Today, there are more than 250
circus troupes in China, many of which
perform throughout the world.

Related Vocabulary
17 Work in a group. Compare your opinions. Write your brave, flexible, perform
group’s decision in each box.

acrobat Tricks

Most difficult Easiest Coolest Group favorite

外 传
I think juggling is the most difficult.

料, 严禁
No way! Tight-wire is much more difficult.

内 部研
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 83 5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Play TR: A44 and have students read along. • Think Aloud Model using visuals to understand
Pause at the end of each paragraph to check for the text. Say The part about cycling says that the
comprehension. Ask questions such as: most famous act is called “The Bird.” I wonder
Paragraph 1: Which performers were popular in what “The Bird” is. I can look for clues on the
ancient Egypt and China? page. One of the photos shows many acrobats on
Paragraph 2: How old are most Chinese acrobats a bicycle. They’re spreading out their arms as if
when they join the circus? they’re flying. This looks like it could be a photo of
List d: What do acrobats do after they climb up “The Bird.”
a pole?
List e: What do acrobats do while they are
spinning plates?
• Read aloud the Weird but True feature on p. 82.
Discuss whether it would be more difficult for
acrobats to do the act while making a noise at the
same time.

Reading 175

07_OW_TELP_L4_U5_R_FP.indd 175 19/06/2013 12:19

14 Listen and read. TR: A44 15 Read and write.

Amazing Acrobats
Many acts we see in circuses today have roots
in ancient societies. Jugglers and acrobats were
1. In what ancient societies were jugglers and acrobats popular?

2. How old are many children when they start to learn acrobatics?
Wrap Up
popular in ancient Egypt and China. Today,
Chinese circuses are more popular, more colorful,
and more exciting than ever.
Most Chinese acrobats join the circus when
they are six years old, but they can spend ten
3. How long do acrobats have to practice to learn some acts? • Write the following list on the board:
years practicing just one of these acts!
a. Juggling: Acrobats use their feet to juggle 4. What things do acrobats juggle?

juggling acrobat
things. They juggle tables, chairs, umbrellas,
plates, and even people!
b. Cycling: In this act, acrobats use “monocycles” (bicycles with one
16 Read. Label the pictures a–e.
wheel). The most famous act is the “bird.”

cycling acrobat
c. Tight-wire: This act is about 2,000 years old. Brave acrobats walk,
cycle, or jump on a 11646_L2U1_02M.pdf
wire that is high 1
in the10:11
air. AM
d. Pole-climbing: This act is about 1,000 years old. Athletes climb up
poles, jump from one pole to the other, and balance on the poles.
e. Plate-spinning: The acrobat holds a pole with a plate on it. The
plates spin fast. The acrobat dances, jumps, or stands on one arm.
Don’t miss Chinese acrobats. They’re the best!
tight-wire acrobat
17 Work in a group. Compare your opinions. Write your

pole-climbing acrobat
group’s decision in each box.

acrobat Tricks

Most difficult Easiest Coolest Group favorite

Some Chinese acrobats called

“gastriloquists” make the sound of
plate-spinning acrobat
3CD2 Chinabirds, animals, crying babies, and
First Proof machines while they do their acts.
I think juggling is the most difficult.

No way! Tight-wire is much more difficult.

82 83
Ask students riddles, such as the ones below, and
have them use the choices listed on the board to
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 82 5/16/13 3:20 PM 38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 83 5/16/13 3:20 PM

Practice 15 16 answer.

• 15 Have students look at Activity 15. Say There are I walk high in the air. Who am I?
four questions for you to answer. You can look on (tight-wire acrobat)
page 82 for answers to these questions. Let’s do My friends and I do an act called “The Bird.”
the first one together. Call on a student to read the Who am I? (cycling acrobat)
first question. Ask Where do you think you will find
this information? Guide students to find the words Recap
ancient, societies, jugglers, acrobats, and popular
• Have students pretend to do one of the five
in the first paragraph. Have students write their
activities described on p. 82. Have the other
students guess which acrobatic act the student is
• Have students complete the remaining items modeling.
individually. When they are done, call on students
外 传
to share their answers. Ask them to point out where 17
in the text they found their answers.

• Expand Have students write two more questions

料, • 17 Place students in groups of five for Activity 17.
Ask two students to read the model dialogue. Ask
for the reading. Then put students in pairs and

have them trade questions. They should write
发资 What does no way mean? (no)

• Say As a group, you’re going to decide which of

answers to the questions.

• 16 Say Now, let’s do Activity 16 on page 83. Point

to the boxes on p. 83 and say Look at the white
the activities is the most difficult, the easiest, the
coolest, and your favorite. Share your opinions
with the people in your group. Then vote on each
box in each photo. Then point to the letters in the question and fill in the boxes. For example, if most
reading on p. 82 and say Look at the letters in the of the students think that the tight-wire is the most
reading on page 82. You’re going to write the difficult act, write tight-wire in the first box. Have
letter that matches the photo in the box. groups read aloud their decisions.

Put students in groups of 3 or 4. Say Work with

your group to find the correct letter for each box.
When groups are done, have each group meet with
another group to compare answers. Discuss any
disagreements between groups.

176 Unit 5

07_OW_TELP_L4_U5_R_FP.indd 176 19/06/2013 12:20

Be the Expert
• Refer students to the reading on p. 74 and have them identify the Reading Strategy
main idea and supporting details. Put students in small groups Identify Main Idea and
Details Identifying the main idea
and distribute Word web graphic organizers. Have students read in a reading means finding the
the reading and complete the word web. To begin, ask What’s most important idea in the reading.
the main idea of this reading? (wax museums are amazing) and Students should look at the title of
a text and at its first paragraph. The
write the answer in the center circle. Then have students look main idea often appears in the first
for four details to put in the outer circles.  Look at students’ paragraph or title of a reading, for
organizers and ask What’s the main idea in this reading? What example: Today, Chinese circuses are
more popular, more colorful, and
details support that idea? If students have difficulty, review the
more exciting than ever.
concepts of main ideas and details. Details are the small pieces of
information that help us understand
Wrap Up the main idea. Details support, or
tell more about, the main idea. For
• Write the following matching activity on the board: example: umbrellas, “The Bird,”
walking on a wire high in the air.

1. walk high in the air f. pole climbing Teaching Tip

2. “the bird” g. juggling Grouping When you put students in
3. go up from the h. plate spinning groups and ask them to agree on the
ground rules for an activity, be sure they know
what to do and that they are working
4. a pole with a plate i. cycling together. Walk around the room and
5. feet above head j. tight-wire visit each group. Observe whether
group members are all following

Call on students to match one of the descriptions on the left with the rules.

the activity on the right. Ask the other students if they agree. (1-j,
2-i, 3-f, 4-h, 5-g)

严禁 外
部研 发资

Formative Assessment
Can students
• compare types of acrobatic activities?
Ask questions such as What do tight-
wire acrobats do? What do juggling
acrobats do?
• share and compare opinions?
Ask questions such as Which acrobat
act do you think is most dangerous?
• identify main ideas and details?
Ask questions such as What’s the main
idea of today’s reading? What details
did you learn about Chinese circuses?

Reading 177

07_OW_TELP_L4_U5_R_FP.indd 177 19/06/2013 12:20

Writing When you write a review, you tell the reader about the story and give
your opinions. Use words like in my opinion, I think, and I believe. Use
descriptive words like interesting, exciting, and boring. When you give
Writing Type Reviews your opinions, you can give a reason, too.
18 Read. Read the book review. How does the writer express
Students will
her opinion? Underline the words and expressions.
• analyze a writing model.
• express opinions in writing.
• evaluate classmates’ writing. Last weekend I went to the library with my dad, and
I found a wonderful book by Jacqueline Wilson. It’s called
Academic Language descriptive,
“Cliffhanger.” I always look for her books. In my opinion,
opinion, reason, review
she is one of the best writers in the world.
Resources Workbook pp. 64–65;
Classroom Presentation Tool:
“Cliffhanger” is about a boy called Tim. He likes TV
Writing; Teacher’s Resource CD: shows and puzzles. He’s very smart, too, and he’s the
Graphic Organizers (Word web) best student in most school subjects. But he’s the worst
student at sports! So when his parents send him to a
sports camp, he has a bad time.
Every day at camp Tim has to play sports, and he never gets
better. He hates sports. But one day he has a smart idea on how to
win the game. After that, he helps his team win, and he’s the most
popular person at camp. Then he doesn’t want to leave!
I loved this book. Jacqueline Wilson helps us remember some
important things. First, we’re all different. Second, you shouldn’t feel
bad if you’re not handsome because everyone is talented in some
way. Finally, sometimes you are not popular. But you have to try!

外 传
19 Write. Write about something you liked, for example, a
book you read or a movie you watched. Tell the story and

say why you liked it.

料, 20 Work in a group. Share your writing. Listen and take notes.


内 部研
Warm Up
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 84

5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Say Your opinion is what you think about • Say Writers give their opinions about many things.
something. People have opinions about many When they write their opinion about something
things. When I say I think the Harry Potter books they’ve seen or used, it’s called a review. Today,
are great, I’m giving my opinion about them. I you’ll write a review that gives your opinions.
have opinions about activities too. I think video
• Say Let’s practice writing some opinions. Write the
games are boring. Pause. Say Many people think
words coolest, most interesting, most famous, and
video games are interesting. We all have different
most difficult on the board. Say Use these words
opinions. Tell me some of your opinions. Call on a
to write three sentences that tell your opinions.
student. Say (Jose), who do you think is the (most
When students finish, write the words I think and
talented athlete)? Continue calling on individual
I believe on the board. Say You can start your
students. Ask for opinions about the funniest
sentences with these words to show opinions.
movies, the most interesting books, etc.
For example, you can say I think video games are
boring. Call on students to read their sentences
and express their opinions.

178 Unit 5

08_OW_TELP_L4_U5_W_FP.indd 178 19/06/2013 12:18

Be the Expert
Read the model 18
• 18 Write the following on the board:
Teaching Tip
Giving opinions in the classroom
I think gives students experience with
expressing and hearing different
In my opinion viewpoints. It’s good to have rules for
expressing opinions. Work with the
I believe
class to develop a list, for example,
Listen when someone speaks. Don’t
• Say We’re going to look at a writing model that shows an example interrupt. Give good reasons for your
of a review. It’s a review of a book. Reading this review will help you opinions. Show respect for opinions
write your own review. Read the review once together as a class. that are different from your own.
Then have students read the model again silently. Before they start,
Writing Support
say As you read, underline any of the three phrases on the board that
Mechanics: Apostrophes
you see in the model. Pay attention to how the writer explains her Apostrophes are used to show
opinions. dropped letters, or letters that
are left out, in contractions:
do not  don’t
Plan it is  it’s
• Say Today you will write a review. In a review, you give your opinion he is  he’s
about something. For this review, choose a book or movie that you we are  we’re
like. Put students in pairs. Say Talk to your partner about a book or Apostrophes are also used to show
movie. Tell your partner its name. Tell what it is about. Then give your
opinion about it. Jennifer’s book
the boy’s jackets

• Ask students to organize information for their writing by filling in a Explain to students that apostrophes
web like the one below.

reason reason 外
are used to show that something

belongs to a certain person or people.
Emphasize that, to show possession,

料, the apostrophe usually comes after

the noun and before the letter s.

内 部研 reason reason

• Say Write the name of the book or movie and your opinion of it in the
middle circle. In the other circles, write four reasons for your opinion.

• Model Say My review is about . My opinion is that

is the best movie I saw this year. I’ll write Best movie
in the center. One reason for my opinion is that my favorite actor
is in the movie. Write the actor’s name in one of the side
circles. Have students use the model to complete their webs.

• Say Now, use the opinion and the reasons in your web to write
your paragraph.

Write 19
• 19 Say Now you can write your review. Remind students to use the
information they wrote in their webs to create sentences. Encourage
students to use the phrases I think, In my opinion, and I believe, and
remind them to give reasons for their opinions.

Writing 179

08_OW_TELP_L4_U5_W_FP.indd 179 19/06/2013 12:18

Reviews • Have students revise their paragraph to make
When you write a review, you tell the reader about the story and give
your opinions. Use words like in my opinion, I think, and I believe. Use improvements. Review rules for using apostrophes
descriptive words like interesting, exciting, and boring. When you give
your opinions, you can give a reason, too. (see Writing Support). Then have students check
18 Read. Read the book review. How does the writer express
her opinion? Underline the words and expressions.
their writing for proper use of apostrophes.

Last weekend I went to the library with my dad, and
I found a wonderful book by Jacqueline Wilson. It’s called 20
“Cliffhanger.” I always look for her books. In my opinion,
she is one of the best writers in the world.
“Cliffhanger” is about a boy called Tim. He likes TV • 20 Have students form groups of three or four.
shows and puzzles. He’s very smart, too, and he’s the
best student in most school subjects. But he’s the worst Ask student to read their paragraphs aloud to the
student at sports! So when his parents send him to a
sports camp, he has a bad time.
group. Have other students complete the sentences
Every day at camp Tim has to play sports, and he never gets below to provide feedback.
better. He hates sports. But one day he has a smart idea on how to
win the game. After that, he helps his team win, and he’s the most
popular person at camp. Then he doesn’t want to leave!
I loved this book. Jacqueline Wilson helps us remember some
One thing I think is interesting is …
important things. First, we’re all different. Second, you shouldn’t feel
bad if you’re not handsome because everyone is talented in some One thing I don’t understand is …
way. Finally, sometimes you are not popular. But you have to try!
My favorite part is …
19 Write. Write about something you liked, for example, a
book you read or a movie you watched. Tell the story and A question I have is …
say why you liked it.

20 Work in a group. Share your writing. Listen and take notes.

• While group members give feedback, the writer
should take notes. The writer should then use these
notes to revise his or her paragraph.
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 84 5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Direct students to check their writing for the following:
 Does the paragraph tell about the story in a
book or movie?

外 传
 Does the paragraph clearly express an opinion?
 Does the paragraph include reasons to support
the opinions?

 Does the paragraph use words for expressing


内 部 Writing Rubric Use this rubric to assess students’ writing. You can add other aspects of their
writing you’d like to assess at the bottom of the rubric.

4 3 2 1
4 = Excellent Organization
3 = Good Ideas are clear and well organized.

2 = Needs improvement Grammar

1 = Redo Student uses correct grammar.

Vocabulary Student uses a variety of word choices,

including words learned in this unit.

Writing type Student uses expressions such as I think,

I believe, and In my opinion to introduce opinions and
description words such as interesting, exciting, and boring.

Use of apostrophes is correct.

180 Unit 5

08_OW_TELP_L4_U5_W_FP.indd 180 19/06/2013 12:18


Mission Mission Find a role model.

Students will
Find a role model. “girl,
When I was a young
I always wanted to • share ideas.
be working with wildlife. • evaluate ideas.
But it’s only because I
had really great science Content Vocabulary inspires, wildlife
teachers in school who Resources Video: Sc. 10—Meet the
• Think about a person who inspires you. gave me that interest Explorer; Classroom Presentation
Why is he or she special? in biology. ” Tool: Mission; Mission Poster
• Do you want to be like this person? Why? Aparajita Datta
Wildlife Biologist
Materials writing notebook; research
• Work in a small group. Describe your role Emerging Explorer

models. Talk about what they do that inspires

you. Which role models does everyone like
best? Take notes.

Be the Expert

Meet the Explorer

Aparajita Datta is a biologist
who works in the area of wildlife
conservation in India. She explores
the challenges facing one of the

• Work with another group. Share your

外 传
world’s last large areas of wilderness.
She studies the relationships between

information. Which role models are animals, plants, and the Lisu people
the most interesting?

who live in the area.

Bengal tiger, Bandhavgarh
Aparajita Datta has worked with the

National Park, India
Lisu people to try to protect hornbills,
endangered birds that live in the

内 部研
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 85

5/16/13 3:20 PM
area. She has helped the Lisu to get
electricity from solar panels, receive
medical training, and start schools.
Dattu has gained the Lisu people’s
trust. This in turn has helped her to
• Say A role model is someone we learn from. A role model can
work with them to reduce the hunting
show us how to become a better person. Role models are people of hornbills.
we want to be like.
Encourage a discussion of role models with questions such as: About the Photo
This photo shows a Bengal tiger.
What make a person a good person? Bengal, or Indian, tigers account for
What sort of work helps other people? more than half of the world’s wild
tigers. The tiger is a symbol of India,
What kinds of things do you admire in a person? but now it is endangered. Both people
and the tigers are trying to live on the
• Point out the word inspire in the first question on p. 85. same land. This causes problems for
Say When someone inspires you, the person makes you want to both tigers and humans.
As the number of people increases,
do something special.
the tiger’s habitat is reduced. Reserves
such as the Sundarbans National Park
and Tiger Reserve try to protect the
Bengal tiger population, yet tigers are
still harmed. Some people kill tigers
for their fur. Other people kill them
because tigers have attacked humans.

Mission 181

08_OW_TELP_L4_U5_W_FP.indd 181 19/06/2013 12:18

Project 21 make a class book about famous people.

1. Think about who your favorite famous person is.

• What does he or she do? Why is he or she famous?
Students will
• What do you like about him or her?
• find information about a famous
person. 2. Research some information about your favorite person.
• create a page for a class book. 3. Make a page for the class book.
• complete the Unit 5 quiz. • Glue a picture.
Academic Language identify, • Write a summary about your favorite person.
compare, summary
Content Vocabulary information,
Resources Assessment: Unit 5 Quiz
Materials colored paper; glue; binder
rings or other fastener; hole punch

外 传
料, 严禁

内 部研
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 86

• Ask students to open their books to pp. 86–87. Say • Have students copy the questions. Then have
5/16/13 3:20 PM

Our project for this unit is to make a book about students research facts about the person they
famous people. Each of you will make a page choose, using available resources. Have them
about your favorite famous person. Call on different write answers to their questions using the facts
students to read each of the steps at the top of p. 86. they found. Suggest that they find photos or draw
pictures to make their pages interesting.
• Ask a student to read the model at the bottom of p. 86
aloud. Say This page tells about J. K. Rowling and her • Encourage students to use their new words,
life. What did you learn about her? Why is she famous? including words with –er or most. After students
What did the writer think was interesting about her? write their summaries, have pairs of students check
each other’s work.
• List these questions on the board:
• Make available colored paper, glue, and a hole
Who is my person? punch. Have students make their pages and punch
What does that person do? a hole in the upper left corner.
Why is that person famous?
What do I like about that person?

182 Unit 5

09_OW_TELP_L4_U5_P_FP.indd 182 19/06/2013 12:14

Be the Expert

Teaching Tip
You can encourage students to take
pride in their work in many ways. You
might place students’ work on display
in the classroom. Inviting parents to
see classroom displays or to watch
students perform simple skits and
songs is an excellent way to both give
students confidence and show their
progress in learning English.

Project Rubric
 Did students include information
about a famous person?

My favorite person
 Did students use unit vocabulary in
is J. K. Rowling.
their book page?
 Did students use unit grammar in
their book page?

Now I can . . .
identify different types of
compare people and activities.
talk about my favorite people

外 传
and things.
give my opinion.


内 部研
38267_072-087_u05_ptg01.indd 87

5/16/13 3:20 PM

• Ask students to come to the front of the class one at a time to show their
Now I Can
Ask questions such as the following:
• What are some of your favorite
page. Each student should say the name of her famous person and tell activities?
why she chose that person. Have the student read aloud what he wrote • What are two hobbies? Which hobby is
and hold up his page for the class to see. better, and why?
• Who are two of your favorite people,
• Encourage students to ask questions about each famous person. If the and why?
presenting student doesn’t know the answer, have her share something • What do you think about the book we
else about the person. After students have presented their pages, ask just read?
Which of these famous people do you want to learn more about? Why?
• Gather students’ pages into a book, using binder rings or other fasteners Review For additional practice, direct
to hold it together. students to Activity Worksheet 5.4.

• Modify To simplify the project, allow students interested in the

same person to work together to create a single page. Each person Assessment: Unit 5
can be responsible for researching one or two pieces of information Give the Unit 5 Quiz. Hand out the
quiz and go over the instructions
about the person.
with students. The quiz should take
15–20 minutes.

Project 183

09_OW_TELP_L4_U5_P_FP.indd 183 19/06/2013 12:17


Vocabulary 1a a person, amazing, brave, cool, great,

handsome, pretty, wonderful
Vocabulary 1b an actor, an athlete, funny, a movie,
famous, popular, talented
Vocabulary 2 a writer, a sport, a TV show, a school
subject, a hobby
Grammar 1 using superlatives with –est and most
Grammar 2 using irregular comparatives and
superlatives: better, the best, worse, the worst Zoom In
Song You’re the Best Vocabulary
Viewing athletes and dancers • Review Scene 2: Vocabulary 1a, Scene 3: Vocabulary
Meet the Explorer Aparajita Datta 1b, and Scene 4: Vocabulary 2. Have students think
Story Time The Green Rabbit of their favorite famous person. Then have them
choose four words to describe the person.
Resources Student Book Unit 5,
pp. 72–81, p. 85
• View Scene 5: Grammar 1 and Scene 6: Grammar 2.
Pause the video when a comparison is made. Have
students tell what is being compared and then
Before You Watch write a sentence about the comparison.
• Play the introduction to the video. Say This video is
about people and their favorite things to do. Share Song
• Play You’re the Best once while students follow

some of your favorite things to do. Then ask What

are your favorite things to do? along on p. 76. Play it again and have students

alternate singing the lines. For example, one side

of the room sings the first line, the other side sings
While You Watch

发资 料
• Have students write a sentence about their favorite
the second line, and so on. Have students clap their
hands when they sing one of their new words.

内 部研
part from each scene. Encourage them to include
at least one of the new words they learned in
this unit in their sentences. You might provide
the sentence frame My favorite part is
• Pause the video at the end of two of the segments
and ask students to write one sentence about each
because . segment. Ask them to include as many new words
as they can in the sentence.

After You Watch Meet the Explorer

• Say Aparajita Datta believes it’s important to
• Put students in pairs, and have them discuss their
protect animals. Ask Which animals do you think
favorite parts of the video. Ask the pairs Do you
we should try to protect?
have any of the same favorite parts? Which ones?
Why did each of you like these parts? Discuss as Story Time
a class. • View The Green Rabbit once with students. Then
view it again. Pause the video and ask questions
such as Why was Prince Javier a green rabbit
during the day? (His father, the king, put a spell
on him.) What was the second thing that Marisol
had to do to end the spell? (She had to wear out
six pairs of boots.)

184 Unit 5

10_OW_TELP_L4_U5_VR_FP.indd 184 19/06/2013 12:13

Unit 5 Reader
The Green rabbiT The
One day, a beautiful young woman named Marisol is followed
home by a green rabbit. That night, the rabbit turns into a

Rabbit Text Type fairy tale

handsome prince. The prince is under a spell. Only someone

The Green Rabbit

who truly loves him can break the spell and make him a man
forever. Can Marisol prove her love?

Reading Strategy Summarize

One day, a beautiful young woman
Created by National Geographic Learning, the Our World readers are six levels of original stories,
folktales, myths, and non-fiction from around the globe. Following the readings are fun facts and
activities that bring the reading experience together in a way that fascinates, educates, and informs.
A Fairy Tale from Mexico
named Marisol is followed home by
LeveL 4 readers
Retold by Cindy Pioli
Vocabulary pretty, amazing,
a green rabbit. But later that night,
The Mirror
A Folktale from Korea
Stormalong and the Giant Octopus
Based on an American Tall Tale
wonderful, handsome, great,
the rabbit turns into a handsome
The Empty Pot
A Folktale from China
Sweet Surprises: Accidental
Food Inventions popular, movie, interesting
Rhodopis Hurum’s Hobby
prince. The prince is under a spell. Only
A Fairy Tale from Egypt

Tender Flower and the Medicine

The Tug-of-War
A Folktale from Africa
Grammar using superlatives with –est
someone who truly loves him can break
A Native American Folktale

The Green Rabbit

A Fairy Tale from Mexico and most
the spell. Marisol must pass tests to
prove her love. Will she pass the tests? Resources Video: Sc. 9: Story Time;
National Geographic Learning, part of Cengage
Learning, provides customers with a portfolio of
Classroom Presentation Tool:
Story Time; Teacher’s Resource CD:
quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult
education. It provides instructional solutions
for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social
studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood
through adult in the U.S. and global markets.
Visit ngl.cengage.com
Graphic Organizers (Storyboard)

Before You Read

• Activate prior knowledge Say Fairy tales are stories that
often include some sort of magic. What stories with magic
do you know? Discuss the stories and the examples of magic
Be the Expert
in them.

• Introduce the strategy Say When you summarize a Reading Strategy

story, you tell just the main, or most important, ideas. Model Summarize Summarizing helps
summarizing a story students have recently read or are familiar students remember the most
important parts of a story. Make sure
with. Explain that a summary doesn’t include everything that
students understand that a summary
happens and that it can be a just a few sentences. is short and should includes only main

• Give out Storyboard graphic organizers. Say Every few pages,

外 传
ideas; it does not include details.

Help students evaluate whether
stop reading and summarize what you read in one of the boxes information is important enough to

include in their summaries.
of this chart.

While You Read

发资 料 Text Background

The Green Rabbit is a fairy tale. Fairy

tales often include characters who are

• As you read the story, stop after every few pages so students royalty, such as a king, a queen, or a
have time to summarize those pages of the story. princess. They also often include some
form of magic. They sometimes teach
p. 4: Who are the most important characters? Why is the prince lessons.
a rabbit during the day?
Teaching Tip
p. 6: What does the King tell Marisol that she must do?
Students can remember a story better
p. 8: What two tests does Marisol have to pass? if they act it out. Help students to
list the scenes in a story by asking
• Read the story a second time, without pausing, to allow such questions as What happened
first? Then what happened? When
students to check the responses they wrote in their Storyboard
was it most exciting? How did it end?
organizers. Then have students choose which
scene or scenes they want to act out.
Encourage students to create their
After You Read own dialogue for the scenes.

• After you finish the story, have students choose the four or five
most important things that happened in the story. Say Use the
information in your Storyboard organizer to write a paragraph
that summarizes the story.

Video and Reader 185

10_OW_TELP_L4_U5_VR_FP.indd 185 25/06/2013 17:04

Audio Script 1. S1: Hey Erica, what do you think of Johnny Depp, the
actor in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies?
S2: Oh, him! I think he’s amazing. And he’s very
Student Book handsome! What about you?
S1: I think he’s wonderful. And he’s really funny, too. He’s
TR: A38 1 Listen and read.
my favorite actor, in fact.
Note: This reading is on p. 160.
2. S1: Do you like Usain Bolt, Alex?
TR: A39 2 Listen and repeat. S2: Do you mean the famous athlete from Jamaica?
S1: Yes, that’s right.
amazing J.K. Rowling writes amazing books.
S2: Oh, I don’t like him at all. He’s very talented, but I
famous I want to be famous one day.
think he’s silly.
cool This movie is so cool. I love action!
S1: Really? I don’t agree. I think he’s cool.
actors There are many actors in the museum.
popular Harry Potter books are very popular. TR: 23 5 Listen. What do they want to do?
talented Mozart was a talented composer. Underline the answers.
funny That was a really funny movie. 1. I really like to play soccer. One day I could be great! I’ll
movie I really liked that movie! learn from my favorite athletes: work hard, practice, and
a person My grandpa is a really interesting wait!
brave Firefighters are very brave. 2. Some days I dream of fans and fame in movies and on
pretty My mom’s a very pretty woman. TV. I study the moves of my favorite actors. I’ll be just like
handsome He’s a very handsome man. them, you’ll see!
an athlete Yao Ming is a great athlete. 3. I really love the natural world, jungles, mountains, and
great Picasso was a great painter. caves. Like my favorite explorers, I’ll go on adventures for
wonderful Your photos from the museum are days and days!

外 传
4. I read the most talented writers, and dream about

writing a book. I’ll work very hard in school. Becoming a
TR: A40 4 Listen, read, and sing.
writer would be so cool!

Lyrics for the song You’re the Best are on p. 164.

TR: 24 6 Listen. Check the words you hear.
TR: A41 Grammar

Note: Lyrics for the song You’re the Best are on p. 164.

Note: Grammar 1 is on p. 166.

TR: A42 10 Listen and repeat.
a TV show
a hobby
What’s your favorite TV show?
I love to read books. It’s my
TR: 25 11 Listen. Complete the questions. Listen
and write Marco’s answers.
1. S1: What’s your favorite school subject, Marco?
S2: Uh… I like them all. I love English and science
favorite hobby.
especially. But I think math is the best.
a school subject English is the best school subject.
a sport Tennis is a wonderful sport. I play 2. S1: What’s the most difficult school subject, in your
every day. opinion, Marco?
a writer J. K. Rowling is a wonderful writer. S2: Uh, I think most subjects are easy. But I find art really
difficult. I’m so bad in drawing and painting!
TR: A43 Grammar
3. S1: Would you like to watch TV with me and my sister
Note: Grammar 2 is on p. 172. after school?
S2: OK, thanks. What are you watching? Is it a funny
TR: A44 14 Listen and read.
TV show?
Note: The reading, Amazing Acrobats, is on p. 174. S1: Yeah, it’s Sesame Street.
S2: Sesame Street?! That’s for little kids, Marco!
4. S1: What are you doing this afternoon, Marco?
TR: 22 2 Listen and write. Complete the S2: I’m playing soccer, the coolest sport in the world! It’s
conversations. so fast and exciting!
186 Unit 5

12_OW_TELP_L4_U5_AS_FP.indd 186 21/06/2013 18:20

S1: No way! Volleyball is much cooler than soccer. languages!
5. S1: You read all the time, Marco! Don’t you have any S1: Really? What’s so wonderful about them?
other hobbies? S2: Well, they’re about a boy called Harry Potter who goes
S2: Sure… I write stories. And I play the drums every to a magic school and he has lots of adventures with his
Saturday with a friend. friends. Didn’t you see the movies, Ana? There are eight of
S1: The drums? Wow, that’s cool! them.
6. S1: Hi, Marco. What are you reading? S1: No, I didn’t. Are they popular, too?
S2: Oh, it’s a book called Lord of the Rings. It’s by Tolkien. S2: Very popular! But I think the books are better than the
S1: Who? Tolky? movies.
S2: No, Tolkien. T-O-L-K-I-E-N. He’s the most interesting
S1: Who’s the writer?
writer in the world. You should read his books some time.
S2: J. K. Rowling. She got the idea for the books one day
You’d like them!
when she was on a train. And then when she got home, she
TR: 26 18 Listen. Check T for true and F for false. started to write the first Harry Potter book. Now they’re the
S1: What are you reading, Mario? most popular books ever.

S2: I’m reading the second Harry Potter book. It’s awesome! S1: That’s awesome. Is she the greatest writer of our time?

S1: Harry who? S2: Yes, definitely! Hey, do you want to borrow one of her
books? I have them all.
S2: Ana, you don’t know the Harry Potter books?!
S1: They’re the best books ever! Everyone loves them. S2: S1: Sure, thanks! Which is the best book?
They’re the best selling novels in the world. People bought S2: Well, I think the fourth one is the best. But you
them in over 200 countries - and you can read them in 68 should start with the first one…

Answer Key
外 传
Student Book
12 SB p. 81
1. bad; better; the best; the worst
Unit Opener SB p. 72

1. F, 2. T, 3. F 发资 2. the best; better; bad; worse

15 SB p. 83

内6 SB p. 78
1.    the most amazing singer 2. the coolest athlete
3. the prettiest flower 4. the most interesting
1. Jugglers and acrobats were popular in ancient Egypt
and China.
2. They are six years old when they start to learn
TV show 5. the funniest movie 6. the most talented TV acrobatics.
star 3. They have to practice for ten years to learn some
7 SB p. 78
4. They juggle tables, chairs, umbrellas, plates, and
1. The red car is bigger than the green car, but the blue even people.
car is the biggest!
16 SB p. 83
2. The red flower is more beautiful than the blue
e, b, d, a, c
flower, but the yellow flower is the most beautiful!
3. The blue T-shirt is cooler than the white T-shirt, but 18 SB p. 84
the orange T-shirt is the coolest! wonderful; In my opinion; one of the best; loved

10 SB p. 80
1. b, 2. e, 3. d, 4. a, 5. c
Go to 332–334 for the Workbook Answer Key for
this unit.

Audio Script and Answer Key 187

12_OW_TELP_L4_U5_AS_FP.indd 187 21/06/2013 18:20

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