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IN FOCUS 4 Airfix Model World 14.1 Wesland Sea Kings were bit tthe companys Yeu Somerset factory complex those examples wore destined for West Germanys Morinetleger (aval a arm) West Helos Long-serving and highly successful, Westland’s Sea King became one of the most recognisable helicopter designs in history. Malcolm V Lowe examines the type’s development and use by Britain’s Royal Navy estland Aircraft Sikorsky S-t, which was knowin (hich became the Whihvind in Led was an to Westland as the Dragently. Britain) during the early 1950s. established and Later, Westlana's helicopter This was followed by a similar successful aircraft activites really took off when arrangement to construct the design and manufacturing it received licence from 'S-58 (known for British service campany even prior to World Sikorsky to build the S55 as the Wessex, frst fight June ‘War Two. Although the Yeovil Somerset-based organisation was formed as an independent firm in 1935, i could trace its ‘aeronautical ancestry as far back as 1915, However, in the peacetime world ofthe second half of the 19405, Westland made the bold decision to leave behind fixed-wing aircraft design and manufacture and to concentrate fn the emerging technology of the helicopter. A licence deal was successfully negotiated with a future giant in the growing helicopter world: American firm Sikorsky, which put Westlana (on the path to becoming one ofthe global leaders in this very specialised field. Licence- Westland Sea King 1958). Both these helicopter types were highly successful, ‘and were bult at Westland’s Yeowil factory n a variety of versions and served with the Royal Navy and RAF plus Important export customers. In particular, it was the deal to bulla the $-55 that put Westlang fon the road to helicopter pre- feminence; the Whirlwind was very successful and the company honed the original design to produce versions especially suited to Britain's needs. Following on trom this landmark programme, the Wessex proved to be a similarly excellent helicopter type for Britain's military and for export to vatious friendly countries, Nevertheless, successful though the Wessex proved, its shortcomings particularly for the Royal Navy as an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) platform were becoming apparent curing the 1960s. In particular it cia ot include the necessary endurance when loaded with ASW ordnance to combat the very real threat of Soviet submarines, ‘Although Westland had @ umber of potential helicopter programmes of ts own in Concept or on the drawing board, the most obvious route for a potential Wessex replacement was to continue the fruitful relationship with Sikorsky for future developments, construction rights were gained Several Sea Kings were use fr test, rls and evaluation wor, inching 78507 ~» purpose-built CA derivative In late 1946 to manufacture the called a McK, bilea to th Roysl Aeraf Establishment at RAE Fenborough Key Colston Airfix Model World § IN FOCUS eet eee) Rikers betheterrelin) cert ene tried meron soto Licence agreement plus twas manufactured under helicopter began in earnest During the ater haf ofthe licence in Japan and tay in 1959 and led oa series of 1950s Sikorsky nad responded ROYAL NAVY With the view of upgrading arrangements linked tthe to.US Navy (USN) requirements SEA KING UNITS pritain’s anti-suemarine drive for a Wessex replacement, by developing a new al 7008, 708,707,737,7,e10, _cenAbilly, licence agreement culminating inthe mlg-1960s, By weather amphibious helicopter gre grea, aaa eaeene, was eventualy concluded this point, Westland Arraft hag specifically for ASW dutis."& gan aag B48.048,as4.se7 between Westland and Sikorsky appropriately been re-named was a powerful design that was Naval ArSquadronspuathe to Dull the S-61 design and Westland Helicopters the able to combine the roles of@ MS Gannet SAR ght to develop itfor ished. change having taken place early submarine hunter and len This close ink withthe new in the decade} fone airframe, which had hitherto normally been undertaken by two separate helicopters due to lack of space and inadequate tengine power. The new design was allocated the company designation 5-61, which also covered potential civilian off- shoots, and the prototype first flew in March 1959, Assigned the name Sea king, the type entered service with the US Navy in 1961 as the HSS- 2. A subsequent change in the 7 bul by Sikorsky at Stratford, and, after being transported _the British miltary serial Connecticut and shipped to fromthe US in October 1966, _ number XV370. The other three Britain to act as trials and twas reassembled and flown _US-supplied Sea Kings were patter aircraft Retaining the from the dockside at Avonmouth delivered from the docks in US designation SH-3D, the first to Westlanc's Yeowil factory _kt form by road to Yeovil, for \was intaly fitted with General afield, twas civi-registered completion with British systems, Elect T-58 turboshatt engines as G-ATYU before receiving _and Bristol Siddeley later ‘Altfx Model World 7 IN FOCUS ‘One of many dramatic mages ftom the 1962 Faliands Ws sea king HEA easate HS Phmouth le which had boon atocked by Argentine TAI Daggers on June 8, 982.0 Navy Rolls-Royce) Gnome turboshaft ult helicopter, designated Sea while subsequent production _summer 1969 onwards. The fengines, This powerplant was King HAS (XV642, flew during Sea Kings were delivered to frst frontline unt was 824 NAS Itself derived from the General May 1969 at Yeovil.Some of the Royal Navy's Intensive which reformed at Royal Naval Electric T-58 unt. the intial examples were used Flying Trials Unit, 7005 Neval__Alr Station (RNAS) Culdrose, The first actual Westland fortials and evaluation work, Air Squadron (NAS) from Cornwall during February 1970. Sea King HAS.ts were duly used by at least three frontline (800-series) FAA squadrons (see accompanying panel fora listing ‘of Royal Navy Sea King units} and represented a considerable step forward in operational ship:borne ASW capability Crucially, the type was a truly “amphibious all-weather hunter killer design, with a watertight hullituselage and retractable main undercarriage at the core ofits construction, Power was. provided by two early Gnome H.1400-series turboshatts of some 1,500shp each end the main rotor diameter was 62ft The HAS. was equipped with ‘AW.391 Blue Orchid search radat and Plessey Type 195-series visible. This was added to the “There are also two cabin roofand mated with the let full sets of main hand fuselage, with the right-nand rotor blades” half added after the exhaust vent atthe ear of the engine nacelle ‘Again, the ft was excellent, with ‘the added advantage that al seams currently visible would be hidden under other components {eparttrom a short section of he tall. The underside has @ moulded hole fr the dunking sonar ant ‘his is left open for the ‘ASW variants, but forthe HUSs its closed using a blanking plate art 19), which is slightly proud ofthe surcouncing surface Having repositioned the exhausts they were inserted the ‘wrong way around Ina) the restofthe fuselage and engine nacelle was, attached. Perhaps Unsurprisingly this ‘was the only external area that needed filler, as the area surrounding the exhausts was accidentally bent while repositioning the nozzles. When adding the intakes, remember to paint the fan blades no colour is mentioned, so! defaulted to 71072 Gun — a5 i's otherwise afieult once they ate attached to the fuselage. The rest ofthe exterior was then added. Note, a separate spine is included foreach radome, but both need a circular raised section removing. A testi ofthe domed HAS! unit revealed a small gap at the seam, ‘caused by a raised section of styrene on the mating surface, “This was resolved by a quick scrape with a scalpel. Regardless ‘of which radome is used, a handy hint for alignment is to look for ‘wo closely spaced ‘bumps’ on ‘6 suffered trom a smal gap at the font Close inspection ofthe ‘mounting rng revealed a smal ridge of styrene incited that must be removed fora beter 20 Altix Model World Westland Sea King HU.5 ‘thetabon partCi taken the opportunity tomaximise proceeded smoothly, but when ‘are squared (see photo), __detall with a more modular attaching the rear bulkhead (Parts ctherwise they bul against approach. tithe ofthe parts £23 and E34) total respecte thelipon the outer cover Part 50 or wes anything to goby tis undercarroge by rots Parts C5} resuting nan unsightly gap. wouk! not present en sue 2 E38 and E39), the locating hole promise duly proven. Airihas may need widening sight 9s Sturdy sponsons made mistke withthe stud tert otherwise very tight. opposte When choosing the 77INAS __wingaltachmento the fuselage, was found Ua just seraping the sides machine,one os atractions was with two large rectangular pins ‘to’ when viewed looking into these thatthe Undercarage sponsons on each sie that are more than the undercarriage bay was more should ce ‘and sub wings were essemaly capable ofbearing the fished than enough. fora and Coverall ed. This meant they could modes weight When adding the underside ight straddle the spine be kept off unt final assembly Amikof standard and so-called on the starboard spenson, one ‘Another choice the modeler even bette, the walkway areas “undergates were noted among way of ensuring proper alignment needs to make iswhetnerthe were indecalform, making this the pats, withthe later used ofthe recessed frame sto apaly siritakes have aboxtiter or task even more stsightforward. where there s risk of demeging smell amounts of cement told the simpler arcing assembly. Most Sea King ktshave the —_thesurface deta athough mare inthe opening. The sponson ‘Anoteon the ater beter sponsons a elatiely simple —_crethanusualis needed to dy halfis ten paced onthe cutting ‘Mis acheveditthe comers of subassembles, but Afichas _themating surfaces. Assembly mat and the frame pressed wth ‘Nos the cock ste ‘lating wes masked Sea King kts combine ‘these withthe main of alignment ‘ot Ais ports ‘was super. ‘ter sanding the glue ‘oozes caused when attaching the Bost hl tho uncorige was Weated with ANINO.MIGs A Stand Groy Prior & Micrfilrbetorerecehing Is topcoat of C335 Meclum Sea Grey. ‘Altix Model World 24 | EXCLUSIVE BUILD “VThe rear bulkhead on each Before attaching the undercariage bay was @ very tight ‘masked windscreen, fi so the opening in the root section {he upper console was enlargea sighty by Scraping ‘as pointed an ‘with sharp ie ‘etal using Feference photos as guide. The stipes conto yellow ‘wth an 0.95mm ‘raughteman's pen ‘Another potential |The underside was masked, eter which the fuselage sides were primed ‘gotcha inthe and alrrushed wity C235 Medium Sea Grey, ensuring thatthe cockpit assembly sequence frames and upper airfame were also covered. pasted without neatly between = the sce glazing and fseloge testament to Bias ‘cellent design and engineering, ‘The Fomor were sprayed wath back to represent be interior lout ‘pair tweezers untilitis touching other kit But when twas realised issues on the recessed griles ~The blades were aibrushed the mat,Leavefora fewminutes thatthe bay ndlegs were all by upping the top section _—_with 71.057 Black, as wes fandthen addmore cementto the same colour, twas decided separately, while the hinge the hub inaly (ro colour is strengthen the join. voiding _—the best approach would be to (Part B22)actsasabuikheed, _spectfed inthe instructions) ‘getting ary on the light ens assemble everything butthe preventing any bowing ofthe __butreference photos show I's Is so worth cutting actcular wheels. As the sponsons would sides -thiswes attached before actualy the same shade as the mask athis stage and adding tbe srbrushed, the undercariage the stablser and rotor hub. The main rotor unt RAF Blue Grey before the sponson halves are bays were lft untreated atihis_rotarylargess doesnt BSC 3BIC 633. Rotors were Joined. The only tricky parton the stage. itbeing easier to mask Afi includes two sets of tai duly masked and the central sponsonsis the nosecop, unlit end spray the Medium Seo Grey roto: the ivebladed type of the portion airbrushed wth 77 Novy was realised that attaching a piece sections after the overallred had HAS and the six-bladed version Blue. Aditionally, there are red OfBlu Tack tothe front and using been applied employed on allsubsequent _‘uffs atthe base of eech blade: {2 cocktall stick to position the cap Westland Sea Kings. While this these received 174 Signal Red. was much easier than trying to use Whirling blades does mean more spares, italso Once dry the tall rotor was gloss either fingers or tweezers Tall unt assembly was simple, but allows the modeller to build an __vamnished in readiness forthe tip When it came tothe note thatthe runner attachments HAS.2 s these had the early type decals, which were easy to apply undercarriage, the inital onthese are ofthe undergate of mainrotorblades withthe six- and setied wel, requiring touch- temptation waste bulléitas ary type. Aiixhas avoided ary seam — bladed tall unt. Ups atthe ends. ‘recessed lights te in the right hand sponson underside. As the wal” neds tobe along the centcine a hanay tip so tack the ign imtoplace land then press down onto the cuting rat with tweezers unt fin contact “The sponson nose capi shaped such that’ ficult pick up and postion easly with ners, so a quick ix sto attach Blu Tack to @ oeKtal sik and use that fo place the cap. 22 Airfix Model World Westland Sea King HU.5 “With three variants has provided an abundance of seats” Folded fun ‘The main rotor hub isa superb piece of engineering, which strikes the right balance between ‘capturing the appearance correctly, but without making ithugelycomplex.Parts clean- 10, rand3}—withthelatter both the early design (Parts D7) placement sheets, with Airfix Lup was more involved due to selected forthis bulla, although with squared roots and tips and suggesting Humbrol 77 Navy the large number of runner the remaining parts are common, the ter version (Parts DB) with Blue asa close match, so this attachment points Patience iskey so unfortunately you can'tbuld tapered roots and tps. These was duly luted and airbrushed. and time taken atthis stage pays two and swap them depending correspond tothe HAS! (Markings Note that modellers preferring a lofflate asthe rotor hub even on dsplaylstorage constraints. Option A) and HAS SIHUS closer match wil ind Colourcoats without cabiing embelishments) Smallsinicholes were notedion (Options 8, Cand) respectively, ACRNI9 RAF Blue-Grey (www. ismore convincing without al the olded unit, so these were so make sure you use the correct ideal ~ those seam tines. Two separate filed with Mr. White Putty (www. parts. Colour guidance forthe typically this only came to light as heads are supplied: one for and sanded main rotor hubs isnt included inthe build was finished. ‘norma’ blades (Part D12) and There arealsotwo fullsets of the assembly stages. Instead, this The main hubs quite complex, the other forfolded units (Parts __mainrotorblades, catering for is onthe separate paint/decal_ with contrlrods (Pats D2) that ‘Applying re can be vicky, but one ‘tho is to mst white asa bare layer betere applying te topcoat, in this ease 174 Signal Red. glint ‘Airc adopted a multi-part approach forthe spensons to aow or mute variants but iso to repiate the uneven Surfaces ofthe tlie tems. ‘Atfix Model World 23 EXCLUSIVE BUILD Ais undercarriage ieexcelent, wth tnd te-down hoops wile the maine legs bereft om Bprtening holes “ Final assembly began by attaching {he sponsors, rescue winch and ant reing she romining parte at hs ‘tage were the main an ta rotors, “neoreamage and the ghthand this being dluted heavily to ensure working from backtofronton Long live the (Sea) _superbengineering—navig ust itwasrit too overpowering. First, eachside. After approximately King — huzzah! a shor section ofthe useage theotswere squeezedontoa tenminutes, ny excess was Afterall hese years wih just witha seam thet needs checking piece of cardboard and eft for the removed with kitchen towel. Final Hasegawa'skit being avaiable ins bilint ~ one thing is certain: linseed to be absorbed (his helps assembly brought he disparate 48 scale, Afics new-tooled Sea Alrfx’s kit is mast certainly the the paintto dry more quick), sub-units together, ater which King surpasses itn every way. The new king on the throne. Intaly, before being mixed and then _ final touch-ups and remedial, tall is more refined, there fs! had considered recommending uted with white spit Sections. painting was carried out, bringing fllintrior and, above al i's great this kt for more experienced ‘were then treated with the wash, this enjoyable bud to a.close. value, When coupledwith the modells, but after finishing i, this is suitable for anyone who's gota couple of builds under their Dott andis au fait with tidying runner attachment gates, such is the ft and ease of construction. With aftermarket decals sure to be issued, the danger facing Sea King fans is that one may not be enough! Airfix Model World 27 PHOTO FOCUS Navy Search and Rescue Up Close d\: The Sea King may have left Royal Navy service but this selection of photos by Chris Clifford and Mike Grzebien, taken at the Waddington Air Show in 2013 should provide eases Rea ares plenty of inspiration for modellers Se aes Wm a ¢ This ne side view highlights one isve that challange modellers that of The main undercarriage retract into sponsons on each side, wth 9 the cockpit sce window frames, which could be eithr Medium Sea Grey or Grightstar fared semch and landing light mounted under the righthand ‘Cherry Red, Note also the staining onthe fuselage sides aft ofthe exhaust. stub wing, Squadron Sea King HU.S XV673/27 makes for an eyecatchi song the shows static Westland Sea King HU.S showing the interior fabrictype seating and grabsall and protecive covering ‘merken ‘A.A. closeup of the tale, showing its simple castorwheel configuration; A While the HU.S operated inthe Search-and- Rescue (SAR) role stil has the immediatly nt dumping vent an above that ain ire systems but no equipment) for on ECM sens Altix Model World 29 PHOTO FOCUS Some Sea kings ws The rotor head is 2 mass of pipework for ‘te blade colours extond to the hub’ bot Suogestng the hub colour cavers the Blade Side ofthe fuselage. — above the enbin and atacing to @ mast onthe spon 30 Airfix Model World

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