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Thrall Of Orcus/Otherworldly Patrong

he thrall of Orcus has devoted herself to the starting at 14th level, once per day you are able to make a
demon prince of undeath. In his service, she melee attack on a living creature. If the creature you choose
becomes a tool of misery, murder, and revenge. has 100 hit points or fewer, it must make a Constitution
She revels in the company of the undead, saving throw if the target fails there saving throw it dies.
preferring their decaying touch to that of living Otherwise, it has no effect.
flesh.Thralls of Orcus often work in small
groups. These cabals of necromancers and
necrophiliacs consort with undead creatures and demons to
form small cells of depraved evil hidden amid bustling cities
and quiet villages. Thralls of Orcus hate and war against the
thralls of Demogorgon and Graz’zt
Expanding spell list
Orcus lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when
you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you.
Expanding spell list
spell level Spells
1st Inflict Wounds, Ray of Sickness
2nd Blindness/Defness,Phantasmal Force
3rd Animate Dead,Bestow Curse
4th Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound,Locate Creature
5th Raise Dead, Contagion

Carrion Stench
starting 1st level,you emits a terrible smell in a 10-foot radius.
Living creatures in the radius (excluding the thrall) must
succeed at a Constitution save (DC 8 + your proficiency
bounus + Con modifier) or take a –2 penalty on all attack
rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and
ability checks Furthermore, mindless undead creatures
within the radius of the stench believe the thrall of Orcus to
be undead.
Demon Wings
starting at 6th level, Once per day,you can bring forth massive
black wings from your back. These wings allow the thrall to
fly at your current speed. You can create these wings as a
bonus action on your turn.The demon wings last for up to 1
hour. At 14th level, the thrall can use his demon wings at will,
and they last as long as needed
Pallor of Death
Beggining at 10th level, Your flesh becomes corrupt and dead
as your body transforms into that of a undead figer. You
become immune to poison, paralysis, stun, disease. You also
gain advantage on Charisma skills when speaking to undead.
You can apear normal as a bonus action by take 3d8 necrotic
damage, or no damage if you make a successful Constitution
saving throw.
Death Touch

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