SolidWorks Model Document.

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Category Command Shortcut(s)

File New.. Ctrl+N

File Open.. Ctrl+O
File Close.. Ctrl+W
File Make Drawing from Assembly..
File Make Assembly from Assembly..
File Save.. Ctrl+S
File Save As..
File Save All..
File Derive Component Part..
File Reload.. F12
File Replace..
File Find References..
File Page Setup..
File Print Preview..
File Print..
File 3D Printing
File Local Driver..
File Pack and Go..
File Send To..
File Properties.. Ctrl+F2
File Recent File..
File Browse Recent Documents..
File Exit.. Ctrl+E
Edit Undo.. Ctrl+Z
Edit Redo.. Ctrl+Y
Edit Repeat Last Command.. SpaceBar
Edit Cut..
Edit Copy.. Ctrl+C
Edit Paste.. Ctrl+V
Edit Delete.. Delete
Edit Copy to Adobe Illustrator..
Edit Rebuild.. Ctrl+B
Edit Rollback..
Edit Roll to Previous..
Edit Roll to End..
Edit Hide
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Show
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Show with Dependents
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Component Display
Edit Wireframe
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Hidden Lines Visible
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Hidden Lines Removed
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Shaded With Edges
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
20/11/2008 09:01:21
Edit Shaded 1/9
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Category Command Shortcut(s)
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Default Display
Edit Current Display State..
Edit All Display States..
Edit Specified Display States..
Edit Lightweight..
Edit Resolve..
Edit Suppress
Edit This Configuration..
Edit All Configurations..
Edit Specified Configurations..
Edit Unsuppress
Edit This Configuration..
Edit All Configurations..
Edit Specified Configurations..
Edit Unsuppress with Dependents
Edit This Configuration..
Edit All Configurations..
Edit Specified Configurations..
Edit Part.. Alt+E
Edit Sketch.. Alt+S
Edit Sketch Plane.. Ctrl+Alt+P
Edit Dissolve Assembly..
Edit Design Table
Edit Edit Table..
Edit Edit Table in New Window..
Edit Object
Edit Display Content..
Edit Display as Icon..
Edit Reset Size..
Edit Definition..
Edit Appearance
Edit Color..
Edit Texture..
Edit Material..
Edit RV Appearance..
Edit Properties.. Ctrl+F1
View Redraw..
View Screen Capture
View Image Capture..
View Record Video..
View Stop Video Record..
View Display
View Wireframe..
View Hidden Lines Visible..
View Hidden Lines Removed..
View Shaded With Edges..
View Shaded..
View Draft Quality HLR/HLV..
View Shadows In Shaded Mode..
View Use Component Color In HLR/HLV..
View Perspective..
View Section View..
View Camera View..
View Curvature..
View Zebra Stripes..
View RealView Graphics..
View Optimize Zoom/Pan/Rotate..
View Tangent Edges Visible..
View Tangent Edges As Phantom..
View Tangent Edges Removed..
View Picture..
View Isolate..
View Modify
20/11/2008 09:01:21Orientation..
View Enter 2/9
View Zoom to Fit.. F
View Zoom to Area.. Z
Category Command Shortcut(s)
View Zoom In/Out..
View Zoom to Selection.. Alt+Z
View Rotate..
View Pan..
View Roll..
View Turn Camera..
View Undo View Change.. U
View Zoom About Screen Center..
View Perspective..
View Section View..
View Zebra Stripe Properties..
View Picture
View Delete..
View Replace..
View Lights and Cameras
View Add Directional Light..
View Add Point Light..
View Add Spot Light..
View Add Camera..
View Properties
View Light1..
View Delete
View Light1..
View FeatureManager Tree
View By Features..
View By Dependencies..
View Hide All Types..
View Planes..
View Axes..
View Temporary Axes..
View Origins..
View Coordinate Systems..
View Curves..
View Sketches..
View 3DSketch
View Sketch Planes..
View Dimensions..
View Grid..
View All Annotations..
View Points..
View Routing Points..
View Lights..
View Cameras..
View Sketch Relations..
View Annotation Link Errors..
View Annotation Link Variables..
View Hide / Show Bodies..
View Appearance Callouts..
View Toolbars
View CommandManager..
View 2D to 3D..
View Align..
View Annotation..
View Assembly..
View Blocks..
View Curves..
View Dimensions/Relations..
View DimXpert..
View Display States..
View Drawing..
View Explode Sketch..
View Fastening Feature..
View Features..
View Formatting..
20/11/2008 09:01:21Layer..
View 3/9
View Layout Tools..
View Line Format..
Category Command Shortcut(s)
View Macro..
View Mold Tools..
View MotionManager..
View Quick Snaps.. F3
View Reference Geometry..
View Screen Capture..
View Selection Filter..
View Sheet Metal..
View Sketch..
View SolidWorks Office..
View Spline Tools..
View Standard..
View Standard Views..
View Surfaces..
View Table..
View Tools..
View View..
View Web..
View Weldments..
View Customize..
View Full Screen.. F11
View FeatureManager Tree Area.. F9
View Toolbars.. F10
View Task Pane..
View MotionManager..
View Status Bar..
Insert Component
Insert Existing Part/Assembly.. Ctrl+X
Insert New Part.. Ctrl+P
Insert New Assembly.. Ctrl+A
Insert Insert Part from Block..
Insert Assembly from [Selected] Components
Insert Copy with Mates..
Insert Mate.. Ctrl+M
Insert Component Pattern
Insert Linear Pattern.. Ctrl+L
Insert Circular Pattern..
Insert Feature Driven..
Insert Mirror Components.. Ctrl+Alt+M
Insert Smart Fasteners..
Insert Smart Features..
Insert Envelope
Insert New..
Insert From File..
Insert Exploded View..
Insert New Motion Study..
Insert Assembly Feature
Insert Cut
Insert Extrude..
Insert Revolve..
Insert Hole
Insert Simple..
Insert Wizard..
Insert Hole Series..
Insert Linear Pattern..
Insert Circular Pattern..
Insert Table Driven Pattern..
Insert Sketch Driven Pattern..
Insert Belt/Chain..
Insert Weld Bead..
Insert Load Reference..
Insert Reference Geometry
Insert Plane.. Shift+P
Insert Axis..
20/11/2008 09:01:21Coordinate System..
Insert 4/9
Insert Point..
Insert Mate Reference..
Category Command Shortcut(s)
Insert Curve Through Reference Points..
Insert Curve Through XYZ Points..
Insert Sketch.. Num 1
Insert 3D Sketch.. Num 2
Insert Layout..
Insert 3D Sketch On Plane..
Insert Derived Sketch..
Insert Sketch From Drawing..
Insert Explode Line Sketch..
Insert Annotations
Insert Note.. N
Insert Balloon.. B
Insert Stacked Balloon.. Alt+B
Insert Surface Finish Symbol..
Insert Weld Symbol.. W
Insert Geometric Tolerance..
Insert Datum Feature Symbol..
Insert Datum Target..
Insert Cosmetic Thread..
Insert Area Hatch/Fill ..
Insert Design Table..
Insert Object..
Insert Hyperlink..
Insert Picture..
Tools DrawCompare..
Tools SolidWorks Explorer..
Tools DriveWorksXpress..
Tools COSMOSXpress..
Tools COSMOSFloXpress..
Tools Select..
Tools Component Selection
Tools Volume Select..
Tools Select Suppressed..
Tools Select Hidden..
Tools Select Mated To..
Tools Select Internal Components..
Tools Advanced Select..
Tools Invert Selection.. Num 0
Tools Component
Tools Rotate ..
Tools Move..
Tools Sketch Entities
Tools Line.. L
Tools Rectangle.. R
Tools Center Rectangle..
Tools 3 Point Corner Rectangle..
Tools 3 Point Center Rectangle..
Tools Parallelogram..
Tools Polygon..
Tools Route Line..
Tools Belt/Chain..
Tools Circle.. C
Tools Perimeter Circle..
Tools Centerpoint Arc..
Tools Tangent Arc..
Tools 3 Point Arc.. Alt+A
Tools Ellipse..
Tools Partial Ellipse..
Tools Parabola..
Tools Spline.. Alt+L
Tools Spline on Surface..
Tools Point.. P
Tools Centerline..
Tools Text..
20/11/2008 09:01:21Plane..
Tools 5/9
Tools Sketch Tools
Tools Fillet.. Alt+F
Category Command Shortcut(s)
Tools Chamfer.. Alt+H
Tools Offset Entities.. O
Tools Convert Entities.. Alt+X
Tools Intersection Curve..
Tools Face Curves..
Tools Trim.. T
Tools Extend.. E
Tools Split Entities..
Tools Jog Line..
Tools Construction Geometry.. G
Tools Make Path..
Tools Mirror.. M
Tools Dynamic Mirror..
Tools Move..
Tools Rotate..
Tools Scale..
Tools Copy..
Tools Linear Pattern..
Tools Circular Pattern..
Tools Edit Linear Pattern..
Tools Edit Circular Pattern..
Tools Edit Polygon..
Tools Create Sketch from Selections..
Tools Repair Sketch..
Tools SketchXpert..
Tools Align
Tools Sketch..
Tools Align Grid/Origin..
Tools Modify..
Tools Close Sketch to Model..
Tools Check Sketch for Feature..
Tools 2D to 3D
Tools Front..
Tools Top..
Tools Right..
Tools Bottom..
Tools Left..
Tools Back..
Tools Auxiliary..
Tools Extrude..
Tools Cut..
Tools Sketch Picture..
Tools Area Hatch/Fill ..
Tools Sketch Settings
Tools Automatic Relations..
Tools Automatic Solve..
Tools Enable Snapping..
Tools No Solve Move..
Tools Detach Segment on Drag..
Tools Override Dims on Drag/Move..
Tools Blocks
Tools Make..
Tools Edit ..
Tools Insert....
Tools Add/Remove Entities..
Tools Rebuild..
Tools Save..
Tools Explode..
Tools Spline Tools
Tools Add Tangency Control..
Tools Add Curvature Control..
Tools Insert Spline Point..
Tools Simplify Spline..
Tools Fit Spline..
20/11/2008 09:01:21Show Spline Handles..
Tools 6/9
Tools Show Spline Control Polygon..
Tools Show Inflection Points..
Category Command Shortcut(s)
Tools Show Minimum Radius of Curvature..
Tools Show Curvature..
Tools Dimensions
Tools Smart.. S
Tools Horizontal.. H
Tools Vertical.. V
Tools Ordinate..
Tools Horizontal Ordinate..
Tools Vertical Ordinate..
Tools Align Ordinate..
Tools Fully Define Sketch..
Tools Relations
Tools Add..
Tools Display/Delete..
Tools Quick Snaps
Tools Points..
Tools Center Points..
Tools Mid-points..
Tools Quadrant Points..
Tools Intersections..
Tools Nearest..
Tools Tangent..
Tools Perpendicular..
Tools Parallel..
Tools Horizontal/Vertical..
Tools H/V To Points..
Tools Length..
Tools Grid..
Tools Angle..
Tools DimXpert
Tools Auto Dimension Scheme..
Tools Location Dimension..
Tools Size Dimension..
Tools Datum..
Tools Geometric Tolerance..
Tools Pattern Feature..
Tools Show Tolerance Status..
Tools Copy Schema..
Tools Delete All Tolerances..
Tools TolAnalyst Study..
Tools Measure.. D
Tools Mass Properties..
Tools Section Properties..
Tools Check..
Tools AssemblyXpert..
Tools MateXpert..
Tools Interference Detection..
Tools Hole Alignment..
Tools Reorganize Components..
Tools Equations..
Tools Draft Analysis..
Tools Undercut Detection..
Tools Import Diagnostics..
Tools Deviation Analysis..
Tools Large Assembly Mode..
Tools Make Smart Component..
Tools Macro
Tools Edit..
Tools New..
Tools Record..
Tools Run..
Tools Stop..
Tools Add-Ins..
Tools Customize..
20/11/2008 09:01:21Options..
Tools 7/9
Window Viewport
Window Single View..
Category Command Shortcut(s)
Window Two View - Horizontal..
Window Two View - Vertical..
Window Four View..
Window Link Views..
Window New Window..
Window Cascade..
Window Tile Horizontally..
Window Tile Vertically..
Window Arrange Icons..
Window Close All..
Window Browse Open Documents..
Help SolidWorks Help..
Help SolidWorks Tutorials..
Help Quick Reference Guide..
Help API Help..
Help Release Notes..
Help What's New..
Help Interactive What's New..
Help Quick Tips..
Help Moving from AutoCAD..
Help Check for Updates..
Help SolidNetWork License Administrator..
Help About SolidWorks..
Others Front Ctrl+1
Others Back Ctrl+2
Others Left Ctrl+3
Others Right Ctrl+4
Others Top Ctrl+5
Others Bottom Ctrl+6
Others Isometric Ctrl+7
Others Normal To Ctrl+8
Others Command option toggle A
Others Expand/Collapse Tree Num 5
Others Collapse all Items. Num 4
Others Filter Edges Num 8
Others Find/Replace Ctrl+F
Others Force regen the top level assembly. Ctrl+Q
Others Shortcut Bar
Others Filter Vertices Num 7
Others Toggle Selection Filter Toolbar F5
Others Toggle Selection Filters F6
Others Filter Faces Num 9
Others Zoom Out
Others Zoom In
Others Spell Checker
Others Make Horizontal
Others Make Vertical
Others Make Collinear
Others Make Coradial
Others Make Perpendicular
Others Make Parallel
Others Make Tangent
Others Make Concentric
Others Make Midpoint
Others Make Intersection
Others Make Coincident
Others Make Equal
Others Make Symmetric
Others Make Fixed
Others Make Pierce
Others Make Tangent Face
Others Merge Points
Others Make Normal
Others Make Parallel to YZ plane
20/11/2008 09:01:21Make Parallel to ZX plane
Others 8/9
Others Adds equal curvature to the common e
Others Adds equal tangent to the common en
Category Command Shortcut(s)
Others Make AlongZ
Others Show Triad Manipulator
Others Instant3D
Others Parent/Child...
Others Trimetric
Others Dimetric

20/11/2008 09:01:21 9/9

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