Phonics Work # 1

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University Of

Regional University Centre of Veraguas

Humanities Faculty

bachelor's degree in English


Module # 1 language and the speech mechanism


Phonetics (Pronunciation)


Layda Nuñez


Krisly Elizabeth De Gracia Cisneros 9-766-1517

María Victoria Moreno Hernández 9-768-1769

delivery date

15 April 2024

First semester of 2024

Academic Year

Definition of the

What is languaje
Language is a complex and versatile communication system that
forms an essential part of the human experience and enables people
to express ideas, emotions, thoughts and concepts effectively and

Intrumental: use lenguaje to express a need

Regulatory: Use lenguaje to direct other people
Interactional: Uses lenguaje to make contact and from
Personal: Use languaje to express feelings
Heuristic: Use languaje to again knowledge about the enviroment
Imaginative: Use languaje to tel stories or jokes, créate an
emaginary world
Representational: Use lenguaje to convey facts or Information

Communication is the transmission of information, ideas, thoughts or
feelings between two or more people. It can be achieved through verbal
language, gestures, facial expressions and writing, among other means.
Effective communication is fundamental to human interaction as it enables
the sharing of knowledge, emotions and experiences. It is a two-way
process that involves both sending and receiving messages to establish a
connection between individuals.
Phonetics is the branch of linguistics that analyses the production,
transmission and perception of sounds. It focuses on phonemes, the basic
units of pronunciation in a language. Phonetics is a fundamental tool for
linguists to understand the articulation of sounds, the speech organs
involved in their production and their combination into words and
sentences. This allows you to learn how to pronounce sounds in different
languages and to explain them accurately.

Occlusive consonants such as /p/ in Semivowels like /j/ in "yes".

Open vowels like /a/ in "pat".
"father". Semivowels like /w/ in "we".
Fricative consonants such as /f/ in
Mid vowels like /e/ in "cama". "fine".

Closed vowels like /i/ in "see". Nasal consonants such as /n/ in "no".

Back vowels as /o/ in "go". Liquid consonants such as /r/ in

Speech Mechanism
La producción de sonidos a través de las distintas estructuras del tracto
vocal es un proceso complejo en el que interviene el mecanismo del habla.

The speech process begins with breathing.

Air is inhaled through the nose or mouth and
then exhaled to produce sounds.

In phonation, exhaled air passes through the

vocal cords in the larynx. The vocal cords
vibrate as air passes through them, creating
basic sounds.

After phonation, sounding air is directed into

the resonance cavities in the mouth and nose.
The tongue, lips, palate, pharynx and other
articulatory organs move and position
themselves in specific ways to modify the basic
sounds and produce different phonemes.
Phonetics refers to the study of how speech
sounds are produced, transmitted and
It involves the classification and description of
sounds, as well as their transcription and
acoustic analysis.

Speech involves not only the production of

sounds, but also the ability to hear and
understand those sounds.
Auditory perception is crucial for effective
communication and the interpretation of
spoken language.
Language is a complex system that enables communication
through words, gestures and symbols and facilitates the
expression of thoughts and feelings.
The mechanism of language is our physical ability to express
sounds and words in a way that others can understand.
Both language and language mechanisms are important for
effective communication. Language provides structure and
meaning to words, and language mechanics enable us to
pronounce words clearly and accurately to convey messages

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Equipo editorial, Etecé. (2021, 5 agosto). Lenguaje - Concepto, funciones, características, tipos y
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Tai Wyban. (2014, 2 octubre). Functions of Language [Vídeo]. YouTube.

Basas, J. (2022, 2 enero). SPEECH MECHANISM & PRODUCTION - Jerwin Basas - Medium. Medium.

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