Meen 210 Report

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MEEN 210 - 501
Dr. Yasser Al Hamidi

Team Members:
Adnan Saleh (Team Manager)
Sami Diab
Karim Youssef
Saif Al Mohannadi
Abdullah Al Marri

Texas A&M University at Qatar

Division of Arts and Sciences

Table of Contents:

1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………….3

2. Opportunity Identification……………………………………………………………………...4-5
2.1. Innovation Charter
2.2. Gathered ideas with their horizon classification.
2.3. Innovation Tournament with clear explanation about different filtration stages.

3. Customer Needs Identification…………………………………………………………………5-6

3.1. Raw data gathered for customer needs.
3.2. Need statements with their importance ranking.
3.3. Performance metrics and their units.

4. Product Target Specifications……………………………………………………………..6-7-8-9

4.1. Identify a list of metrics and measurement units that sufficiently address the needs.
4.2. Collect competitive benchmarking information.
4.3. Set ideal and marginally acceptable target values for each metric.

5. Concept Generation and Selection……………………………………………………….9-10-11

5.1. Concept Generation
5.2. Concept Selection

6. CAD Design………………………………………………………………………………12-13-14
6.1. Pictures of the individual parts of the CAD model.
6.2. Pictures of the assembly.

7. Reflection……………………………………………………………………………………..14-15

8. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………...15

9. Acknowledgments………………………………………………………………………………15

10. References……………………………………………………………………………………….16

1. Executive Summary:

Objective: The project's mission was to create a smart safe box that prioritizes security,
convenience, and peace of mind for customers. The team focused on designing a product that is
both innovative and practical, targeting homeowners, business owners, hotels, and banks.

Market Analysis and Competitive Edge: Our market research shows a clear shift towards digital
integration in security devices. Our safe box uniquely stands out with its mobile-controlled locking
mechanism, directly interfacing with an Arduino board for a seamless and secure user experience.
This key feature, leveraging the convenience of smartphone technology, positions our product as a
leader in the smart security market.

Design and Features:

 The safe box is designed to be interactive, utilizing a mobile software application for access
and notifications.
 Emphasis was placed on creating a physically robust product, resistant to tampering,
piercing, and environmental conditions.
 The locking mechanism relies on a motor and an Arduino board for enhanced security and
ease of maintenance.
 Despite the project's success, certain features like built-in shelves or extra hidden chambers,
and stabilizing functions were not included in the final design.

User Feedback Incorporation: Early user feedback was pivotal in refining our smart safe box
design. Insights emphasized security, ease of mobile app use, desire for integration with office
software, and straightforward, independent maintenance. This feedback steered our design to
prioritize these elements, ensuring the final product closely aligns with user expectations and
enhances satisfaction. This approach resulted in a safe box that not only secures valuables but also
offers a seamless and empowering user experience.

 Utilized SolidWorks for part creation and assembly.
 Conducted customer need analysis to determine the most important features, resulting in a
focus on security, a user-friendly mobile app, and easy maintenance.
 Evaluated various criteria like physical product requirements, interactive elements, and
market demand to finalize the product concept.

 Successfully designed a functioning safe box accessible through mobile software.
 Achieved a balance between security features and user convenience.
 Addressed primary customer needs while also recognizing areas for future improvement.

2. Opportunity Identification:

2.1 Innovation Charter:

The ideas behind our project come from the basic principles laid out in our Team Innovation Charter. Our
goal for the semester has been to give more information about how our team came up with the idea for
and made a unique product out of recycled materials.

The first thing we did was make sure that our ideas were in line with the Innovation Charter. This basic
document told us that our product had to meet the requirements of the mechanical engineering course.
This meant that we had to come up with a physical, non-software solution. Also, using recycled materials
was encouraged because the project would be better off when being both interactive and eco-friendly.

2.2 Gathered ideas:

During the ideation phase, we came up with 20 different ideas by working together in brainstorming
sessions. After that, we used a careful selection process that was made easier by three main filters.

2.3 Innovation Tournament:

Compliance with the Charter (Filter 1):

This filter made sure that the ideas we chose were in line with the Innovation Charter's principles. The
product had to be real, not software, interactive, and good for the environment, with a focus on using
recycled materials.

Need to Do It Soon (Filter 2):

To meet the deadline for the semester, this filter considered the complicated manufacturing process, the
lack of materials, and the limited available resources. The project's practical viability within the given
timeframe was confirmed by a thorough evaluation that included prototyping and testing.

Two-thirds of the criteria for CAD modeling (Filter 3) are met.

This filter focused on making a 3D model that was interesting, which made the design better. The model
had to be just the right amount of complicated and easy to understand to keep people interested and make
sure it could be used. We want the product to be in demand out in the market.

Figure 1: Innovation Tournament

After a very careful selection process, we came up with the idea for the Smart Locker. Customers,
businesses, and hotels are all looking for this new product, which meets a widespread need.

The Smart Locker is unique because of its complicated locking system and creatively made door. In
addition to being useful, the product is designed to meet the many different needs of a wide range of
customers, balancing functionality with good looks. This carefully thought-out solution fits perfectly with
our project goals and the principles spelled out in the Team Innovation Charter.

3. Customer Needs Identification:

3.1. Raw data gathered for customer needs:

In our recent discussions with potential users about smart locker solutions, we aimed to understand their
preferences through targeted questions. The feedback we gathered offers insights into their main priorities.
The most crucial feature identified was security, with 95% of respondents highlighting the need for strong
security features to protect their belongings.
There was a clear preference for ease of use among respondents, with 85% desiring a mobile app for
notifications and unlocking lockers with smartphones, highlighting a trend towards convenient digital
solutions. In terms of management, 90% preferred integrating smart lockers with office management
software for better security and control, anticipating benefits like improved access management.

Addressing the envisioned tasks and purposes for smart lockers, a notable emphasis on practicality
emerged. A substantial 80% of respondents underscored the importance of easy maintenance, expressing
the need to autonomously address issues without the necessity of relying on specialized teams. In summary,
the data-driven insights garnered from these responses highlight the paramount importance of security, the
convenience of mobile app interactions, a strong preference for seamless integration with office
management software, and an emphasis on easy and autonomous maintenance processes.

3.2. Need statements with their importance ranking:

Table 1: Table Showing Customer Needs Statement and their Importance Rankings.

3.3. Performance metrics and their units:

Table 2: Table Showing the Performance Metrics and their Units.

4. Product Target Specification:

Product specifications are a set of specifications and requirements that provide the managers of a certain
product the information they need to build a functional product. Product specifications, also known as specs,
contain many specs that each have a matric, unit, and value. During the product specifications process, the
initial stage of the product specifications of our safe box product-making process involves setting target
specifications. This critical step is based on understanding and aligning with customer needs, which were
gathered from family members and friends as well as the public, and industry benchmarks of similar
competitive products. It requires the development of specific measurements for each identified customer’s
needs. These measurements serve as a clear way to evaluate the safe box product's features. Furthermore,
for each measurement, we set ideal and marginal values, which play a critical role in providing a range
within which the product can be considered to meet our customer’s needs. This range allows for flexibility
in design and manufacturing while still ensuring that the product will satisfy the user.

Procedure for establishing target specifications:

4.1 Identify a list of metrics and measurement units that sufficiently address the needs:

Table 3 shows information regarding the metrics that are fulfilled by specific customer needs that were gathered by
multiple interviews with different people, as well as their importance and units.

Table 3: Table Containing the Metrics and Customer Needs Fulfilled by the Metrics.

Table 4 shows the relationship between the customer needs and the corresponding metric that fulfills them.
whenever a need and a metric are satisfied, an X is placed in the common cell between them. Moreover, there could
be multiple needs that are satisfied by the same metric, as evidenced by the above matrix.

Table 4: Matrix Showing the Relationship Between Customer Needs and the Metrics Fulfilling Those Needs.

4.2 Collect competitive benchmarking information:

Table 5 shows the table of benchmarks on customer needs, in which information about competitive product
benchmarks was collected and assigned values of how strongly these benchmarks meet with customer needs in terms
of X values, starting from X (lowest) to XXXXX (strongest), along the columns of the 4 benchmarks.

Table 5: Table Showing the Benchmarking of the Customer Needs.

Table 6 shows the table of benchmarks on metrics needs, in which information about competitive product
benchmarks were collected and assigned real values.
Table 6: Table Showing Real Benchmarking of Metric Values.

4.3 Set ideal and marginally acceptable target values for each metric:

Table 7 shows each metric with its marginally acceptable values that were found by taking the average of
each metric benchmark from Table 6 and pasting the result in the marginal value column using at most <,
at least >, and exact values. In addition, the ideal values correspond to the values that we aspire to achieve
as our optimal value of a metric.

Table 7: Table Showing the Marginal and Ideal Acceptable Values for Each Metric.

5. Concept Generation and Selection

5.1 Concept Generation:

As my partners and I have demonstrated about the customer needs, we must summarize and complete the
feedback of our customers' sayings. Nevertheless, by breaking down the system into a multiple of different
subsystems and processes explains what the created ideas are supposed to achieve. The system
decomposition diagram not only indicates the existence of a subsystem devoted to how the locking
mechanism works, including storing and applying force to activate the opening mechanism but additionally,
another subsystem is mainly concentrated on overseeing the expanding mechanism of the safe box.

Figure 2: System Decomposition Chart.

As shown above is the figure in which the steps were converged when building the Safe Box itself. This
builds up to what is called the Concept Generation and Concept Selection. In addition, prior to Figure
2, Figure 3 demonstrates the subsystems produced when deciding the possibilities invented to build our
Safe Box.

Figure 3: Concept Generation/Subsystems.

The figure above shows the whole concept of processing the Safe Box. Firstly, as shown by the colored
circles on the top left, it determines each box’s role. To begin with, the yellow circle known as the Smart
Locker or Safe Box. This shows the product my partners and I have decided to proceed with after observing
the Innovation Tournament and choosing the right prototype to build using SolidWorks. Sub functions.
Subfunctions generate a massive part in Concept Generation in order to know what parts were needed to
be surrounding the product. In preparation, we reached the final part of processing what to finalize with
Concept Generation.
1. Trigger Lock : The trigger lock signified an important role in this project, since it was the main
point of the locking mechanism, meaning it generated different ideas on how to deliberate the
dissociation before operation as presented showing two types of locks: Built-In-Motor and Rotating

2. Door Motion Control: When building a Safe Box, systems and mechanisms are taken into
consideration involving the movement or rotation of a Safe Box door. As provided above the forces
used when trying to open are a Door Handle and a Hand Space.

3. Locker Stabilization: In the context of building a Safe Box, locker stabilization simply means the
implementation of features and mechanisms to ensure the steadiness of the Safe Box. As provided
above, we thought of the Anti-Slip Pieces which stabilizes the Safe Box, or the other choice where
it’s anchored to the wall/floor to prevent sliding.

4. Lock technique: The lock technique states how the person using the Safe Box can manage the key
access to enable the Safe Box. For instance, as given, you can access it through a mobile software,
considering the mobile or a manual way using a pin lock or a key.

Concluding the Concept Generation, with its fragment solutions. They were the last step when building
the table of concept generation, so it is clear in what terms we were working on. As depicted, I have
precisely explained what each sub-function is provided with the examples we have settled with, furthermore
it leads to an endpoint on which part is set to be inducted.
5.2 Concept Selection:
The following stage is the Concept Selection. The main plot of this section is to conclude our final fragment
solution to form our product. As visualized, when connecting our sub-functions, we had to make sure that
it made sense to be connected to, since some parts may not add up all together based on the parts. It was a
matter of fact of my partners and I to ensure a smooth and operative construction at an individual level to
surpass our imagination. The upcoming chart shows the final decision made of the Concept Selection.

Figure 4: Concept Selection / Selected Combination

Below is the explanation for each of the chosen part:

1. Built-In Motor: The built-in motor was specifically designed to aid the operations ahead, such
when locking or unlocking the Safe Box. It also enables features to be associated with a remote
control providing extra precautions, since no manual effort will be needed when accompanied with
this part.

2. Hand Space: When deciding how to open a Safe Box, there are various ways. However, I have
decided to select the Hand Space such that it facilitates its ease of handling or positioning. It also
eases the fact of comfort and generally elevates the user’s overall experience approachability.

3. Anti-Slip Pieces: While building a Safe Box, one of the most important parts was stabilization. The
reason for that was to prevent any accidental movement or displacement of the safe. However, since
our Safe Box is a metal material, some friction plays a role in this situation contributing also to its
safety for minimal incidents.

4. Pin Lock & Emergency Key: This simply defines the fact that the Safe Box is secured with a PIN
number to unlock it. Additionally, an emergency lock is also to be taken into place for such
drawbacks that can withdraw it, for instance, forgetting the PIN code can be fixed with a key.
Overall, it substances a digital security and a backup mechanism for practicality and well-being.

6. CAD Design:

6.1. Pictures of the individual parts of the CAD model:

Below are the pictures of the individual designed parts of our safe box. Every individual part
contains a CAD model view and an Exploded View. The Exploded View is provided to give a
further demonstration of the part’s complexity.

Figure 4: CAD Model View of the Box. Figure 5: Exploded View of the Box.

Figure 6: CAD Model View of the Door. Figure 7: Exploded View of the Door.

Figure 8: CAD Model View of the Door Cover. Figure 9: Exploded View of the Door Cover.

Figure 10: CAD Model View of the Locking Piece. Figure 11: Exploded View of the Locking Piece.

Figure 12: CAD Model of the Rod. Figure 13: Exploded View of the Rod.

Figure 14-15: CAD Model View of the Final Assembly.

After finishing the CAD design and showing the final assembly pictures, we've hit a big step in our project.
Our designs are more than just drawings. They turn our ideas into a design that can actually be made. This
step is important. It shows that we understand engineering well, we care about what customers want, and
we're committed to making a safe and efficient safe box. These designs are the foundation for making our
safe box in real life.

7. Reflection:

Collaboration and Communication:

Our project team dynamics were characterized by a blend of diverse perspectives and skill sets. Effective
communication was key to our success, facilitating clear understanding and alignment of goals. We held
regular meetings and utilized digital collaboration tools like Zoom to ensure everyone was on the same
page. Despite the difference in our schedules, our commitment to having open dialogue helped us
navigate these challenges.
Challenges Faced:
One significant challenge we encountered was coordinating tasks among team members with varying
schedules. To address this, we established a flexible yet structured timetable. Additionally, technical
difficulties with some of our design software initially slowed our progress. Having each one of us develop
the part he was assigned all while using the right dimensions was very tough to overcome. We overcame
this by allocating extra time for training and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. These experiences taught us
the importance of adaptability and proactive problem-solving.
Skills Development:
Throughout this project, we honed our technical skills, particularly in SolidWorks designing. Project
management was another area of growth, where we worked all together to set a presentation that
showcase our product to our fellow classmates and professor. Teamwork skills were also enhanced, as we
learned the importance of trust and mutual respect in a team setting.

Overall Learning:
This project helped us learn more about how engineering works in real life. We saw how important it is to
keep improving our designs and to be ready for unexpected problems. We also learned how valuable it is
to have different ideas and views in our team. These lessons are important for our future as engineers. They
give us a wide range of skills and a practical way to solve problems.

8. Conclusion:
In this project, we successfully designed and developed a highly secure and user-friendly safe box. The
most significant results include:
1. Innovative Design: We created a safe box that combines robust physical security with advanced
technology, making it suitable for a wide range of users, from homeowners to businesses.
2. Interactive Features: The integration of a mobile application for access and notifications enhanced the
user experience, setting our product apart in the market.
3. Technical Proficiency: We effectively utilized SolidWorks for design and assembly, demonstrating our
team's technical skills and ability to translate concepts into tangible products.
4. Customer-Centric Approach: Our design process was driven by customer needs analysis, resulting in a
product that balances security features with ease of use and maintenance.
5. Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Throughout the project, we faced and overcame various challenges,
including coordination issues and technical difficulties, showcasing our adaptability and problem-solving
Overall, the project was a resounding success, showcasing our ability to innovate, collaborate, and create a
product that meets market needs and customer expectations.

9. Acknowledgments:
We want to say a big thank you to some special people who helped us a lot with our project:
First, we thank our professor, Dr. Yasser Al Hamidi. He gave us great advice and helped us a lot. His ideas made
our project much better. In fact, he was the one who came up with the idea of designing a safe box! We also thank
Mohammad Al Gammal, his teaching assistant. Mohammad carried out some amazing lab sessions that helped us
improve and learn how to use SolidWorks, the software that was used in our project. A big thank you to our
classmates too. They shared their thoughts and helped us make our project even better. However, we would like to
thank TAMUQ (Texas A&M University at Qatar) for their facilities being used for building our prototype. They
always believed in us and kept us going. We could not have done this project without all these people's help and
support. Thank you all so much!

10. References:

1. SolidWorks Software:
- "SolidWorks." SolidWorks Corporation. []
This software was used for the design and simulation aspects of our safe box project.
2. Safe Box Design Principles and Guidelines:
- SafetyCulture. "Safe Design: What It Is & Why It’s Essential." [
This source provides an in-depth understanding of the principles of safe design, emphasizing risk
management, lifecycle of a product, and the importance of knowledge and communication in design.
3. Safe Box Metrics and Information:
- "All You Need to Know About Safe Boxes." [

This source was instrumental in understanding the various aspects of safe box design, including protection
from accidents, theft prevention, cost-effectiveness, document safety, and considerations for choosing the
right safe box.
These references were used to inform the various aspects of our safe box design, including technical
specifications, safety considerations, and usability features. The information from these sources greatly
contributed to the development and refinement of our project.


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